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An R client for consuming APIs that follow the JSONAPI spec. This library does not do server side JSONAPI things.


Which starts a server. Then point your browser to e.g.:

Install rjsonapi R client

Stabler version


Dev version



(conn <- jsonapi_connect("http://localhost:8088/v1"))
#> <jsonapi_connection>
#>   Public:
#>     base_url: function () 
#>     cli: HttpClient, R6
#>     content_type: application/vnd.api+json
#>     headers: NULL
#>     initialize: function (url, version, content_type, headers = list(), ...) 
#>     opts: list
#>     route: function (endpt, query = NULL, include = NULL, error_handler = private$check, 
#>     routes: function (...) 
#>     status: function (...) 
#>     url: http://localhost:8088/v1
#>     version: v1
#>   Private:
#>     check: function (x, ...) 
#>     fromjson: function (...)

Get API info

Get version

#> [1] "v1"

Get base URL

#> [1] "http://localhost:8088/v1"

Get server status

#> [1] "OK (200)"

Get routes (not available in a standard JSONAPI i think)

#> $authors
#> [1] "/v1/authors?include={books,books.chapters,photos}&filter[{id,name,alive,dead,date_of_birth,date_of_death,born_before,born_after}]"
#> $books
#> [1] "/v1/books?include={chapters,firstChapter,series,author,stores,photos}&filter[{author_id,series_id,date_published,published_before,published_after,title}]"
#> $chapters
#> [1] "/v1/chapters?include={book}&filter[{book_id,title,ordering}]"
#> $photos
#> [1] "/v1/photos?include={imageable}"
#> $series
#> [1] "/v1/series?include={books,photos}&filter[{title}]"
#> $stores
#> [1] "/v1/stores?include={books,books.author}"

Call a route

books route

#> $data
#>   id    type  attributes.name attributes.date_of_birth
#> 1  1 authors J. R. R. Tolkien               1892-01-03
#> 2  2 authors    J. K. Rowling               1965-07-31
#>   attributes.date_of_death attributes.created_at attributes.updated_at
#> 1               1973-09-02   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#> 2                     <NA>   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#>      relationships.books.links.self relationships.books.links.related
#> 1 /v1/authors/1/relationships/books               /v1/authors/1/books
#> 2 /v1/authors/2/relationships/books               /v1/authors/2/books
#>      relationships.photos.links.self relationships.photos.links.related
#> 1 /v1/authors/1/relationships/photos               /v1/authors/1/photos
#> 2 /v1/authors/2/relationships/photos               /v1/authors/2/photos
#>            self
#> 1 /v1/authors/1
#> 2 /v1/authors/2

Get a single document

First authors document

#> $data
#> $data$id
#> [1] "1"
#> $data$type
#> [1] "authors"
#> $data$attributes
#> $data$attributes$name
#> [1] "J. R. R. Tolkien"
#> $data$attributes$date_of_birth
#> [1] "1892-01-03"
#> $data$attributes$date_of_death
#> [1] "1973-09-02"
#> $data$attributes$created_at
#> [1] "2017-01-07 18:16:44"
#> $data$attributes$updated_at
#> [1] "2017-01-07 18:16:44"
#> $data$relationships
#> $data$relationships$books
#> $data$relationships$books$links
#> $data$relationships$books$links$self
#> [1] "/v1/authors/1/relationships/books"
#> $data$relationships$books$links$related
#> [1] "/v1/authors/1/books"
#> $data$relationships$photos
#> $data$relationships$photos$links
#> $data$relationships$photos$links$self
#> [1] "/v1/authors/1/relationships/photos"
#> $data$relationships$photos$links$related
#> [1] "/v1/authors/1/photos"
#> $data$links
#> $data$links$self
#> [1] "/v1/authors/1"

