An interface to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
How to cite ITIS. From
To cite data obtained from ITIS, the following citation format is offered as a suggestion:
Retrieved [month, day, year], from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System on-line database,
ITIS is one of many different taxonomic data sources. Other include: Catalogue of Life (and COL+), NCBI taxonomy, International Plant Names Index, Index Fungorum, and more. The Wikipedia entry ( states that ITIS has a North American focus, but includes many taxa not in North America.
Stable, CRAN version
Dev version
The following are examples of some functions. There are many more avaiable.
matches only monomials
itis_search(q = "nameWOInd:/[A-Za-z0-9]*[ ]{0,0}*/")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 28
#> tsn nameWInd nameWOInd unit1 usage credibilityRati… completenessRat…
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1427… Xenocha… Xenochae… Xeno… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> 2 1428… Myopiti… Myopitini Myop… inva… TWG standards m… unknown
#> 3 1428… Rhynenc… Rhynenci… Rhyn… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> 4 1428… Urophora Urophora Urop… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> 5 1428… Oedaspi… Oedaspid… Oeda… inva… TWG standards m… unknown
#> 6 1428… Aciurina Aciurina Aciu… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> 7 1428… Callach… Callachna Call… inva… TWG standards m… unknown
#> 8 1428… Cecidoc… Cecidoch… Ceci… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> 9 1428… Eurosta Eurosta Euro… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> 10 1428… Peronyma Peronyma Pero… valid TWG standards m… complete
#> # … with 21 more variables: currencyRating <chr>, taxonAuthor <chr>,
#> # kingdom <chr>, parentTSN <chr>, rankID <chr>, rank <chr>,
#> # hierarchySoFar <chr>, hierarchySoFarWRanks <chr>, hierarchyTSN <chr>,
#> # publication <chr>, otherSource <chr>, createDate <chr>, updateDate <chr>,
#> # hierarchicalSort <chr>, `_version_` <dbl>, unacceptReason <chr>,
#> # synonyms <chr>, synonymTSNs <chr>, acceptedTSN <chr>, comment <chr>,
#> # expert <chr>
matches only binomials
itis_search(q = "nameWOInd:/[A-Za-z0-9]*[ ]{1,1}[A-Za-z0-9]*/")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 25
#> tsn nameWInd nameWOInd unit1 unit2 usage unacceptReason credibilityRati…
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1427… Trypeta… Trypeta … Tryp… plat… inva… original name… TWG standards m…
#> 2 1427… Xenocha… Xenochae… Xeno… aura… valid <NA> TWG standards m…
#> 3 1428… Eutreta… Eutreta … Eutr… aura… inva… original name… TWG standards m…
#> 4 1428… Xenocha… Xenochae… Xeno… dich… valid <NA> TWG standards m…
#> 5 1428… Rhynenc… Rhynenci… Rhyn… long… valid <NA> TWG standards m…
#> 6 1428… Aleomyi… Aleomyia… Aleo… alpha inva… junior synonym TWG standards m…
#> 7 1428… Urophor… Urophora… Urop… acut… inva… original name… TWG standards m…
#> 8 1428… Urophor… Urophora… Urop… affi… valid <NA> TWG standards m…
#> 9 1428… Trypeta… Trypeta … Tryp… affi… inva… original name… TWG standards m…
#> 10 1428… Urophor… Urophora… Urop… card… valid <NA> TWG standards m…
#> # … with 17 more variables: taxonAuthor <chr>, kingdom <chr>, rankID <chr>,
#> # rank <chr>, hierarchySoFar <chr>, hierarchySoFarWRanks <chr>,
#> # hierarchyTSN <chr>, synonyms <chr>, synonymTSNs <chr>, publication <chr>,
#> # otherSource <chr>, acceptedTSN <chr>, createDate <chr>, updateDate <chr>,
#> # `_version_` <dbl>, parentTSN <chr>, hierarchicalSort <chr>
Get accepted names for a TSN
accepted_names(tsn = 504239)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> acceptedName acceptedTsn author
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Dasiphora fruticosa 836659 (L.) Rydb.
Get common names for a TSN
common_names(tsn = 183833)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> commonName language tsn
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 African hunting dog English 183833
#> 2 African Wild Dog English 183833
#> 3 Painted Hunting Dog English 183833
Full hierarchy for a TSN
hierarchy_full(tsn = 37906)
#> # A tibble: 60 x 5
#> parentname parenttsn rankname taxonname tsn
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 "" "" Kingdom Plantae 202422
#> 2 "Plantae" "202422" Subkingdom Viridiplantae 954898
#> 3 "Viridiplantae" "954898" Infrakingdom Streptophyta 846494
#> 4 "Streptophyta" "846494" Superdivision Embryophyta 954900
#> 5 "Embryophyta" "954900" Division Tracheophyta 846496
#> 6 "Tracheophyta" "846496" Subdivision Spermatophytina 846504
#> 7 "Spermatophytina" "846504" Class Magnoliopsida 18063
#> 8 "Magnoliopsida" "18063" Superorder Asteranae 846535
#> 9 "Asteranae" "846535" Order Asterales 35419
#> 10 "Asterales" "35419" Family Asteraceae 35420
#> # … with 50 more rows
in R doing citation(package = 'ritis')