Available codes for the GHO dimension:
Label | ID |
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths | AIR_1 |
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | AIR_10 |
Household air pollution attributable deaths | AIR_11 |
Household air pollution attributable deaths in children under 5 years | AIR_12 |
Household air pollution attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | AIR_13 |
Household air pollution attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | AIR_14 |
Household air pollution attributable DALYs | AIR_15 |
Household air pollution attributable DALYs in children under 5 years | AIR_16 |
Household air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 population) | AIR_17 |
Household air pollution attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | AIR_18 |
Population using electricity as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_19 |
Ambient air pollution (Annual PM10 [ug/m3]) | AIR_2 |
Population using LPG as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_20 |
Population using natural gas as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_21 |
Population using biogas as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_22 |
Population using kerosene as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_23 |
Population using clean fuels and technologies (sum of)(%) | AIR_24 |
Population using coal as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_25 |
Population using charcoal as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_26 |
Population using wood as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_27 |
Population using dung as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_28 |
Population using crop waste as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_29 |
Ambient air pollution in urban areas (Annual PM10 [μg/m3]) | AIR_2_1 |
Ambient air pollution in urban areas (Annual PM2.5 [μg/m3]) | AIR_2_2 |
Percentage of the total population living in cities > 100’000 inhabitants | AIR_3 |
Population using solid fuels (sum of) (%) | AIR_30 |
Population using others (non listed items) as main cooking fuel (%) | AIR_31 |
Population not cooking (%) | AIR_32 |
Missing information on cooking fuels (%) | AIR_33 |
Total survey respondents | AIR_34 |
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths | AIR_35 |
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths in children under 5 years | AIR_36 |
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | AIR_37 |
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | AIR_38 |
Household air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000, age-standardized) | AIR_39 |
Percent of urban inhabitants living in cities covered by PM measurements | AIR_3_1 |
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths in children under 5 years | AIR_4 |
Household air pollution attributable DALYs | AIR_40 |
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths | AIR_41 |
Ambient air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized) | AIR_42 |
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs | AIR_43 |
DALYs attributable to ambient air pollution (age-standardized) | AIR_44 |
Ambient air pollution attributable YLLs | AIR_45 |
YLLs attributable to ambient air pollution (age-standardized) | AIR_46 |
Ambient air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population) | AIR_5 |
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths (per 100 000 population, age-standardized) | AIR_50 |
Household air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population) | AIR_51 |
Household air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized) | AIR_52 |
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | AIR_6 |
Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (’000) | AIR_60 |
Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 capita) | AIR_61 |
Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 capita, age-standardized) | AIR_62 |
Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs in children under 5 years (’000) | AIR_63 |
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs | AIR_7 |
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs in children under 5 years | AIR_8 |
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 population) | AIR_9 |
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 population, age-standardized) | AIR_90 |
Functioning national AMR surveillance plan | AMRGLASS_COORD01 |
Establishment of National Coordination Centre (NCC) | AMRGLASS_COORD02 |
Nomination of National Focal Point (NFP) | AMRGLASS_COORD03 |
Establishment of national reference laboratory (NRL) | AMRGLASS_COORD04 |
EQA provided to the national reference laboratory (NRL) | AMRGLASS_QA01 |
EQA provided for bacterial identification and AST | AMRGLASS_QA02 |
EQA provided to local laboratories participating in GLASS | AMRGLASS_QA03 |
GLASS pathogens testing covered by EQA | AMRGLASS_QA04 |
Types of AST standards followed by countries | AMRGLASS_QA05 |
Number of national surveillance sites in each country providing data to GLASS: hospital category | AMRGLASS_SURVL01 |
Number of National surveillance sites in each country providing data to GLASS: outpatient facility category | AMRGLASS_SURVL02 |
Number of local clinical laboratories in each country performing AST to support national AMR surveillance sites | AMRGLASS_SURVL03 |
Status of countries enrolled in GLASS | AMR_GI_001 |
Status of National coordination center establishment | AMR_GI_002 |
Status of National plans to implement and strengthen antimicrobial surveillance | AMR_GI_003 |
Prevalence of anaemia in non-pregnant women (%) | ANEMIANPW |
Prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women (%) | ANEMIAPW |
Prevalence of anaemia in children under 5 years (%) | ANEMIAU5 |
Government unit for treatment | ATLAS_SU_0000000532 |
Government unit for alcohol and drugs: Location | ATLAS_SU_0000000533 |
Government unit for alcohol: Location | ATLAS_SU_0000000534 |
Government unit for drugs: Location | ATLAS_SU_0000000535 |
No government unit | ATLAS_SU_0000000536 |
Government unit for mental health/substance use: Location | ATLAS_SU_0000000537 |
Raised blood pressure (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90 OR on medication) (crude estimate) | BP_01 |
Raised blood pressure (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90 OR on medication) (age-standardized estimate) | BP_02 |
Raised blood pressure (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90) (crude estimate) | BP_03 |
Raised blood pressure (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90) (age-standardized estimate) | BP_04 |
Mean systolic blood pressure (crude estimate) | BP_05 |
Mean systolic blood pressure (age-standardized estimate) | BP_06 |
Cataract surgical coverage of adults aged 50 and over (%) | CATARACTSURGICAL |
Effective cataract surgical coverage of adults aged 50 and over (%) | CATARACTSURGICALEFFECTIVE |
Poverty headcount ratio at $1.25 a day (PPP) (% of population) | CCO_1 |
Human development index rank | CCO_2 |
Gender inequality index rank | CCO_3 |
Literacy rate among adults aged >= 15 years (%) | CCO_WHS9_85 |
Climate change attributable deaths | CC_1 |
Climate change attributable DALYs (’000) | CC_2 |
Climate change attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | CC_3 |
Climate change attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | CC_4 |
Climate change attributable deaths (’000) in children under 5 years | CC_5 |
Climate change attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | CC_6 |
Climate change attributable DALYs (’000) in children under 5 years | CC_7 |
Climate change attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | CC_8 |
Mortality rate for 5-14 year-olds (probability of dying per 1000 children aged 5-14 years) | CHILDMORT5TO14 |
Number of reported cases of cholera | CHOLERA_0000000001 |
Number of reported deaths from cholera | CHOLERA_0000000002 |
Cholera case fatality rate | CHOLERA_0000000003 |
Raised total cholesterol (>= 5.0 mmol/L) (crude estimate) | CHOL_01 |
Raised total cholesterol (>= 5.0 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate) | CHOL_02 |
Mean Total Cholesterol (age-standardized estimate) | CHOL_03 |
Mean Total Cholesterol (crude estimate) | CHOL_04 |
Raised total cholesterol (≥ 6.2 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate) | CHOL_05 |
Raised total cholesterol (≥ 6.2 mmol/L) (crude estimate) | CHOL_06 |
Number of under-five deaths (thousands) | CM_01 |
Number of infant deaths (thousands) | CM_02 |
Number of neonatal deaths (thousands) | CM_03 |
Process evaluation was employed to assess implementation | Camp_airtime |
Formative research was conducted | Camp_aud_research |
Outcome evaluation was employed to assess effectiveness | Camp_eval_impact |
Campaign was part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme | Camp_gov_prog |
Campaign was pre-tested | Camp_mat_tested |
Campaign utilized media planning | Camp_media_planning |
At least one national mass media campaign ran during the survey period | Camp_nat |
Earned media/public relations were used to promote the campaign | Camp_news |
Campaign aired on television and/or radio | Camp_tv_radio |
Congenital syphilis number of reported cases | CaseCS |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), children aged under 5 years (000s) | DALYS04Y000 |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100 000 population | DALYSPER100000 |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) total (000s) | DALYSTOTAL |
Deaths, children aged under 5 years | DEATHS04Y |
Deaths per 100 000 population | DEATHSPER100000 |
Deaths total | DEATHSTOTAL |
Total density per 100 000 population: Hospitals | DEVICES00 |
Total density per 100 000 population: Health posts | DEVICES01 |
Total density per 100 000 population: Health centres | DEVICES02 |
Total density per 100 000 population: District/rural hospitals | DEVICES03 |
Total density per 100 000 population: Provincial hospitals | DEVICES04 |
Total density per 100 000 population: Specialized hospitals | DEVICES05 |
Availability of national standards or recommended lists of medical devices | DEVICES06 |
Types of lists recommending health technology for high burden diseases | DEVICES07 |
Total density per million population: Magnetic Resonance Imaging | DEVICES08 |
Total density per million population: Computed tomography units | DEVICES09 |
Total density per million population: Positron Emission tomography | DEVICES10 |
Total density per million population: Gamma camera or Nuclear medicine | DEVICES11 |
Total density per million population: Linear Accelerator | DEVICES12 |
Type of nomenclature system | DEVICES13 |
Use of nomenclature system | DEVICES14 |
Health technology (medical device) national policy | DEVICES15 |
Unit in the Ministry of Health responsible for the management of medical devices | DEVICES16 |
Procurement of medical devices carried out at the national level | DEVICES17 |
Availability of national list of approved medical devices for procurement or reimbursement | DEVICES18 |
National guidelines, policies or recommendations on the procurement of medical devices | DEVICES19 |
Availability of technical specifications of medical devices to support procurement or donations | DEVICES20 |
Total density per million population: Telecobalt Unit | DEVICES21 |
Total density per million population: Radiotherapy units | DEVICES22 |
Total density per million females aged from 50 to 69 years old: Mammography units | DEVICES23 |
Compliance of ban on promotional discounts | E10_compliance |
Ban on promotional discounts | E10_promo_discounts |
Ban on non-tobacco goods AND services identified with tobacco brand names | E11_brand_stretching |
Compliance of ban on non-tobacco goods AND services identified with tobacco brand names | E11_compliance |
Ban on brand name of non-tobacco products used for tobacco product | E12_brand_sharing |
Compliance of ban on brand name of non-tobacco products used for tobacco product | E12_compliance |
Ban on appearance of tobacco brands in TV and/or films (product placement) | E13_brand_placement |
Compliance of ban on appearance of tobacco brands in TV and/or films (product placement) | E13_compliance |
Compliance of ban on appearance of tobacco products in TV and/or films | E14_compliance |
Appearance of tobacco products in TV and/or films | E14_prod_tv_films |
Ban on appearance of tobacco products in TV and/or films | E14a_prod_tv_films |
Requirement to present prescribed anti-tobacco ads before, during or after the broadcasting or showing of any visual entertainment media product that depicts tobacco products, use or images | E14b_movies_anti_tob_ads |
Compliance of ban on sponsored events | E15_compliance |
Sponsored events | E15_sponsored_events |
Complete ban on sponsorship | E15a_sponsorship |
Ban on any form of contribution (financial or other support) to any event, activity or individual | E15b_sponsor_contribution |
Banning the publicity of financial or other sponsorship or support by the tobacco industry of events, activities, individuals | E15c_sponsor_publicity |
Ban on Corporate Social Responsibility activities (CSR) | E15d_csr_ban |
Ban on tobacco companies/tobacco industry publicizing their “Corporate Social Responsibility” activities | E16_csr_promo_self |
Ban on entities other than tobacco companies/tobacco industry publicizing the Corporate Social Responsibility� activities of the tobacco companies | E17_csr_promo_others |
Ban on tobacco companies funding or making contributions (including in-kind contributions) to smoking prevention media campaigns, including those directed at youth | E18_csr_anti_tobacco_media |
Law requires fines for violations of indirect advertising bans | E19_indirect_ad_fines |
Required anti-tobacco ads for any visual entertainment media product that depicts tobacco products, use or images | E19_movies_anti_tob_ads |
Compliance of ban on advertising on national TV and radio | E1_compliance |
Ban on advertising: National TV and radio | E1_nat_tv_radio |
Subnational laws or regulations exist banning some or all types of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship | E20_subnational_exists |
Complete ban on tobacco vending machines | E21_vending_machines |
Ban on internet sales of tobacco products | E22_internet_sales_ban |
Subnational bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship | E22_subnational_exists |
Subnational advertising, promotion and sponsorship bans - at least one jurisdiction has a comprehensive ban in place | E23_subnat_complete_bans_exist |
Ban on internet sales of tobacco products | E24_internet_sales_ban |
Ban on display of tobacco products at points of sale | E25_ban_display_pt_of_sale |
Law requires fines for violations of direct advertising bans | E26_direct_ad_fines |
Law requires fines for violations of indirect advertising bans | E27_indirect_ad_fines |
Ban on advertising: International TV and radio (broadcast from abroad, including satellite) | E2_intl_tv_radio |
Compliance of ban on advertising on local magazines and newspapers | E3_compliance |
Ban on advertising: Local magazines and newspapers | E3_nat_print |
Ban on advertising: International magazines and newspapers | E4_intl_print |
Ban on advertising: Billboards and outdoor advertising | E5_billboards |
Compliance of ban on advertising on billboards and outdoor advertising | E5_compliance |
Compliance of ban on advertising at point of sale | E6_compliance |
Ban on advertising: Point of sale | E6_pt_of_sale |
Ban on display of tobacco products at points of sale | E6b_ban_display_pt_of_sale |
Ban on advertising: Internet | E7_internet |
Law requires fines for violations of direct advertising bans | E8_direct_ad_fines |
Compliance of ban on free distribution of tobacco products in the mail or through other means | E9_compliance |
Ban on free distribution of tobacco products in the mail or through other means | E9_free_distrib |
Compliance with bans on direct advertising | EC_direct_compliance |
Compliance with bans on promotion and sponsorship | EC_indirect_compliance |
Electric field (kV/m) | EMFLIMITELECTRIC |
Electric field limit at 1800 MHz (V/m) | EMFLIMITELECTRIC1800 |
Electric field limit at 900 MHz (V/m) | EMFLIMITELECTRIC900 |
Electric field (kV/m) | EMFLIMITELECTRICLF |
Electric field limit (V/m) | EMFLIMITELECTRICRADIO |
Electric field (V/m) | EMFLIMITELECTRICRF |
Magnetic flux density (microT) | EMFLIMITMAGNETIC |