Sub-part under that document: books

#> $data
#>   id  type attributes.date_published           attributes.title
#> 1  1 books                1954-07-29 The Fellowship of the Ring
#> 2  2 books                1954-11-11             The Two Towers
#> 3  3 books                1955-10-20         Return of the King
#> 4 11 books                1937-09-21                 The Hobbit
#>   attributes.created_at attributes.updated_at
#> 1   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#> 2   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#> 3   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#> 4   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#>       relationships.chapters.links.self
#> 1  /v1/authors/1/relationships/chapters
#> 2  /v1/authors/2/relationships/chapters
#> 3  /v1/authors/3/relationships/chapters
#> 4 /v1/authors/11/relationships/chapters
#>   relationships.chapters.links.related
#> 1               /v1/authors/1/chapters
#> 2               /v1/authors/2/chapters
#> 3               /v1/authors/3/chapters
#> 4              /v1/authors/11/chapters
#>       relationships.firstChapter.links.self
#> 1  /v1/authors/1/relationships/firstChapter
#> 2  /v1/authors/2/relationships/firstChapter
#> 3  /v1/authors/3/relationships/firstChapter
#> 4 /v1/authors/11/relationships/firstChapter
#>   relationships.firstChapter.links.related
#> 1               /v1/authors/1/firstChapter
#> 2               /v1/authors/2/firstChapter
#> 3               /v1/authors/3/firstChapter
#> 4              /v1/authors/11/firstChapter
#>       relationships.series.links.self relationships.series.links.related
#> 1  /v1/authors/1/relationships/series               /v1/authors/1/series
#> 2  /v1/authors/2/relationships/series               /v1/authors/2/series
#> 3  /v1/authors/3/relationships/series               /v1/authors/3/series
#> 4 /v1/authors/11/relationships/series              /v1/authors/11/series
#>   relationships.series.data.id relationships.series.data.type
#> 1                            1                         series
#> 2                            1                         series
#> 3                            1                         series
#> 4                         <NA>                           <NA>
#>       relationships.author.links.self relationships.author.links.related
#> 1  /v1/authors/1/relationships/author               /v1/authors/1/author
#> 2  /v1/authors/2/relationships/author               /v1/authors/2/author
#> 3  /v1/authors/3/relationships/author               /v1/authors/3/author
#> 4 /v1/authors/11/relationships/author              /v1/authors/11/author
#>   relationships.author.data.id relationships.author.data.type
#> 1                            1                        authors
#> 2                            1                        authors
#> 3                            1                        authors
#> 4                            1                        authors
#>       relationships.stores.links.self relationships.stores.links.related
#> 1  /v1/authors/1/relationships/stores               /v1/authors/1/stores
#> 2  /v1/authors/2/relationships/stores               /v1/authors/2/stores
#> 3  /v1/authors/3/relationships/stores               /v1/authors/3/stores
#> 4 /v1/authors/11/relationships/stores              /v1/authors/11/stores
#>       relationships.photos.links.self relationships.photos.links.related
#> 1  /v1/authors/1/relationships/photos               /v1/authors/1/photos
#> 2  /v1/authors/2/relationships/photos               /v1/authors/2/photos
#> 3  /v1/authors/3/relationships/photos               /v1/authors/3/photos
#> 4 /v1/authors/11/relationships/photos              /v1/authors/11/photos
#>             self
#> 1  /v1/authors/1
#> 2  /v1/authors/2
#> 3  /v1/authors/3
#> 4 /v1/authors/11

A different sub-part under that document: photos

#> $data
#>   id   type attributes.imageable_id attributes.imageable_type
#> 1  1 photos                       1                   authors
#> 2  2 photos                       1                   authors
#>                      attributes.title
#> 1                    J. R. R. Tolkein
#> 2 Family Postcard of J. R. R. Tolkein
#>                                                                         attributes.uri
#> 1                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Tolkien_1916.jpg
#> 2 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Mabel_Suffield_Christmas_Card.jpg
#>   attributes.created_at attributes.updated_at
#> 1   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#> 2   2017-01-07 18:16:44   2017-01-07 18:16:44
#>      relationships.imageable.links.self
#> 1 /v1/authors/1/relationships/imageable
#> 2 /v1/authors/2/relationships/imageable
#>   relationships.imageable.links.related          self
#> 1               /v1/authors/1/imageable /v1/authors/1
#> 2               /v1/authors/2/imageable /v1/authors/2

Experimental - startup a server from R

In one R session:

#> Starting server to listen on port 8000

Then in another R session:

Connect to the server:

(conn <- jsonapi_connect("http://localhost:8000"))

Get routes


Get chapters


Note: This server stuff is still in infancy. Working on getting a more complete set of routes and data.

Right now, jsonapi_server() only loads data that comes with this package - in the future it will support your own data.