Power density (W/m^2) | EMFLIMITPOWERDENSITY |
Power density limit at 1800 MHz (W/m^2) | EMFLIMITPOWERDENSITY1800 |
Power density limit at 900 MHz (W/m^2) | EMFLIMITPOWERDENSITY900 |
Limit values | EMFLIMITS |
Power frequency (Hz) | EMFPOWERFREQUENCY |
Specific absorption rate (SAR) (W/kg) | EMFSAR |
Existence of standards | EMFSTANDARD |
Legislative status | EMFSTATUS |
Adolescent birth rate (births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19) | EQ_ADOBIRTH |
Coverage of antenatal care (4 visits) | EQ_ANC |
Prevalence of obesity | EQ_BMI30 |
People who identify the use of condoms as a way to avoid AIDS (%) | EQ_CONDOMUSE |
Contraceptive prevalence rate among women married or in union | EQ_CONTRACEPTIVE |
Households with dirt floor (%) | EQ_DIRTFLOOR |
Coverage of DTP3 immunization | EQ_DTP3 |
Households with soap and water at a handwashing facility (%) | EQ_HANDWASHING |
HIV prevalence | EQ_HIVPREV |
Households that have a bednet for sleeping (%) | EQ_HOUSENETS |
Infant mortality per 1 000 live births | EQ_INFANTMORT |
Households with at least one ITN for sleeping (%) | EQ_ITN |
Children under five who slept under an ITN the previous night (%) | EQ_ITNUNDER5 |
Knowlege about sexual transmission of AIDS | EQ_KNHIV |
Coverage of measles immunization | EQ_MEAIMM |
Population not using any sanitation facility (open defecation) (%) | EQ_OPENDEFECATION |
Prevalence of (moderate or severe) overweight in children | EQ_OVERWEIGHT |
Prevalence of overweight and obesity | EQ_OVERWEIGHTADULT |
Coverage of skilled birth attendance | EQ_SBA |
Women that slept under a bednet last night (%) | EQ_SLEPTNETS |
Proportion of urban residents living in a slum area | EQ_SLUM |
Households that use solid fuels for cooking (%) | EQ_SOLIDFUELS |
Prevalence of (moderate or severe) stunting in children | EQ_STUNT |
Prevalence of current cigarette smoking | EQ_TOBACCO |
Under-five mortality per 1 000 live births | EQ_U5MORT |
Children under five who slept under a bednet the previous night (%) | EQ_U5SLEPTNETS |
Prevalence of (moderate or severe) underweight in children | EQ_UNDERWEIGHT |
Population living in urban areas (%) | EQ_URBPOP |
Slum population in urban areas (% of total population) | EQ_URBSLUM |
Population using improved drinking-water sources (%) | EQ_WATER |
Households using an improved drinking-water source (%) | EQ_WATERIMPROVED |
Households using a piped drinking-water source (%) | EQ_WATERPIPED |
Households using a piped onto premises drinking-water source (%) | EQ_WATERPREMISES |
Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship | E_Group |
Households with out-of-pocket payments greater than 40% of capacity to pay for health care (food, housing and utilities approach - developed by WHO/Europe) (%) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_CTPFHU_40_HH |
Availability of estimates on large health expenditures as a share of total expenditure or income | FINPROTECTION_CATA_ESTIMATE_AVAILABLE |
Total population with household expenditures on health greater than 10% of total household expenditure or income (SDG indicator 3.8.2) (millions) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_TOT_10_LEVEL_MILLION |
Total population with household expenditures on health greater than 10% of total household expenditure or income (SDG indicator 3.8.2) (%) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_TOT_10_LEVEL_SH |
Population with household expenditures on health greater than 10% of total household expenditure or income (SDG indicator 3.8.2) (%) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_TOT_10_POP |
Total population with household expenditures on health greater than 25% of total household expenditure or income (SDG indicator 3.8.2) (millions) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_TOT_25_LEVEL_MILLION |
Total population with household expenditures on health greater than 25% of total household expenditure or income (SDG indicator 3.8.2) (%) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_TOT_25_LEVEL_SH |
Population with household expenditures on health greater than 25% of total household expenditure or income (SDG indicator 3.8.2) (%) | FINPROTECTION_CATA_TOT_25_POP |
Availability of estimates on impoverishment due to out-of-pocket health expenditures | FINPROTECTION_IMPOV_ESTIMATE_AVAILABLE |
Households further impoverished by out-of-pocket payments (relative poverty line reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities) (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_BNLFHU_FURIMP_HH |
Households impoverished by out-of-pocket payments (relative poverty line reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities) (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_BNLFHU_P_HH |
Households pushed below or further below a relative poverty line (reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities) by out-of-pocket payments (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_BNLFHU_TOT_HH |
Population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP190_POP |
Population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP310_POP |
Population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures (60% of median daily per capita consumption or income) (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NPRELPL_POP |
Total population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP_190_LEVEL_MILLION |
Population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP_190_LEVEL_SH |
Total population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP_310_LEVEL_MILLION |
Total population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP_310_LEVEL_SH |
Total population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures (60% of median daily per capita consumption or income) (millions) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP_REL_LEVEL_MILLION |
Total population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures (60% of median daily per capita consumption or income) (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_NP_REL_LEVEL_SH |
Increase in poverty gap due to household health expenditures at the $1.90 a day poverty line, in cents of international dollars | FINPROTECTION_IMP_PG_190 |
Increase in poverty gap due to household health expenditures, expressed as a proportion of the $1.90 a day poverty line (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_PG_190_STD |
Increase in poverty gap due to household health expenditures at the $3.20 a day poverty line, in cents of international dollars | FINPROTECTION_IMP_PG_310 |
Increase in poverty gap due to household health expenditures, expressed as a proportion of the $3.20 a day poverty line (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_PG_310_STD |
Increase in poverty gap due to household health expenditures, expressed as a proportion of a relative poverty line (60% of median daily per capita consumption or income) (%) | FINPROTECTION_IMP_PG_RELPL_STD |
Changes in poverty gap due to health expenditures at the $1.90 a day poverty line | FINPROTECTION_P1_190_POP |
Changes in poverty gap due to health expenditures at the $3.20 a day poverty line | FINPROTECTION_P1_310_POP |
Reporting countries | GASPRP |
Proportion of isolates with resistance to azithromycin reported to WHO-GASP | GASPRSAZM |
Proportion of isolates with decreased susceptibility or resistance (DS/R) to cefepime reported to WHO-GASP | GASPRSCFM |
Proportion of isolates with resistance to ciprofloxacin reported to WHO-GASP | GASPRSCIP |
Proportion of isolates with decreased susceptibility or resistance (DS/R) to ceftriaxone reported to WHO-GASP | GASPRSCRO |
Proportion of isolates with decreased susceptibility or resistance (DS/R) to extended-spectrum cephalosporins reported to WHO-GASP | GASPRSESC |
Number of isolates tested for azithromycin | GASPTIAZM |
Number of isolates tested for cefepime | GASPTICFM |
Number of isolates tested for ciprofloxacin | GASPTICIP |
Number of isolates tested for ceftriaxone | GASPTICRO |
Number of isolates tested for extended-spectrum cephalosporins | GASPTIESC |
Number of deaths | GBD_0000000036 |
GBD - population | GBD_0000000037 |
GBD - crude death rate | GBD_0000000038 |
GBD - Disability-adjusted life years (DALYS) | GBD_76 |
GBD - Years of life lost (YLL) | GBD_77 |
GBD - Years lost due to disability (YLD) | GBD_78 |
Age-standardized death rates (per 100 000 population) | GBD_ASDR |
DALY rates (per 100,000) | GBD_DALYRT |
Age-standardized DALYs (per 100,000) | GBD_DALYRTAGE |
Death rates (per 100,000) | GBD_DTHRT |
Incidence (in thousands) | GBD_INC |
Prevalence (in thousands) | GBD_PREV |
Research and development (R&D) expenditure as a proportion of GDP | GB_XPD_RSDV |
EXISTING GHO INDICATOR Number of Personal care workers (Health workforce) | GDO_ |
Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Ageing) | GDO_Q2x2x1_AGE |
Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Disability) | GDO_Q2x2x1_DISAB |
Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Mental health) | GDO_Q2x2x1_MENTAL |
Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (NCD) | GDO_Q2x2x1_NCD |
National regulator approval of anti-dementia medication | GDO_q10x1 |
Availability of generic anti-dementia medication | GDO_q10x1x1 |
Availability of at least one anti-dementia medication approved for on-label use reimbursement | GDO_q10x1x2 |
Availability of atleast one adult hygiene products for people with dementia | GDO_q10x2_1AVAIL |
Availability of atleast one housing adjustment for people with dementia | GDO_q10x2_HOSUE |
Availability of atleast one assistive technology for people with dementia | GDO_q10x2_TECH |
Existence of dementia national nongovernmental organization | GDO_q11x1 |
Dementia nongovernmental organization equipped with office | GDO_q11x2x1 |
Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (Sub-national) | GDO_q11x2x2_1 |
Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (Local) | GDO_q11x2x2_2 |
Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (National only) | GDO_q11x2x2_3 |
Dementia nongovernmental organization staff primarily salaried/volunteer | GDO_q11x2x3 |
Provision of governmental funding to dementia nongovernmental organization for activities/services | GDO_q11x2x5 |
Dementia nongovernmental organization’s involvement in policy development | GDO_q11x2x6 |
Existence of dementia carer support services | GDO_q12x1 |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia carer support services | GDO_q12x1x1 |
Existence of dedicated resources for dementia carer support services | GDO_q12x1x2 |
Existence of implementation plan for dementia carer support services | GDO_q12x1x3 |
Existence of dementia carer training and education | GDO_q12x2_1 |
Existence of psycho-social supports for dementia carers | GDO_q12x2_2 |
Existence of respite care for dementia carers | GDO_q12x2_3 |
Existence of information on legal rights for dementia carers | GDO_q12x2_4 |
Existence of financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers | GDO_q12x2_5 |
Accessibility of dementia carer training and education [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q12x2x1x1_1 |
Majority provider of dementia carer training and education (NGO) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_1NGO |
Majority provider of dementia carer training and education (Private sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_1PRV |
Majority provider of dementia carer training and education (Public sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_1PUB |
Accessibility of psycho-social supports for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q12x2x1x1_2 |
Majority provider of psycho-social supports for dementia carers (NGO) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_2NGO |
Majority provider of psycho-social supports for dementia carers (Private sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_2PRV |
Majority provider of psycho-social supports for dementia carers (Public sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_2PUB |
Accessibility of respite care for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q12x2x1x1_3 |
Majority provider of respite care for dementia carers (NGO) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_3NGO |
Majority provider of respite care for dementia carers (Private sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_3PRV |
Majority provider of respite care for dementia carers (Public sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_3PUB |
Accessibility of information on legal rights for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q12x2x1x1_4 |
Majority provider of information on legal rights for dementia carers (NGO) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_4NGO |
Majority provider of information on legal rights for dementia carers (Private sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_4PRV |
Majority provider of information on legal rights for dementia carers (Public sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_4PUB |
Accessibility of financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q12x2x1x1_5 |
Majority provider of information on financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers (NGO) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_5NGO |
Majority provider of information on financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers (Private sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_5PRV |
Majority provider of information on financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers (Public sector) | GDO_q12x2x1x1_5PUB |
Estimated number of dementia carers receiving training and education | GDO_q12x2x1x3 |
Estimated number of dementia carers receiving psycho-social supports | GDO_q12x2x2x3 |
Estimated number of dementia carers receiving respite care | GDO_q12x2x3x3 |
Estimated number of dementia carers receiving information on legal rights | GDO_q12x2x4x3 |
Estimated number of dementia carers receiving financial benefits/social protection | GDO_q12x2x5x3 |
Existence of at least one functioning dementia awareness campaign | GDO_q13x1 |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia awareness campaign | GDO_q13x1x1 |
Existence of at least one functioning risk reduction campaign | GDO_q13x3 |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia risk reduction campaign | GDO_q13x3x1 |
Availability of dementia-friendly initiatives that improve accessibility | GDO_q14x1 |
Existence of dementia-friendly initiative to improve accessibility of public spaces | GDO_q14x2_1 |
Existence of dementia-friendly initiative to improve accessibility of public transportation | GDO_q14x2_2 |
Existence of dementia-friendly initiative for assistance with home modification | GDO_q14x2_3 |
Existence of dementia-friendly initiative with assistive technology for loss of capacity | GDO_q14x2_4 |
Existence of dementia-friendly initiative supporting community places for older people | GDO_q14x2_5 |
Existence of dementia-friendly initiative supporting social opportunities | GDO_q14x2_6 |
Inclusion of dementia training and education for non-health workers | GDO_q15x1 |
Existence of dementia training for volunteers | GDO_q15x2_1 |
Existence of dementia training for police and fire services | GDO_q15x2_2 |
Existence of dementia training for first responders | GDO_q15x2_3 |
Existence of dementia training for legal professionals | GDO_q15x2_4 |
Existence of dementia training for community workers | GDO_q15x2_5 |
Existence of dementia training for school children | GDO_q15x2_6 |
Existence of dementia training for financial service staff | GDO_q15x2_7 |
Existence of dementia training for retail and hospitality staff | GDO_q15x2_8 |
Routine monitoring of people with dementia | GDO_q16x1 |
Data sources used to routinely monitor people with dementia (Clinical records) | GDO_q16x1x1_1 |
Data sources used to routinely monitor people with dementia (Household surveys) | GDO_q16x1x1_2 |
Data sources used to routinely monitor people with dementia (Administrative data) | GDO_q16x1x1_3 |
Data sources used to routinely monitor people with dementia (Facility survey or records) | GDO_q16x1x1_4 |
Data sources used to routinely monitor people with dementia (Other) | GDO_q16x1x1_other |
Electronic availability of data sources used to routinely monitor people with dementia | GDO_q16x1x2_1 |
Data used to routinely monitor people with dementia can be disaggregated | GDO_q16x1x2_2 |
Availability of routine hospital admissions records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes | GDO_q16x2_1 |
Availability of routine outpatient visit records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes | GDO_q16x2_2 |
Availability of routine outpatient intervention and treatment records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes | GDO_q16x2_3 |
Availability of routine pharmaceutical records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes | GDO_q16x2_4 |
Availability of routine antipsychotic prescription records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes | GDO_q16x2_5 |
Availability and status of dementia reporting in the past two years | GDO_q16x3 |
Existence of a current dementia research plan/programme | GDO_q17x1 |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia research plan/programme | GDO_q17x1x1 |
Dementia integrated into other national research plan/programme | GDO_q17x2 |
Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (Mental health) | GDO_q17x2x1_1 |
Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (Ageing) | GDO_q17x2x1_2 |
Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (Neuro or neurodegenerative disease) | GDO_q17x2x1_3 |
Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (NCD) | GDO_q17x2x1_4 |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of research plan in which dementia is integrated | GDO_q17x2x2 |
EXISTING GHO INDICATOR (SDG 9.5.1) Gross domestic R&D expenditure on health (health GERD) as a % of gross domestic product (GDP) | GDO_q18x1_1 |
Availability of funding for dementia-specific research plan/programme | GDO_q18x2 |
Total expenditure on dementia research (local currency, self-report) | GDO_q18x2x1_1 |
Total expenditure on dementia basic research (local currency, self-report) | GDO_q18x2x3_1 |
Total expenditure on dementia clinical/translational research (local currency, self-report) | GDO_q18x2x3_2 |
Total expenditure on dementia implementation research (local currency, self-report) | GDO_q18x2x3_3 |
Number of people with dementia involved in research routinely monitored | GDO_q19x2 |
Availability of investigational pharmaceutical trials for dementia | GDO_q19x3 |
Number of investigational pharmaceutical trials for dementia | GDO_q19x3x1_1 |
Inclusion of dementia in ministry portfolio | GDO_q1x1 |
Inclusion of dementia in a branch of government [health, ageing, social services, mental health, noncommunicable disease] | GDO_q1x1x1 |
Existence of dementia representative in ministry | GDO_q1x2 |
Total number of published dementia research output | GDO_q20 |
Existence of dementia national plan | GDO_q2x1 |
Availability of funding for dementia national plan | GDO_q2x1x2 |
Targets for monitoring implementation of dementia national plan | GDO_q2x1x3 |
Dementia integrated into other national plan | GDO_q2x2 |
Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Other) | GDO_q2x2x1_other |
Existence of dementia sub-national plan(s) | GDO_q2x3 |
Percentage of sub-national regions covered by dementia plan | GDO_q2x3x1_1 |
Inclusion of human rights as a guiding principle of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x4_1 |
Inclusion of equity as a guiding principle of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x4_2 |
Inclusion of empowerment as a guiding principle of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x4_3 |
Inclusion of multisectoral collaboration as a guiding principles of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x4_4 |
Inclusion of universal health coverage as a guiding principle of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x4_5 |
Inclusion of dementia-friendly communities as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_1 |
Inclusion of dementia risk reduction as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_2 |
Inclusion of dementia diagnosis, care and support as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_3 |
Inclusion of dementia workforce training as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_4 |
Inclusion of support for dementia carers and families as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_5 |
Inclusion of improved information system as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_6 |
Inclusion of research and innovation as a specific action of the dementia plan | GDO_q2x5_7 |
Estimated population-based prevalence of depression | GDO_q35 |
Existence of dementia legislation | GDO_q3x1 |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia legislation | GDO_q3x1x1_1 |
Existence of other laws that apply to the rights of people with dementia | GDO_q3x2 |
Existence of legislation for supported decision making for people with dementia | GDO_q3x3a_1 |
Existence of legislation to file appeals protecting the rights of people with dementia | GDO_q3x3a_2 |
Existence of legislation to promote community-based services for people with dementia | GDO_q3x3a_3 |
Existence of legislation to promote monitoring of human rights conditions of people with dementia in facilities where they reside | GDO_q3x3a_4 |
Existence of legislation to end coercieve practices for people with dementia | GDO_q3x3b_1 |
Existence of legislation for advanced care directives for people with dementia | GDO_q3x4_1 |
Existence of legislation to end discrimination against people with dementia | GDO_q3x4_2 |
Existence of legislation to end discrimination against carers of people with dementia | GDO_q3x4_3 |
Existence of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols | GDO_q4x1 |
Implementation level of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols (National) | GDO_q4x1x1_SQ001 |
Implementation level of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols (Sub-national) | GDO_q4x1x1_SQ002 |
Existence of approved government dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols | GDO_q4x1x2 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for prevention and risk reduction of dementia | GDO_q4x2_1 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for diagnosis of dementia | GDO_q4x2_2 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for management of dementia | GDO_q4x2_3 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for other post-diagnostic supports of people with dementia | GDO_q4x2_4 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for treatment and support of carers and families of people with dementia | GDO_q4x2_5 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for advance care directives, power of attorney or guardianship for people with dementia | GDO_q4x3x4_1 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for palliative and end-of-life care for people with dementia | GDO_q4x3x4_2 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols of care in nursing & residential care facilities for people with dementia | GDO_q4x3x4_3 |
Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols of care in hospital for people with dementia | GDO_q4x3x4_4 |
Availability of mechanisms to coordinate dementia care across sectors | GDO_q5x1 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Health) | GDO_q5x1x1_1 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Social) | GDO_q5x1x1_2 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Education) | GDO_q5x1x1_3 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Employment) | GDO_q5x1x1_4 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Justice) | GDO_q5x1x1_5 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Housing) | GDO_q5x1x1_6 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Civil society) | GDO_q5x1x1_7 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Private sector) | GDO_q5x1x1_8 |
Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Other) | GDO_q5x1x1_other |
Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia care coordination | GDO_q5x1x2 |
Presence of formal agreement/joint plan for dementia care coordination | GDO_q5x1x3 |
Availability of dementia care coordination standards/ guidelines/ protocols | GDO_q5x2 |
Number of neurologists (per 100,000) | GDO_q6x1_2 |
Number of geriatricians or psychogeriatricians (per 100,000) | GDO_q6x1_3 |
Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of physicians | GDO_q6x2_1 |
Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of specialists | GDO_q6x2_2 |
Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of nurses | GDO_q6x2_3 |
Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of pharmaceutical personnel | GDO_q6x2_4 |
Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of social workers | GDO_q6x2_5 |
Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of personal support workers | GDO_q6x2_6 |
Availability of dementia diagnostic rate | GDO_q7x1_AVAIL |
Existence of community-based health or social care services for dementia | GDO_q8x1 |
Availability of diagnostic services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x2_1 |
Availability of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia | GDO_q8x2_2 |
Availability of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x2_3 |
Availability of activities of daily living suppport services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x2_4 |
Availability of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x2_5 |
Availability of social and financial protection for dementia | GDO_q8x2_6 |
Accessibility of diagnostic services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q8x3_1 |
Accessibility of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q8x3_2 |
Accessibility of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q8x3_3 |
Accessibility of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q8x3_4 |
Accessibility of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q8x3_5 |
Accessibility of social and financial protection for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas] | GDO_q8x3_6 |
Majority provider of diagnostic services in community for dementia [public, private] | GDO_q8x4_1 |
Majority provider of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia [public, private] | GDO_q8x4_2 |
Majority provider of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia [public, private] | GDO_q8x4_3 |
Majority provider of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia [public, private] | GDO_q8x4_4 |
Majority provider of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia [public, private] | GDO_q8x4_5 |
Majority provider of social and financial protection for dementia [public, private] | GDO_q8x4_6 |
Estimated number of people receiving behaviour and psychological management services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x5_2 |
Estimated number of people receiving psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x5_3 |
Estimated number of people receiving activities of daily living support services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x5_4 |
Estimated number of people receiving palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia | GDO_q8x5_5 |
Estimated number of people with dementia receiving social and financial protection for dementia | GDO_q8x5_6 |
Dementia care facilities [hospitals] | GDO_q9_1 |
Care facilities [long-term care] | GDO_q9_2 |
Care facilities [hospice centres] | GDO_q9_3 |
Adult day centres | GDO_q9_4 |
Outpatient health centres | GDO_q9_5 |
Outpatient social centres | GDO_q9_6 |
EXISTING GHO INDICATOR Density of hospitals (per 100 000 population) | GDO_q9x1_1 |
EXISTING GHO INDICATOR Hospital beds (per 10 000 population) (Health systems) | GDO_q9x1_2 |
Dementia-specific hospital beds (per 10,000 population) | GDO_q9x1_3 |
Geriatric-specific hospital beds (per 10,000 population) | GDO_q9x1_4 |
Total dementia hospital admissions (per 100,000) | GDO_q9x1_5 |
Estimated percentage of hospitals following national dementia standards | GDO_q9x1_7 |
Density of residential long-term care facilities (per 100,000 population) | GDO_q9x2_1 |
Residential long-term care beds (per 10 000 population) | GDO_q9x2_2 |
Dementia-specific residential long-term care beds (per 10,000 population) | GDO_q9x2_3 |
Estimated number of people with dementia living in residential long-term care | GDO_q9x2_4 |
Estimated percentage of residential long-term care facilities following national dementia standards | GDO_q9x2_5 |
Density of hospice centres (per 100,000 population) | GDO_q9x3_1 |
Hospice centre beds (per 10 000 population) | GDO_q9x3_2 |
Dementia-specific hospice care beds (per 10,000 population) | GDO_q9x3_3 |
Density of adult day centres (per 100,000 population) | GDO_q9x4_1 |
Adult day centre places (per 10,000 population) | GDO_q9x4_2 |
Dementia-specific adult day centre places (per 10,000 population) | GDO_q9x4_3 |
Density of outpatient health centres (per 100,000 population) | GDO_q9x5_1 |
Estimated number of people with dementia receiving services at outpatient health centre | GDO_q9x5_2 |
Density of outpatient social centres (per 100,000 population) | GDO_q9x6_1 |
Estimated number of people with dementia receiving services at outpatient social centre | GDO_q9x6_2 |
Current health expenditure (CHE) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%) | GHED_CHEGDP_SHA2011 |
Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in PPP int$ | GHED_CHE_pc_PPP_SHA2011 |
Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in US$ | GHED_CHE_pc_US_SHA2011 |
External health expenditure channelled through government (EXT-G) as percentage of external health expenditure (EXT) (%) | GHED_EXT-GEXT_SHA2011 |
External health expenditure (EXT) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | GHED_EXTCHE_SHA2011 |
External health expenditure (EXT) per capita in PPP int$ | GHED_EXT_pc_PPP_SHA2011 |
External health expenditure (EXT) per capita in US$ | GHED_EXT_pc_US_SHA2011 |
Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | GHED_GGHE-DCHE_SHA2011 |
Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%) | GHED_GGHE-DGDP_SHA2011 |
Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of general government expenditure (GGE) (%) | GHED_GGHE-DGGE_SHA2011 |
Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) per capita in PPP int$ | GHED_GGHE-D_pc_PPP_SHA2011 |
Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) per capita in US$ | GHED_GGHE-D_pc_US_SHA2011 |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | GHED_OOPSCHE_SHA2011 |
Out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP) per capita in PPP int$ | GHED_OOP_pc_PPP_SHA2011 |
Out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP) per capita in US$ | GHED_OOP_pc_US_SHA2011 |
Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | GHED_PVT-DCHE_SHA2011 |
Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) per capita in PPP int$ | GHED_PVT-D_pc_PPP_SHA2011 |
Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) per capita in US$ | GHED_PVT-D_pc_US_SHA2011 |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) | GHE_DALYNUM |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (per 100 000 population) | GHE_DALYRATE |
Years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) | GHE_YLDNUM |
Years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) (per 100 000 population) | GHE_YLDRATE |
Years of life lost from mortality (YLLs) | GHE_YLLNUM |
Years of life lost from mortality (YLLs) (per 100 000 population) | GHE_YLLRATE |
National universal health coverage strategy | GOE_Q001 |
strategy refers to the use of ICT to support UHC | GOE_Q002 |
National eHealth strategy | GOE_Q003 |
National eHealth strategy refers to objectives of UHC | GOE_Q004 |
National health information system (HIS) policy or strategy | GOE_Q006 |
Public funding for eHealth | GOE_Q007 |
Private funding for eHealth | GOE_Q008 |
Donor/ non-public development funding for eHealth | GOE_Q009 |
Public-private partnerships for eHealth | GOE_Q010 |
Strategy implementation funding available for eHealth | GOE_Q011 |
Proportion of public funding | GOE_Q012 |
Proportion of private funding | GOE_Q013 |
Proportion of donor/non public development funding | GOE_Q014 |
Proportion ofpublic private partnerships funding | GOE_Q015 |
Government-supported health internet sites provide information in multiple languages | GOE_Q017 |
Tertiary institutions provide students of health sciences with training on eHealth | GOE_Q018 |
Institutions offer in-service training to health professionals on ICT for health | GOE_Q022 |
mHealth programmes are sponsored by government | GOE_Q028 |
Regulating mobile devices and software | GOE_Q030_1 |
Promoting standards and interoperability | GOE_Q030_2 |
Providing guidance on privacy and security | GOE_Q030_3 |
Providing oversight and enforcement of data ownership | GOE_Q030_4 |
Promoting the development and adoption of mHealth | GOE_Q030_5 |
Regulatory oversight of mobile apps for quality, safety and reliability | GOE_Q031 |
Providing incentives and guidance for innovation research and evaluation of health | GOE_Q032 |
Government-sponsored mHealth programmes are being evaluated | GOE_Q047 |
Capacity | GOE_Q057 |
Infrastructure | GOE_Q058 |
Funding | GOE_Q059 |
Effectiveness | GOE_Q060 |
Cost-effectiveness | GOE_Q061 |
Demand | GOE_Q062 |
Legal | GOE_Q063 |
Policy | GOE_Q064 |
Priorities | GOE_Q065 |
Country has telehealth policy or strategy | GOE_Q069 |
Strategy includes objectives as to how telehealth contributes to UHC | GOE_Q070 |
Evaluation of any government-sponsored telehealth programmes | GOE_Q081 |
eLearning is used in pre-service education to teach health sciences students | GOE_Q103 |
Reducing cost of delivering content | GOE_Q104_1 |
Improving access to content and experts | GOE_Q104_2 |
Enabling access to education where learning facilities are limited | GOE_Q104_3 |
Pre-service eLearning programmes have been evaluated | GOE_Q109 |
eLearning used for in-service training of health professionals | GOE_Q118 |
Reducing cost of delivering content | GOE_Q119_1 |
Improving access to content and experts | GOE_Q119_2 |
Enabling access to education where learning facilities are limited | GOE_Q119_3 |
eLearning courses accredited by continuing medical education or professional licensing bodies | GOE_Q120 |
eLearning programmes for in-service training of health professionals have been evaluated | GOE_Q122 |
Lack of capacity | GOE_Q131 |
Lack of infrastructure | GOE_Q132 |
Lack of funding | GOE_Q133 |
Not possible to gain a health sciences degree entirely through eLearning | GOE_Q134 |
Lack of evidence that eLearning is effective | GOE_Q135 |
Lack of evidence over cost-effectiveness | GOE_Q136 |
Lack of demand for eLearning programmes | GOE_Q137 |
Lack of suitable courses available | GOE_Q138 |
Insitutional educational policy does not include eLearning as an approach to teaching health sciences | GOE_Q139 |
Competing educational priorities | GOE_Q140 |
Country has national EHR | GOE_Q144 |
Country has specific legislation governing the use of national EHR system | GOE_Q146 |
Lack of capacity | GOE_Q153 |
Lack of infrastructure | GOE_Q154 |
Lack of funding | GOE_Q155 |
lack of evidence showing effectiveness of EHR | GOE_Q156 |
Lack of evidence showing cost-effectiveness or EHR | GOE_Q157 |
Lack of demand by health professionals and patients | GOE_Q158 |
Lack of legislation or regulations covering use of EHR | GOE_Q159 |
National strategy does not promote the adoption of EHR | GOE_Q160 |
Lack of national or international standards for interoperability of EHR | GOE_Q161 |
Competing health system priorities | GOE_Q162 |
to define medical jurisdiction, liability or reimbursement of eHealth services such as telehealth | GOE_Q168 |
to address patient safety and quality of care based on data quality, data transmission standards, or clinical competency criteria | GOE_Q169 |
to protect privacy of personally identifiable data of individuals irrespective of whether it is paper or digital format | GOE_Q170 |
to protect the privacy of individuals’ health-related data held in electronic format as an EHR | GOE_Q171 |
which governs the sharing of digital data between health professionals in other health services in the same country through the use of an EHR | GOE_Q172 |
which governs the sharing of digital data between health professionals in health services in other countries through the use of an EHR | GOE_Q173 |
which allows for the sharing of personal and health data between research entities | GOE_Q174 |
which allows individuals electronic access to their own health-related data when held in an EHR | GOE_Q175 |
which allows individuals to demand that their own data be corrected when held in an EHR if it is known to be inaccurate | GOE_Q176 |
which allows individuals to demand the deletion of health-related data from their EHR | GOE_Q177 |
Individuals have the legal right to specify which health-related data from their EHR can be shared with health professionals of their choice | GOE_Q178 |
Country has national policy or strategy on the use of social media by government organizations | GOE_Q181 |
Policy or strategy makes specific reference tothe use of social media in the health domain | GOE_Q182 |
Country has national policy or strategy regulating the use of big data in the health sector | GOE_Q196 |
Country has national policy or strategy regulating the use of big data by private companies | GOE_Q197 |
Effective standards and best practices for data capture not fully established | GOE_Q198 |
Insufficient incentives for data sharing | GOE_Q199 |
Capacity building required for new skills | GOE_Q200 |
Privacy and security laws need to be in place | GOE_Q201 |
Research into new analytical methods needs occur to meet the challenges of working with big data | GOE_Q202 |
Lack of integration between various health services | GOE_Q203 |
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV | HIV_0000000001 |
Number of adults aged 15 and over living with HIV | HIV_0000000002 |
Number of women aged 15 and over living with HIV | HIV_0000000003 |
Number of children under 15 living with HIV | HIV_0000000004 |
HIV prevalence rate among adults (15-49) | HIV_0000000005 |
Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS | HIV_0000000006 |
Testing and counselling facilities, reported number | HIV_0000000007 |
Testing and counselling facilities, estimated number per 100 000 adult population | HIV_0000000008 |
Reported number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy | HIV_0000000009 |
Reported number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy, month and year of report | HIV_0000000010 |
Reported number of children receiving antiretroviral therapy | HIV_0000000011 |
Reported number of children receiving antiretroviral therapy, month and year of report | HIV_0000000012 |
Pregnant women tested for HIV, reported number | HIV_0000000013 |
Pregnant women tested for HIV, estimated coverage (%) | HIV_0000000014 |
Number of pregnant women living with HIV who received antiretrovirals (excluding single dose Nevirapine) for preventing mother-to-child transmission | HIV_0000000015 |
Number of pregnant women living with HIV who received antiretrovirals for preventing mother-to-child transmission, reporting period | HIV_0000000016 |
Number of people aged 15 years and over who received HIV testing and counselling, reported number | HIV_0000000017 |
People aged 15 years and over who received HIV testing and counselling, estimated number per 1000 adult population | HIV_0000000018 |
Number of people aged 15 years and over who received HIV testing and counselling, reporting period | HIV_0000000019 |
Estimated percentage of pregnant women living with HIV who received antiretrovirals for preventing mother-to-child transmission | HIV_0000000020 |
Estimated number of pregnant women living with HIV needing antiretrovirals for preventing mother-to-child transmission based on WHO methods | HIV_0000000021 |
Estimated number of people eligible for antiretroviral therapy according to 2010 guidelines | HIV_0000000022 |
Estimated number of children needing antiretroviral therapy based on WHO methods | HIV_0000000023 |
Estimated antiretroviral therapy coverage among children | HIV_0000000024 |
Testing and counselling facilities, reporting period | HIV_0000000025 |
Number of new HIV infections | HIV_0000000026 |
Reported number of tests performed where results were received by a person (testing volume) | HIV_0000000027 |
Estimated number of tests performed where results were received by a person (testing volume), estimated number per 1000 population | HIV_0000000028 |
Reported number of tests performed where results were received by a person (testing volume), reporting period | HIV_0000000029 |
Estimated antiretroviral therapy coverage among people living with HIV (%) | HIV_ARTCOVERAGE |
Number of nursing personnel | HRH_01 |
Number of physicians | HRH_02 |
Number of midwifery personnel | HRH_03 |
Number of pharmacists | HRH_04 |
Number of pharmaceutical technicians/assistants | HRH_05 |
Number of community health workers | HRH_06 |
Number of traditional birth attendants | HRH_07 |
Number of radiographers | HRH_08 |
Number of other health workers | HRH_09 |
Number of dental technicians/assistants | HRH_10 |
Number of health management & support workers | HRH_11 |
Number of environment and public health workers | HRH_12 |
Number of laboratory scientists | HRH_13 |
Number of laboratory technicians/assistants | HRH_14 |
Number of dentists | HRH_15 |
Number of traditional medicine practitioners | HRH_16 |
Number of medical assistants | HRH_17 |
Number of personal care workers | HRH_18 |
Number of pharmaceutical personnel | HRH_19 |
Number of laboratory health workers | HRH_20 |
Number of dentistry personnel | HRH_21 |
Number of community and traditional health workers | HRH_22 |
Number of other health workers | HRH_23 |
Number of nursing and midwifery personnel | HRH_24 |
Pharmaceutical personnel density (per 1000 population) | HRH_25 |
Physicians density (per 1000 population) | HRH_26 |
Laboratory health workers density (per 1000 population) | HRH_27 |
Dentistry personnel density (per 1000 population) | HRH_28 |
Community and traditional health workers density (per 1000 population) | HRH_29 |
Other health workers density (per 1000 population) | HRH_30 |
Environmental and public health workers density (per 1000 population) | HRH_31 |
Health management & support workers density (per 1000 population) | HRH_32 |
Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 1000 population) | HRH_33 |
Biomedical engineers density (per 10 000 population) | HRH_40 |
Number of licensed qualified surgeons actively working | HRH_41 |
Number of licensed qualified obstetricians actively working | HRH_42 |
Number of licensed qualified anaesthesiologists actively working | HRH_43 |
Number of biomedical engineers | HRH_44 |
Biomedical technicians density (per 10 000 population) | HRH_45 |
Number of biomedical technicians | HRH_46 |
Countries that have a comprehensive national health sector policy/ strategy/ plan with goals and targets updated within the last 5 years | HSS_COMPREHENSIVEHEALTHPOLICY |
Countries that have monitored the progress of their national health policy/strategy/plan regularly | HSS_MONITORPROGRESS |
Countries that have passed legislation on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) | HSS_UHCLEGISLATION |
Medical doctors (per 10 000 population) | HWF_0001 |
Medical doctors (number) | HWF_0002 |
Generalist medical practitioners (number) | HWF_0003 |
Specialist medical practitioners (number) | HWF_0004 |
Medical doctors not further defined (number) | HWF_0005 |
Nursing and midwifery personnel (per 10 000 population) | HWF_0006 |
Nursing and midwifery personnel (number) | HWF_0007 |
Nursing personnel (number) | HWF_0008 |
Midwifery personnel (number) | HWF_0009 |
Dentists (per 10 000 population) | HWF_0010 |
Dentists (number) | HWF_0011 |
Dental Assistants and Therapists (number) | HWF_0012 |
Dental Prosthetic Technicians (number) | HWF_0013 |
Pharmacists (per 10 000 population) | HWF_0014 |
Pharmacists (number) | HWF_0015 |
Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants (number) | HWF_0016 |
Environmental and Occupational Health and Hygiene Professionals (number) | HWF_0017 |
Environmental and Occupational Health Inspectors and Associates (number) | HWF_0018 |
Medical and Pathology Laboratory scientists (number) | HWF_0019 |
Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians (number) | HWF_0020 |
Physiotherapists (number) | HWF_0021 |
Physiotherapy Technicians and Assistants (number) | HWF_0022 |
Traditional and Complementary Medicine Professionals (number) | HWF_0023 |
Community Health Workers (number) | HWF_0024 |
Medical doctors (%) | HWF_0025 |
Nursing personnel (%) | HWF_0026 |
Handwashing with soap after using the toilet (%) | HWWS_1 |
Handwashing with soap after cleaning child’s stool (%) | HWWS_2 |
ICD-11 implementation progress level | ICD11_IMPL_LVL |
Legislation | IHR01 |
Coordination | IHR02 |
Surveillance | IHR03 |
Response | IHR04 |
Preparedness | IHR05 |
Risk communication | IHR06 |
Human resources | IHR07 |
Laboratory | IHR08 |
Points of entry | IHR09 |
Zoonosis | IHR10 |
Food safety | IHR11 |
Chemical | IHR12 |
Radionuclear | IHR13 |
Legislation and Financing | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY01 |
IHR Coordination and National IHR Focal Point Functions | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY02 |
Zoonotic Events and the Human-animal Interface | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY03 |
Food Safety | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY04 |
Laboratory | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY05 |
Surveillance | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY06 |
Human Resources | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY07 |
National Health Emergency Framework | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY08 |
Health Service Provision | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY09 |
Risk Communication | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY10 |
Points of Entry | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY11 |
Chemical Events | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY12 |
Radiation Emergencies | IHRSPAR_CAPACITY13 |
Percentage of sites for which carbamate resistance was reported | IR_CARBAMATE_EXTENT |
Carbamate resistance reported for at least one site | IR_CARBAMATE_PRESENCE |
Number of insecticide classes to which resistance was reported | IR_INSECTICIDERESISTANCE_PREV |
Percentage of sites for which organochlorine resistance was reported | IR_ORGANOCHLORINE_EXTENT |
Organochlorine resistance reported for at least one site | IR_ORGANOCHLORINE_PRESENCE |
Percentage of sites for which organophosphate resistance was reported | IR_ORGANOPHOSPHATE_EXTENT |
Organophosphate resistance reported for at least one site | IR_ORGANOPHOSPHATE_PRESENCE |
Percentage of sites for which pyrethroid resistance was reported | IR_PYRETHROID_EXTENT |
Pyrethroid resistance reported for at least one site | IR_PYRETHROID_PRESENCE |
Percentage of individuals using the Internet | ITU_ICT_1 |
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants | ITU_ICT_2 |
ICT Development Index (IDI) | ITU_IDI |
ICT Development Index (IDI) rank | ITU_IDI_RANK |
Low birth weight (in thousands) | LBW_NUMBER |
Low birth weight, prevalence (%) | LBW_PREVALENCE |
Legally binding lead controls | LEADCONTROL |
Name of legislation for lead controls | LEADCONTROLEGISLATION |
Description of legislation for lead controls | LEADCONTROLEGISLATIONDESC |
Percentage of the children under 15 years with blood lead levels above 5ug/dl | LEAD_1 |
Lead attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | LEAD_10 |
Percentage of the children under 15 years with blood lead levels above 10ug/dl | LEAD_2 |
Percentage of the adults (15+ years) with blood lead levels above 5ug/dl | LEAD_3 |
Percentage of the adults (15+ years) with blood lead levels above 10ug/dl | LEAD_4 |
Lead attributable deaths | LEAD_5 |
Lead attributable DALYs (’000) | LEAD_6 |
Lead attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | LEAD_7 |
Lead attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | LEAD_8 |
Lead attributable DALYs (’000) in children under 5 years | LEAD_9 |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to leptospirosis | LEPTO_DALY |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (per 100 000 population) due to leptospirosis | LEPTO_DALY100K |
Estimated leptospirosis incidence (per 100 000 population) | LEPTO_MORBIDITY |
Estimated leptospirosis deaths (per 100 000 population) | LEPTO_MORTALITY |
Years of healthy life lost to disability (YLDs) due to leptospirosis | LEPTO_YLD |
Years of healthy life lost to disability (YLDs) (per 100 000 population) due to leptospirosis | LEPTO_YLD100K |
Years of life lost (YLLs) due to leptospirosis | LEPTO_YLL |
Years of life lost (YLLs) (per 100 000 population) due to leptospirosis | LEPTO_YLL100K |
nMx - age-specific death rate between ages x and x+n | LIFE_0000000029 |
nqx - probability of dying between ages x and x+n | LIFE_0000000030 |
lx - number of people left alive at age x | LIFE_0000000031 |
ndx - number of people dying between ages x and x+n | LIFE_0000000032 |
nLx - person-years lived between ages x and x+n | LIFE_0000000033 |
Tx - person-years lived above age x | LIFE_0000000034 |
ex - expectation of life at age x | LIFE_0000000035 |
Malaria - number of reported deaths | MALARIA001 |
Estimated number of malaria cases | MALARIA002 |
Estimated number of malaria deaths | MALARIA003 |
Number of under-five deaths from malaria | MALARIA004 |
Malaria incidence per 100 000 population | MALARIA005 |
All-cause outpatient cases | MALARIA_15029 |
All-cause inpatient cases | MALARIA_15030 |
All-cause inpatient deaths | MALARIA_15031 |
Total RDT examined | MALARIA_15032 |
Total RDT positive | MALARIA_15033 |
Total microscopy examined | MALARIA_15034 |
Total microscopy positive | MALARIA_15035 |
Number of P. falciparum | MALARIA_15036 |
Number of P. vivax | MALARIA_15037 |
Number of mixed infections | MALARIA_15040 |
Suspected malaria cases | MALARIA_15043 |
Malaria outpatient cases | MALARIA_15049 |
Malaria inpatient cases | MALARIA_15056 |
Malaria attributed deaths | MALARIA_15059 |
RDT Positive cases at community level | MALARIA_15063 |
Number of reported presumed and confirmed malaria cases | MALARIA_15065 |
ANC first attendance | MALARIA_15077 |
IPT 1st dose | MALARIA_15079 |
IPT 2nd dose | MALARIA_15080 |
IPT 3rd dose | MALARIA_15081 |
Microscopy slides/RDTs examined | MALARIA_15095 |
Microscopy slides/RDTs positive | MALARIA_15096 |
Total number of conventional Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) + LLINS sold or delivered | MALARIA_15116 |
Total number of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs) sold or delivered | MALARIA_15117 |
Spraying cycle | MALARIA_15130 |
Number of households sprayed at least once | MALARIA_15136 |
Number of households targeted for spraying | MALARIA_15137 |
Number people targeted for protection by IRS | MALARIA_15138 |
Number of people protected by IRS | MALARIA_15139 |
Number of ACT only treatment doses received (public facilities and community) | MALARIA_15150 |
Population | MALARIA_15279 |
Government health budget (USD) | MALARIA_15283 |
Government budget for malaria (USD) | MALARIA_15284 |
Contributions from the Global Fund (USD) | MALARIA_15287 |
Contributions from the Wolrdbank (USD) | MALARIA_15288 |
European Union (USD) | MALARIA_15309 |
Gov. expenditure on malaria (USD) | MALARIA_15310 |
Number of health facility reports received per year (Outpatient) | MALARIA_16201 |
Number of health facilities (Outpatient) | MALARIA_16202 |
Number of reports expected per health facility per year (Outpatient) | MALARIA_16203 |
Number of Admin 2 reports received per year (Outpatient) | MALARIA_16205 |
Number of Admin 2 units (Outpatient) | MALARIA_16206 |
Number of reports expected per Admin 2 per year (Outpatient) | MALARIA_16207 |
RDT tested at community level | MALARIA_16209 |
Cases at community level (presumed and confirmed) | MALARIA_16210 |
Examined (by microscopy and RDT)(Active case detection) | MALARIA_16211 |
Positive (by microscopy and RDT)(Active case detection) | MALARIA_16212 |
Number of houses or structures targeted | MALARIA_16221 |
Number of houses or structures sprayed at least once | MALARIA_16222 |
Number distributed through mass campaign | MALARIA_16223 |
Number distributed through ANC | MALARIA_16224 |
Number distributed through EPI | MALARIA_16225 |
Number distributed through other channels | MALARIA_16226 |
Number of malaria cases treated with ACT in public facilities | MALARIA_16227 |
Number of RDTs delivered (public facilities and community) | MALARIA_16228 |
Number of P. falciparum (RDT test) | MALARIA_16229 |
Number of other plamodium species (RDT test) | MALARIA_16230 |
All-cause deaths (including malaria death) (Vital registration) | MALARIA_16231 |
Malaria deaths (including confirmed deaths) (Vital registration) | MALARIA_16232 |
Other (NGOs, foundations,etc) | MALARIA_16233 |
Programme Management (PM) | MALARIA_16234 |
Entomology and vector control (ITN, IRS, others) | MALARIA_16235 |
Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation (SME) | MALARIA_16236 |
Diagnosis and case manangement (incl. IPT) | MALARIA_16237 |
Communications and Advocacy (CAD) | MALARIA_16238 |
Training | MALARIA_16239 |
Others | MALARIA_16240 |
High endemic or risk areas ( RMI > 1) | MALARIA_16252 |
Low endemic or epidemic-prone areas ( RMI < 1) | MALARIA_16253 |
Malaria-free areas (no indigenous transmission) | MALARIA_16254 |
Number of ACT only treatment doses received (public facilities only) | MALARIA_16261 |
Total number of ACT treatment courses distributed | MALARIA_16262 |
Number of malaria cases treated with ACT (Community level) | MALARIA_16263 |
WHO | MALARIA_16264 |
Other UN agencies | MALARIA_16266 |
PMI | MALARIA_16267 |
Other bilaterals | MALARIA_16268 |
Number of health facility reports received per year (Inpatient) | MALARIA_16270 |
Number of health facilities (Inpatient) | MALARIA_16271 |
Number of reports expected per health facility per year (Inpatient) | MALARIA_16272 |
Number of Admin 2 reports received per year (Inpatient) | MALARIA_16273 |
Number of Admin 2 units (Inpatient) | MALARIA_16274 |
Number of reports expected per Admin 2 per year (Inpatient) | MALARIA_16275 |
Number of conventional insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) sold or delivered | MALARIA_20126 |
Insecticide used | MALARIA_20129 |
Total number of 1st line treatment course distributed | MALARIA_20132 |
Household Net Possession - Percentage with at least one (Any type of mosquito net ) | MALARIA_30514 |
Household Net Possession - Percentage with more than one (Any type of mosquito net ) | MALARIA_30515 |
Household Net Possession - Average number of nets per household (Any type of mosquito net ) | MALARIA_30516 |
Household Net Possession - Percentage with at least one (Ever treated mosquito net ) | MALARIA_30517 |
Household Net Possession - Percentage with more than one (Ever treated mosquito net ) | MALARIA_30518 |
Household Net Possession - Average number of ever treated nets per household (Ever treated mosquito net ) | MALARIA_30519 |
Household Net Possession - Percentage with at least one (Insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) ) | MALARIA_30520 |
Household Net Possession - Percentage with more than one (Insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) ) | MALARIA_30521 |
Household Net Possession - Average number of ITNs per household (Insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) ) | MALARIA_30522 |
Household Net Possession - (Number of households ) | MALARIA_30523 |
IPT and Anti-malarial Treatment - Percentage who took 2+ doses SP/Fansidar | MALARIA_30526 |
Prompt Treatment - Percentage who took antimalarial drugs (Among children under age five with fever) | MALARIA_30532 |
Prompt Treatment - Percentage who took antimalarial drugs same or next day (Among children under age five with fever) | MALARIA_30533 |
Children with fever - Percentage of children who took drug: SP/ Fansidar | MALARIA_30535 |
Children with fever - Percentage of children who took drug: Chloroquine | MALARIA_30536 |
Children with fever - Percentage of children who took drug: Combination with artemisinin | MALARIA_30539 |
Children with fever - Percentage of children who took drug the same or next day: SP/ Fansidar | MALARIA_30541 |
Children with fever - Percentage of children who took drug the same or next day: Chloroquine | MALARIA_30542 |
Children with fever - Percentage of children who took drug the same or next day: Combination with artemisinin | MALARIA_30545 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of under 5 who slept under any net last night | MALARIA_30548 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of under 5 who slept under an ever treated net last night | MALARIA_30549 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of under 5 who slept under an ITN last night | MALARIA_30550 |
Use of mosquito nets - Number of children under 5 | MALARIA_30555 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of all women age 15-49 who Slept under any net last night | MALARIA_30556 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of all women age 15-49 who Slept under an ever treated net last night | MALARIA_30557 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of all women age 15-49 who Slept under an ITN last night | MALARIA_30558 |
Use of mosquito nets - Number of pregnant women | MALARIA_30559 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of pregnant women age 15-49 who Slept under any net last night | MALARIA_30560 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of pregnant women age 15-49 who Slept under an ever treated net last night | MALARIA_30561 |
Use of mosquito nets - Percentage of pregnant women age 15-49 who Slept under an ITN last night | MALARIA_30562 |
Imported cases | MALARIA_40105 |
Households with at least one insecticide-treated net (ITNs) or indoor residual spraying (IRS)(%) | MALARIA_HOUSEHOLDITNIRS |
Percentage of pregnant women attending ANC at least once and receiving IPTp3 (%) | MALARIA_IPTP3 |
Population sleeping under a bed net(%) | MALARIA_ITNPOP |
Pregnant women sleeping under insecticide-treated nets the previous night (%) | MALARIA_ITNPREG |
Population protected by ITN or IRS (%) | MALARIA_POP_ITN_IRS |
Measles-containing-vaccine second-dose (MCV2) immunization coverage by the nationally recommended age (%) | MCV2 |
Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births) | MDG_0000000001 |
Adolescent birth rate (per 1000 women aged 15-19 years) | MDG_0000000003 |
Contraceptive prevalence (%) | MDG_0000000005 |
Contraceptive prevalence, among girls aged 15-19 (%) | MDG_0000000005_AGE1519 |
Unmet need for family planning (%) | MDG_0000000006 |
Unmet need for family planning, among girls aged 15-19 (%) | MDG_0000000006_AGE1519 |
Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births) | MDG_0000000007 |
Median availability of selected generic medicines (%) - Public | MDG_0000000010 |
Median consumer price ratio of selected generic medicines - Public | MDG_0000000011 |
Antiretroviral therapy coverage among people with advanced HIV infection (%) | MDG_0000000012 |
Children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%) | MDG_0000000013 |
Children aged <5 years with fever who received treatment with any antimalarial (%) | MDG_0000000014 |
Prevalence of condom use by adults during higher-risk sex (15-49) (%) | MDG_0000000015 |
Deaths due to malaria (per 100 000 population) | MDG_0000000016 |
Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-negative people (per 100 000 population) | MDG_0000000017 |
Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-positive people (per 100 000 population) | MDG_0000000018 |
Prevalence of HIV among adults aged >=15 years (per 100 000 population) | MDG_0000000019 |
Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population per year) | MDG_0000000020 |
Population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%) | MDG_0000000021 |
Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS (%) | MDG_0000000022 |
Prevalence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population) | MDG_0000000023 |
Tuberculosis treatment success under DOTS (%) | MDG_0000000024 |
Births attended by skilled health personnel (%) | MDG_0000000025 |
Births attended by skilled health personnel, among girls aged 15-19 (%) | MDG_0000000025_AGE1519 |
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births) | MDG_0000000026 |
Children aged <5 years stunted (%) | MDG_0000000027 |
Population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption | MDG_0000000028 |
Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 (%) | MDG_0000000029 |
Smear-positive tuberculosis case-detection rate (%) | MDG_0000000030 |
Smear-positive tuberculosis treatment-success rate (%) | MDG_0000000031 |
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births) - Country reported estimates | MDG_0000000032 |
Antiretroviral therapy coverage among people with HIV infection eligible for ART according to 2010 guidelines (%) | MDG_0000000033 |
Antiretroviral therapy coverage among people with advanced HIV infection (%), WHO 2006 guidelines | MDG_0000000034 |
OOP as a % of THE | MEDS |
Generic | MEDS0_0_0 |
Population | MEDS1_01_01 |
GDP | MEDS1_01_03 |
Gross domestic product per capita | MEDS1_01_05 |
Life Expectancy M | MEDS1_02_01 |
Life Expectancy F | MEDS1_02_02 |
Infant mortality | MEDS1_02_03 |
Under 5 Mortality | MEDS1_02_04 |
NCD mortality rate | MEDS1_02_11 |
CVD and Diabetes mortality rate | MEDS1_02_12 |
Cancer mortality rate | MEDS1_02_13 |
HIV mortality rate | MEDS1_02_14 |
TB mortality rate | MEDS1_02_15 |
Malaria mortality rate | MEDS1_02_16 |
Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure (millions US$) | MEDS201110200 |
Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure per capita (US$)rate) | MEDS201120200C |
Share of Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure in Total Health Expenditure (%) | MEDS2011400C |
Share of Public Pharmaceutical Expenditure in Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure (%) | MEDS2011600C |
Public Pharmaceutical Expenditure per capita (US$) | MEDS201170200C |
Market share of generic pharmaceuticals by value (%) | MEDS2012100S |
Density of pharmacists (per 10 000 population) | MEDS2020200C |
THE | MEDS2_01_01_02 |
THE per capita | MEDS2_01_03_02 |
Public Health Expenditure | MEDS2_01_04_02 |
Public Health Expenditure as a % of Government Expenditure | MEDS2_01_05 |
Public Health Expenditure of a % of THE | MEDS2_01_06 |
Public Health Expenditure per capita | MEDS2_01_07_02 |
Private Health Expenditure % of THE | MEDS2_01_08 |
Population covered by a public health service orr insurance plan | MEDS2_01_09 |
Population covered by private health insurance | MEDS2_01_10 |
Total pharmaceutical expenditure | MEDS2_01_11_02 |
Total pharmaceutical expenditure per capita | MEDS2_01_12_02 |
Share of total pharmaceutical expenditure in gross domestic product (%) | MEDS2_01_13 |
Share of total pharmaceutical expenditure in total health expenditure (%) | MEDS2_01_14 |
Share of public pharmaceutical expenditures in total pharmaceutical expenditures (US$) | MEDS2_01_15_02 |
Share of public pharmaceutical expenditures in total pharmaceutical expenditures (%) | MEDS2_01_15_02_01 |
Private TPE | MEDS2_01_18_02 |
Market share of generic pharmaceuticals by value (%) | MEDS2_01_21 |
OOP as a % of Private Health Expenditure | MEDS2_01_24 |
Premiums for private health plans as a % of private health expenditure | MEDS2_01_26 |
Pharmacists | MEDS2_02_01 |
Density of pharmacist (per 10.000) | MEDS2_02_02 |
Presence of National Medicines Policy | MEDS3010400 |
Presence of National Medicines Policy implementation plan | MEDS3010700 |
Right of access to essential medicines | MEDS3011000 |
For the pharmaceutical sector | MEDS3011302 |
Presence of National Health Policy | MEDS3_01_01 |
NHP Implementation plan exists | MEDS3_01_02 |
Presence of national medicines policy | MEDS3_01_04 |
Presence of national medicines policy implementation plan | MEDS3_01_07 |
Presence of National Clinical Laboratory Policy | MEDS3_01_08 |
NCLP implementation plan exists | MEDS3_01_09 |
Right of access to essential medicines | MEDS3_01_10 |
Official guidelines on medicine donations exist | MEDS3_01_11 |
Pharmaceutical policy implementation is regularly monitored | MEDS3_01_12_01 |
Presence of national good governance policy | MEDS3_01_13 |
Policy to manage conflict of interest issues | MEDS3_01_14 |
Formal code of conduct for public officials | MEDS3_01_15 |
Whistle Blowing mechanism | MEDS3_01_16 |
Market share of domestic manufacturers (%) | MEDS4020300 |
Legal provision for granting patents on: Pharmaceuticals | MEDS4_01_02_01 |
Legal provision for granting patents on: Laboratory Supplies | MEDS4_01_02_02 |
Legal provision for granting patents on: Medical Supplies | MEDS4_01_02_03 |
Legal provision for granting patents on: Medical Equipment | MEDS4_01_02_04 |
TRIPS legislated through national legislation | MEDS4_01_04 |
Trasitional period eligibility | MEDS4_01_06 |
Compulsory Licensing | MEDS4_01_07_01 |
Bolar exemption | MEDS4_01_07_02 |
Parallel importing | MEDS4_01_08 |
Legal provisions related to: Data exclusivity | MEDS4_01_10 |
Legal provisions related to: Patent Extension | MEDS4_01_11 |
Legal provisions for the linkage between patent status and market authorization | MEDS4_01_12 |
Number of licensed pharmaceutical manufacturers | MEDS4_02_01 |
Manufacturing capacity: R&D new API | MEDS4_02_02_01 |
Manufacturing capacity: Production API | MEDS4_02_02_02 |
Manufacturing capacity: Production formulations | MEDS4_02_02_03 |
Manufacturing capacity: Repackaging of finished dose forms | MEDS4_02_02_04 |
Market share of domestic manufacturers by value (%) | MEDS4_02_03 |
Market share of domestic manufactures by volume (%) | MEDS4_02_05 |
Existence of formal Medicines Regulatory Authority | MEDS5010200 |
Website of the formal Medicines Regulatory Authority | MEDS5010700 |
Market Authorization for all pharmaceutical products required | MEDS5020100 |
Number of registered pharmaceutical products | MEDS5020600 |
Registration Fee pharmaceutical containing New Chemical Entity | MEDS5021700S |
Registration Fee generic pharmaceutical product | MEDS5021800S |
Inspectors are allowed to inspect premises where pharmaceutical activities are performed | MEDS5030200 |
Pharmaceutical manufacturers must comply with Good Manufacturing Practices | MEDS5050200 |
Licensing private pharmacies obligatory | MEDS5050900 |
National Quality Control Laboratory exists | MEDS5060200 |
Legal provisions control promoting and advertising of prescription medicine | MEDS5070100 |
Ban on Direct to Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising | MEDS5070300 |
Legal provisions exist requiring authorization for conducting Clinical Trials by the MRA | MEDS5080100 |
Annual consumption of Morphine (mg/capita) | MEDS5090300 |
National pharmacovigilance centre linked to the MRA exists | MEDS5100400 |
Number of reports submitted in the last two year by the pharmacovigilance centre | MEDS5100800 |
Legal provisions for establishing MRA | MEDS5_01_01 |
Formal medicines regulatory authority exists | MEDS5_01_02 |
MRA part of MoH | MEDS5_01_04_01 |
MRA semi-autonomous | MEDS5_01_04_02 |
Function of MRA: Market Authorization | MEDS5_01_05_01 |
Function of MRA: Inspection | MEDS5_01_05_02 |
Function of MRA: Import Control | MEDS5_01_05_03 |
Function of MRA: Licensing | MEDS5_01_05_04 |
Function of MRA: Market control | MEDS5_01_05_05 |
Function of MRA: Quality control | MEDS5_01_05_06 |
Function of MRA: Advertising | MEDS5_01_05_07 |
Function of MRA: Clinical trials | MEDS5_01_05_08 |
Function of MRA: Pharmacovigilance | MEDS5_01_05_09 |
Medicines regulatory authority has it own website | MEDS5_01_07 |
MRA receives external technical assistance | MEDS5_01_08 |
MRA involved in harmonization / collaboration activities | MEDS5_01_09 |
Assessment of medicines regulatory system conducted in last 5 years | MEDS5_01_10 |
Funding of MRA: Government | MEDS5_01_11 |
Funding of MRA: Fees for service | MEDS5_01_12 |
Funding of MRA: Other funding | MEDS5_01_13 |
Funding of MRA: Revenues derived from RA kept in RA | MEDS5_01_14 |
RA uses computerized information management system | MEDS5_01_15 |
Market authorization for all pharmaceutical products is required | MEDS5_02_01 |
Mechnaisms for exceptions / waiver of registration | MEDS5_02_02 |
Mutual recognition | MEDS5_02_03 |
Public transparency of criteria for MA application assessment | MEDS5_02_04 |
WHO prequalification programme information used for product registration | MEDS5_02_05 |
Number of registered pharmaceuticals | MEDS5_02_06 |
List of pharmaceuticals with defined periodicity required to be publicly available | MEDS5_02_07 |
Medicines registration includes INN | MEDS5_02_08 |
Fee required for Marketing Authorization applications | MEDS5_02_09 |
Fee for pharmaceuticals containing new chemical entity | MEDS5_02_17 |
Registration fee generic pharmaceutical product | MEDS5_02_18 |
Legal provisions for the appointment of government pharmaceutical officials | MEDS5_03_01 |
Inspectors are allowed to inspect premises where pharmaceutical activities are performed | MEDS5_03_02 |
Inspection a pre-requisite for licensing of: Public | MEDS5_03_03_01 |
Inspection a pre-requisite for licensing of: Private | MEDS5_03_03_02 |
Inspection requirements the same for public and private facilities | MEDS5_03_04 |
Local manufacturers - GMP compliance | MEDS5_03_05_01 |
Private Wholesalers | MEDS5_03_05_02 |
Retail distributors | MEDS5_03_05_03 |
Public pharmacies and stores | MEDS5_03_05_04 |
Pharmacies and dispensing points of health facilities | MEDS5_03_05_05 |
Authorization to import medicines required | MEDS5_04_01 |
Sampling of imported products for testing permitted | MEDS5_04_02 |
Importation of medicines through authorized ports of entry | MEDS5_04_03 |
Inspection of pharmaceutical products at authorized ports of entry permitted | MEDS5_04_04 |
Licensing required for: Manufacturers | MEDS5_05_01 |
Pharmaceutical manufacturers must comply good manufacturing practices | MEDS5_05_02 |
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) published | MEDS5_05_03 |
Licensing required for: Importers | MEDS5_05_04 |
Licensing required for: Wholesalers | MEDS5_05_05 |
Wholesalers and distributors to comply with Good Distribution Practices | MEDS5_05_06 |
National Good Distribution Practice requirements published | MEDS5_05_07 |
Pharmacists to be registered | MEDS5_05_08 |
Licensing private pharmacies obligatory | MEDS5_05_09 |
Licensing required for: public pharmacies | MEDS5_05_10 |
National Good Pharmacy Practice Guidelines published | MEDS5_05_11 |
List of all licensed pharmaceutical facilities (publication legally required) | MEDS5_05_12 |
Legislation supports Pharmaceutical market regulation | MEDS5_06_01 |
Quality control testing laboratory is available | MEDS5_06_02 |
Quality control laboratory is part of medication regulatory authority | MEDS5_06_02_01 |
Testing services contracted out by regulatory authority | MEDS5_06_02_02 |
For quality monitoring in public sector (pharmacy stores and health facilities) | MEDS5_06_04_01 |
For quality monitoring in private sector (retail outlets) | MEDS5_06_04_02 |
When there are complaints / problems | MEDS5_06_04_03 |
For product registration | MEDS5_06_04_04 |
For public procurement prequalification | MEDS5_06_04_05 |
For public program products prior to acceptance and/or distribution | MEDS5_06_04_06 |
Number of quality control samples tested in past two years | MEDS5_06_06 |
Number of samples that failed the testing in two years | MEDS5_06_07 |
Legal provisions control promoting and advertising of prescription medicine | MEDS5_07_01 |
Ban on direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising | MEDS5_07_03 |
Pre-approval for medicines advertisements and promotional materials required | MEDS5_07_04 |
Guidelines for advertising and promotion of non-prescription medicines | MEDS5_07_05 |
Code of conduct for advertising by MA holders exists and is publicly available | MEDS5_07_06 |
Code of conduct applies to: Both | MEDS5_07_06_01 |
Voluntary adherence to code | MEDS5_07_06_02 |
Code contains formal process for complaints and sanctions | MEDS5_07_06_03 |
Up to date list of complaints and sanctions publicly available | MEDS5_07_06_04 |
Legal provisions exist requiring authorization for conducting clinical trials by the medical regulatory authority | MEDS5_08_01 |
Clinical Trials require ethics committee/institutional review board approval | MEDS5_08_02 |
Registration of clinical trials in international/national/regional registry | MEDS5_08_03 |
Single convention on narcotic drugs, 1961 | MEDS5_09_01_01 |
The 1972 protocol amending the single convention on narcotic drugs, 1961 | MEDS5_09_01_02 |
Convention on psychotropic substances, 1971 | MEDS5_09_01_03 |
United nations convention against the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, 1988 | MEDS5_09_01_04 |
Laws for the control of narcotic and psychotropic substances, and precursors exist | MEDS5_09_02 |
Annual morphine consumption (mg/capita) | MEDS5_09_03 |
PV activities legally established within MRA mandate | MEDS5_10_01 |
MA holders required to continuously monitor safety of products and report to MRA | MEDS5_10_02 |
Legal provisions for monitoring of ADR exist | MEDS5_10_03 |
National pharmacovigilance center linked to the medicines regulatory authority | MEDS5_10_04 |
Number of reports submitted in the last two years by the national pharmacovigilance center | MEDS5_10_04_02 |
NPC publishes ADR bulletin | MEDS5_10_04_03 |
No. of ADRs on database | MEDS5_10_07 |
Number of reports of adverse drug reactions submitted in the last two years by the national pharmacovigilance center | MEDS5_10_08 |
No. of ADRs submitted to Uppsala database | MEDS5_10_09_01 |
Children <5 years receive free medicines | MEDS6010102 |
Pregnant women receive free medicines | MEDS6010103 |
All medicines included in the EML | MEDS6010201 |
Social (health) fund is providing at least partial medicine coverage | MEDS6010300 |
System in place to monitor prices of medicines | MEDS6030100 |
Duties on imported active pharmaceutical ingredients | MEDS6060100 |
Duties on imported finished pharmaceutical products | MEDS6060200 |
Value Added Tax is levied on finished pharmaceuticals products | MEDS6060300 |
Patients who cannot afford them received free medicines | MEDS6_01_01_01 |
Children under 5 receive free medicines | MEDS6_01_01_02 |
Pregnant women receive free medicines | MEDS6_01_01_03 |
Elderly received free medicines | MEDS6_01_01_04 |
All essential medicines are free | MEDS6_01_02_01 |
Free medicines for any non communicable diseases | MEDS6_01_02_02 |
Free medicines for Malaria | MEDS6_01_02_03 |
Free medicines for TB | MEDS6_01_02_04 |
Free medicines for STD | MEDS6_01_02_05 |
Free medicines for HIV | MEDS6_01_02_06 |
Free vaccines for EPI | MEDS6_01_02_07 |
National or social health insurance providing at least partial medicines coverage | MEDS6_01_03 |
Providing medicines that are on the Essential Medicines List for inpatients | MEDS6_01_03_01 |
Providing medicines that are on the Essential Medicines List for outpatients | MEDS6_01_03_02 |
Private health insurance schemes provide medicines coverage | MEDS6_01_04 |
Private health insurance provides coverage for medicines which are on the EML | MEDS6_01_04_01 |
Co-payments/ fee requirements for consultations | MEDS6_02_01 |
Co-payments/ fee requirements for medicines | MEDS6_02_02 |
Revenues from fees used to pay salaries of health workers | MEDS6_02_03 |
Medicine pricing regulations | MEDS6_03_01 |
Pricing provisions aimed at: Manufacturers | MEDS6_03_01_01 |
Pricing provisions aimed at: Wholesalers | MEDS6_03_01_02 |
Pricing provisions aimed at: Retailers | MEDS6_03_01_03 |
Duties on active pharmaceutical ingredients | MEDS6_06_01 |
Duties on finished pharmaceutical products | MEDS6_06_02 |
Value added taxes on pharmaceutical products | MEDS6_06_03 |
Duty rate on active pharmaceutical ingredients | MEDS6_06_07 |
Duty rate on finished pharmaceutical products | MEDS6_06_08 |
Value added taxes rate | MEDS6_06_09 |
Public sector tender awards are publicly available | MEDS7010400 |
Availability of key medicines at the Central Medical Store in percentage (%) | MEDS7020900S |
Public sector procurement is decentralized | MEDS7_01_01_01 |
Public sector procurement is decentralized and centralized | MEDS7_01_01_02 |
Public sector procurement is the reponsibility of procurement agency that is part of MOH | MEDS7_01_02_01 |
Public sector procurement is the reponsibility of procurement agency that is semi autonomous | MEDS7_01_02_02 |
Public sector procurement is the reponsibility of procurement agency that is autonomous | MEDS7_01_02_03 |
A government procurement agency procures all public goods | MEDS7_01_02_04 |
Public sector requests for tender documents are publicly available | MEDS7_01_03 |
Public sector awards are publicly available | MEDS7_01_04 |
Procurement is based on prequalification of suppliers | MEDS7_01_05 |
The government supply system department has a central medical store | MEDS7_02_01 |
There are national guidelines on Good Distribution Practices | MEDS7_02_03 |
There is a licensing authority that issues GDP licenses | MEDS7_02_04 |
The licensing authority accredits public distribution facilities | MEDS7_02_04_01 |
A list of GDP certified warehouses in the public sector exists | MEDS7_02_05 |
A list of GDP certified distributors in the public sector exists | MEDS7_02_06 |
Availability of key medicines at the central medical store | MEDS7_02_09 |
Legal provisions exist for licensing wholesales in private sector | MEDS7_03_01 |
Legal provisions exist for licensing distributors in private sector | MEDS7_03_02 |
A list of GDP certified wholsesalers in the private sector exists | MEDS7_03_03 |
A list of GDP certified distributors in the private sector exists | MEDS7_03_04 |
National Essential Medicine List exists | MEDS8010100 |
Standard Treatment Guidelines for common illnesses are made by Ministry of Health | MEDS8010200 |
National Standard Treatment Guidelines specific to paediatric conditions exist | MEDS8010500 |
National Medicines Information Center provides information on medicines | MEDS8010800 |
Existence of National strategy to contain antimicrobial resistance | MEDS8011200 |
Public sector | MEDS8021201 |
Private sector | MEDS8021202 |
Substitution of generic equivalents at the point of dispensing in public sector facilities is allowed | MEDS8030400 |
Substitution of generic equivalents at the point of dispensing in private sector facilities is allowed | MEDS8030500 |
Essential medicines list exists | MEDS8_01_01 |
Number of medicines on essential medicines list | MEDS8_01_01_01 |
Written process for selecting medicines on the EML | MEDS8_01_01_02 |
Written process is publicly available | MEDS8_01_01_03 |
Mechanism to align EML and STG | MEDS8_01_01_04 |
Standard treatment guidelines for common illnesses produced by the ministry of health | MEDS8_01_02 |
STG specific to primary care exists | MEDS8_01_03 |
STG specific to secondary care exists | MEDS8_01_04 |
National standard treatment guidelines for children | MEDS8_01_05 |
% of public health facilities with copy EML (mean) | MEDS8_01_06 |
% of public health facilities with copy STG (mean) | MEDS8_01_07 |
National medicines information center exists | MEDS8_01_08 |
Public education campaigns on rational medicine use topics have been conducted in previous two years | MEDS8_01_09 |
A survey on rational medicine use has been conducted in the previous two years | MEDS8_01_10 |
A national committee exists to monitor and promote rational use of medicines | MEDS8_01_11 |
National strategy to contain antimicrobial resistance exists | MEDS8_01_12 |
AMR strategy has been updated in 2010 or later | MEDS8_01_12_01 |
EML includes formulations specific for children | MEDS8_01_14 |
There are explicitly documented criteria for the selection of medicines on the EML | MEDS8_01_15 |
There is a formal committee for the selection of products on the EML | MEDS8_01_16 |
Conflict of interest declarations are required from members of national EML committee | MEDS8_01_16_01 |
National medicines formulary exists | MEDS8_01_17 |
Existence of a funded national intersectoral taskforce to coordinate the promotion of appropriate use of antimicrobials | MEDS8_01_18 |
A national reference lab has responsibility for coordinating epidemiological surveillance of AMR | MEDS8_01_19 |
Legal provisions exist to govern the licensing and prescribing practices of prescriber | MEDS8_02_01 |
Legal provisions exist to restrict dispensing by prescribers | MEDS8_02_02 |
Prescribers in the private sector dispense medicine | MEDS8_02_03 |
Regulations require hospitals to organize/develop DTCs | MEDS8_02_04 |
More than half of referral hospital have a DTC | MEDS8_02_05 |
More than half of general hospitals have a DTC | MEDS8_02_06 |
More than half of regions/provinces have a DTC | MEDS8_02_07 |
Core medical training includes: concept of EML | MEDS8_02_08_01 |
Core medical training includes: Use for STGS | MEDS8_02_08_02 |
Core medical training includes: Pharmacovigilance | MEDS8_02_08_03 |
Core medical training includes: Problem based pharmacotherapy | MEDS8_02_08_04 |
Mandatory continuing education that includes pharmaceutical issues is required for doctors | MEDS8_02_09 |
Mandatory continuing education that includes pharmaceutical issues is required for nurses | MEDS8_02_10 |
Mandatory continuing education that includes pharmaceutical issues is required for paramedical staff | MEDS8_02_11 |
Public sector generic prescribing is obligatory | MEDS8_02_12_01 |
Private sector generic prescribing is obligatory | MEDS8_02_12_02 |
Average number of medicines prescribed per patient contact in public health facilities | MEDS8_02_13 |
% of medicines prescribed in outpatient public health care facilities that are on the EML | MEDS8_02_14 |
Percentage of medicines in outpatient public health care facilities that are prescribed by INN name | MEDS8_02_15 |
Percentage of patients in outpatient public health care facilities receiving antibiotics | MEDS8_02_16 |
Percentage of patients in outpatient public health care facilities receiving injections | MEDS8_02_17 |
Percentage of medicines adequately labelled in public health facilities | MEDS8_02_19 |
Diarrhoea in children treated with ORS | MEDS8_02_23 |
Legal provisions exist to govern dispensing practices of pharmaceutical personnel | MEDS8_03_01 |
Core pharmacist training includes: EML | MEDS8_03_02_01 |
Core pharmacist training includes: Use of STG | MEDS8_03_02_02 |
Core pharmacist training includes: drug information | MEDS8_03_02_03 |
Core pharmacist training includes: clinical pharmacology | MEDS8_03_02_04 |
Core pharmacist training includes: medicines supply management | MEDS8_03_02_05 |
Mandatory continuing education that includes rational use of medicines is required for pharmacists | MEDS8_03_03 |
Generic substitution permitted in public sector | MEDS8_03_04 |
Generic substitution permitted in private sector | MEDS8_03_05 |
Antibiotics are sometimes sold OTC without prescription | MEDS8_03_06 |
Injectables are sometimes sold OTC without prescription | MEDS8_03_07 |
Nurses sometimes prescribe prescription-only medicines | MEDS8_03_10_01 |
Pharmacists sometimes prescribe prescription-only medicines | MEDS8_03_10_02 |
Paramedics sometimes prescribe prescription-only medicines | MEDS8_03_10_03 |
Personnel with less than one month training sometimes prescribe prescription-only medicines | MEDS8_03_10_04 |
Number of suspected meningitis deaths reported | MENING_1 |
Number of suspected meningitis cases reported | MENING_2 |
Number of meningitis epidemic districts | MENING_3 |
Mental health policy | MH_1 |
Mental health outpatient facilities (per 100 000 population) | MH_10 |
Mental health day treatment facilities (per 100 000 population) | MH_11 |
Age-standardized suicide rates (per 100 000 population) | MH_12 |
Beds for mental health in general hospitals (per 100 000 population) | MH_13 |
Community residential facilities (per 100 000 population) | MH_14 |
Beds in community residential facilities (per 100 000 population) | MH_15 |
Beds in mental hospitals (per 100 000 population) | MH_16 |
Mental hospitals (per 100 000 population) | MH_17 |
Mental health units in general hospitals (per 100 000 population) | MH_18 |
Mental hospital admissions (per 100 000 population) | MH_19 |
Mental health plan | MH_2 |
Outpatient visits (per 100 000 population) | MH_20 |
Total workforce in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_21 |
Occupational therapists in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_22 |
Other non-specialized doctors in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_23 |
Mental health units in general hospitals admissions (per 100 000 population) | MH_24 |
Stand-alone policy or plan for mental health | MH_25 |
Year the law was enacted (latest revision) | MH_26 |
Publication year of the policy or plan (latest revision) | MH_27 |
Stand-alone law for mental health | MH_3 |
Government expenditures on mental health as a percentage of total government expenditures on health (%) | MH_4 |
Government expenditures on mental hospitals as a percentage of total government expenditures on mental health (%) | MH_5 |
Psychiatrists working in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_6 |
Nurses working in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_7 |
Social workers working in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_8 |
Psychologists working in mental health sector (per 100 000 population) | MH_9 |
Adolescent mortality rate (per 100 000 population) | MORTADO |
Number of deaths | MORT_100 |
Deaths per 1 000 live births | MORT_200 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged < 5 years (%) | MORT_300 |
Deaths per 100 000 population | MORT_400 |
Number of deaths | MORT_500 |
Mortality - deaths (country) | MORT_58 |
Mortality - population (country) | MORT_59 |
Projection of number of deaths | MORT_600 |
Mortality - crude death rate per 100 000 population | MORT_61 |
Mortality - live births (country) | MORT_63 |
Projection of deaths per 100 000 population | MORT_700 |
Number of maternal deaths | MORT_MATERNALNUM |
Current cigarette smoking, age-standardised | M_Est_cig_curr |
Current cigarette smoking, crude adjusted | M_Est_cig_curr_crude |
Daily cigarette smoking, age-standardised | M_Est_cig_daily |
Daily cigarette smoking, crude adjusted | M_Est_cig_daily_crude |
Current tobacco smoking, age-standardised | M_Est_tob_curr |
Current tobacco smoking, crude adjusted | M_Est_tob_curr_crude |
Daily tobacco smoking, age-standardised | M_Est_tob_daily |
Daily tobacco smoking, crude adjusted | M_Est_tob_daily_crude |
Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies | M_Group |
Adult indicator 1 rate | M_def_1_prev_adult |
Youth indicator 1 rate | M_def_1_prev_youth |
Adult indicator 1 definition | M_def_1_text_adult |
Youth indicator 1 definition | M_def_1_text_youth |
Adult indicator 2 rate | M_def_2_prev_adult |
Youth indicator 2 rate | M_def_2_prev_youth |
Adult indicator 2 definition | M_def_2_text_adult |
Youth indicator 2 definition | M_def_2_text_youth |
Adult survey age range - smokeless | M_smkless_age_range_adult |
Youth survey age range - smokeless | M_smkless_age_range_youth |
Adult smokeless tobacco use indicator definition | M_smkless_def_text_adult |
Youth smokeless tobacco use indicator definition | M_smkless_def_text_youth |
Adult smokeless tobacco use indicator rate | M_smkless_prev_adult |
Youth smokeless tobacco use indicator rate | M_smkless_prev_youth |
Name of survey of adults - smokeless | M_smkless_survey_title_adult |
Name of survey of youth - smokeless | M_smkless_survey_title_youth |
Representativeness of survey of adults - smokeless | M_smkless_svy_national_adult |
Representativeness of survey of youth - smokeless | M_smkless_svy_national_youth |
Year of survey of adults - smokeless | M_smkless_svy_yr_adult |
Year of survey of youth - smokeless | M_smkless_svy_yr_youth |
Name of survey of adults | M_survey_title_adult |
Name of survey of youth | M_survey_title_youth |
Adult survey age range | M_svy_age_adult |
Youth survey age range | M_svy_age_youth |
Representativeness of survey of adults | M_svy_national_adult |
Representativeness of youth survey | M_svy_national_youth |
Year of latest adult prevalence survey | M_svy_yr_adult |
Year of survey of youth | M_svy_yr_youth |
Probability (%) of dying between age 30 and exact age 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease | NCDMORT3070 |
Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18.5 (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_18A |
Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18.5 (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_18C |
Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_25A |
Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_25C |
Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_30A |
Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_30C |
Mean BMI (kg/m²) (age-standardized estimate) | NCD_BMI_MEAN |
Mean BMI (kg/m²) (crude estimate) | NCD_BMI_MEANC |
Prevalence of thinness among children and adolescents, BMI < -2 standard deviations below the median (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_MINUS2A |
Prevalence of thinness among children and adolescents, BMI < -2 standard deviations below the median (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_MINUS2C |
Prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents, BMI > +1 standard deviations above the median (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_PLUS1A |
Prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents, BMI > +1 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_PLUS1C |
Prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, BMI > +2 standard deviations above the median (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_PLUS2A |
Prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, BMI > +2 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_BMI_PLUS2C |
Cancers, deaths per 100,000 (age-standardized estimate) | NCD_CA |
Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, deaths per 100,000 (age-standardized estimate) | NCD_CARDIO |
General availability of ACE inhibitors in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_ACE |
General availability of Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_ARB |
General availability of acetic acid visualization at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_AceticAcid |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol | NCD_CCS_AlcPlan |
General availability of aspirin (100 mg) in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Aspirin |
General availability of beta blockers in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_BetaBlkrs |
General availability of colon cancer screening at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_BowelCancer |
General availability of breast cancer screening (by palpation or mammogram) at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_BreastCancer |
General availability of bronchodilators in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Bronchodilators |
General availability of CC blockers in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_CCBlkrs |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for chronic respiratory diseases | NCD_CCS_CRDPlan |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cardiovascular diseases | NCD_CCS_CVDPlan |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cancer | NCD_CCS_CancerPlan |
Existence and scope of cancer registry | NCD_CCS_CancerReg |
Existence of population-based cancer registry | NCD_CCS_CancerRegNational |
General availability of cervical cytology at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_CervCy |
General availability of chemotherapy in the public health system | NCD_CCS_Chemo |
General availability of total cholesterol measurement at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_CholMsmt |
Existence of partnerships/collaborations for implementing key activities related to NCDs | NCD_CCS_Collab |
Availability and stage of implementation of guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of diabetes | NCD_CCS_DiabGuide |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for diabetes | NCD_CCS_DiabPlan |
Existence of a diabetes registry | NCD_CCS_DiabetesReg |
General availability of diabetes testing (by blood glucose measurement, OGTT, or HbA1c) at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_DiabetesTest |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce unhealthy diet related to NCDs | NCD_CCS_DietPlan |
Earmarking of taxes from fiscal interventions to influence behaviour change used to fund health promotion programmes or a health promotion foundation | NCD_CCS_Earmarking |
General availability of electrocardiogram at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_Electrocard |
General availability of glibenclamide in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Gliben |
General availability of diabetes testing (by HbA1c) at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_HbA1c |
General availability of hydrocortisone injections in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Hydrocort |
Availability and stage of implementation of guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of raised blood pressure / hypertension | NCD_CCS_HypGuide |
General availability of insulin in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Insulin |
General availability of ipratropium bromide in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Ipratro |
General availability of metformin in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Metformin |
Existence of any policies on marketing of foods to children | NCD_CCS_Mkting |
Existence of a national multisectoral commission, agency or mechanism for NCDs | NCD_CCS_MultisecComm |
Existence of at least one operational multisectoral national policy, strategy or action plan that integrates several noncommunicable diseases and shared risk factors in conformity with the global/regional noncommunicable disease action plans 2013?2020 | NCD_CCS_MultisecNCDPlan |
Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of major NCDs through a primary care approach | NCD_CCS_NCDGuide |
Existence of a set of national NCD indicators and has set time-bound national targets for these indicators | NCD_CCS_NCDIndicators |
Existence of Unit, Branch, or Dept. in Ministry of Health with responsibility for NCDs | NCD_CCS_NCDUnit |
Existence of an Operational Unit, Branch, or Dept. in Ministry of Health with responsibility for NCDs | NCD_CCS_NCDUnit_Operational |
General availability of nicotine replacement therapy in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Nicotine |
General availability of oral morphine in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_OralMorph |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce physical inactivity | NCD_CCS_PAPlan |
Has a STEPS survey or a comprehensive health examination survey every 5 years | NCD_CCS_PM3_Surv |
General availability of prednisolone tabs in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Prednis |
Existence of risk factor surveillance for selected risk factors (harmful alcohol use, diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use) | NCD_CCS_RFSurv |
General availability of radiotherapy in the public health system | NCD_CCS_RadioTherapy |
General availability of renal replacement therapy (by dialysis or transplantation) in the public health system | NCD_CCS_RenalTherapy |
General availability of retinal photocoagulation in the public health system | NCD_CCS_RetinalPho |
Existence of tax on sugar-sweetened beverages | NCD_CCS_SSBTAX |
General availability of salbutamol in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Salb |
Existence of any policies to reduce population salt consumption | NCD_CCS_SaltPol |
Existence of national policies on saturated fatty acids | NCD_CCS_SatFat |
Existence of national policies on saturated fatty acids / trans-fats | NCD_CCS_SatTransFat |
General availability of peak flow measurement spirometry at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_Spirom |
General availability of statins in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Statins |
General availability of steroid inhalers in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Steroid |
Existence of an NCD surveillance and monitoring system in place to enable reporting against the nine global NCD targets | NCD_CCS_SurvMonRep9NCD |
General availability of tamoxifen in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Tamox |
Implementation of fiscal interventions to influence behaviour change | NCD_CCS_Taxes |
General availability of thiazide diuretics in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_Thiazide |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to decrease tobacco use | NCD_CCS_TobPlan |
Existence of national policies on trans-fatty acid elimination | NCD_CCS_TransFat |
General availability of urine testing for albumin | NCD_CCS_UrineAlbumin |
General availability of beta blockers in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_betablockers |
General availability of bone marrow transplantation in the public health system | NCD_CCS_bone_marrow |
Existence of national screening program for breast cancer | NCD_CCS_breastcancerscreening |
Most widely used screening method in national cervical cancer screening program | NCD_CCS_cervicalcancermethod |
Coverage of national cervical cancer screening program (%) | NCD_CCS_cervicalcancerpgmcvg |
Type of national cervical cancer screening program | NCD_CCS_cervicalcancerpgmtype |
Existence of national screening program for cervical cancer | NCD_CCS_cervicalcancerscreening |
General availability of coronary bypass or stenting in the public health system | NCD_CCS_coronary |
General availability of diabetes testing (by blood glucose measurement, OGTT) at the primary health care level | NCD_CCS_diabtest |
General availability of dialysis in the public health system | NCD_CCS_dialysis |
Implementation of diet and/or physical activity public awareness program | NCD_CCS_dietpaaware |
Existence of national HPV vaccination programme | NCD_CCS_hpv |
Existence of an operational, multisectoral national NCD policy, strategy or action plan that integrates several NCDs and their risk factors | NCD_CCS_integNCDplan |
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for oral health | NCD_CCS_oralhealthplan |
Implementation of physical activity public awareness program | NCD_CCS_paaware |
General availability of palliative care in community or home-based care in the public health system | NCD_CCS_palliative_home |
General availability of palliative care in primary health care in the public health system | NCD_CCS_palliative_prim |
General availability of retinal photocoagulation in the public health system | NCD_CCS_photocoag |
General availability of renal replacement by transplantation in the public health system | NCD_CCS_renaltrans |
Provision for secondary prevention of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in more than 50% of public sector health facilities | NCD_CCS_rheum |
Has systems for follow-up/recall to deliver long-term penicillin prophylaxis to patients with rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease | NCD_CCS_rheumfollowup |
Existence of a register of patients who had rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease | NCD_CCS_rheumreg |
Availability of cardiovascular risk stratification in 50% or more primary health care facilities | NCD_CCS_riskstrat |
Provision for care of acute stroke and rehabilitation in more than 50% of public sector health facilities | NCD_CCS_stroke |
General availability of sulphonylurea(s) in the public health sector | NCD_CCS_sulphonylurea |
Existence of a set of time-bound national targets based on WHO guidance | NCD_CCS_targets |
General availability of thrombolytic therapy in the public health system | NCD_CCS_thrombolytic |
Chronic respiratory diseases, deaths per 100,000 (age-standardized estimate) | NCD_CHRON |
All NCDs, deaths per 100,000 (age-standardized estimate) | NCD_DTH_PER |
Total NCD Deaths (in thousands) | NCD_DTH_TOT |
Mean fasting blood glucose (mmol/l) (age-standardized estimate) | NCD_GLUC_01 |
Mean fasting blood glucose (mmol/l) (crude estimate) | NCD_GLUC_02 |
Raised fasting blood glucose (>= 7.0 mmol/L or on medication) (crude estimate) | NCD_GLUC_03 |
Raised fasting blood glucose (>=7.0 mmol/L or on medication)(age-standardized estimate) | NCD_GLUC_04 |
Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18+ years (age-standardized estimate) (%) | NCD_PAA |
Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18+ years (crude estimate) (%) | NCD_PAC |
Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among school going adolescents aged 11-17 (crude estimate) | NCD_PAC_ADO |
NCD deaths under age 60 (percent of all NCD deaths) | NCD_UNDER60 |
NCD deaths under age 70 (percent of all NCD deaths) | NCD_UNDER70 |
Basis for NHA estimate | NHABASIS |
General government expenditure on health as percentage of gross domestic product | NHAGGHEGDP |
Out-of-Pocket expenditure on health as percentage of total health expenditure?? | NHAOOPSTHE |
Prepaid plans as percentage of total health expenditure? | NHAPREPAIDTHE |
Number of full-time equivalent staff in national agency | NTCP_FTE |
National agency for tobacco control exists | NTCP_agcy |
Budget year | NTCP_budget_year |
Reported currency | NTCP_curr |
Annual budget for tobacco control in currency reported | NTCP_govt_exp |
Government objectives on tobacco control exist | NTCP_govt_obj |
Budget year | NTCP_usd |
Number of new reported cases of Buruli ulcer | NTD_1 |
Dracunculiasis certification status of countries at the beginning of the year | NTD_2 |
Year country was certified | NTD_2_YEAR_CERTIFIED |
Annual incidence of dracunculiasis cases | NTD_3 |
Number of new reported cases of human African trypanosomiasis (T.b. gambiense) | NTD_4 |
Number of new reported cases of human African trypanosomiasis (T.b. rhodesiense) | NTD_5 |
Status of elimination of trachoma as a public health problem | NTD_6 |
Population in areas that warrant treatment with antibiotics, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement for elimination of trachoma as a public health problem | NTD_7 |
Number of people who received treatment with antibiotics for trachoma | NTD_8 |
Number of cases of bejel reported | NTD_BEJELNUM |
Status of bejel endemicity | NTD_BEJELSTATUS |
Dracunculiasis cases | NTD_DRACASES |
Status of endemicity of cutaneous leishmaniasis | NTD_LEISHCEND |
Number of cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis reported | NTD_LEISHCNUM |
Number of imported cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis reported | NTD_LEISHCNUM_IM |
Status of endemicity of visceral leishmaniasis | NTD_LEISHVEND |
Number of cases of visceral leishmaniasis reported | NTD_LEISHVNUM |
Number of imported cases of visceral leishmaniasis reported | NTD_LEISHVNUM_IM |
Leprosy - Proportion of new child (less than 15 years of age) cases among new cases | NTD_LEPR10 |
Leprosy - Number of female new cases | NTD_LEPR11 |
Leprosy - Proportion of female new cases among new cases | NTD_LEPR12 |
Leprosy - New cases detection rate per 100 000 population | NTD_LEPR2 |
Leprosy - Number of cases registered for treatment | NTD_LEPR3 |
Leprosy - Registered cases per 10 000 population | NTD_LEPR4 |
Leprosy - Number of new G2D cases | NTD_LEPR5 |
Leprosy - Proportion of new G2D cases among new cases | NTD_LEPR6 |
Leprosy - New leprosy cases with G2D rate per 1 000 000 population | NTD_LEPR7 |
Leprosy - Number of new child (less than 15 years of age) cases | NTD_LEPR8 |
Leprosy - Number of new child (less than 15 years of age) cases detected with G2D | NTD_LEPR9 |
Estimated number of individuals in the country requiring preventive chemotherapy for onchocerciasis | NTD_ONCHEMO |
Status of endemicity of onchocerciasis | NTD_ONCHSTATUS |
Reported number of individuals treated for onchocerciasis | NTD_ONCTREAT |
Number of cases of pinta reported | NTD_PINTANUM |
Status of pinta endemicity | NTD_PINTASTATUS |
Reported number of human rabies deaths | NTD_RAB2 |
Number of people operated for trachomatous trichiasis | NTD_TRA5 |
Status of endemicity of Taenia solium | NTD_TSOL1 |
Presence of porcine cysticercosis | NTD_TSOL2 |
Number of pigs in the country | NTD_TSOL3 |
Practice of backyard pig production | NTD_TSOL4 |
Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index | NTD_TSOL5 |
Population with access to improved sanitation | NTD_TSOL6 |
Status of yaws endemicity | NTD_YAWSEND |
Number of cases of yaws reported | NTD_YAWSNUM |
Overweight numbers (in millions) | NUTOVERWEIGHTNUM |
Overweight prevalence | NUTOVERWEIGHTPREV |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are moderately and severely thin (BMI <17.0) | NUTRITION_0 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are severely thin (BMI <16.0) | NUTRITION_1 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are mildly thin (BMI 17.0-18.49) | NUTRITION_2 |
Proportion of children aged 6-23 months who receive a minimum acceptable diet | NUTRITION_2005 |
Minimum dietary diversity (%) | NUTRITION_2006 |
Minimum meal frequency (%) | NUTRITION_2007 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are moderately thin (BMI 16.0-16.99) | NUTRITION_3 |
Children aged <5 years wasted for age (%) | NUTRITION_564 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are pre-obese (%) (BMI 25.0-29.99) | NUTRITION_565 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are overweight (%) (BMI ? 25.0) | NUTRITION_566 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are in normal range (%) (BMI 18.5-24.99) | NUTRITION_567 |
Prevalence of adults aged ≥ 15 years who are underweight (%) (BMI <18.5) | NUTRITION_568 |
Continued breastfeeding at 1 year (%) | NUTRITION_569 |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (%) | NUTRITION_570 |
Exclusive breastfeeding under 4 months (%) | NUTRITION_571 |
Continued breastfeeding at 2 years (%) | NUTRITION_572 |
Children ever breastfed (%) | NUTRITION_573 |
Duration of any breastfeeding | NUTRITION_574 |
Duration of exclusive breastfeeding | NUTRITION_575 |
Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods and breast milk (%) | NUTRITION_576 |
Bottle feeding rate 0-11.9 months (%) | NUTRITION_577 |
Bottle feeding rate 0-23.9 months (%) | NUTRITION_578 |
Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months (%) | NUTRITION_579 |
Children aged <5 years stunted (% height-for-age <-2 SD) |
Children aged <5 years underweight (% weight-for-age <-2 SD) (%) |
Children aged <5 years overweight (% weight-for-height >+2 SD) |
Children aged <5 years wasted (% weight-for-height <-2 SD) |
Children aged <5 years severely wasted (% weight-for-height <-3 SD) |
Severe wasting numbers (in millions) | NUTSEVWASTINGNUM |
Severe wasting prevalence | NUTSEVWASTINGPREV |
Stunting numbers (in millions) | NUTSTUNTINGNUM |
Stunting prevalence | NUTSTUNTINGPREV |
Underweight numbers (in millions) | NUTUNDERWEIGHTNUM |
Underweight prevalence | NUTUNDERWEIGHTPREV |
Wasting numbers (in millions) | NUTWASTINGNUM |
Wasting prevalence | NUTWASTINGPREV |
Decayed, missing, or filled teeth | OA_DMFT |
Occupational risk factors attributable deaths | OCC_1 |
Occupational carcinogens attributable DALYs (’000) | OCC_10 |
Occupational carcinogens attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | OCC_11 |
Occupational carcinogens attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | OCC_12 |
Occupational noise attributable DALYs (’000) | OCC_13 |
Occupational noise attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | OCC_14 |
Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable deaths | OCC_15 |
Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable DALYs (’000) | OCC_16 |
Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | OCC_17 |
Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | OCC_18 |
Occupational injuries attributable deaths | OCC_19 |
Occupational risk factors attributable DALYs (’000) | OCC_2 |
Occupational injuries attributable DALYs (’000) | OCC_20 |
Occupational injuries attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | OCC_21 |
Occupational injuries attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | OCC_22 |
Occupational risk factors attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | OCC_3 |
Occupational risk factors attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | OCC_4 |
Occupational airborne particulates attributable deaths | OCC_5 |
Occupational airborne particulates attributable DALYs (’000) | OCC_6 |
Occupational airborne particulates attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | OCC_7 |
Occupational airborne particulates attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | OCC_8 |
Occupational carcinogens attributable deaths | OCC_9 |
Donor commitments (Million, constant 2009 US$) | ODA_1 |
Commitments to recipient countries (Million, constant 2009 US$) | ODA_2 |
Donor disbursements (Million, constant 2009 US$) | ODA_3 |
Disbursements to recipient countries (Million, constant 2009 US$) | ODA_4 |
Kidney transplants (absolute number) | ORGANKIDNEYNUM |
Kidney transplants (per million) | ORGANKIDNEYRATE |
Liver transplants (absolute number) | ORGANLIVERNUM |
Liver transplants (per million) | ORGANLIVERRATE |
Population (millions) | ORGANPOP |
Total actual deceased donors (absolute number) | ORGANTOTALDECNUM |
Total actual deceased donors (per million) | ORGANTOTALDECRATE |
Total organs transplanted (absolute number) | ORGANTOTALNUM |
Total organs transplanted (per million) | ORGANTOTALRATE |
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in the community | O_Avail_community |
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in health clinics or other primary care facilities | O_Avail_hlthSPACEclin |
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in health clinics or other primary care facilities | O_Avail_hlth_clin |
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in hospitals | O_Avail_hosp |
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in offices of health professionals | O_Avail_off_hlth_prof |
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in other settings | O_Avail_other |
Bupropion - cost covered | O_Bup_ins |
Bupropion - legally sold | O_Bup_sold |
Bupropion - place available | O_Bup_where |
Offering help to quit tobacco use | O_Group |
Treatment for tobacco dependence in the community cost covered | O_Ins_community |
Treatment for tobacco dependence in health clinics or other primary care facilities cost covered | O_Ins_hlth_clin |
Treatment for tobacco dependence in hospitals cost covered | O_Ins_hosp |
Treatment for tobacco dependence in offices of health professionals cost covered | O_Ins_off_hlth_prof |
Treatment for tobacco dependence in other settings cost covered | O_Ins_other |
Nicotine replacement therapy on the Essential Medicines List | O_NRT_EML |
Nicotine replacement therapy - cost covered | O_NRT_ins |
Nicotine replacement therapy - legally sold | O_NRT_sold |
Nicotine replacement therapy - place available | O_NRT_where |
Access to a toll-free quit line | O_Quitline |
Varenicline - cost covered | O_Varen_ins |
Varenicline - legally sold | O_Varen_sold |
Varenicline - place available | O_Varen_where |
Subnational smoking bans - authority exists | P10_subnat_auth_exists |
National smoking ban: FINES FOR VIOLATIONS | P11_fines_any |
National smoking ban: FINES ON THE ESTABLISHMENT | P12_fines_establishment |
National smoking ban: FINES ON THE PATRON | P13_fines_smoker |
National smoking ban: DEDICATED FUNDS FOR ENFORCEMENT | P14_funds_for_enforce |
National smoking ban: CITIZEN COMPLAINTS AND INVESTIGATIONS | P15_complaints |
Comprehensive bans in place subnationally | P16_subnat_complete_bans_exist |
Compliance of ban on smoking in HEALTH-CARE FACILITIES | P1_compliance |
National smoking ban in HEALTH-CARE FACILITIES | P1_healthcare |
Compliance of ban on smoking in EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES EXCEPT UNIVERSITIES | P2_compliance |
National smoking ban in EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES EXCEPT UNIVERSITIES | P2_education |
Compliance of ban on smoking in UNIVERSITIES | P3_compliance |
National smoking ban in UNIVERSITIES | P3_universities |
Compliance of ban on smoking in GOVERNMENT FACILITIES | P4_compliance |
National smoking ban in GOVERNMENT FACILITIES | P4_govt |
Compliance of ban on smoking in INDOOR OFFICES | P5_compliance |
National smoking ban in INDOOR OFFICES | P5_indoor_off |
Compliance of ban on smoking in RESTAURANTS | P6_compliance |
National smoking ban in RESTAURANTS | P6_restaurants |
Compliance of ban on smoking in PUBS AND BARS | P7_compliance |
National smoking ban in PUBS AND BARS | P7_pubs |
Compliance of ban on smoking in PUBLIC TRANSPORT | P8_compliance |
National smoking ban in PUBLIC TRANSPORT | P8_pub_transp |
National smoking ban in ALL OTHER INDOOR PUBLIC PLACES | P9_all_other |
Pneumoccocal conjugate vaccines (PCV3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | PCV3 |
Compliance with regulations on smoke-free environments (national legislation) | PC_sfe_compliance |
Prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age (%) | PREVANEMIA |
Protecting people from tobacco smoke | P_Group |
National smoking ban: NUMBER OF PLACES SMOKE-FREE | P_count_places_sf |
Comprehensive bans in place subnationally | P_subnat_complete_ban_exists |
Antenatal care attendees who were positive for syphilis (%) | PercposANC |
Men who have sex with men (MSM) with active syphilis (%) | PercposMSM |
Sex workers with active syphilis (%) | PercposSW |
Women accessing antenatal care (ANC) services who were tested for syphilis (%) | PerctestedANC |
Antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment (%) | PerctreatedANC |
Existence of any national radon activity | RADON_Q201 |
Existence of national radon survey(s) | RADON_Q301 |
National radon concentration levels | RADON_Q302 |
Existence of national radon database | RADON_Q303 |
Data in national radon database | RADON_Q303a |
Existence of national radon map | RADON_Q304 |
Existence of national radon action plan | RADON_Q401 |
Existence of national radon action plan - Years covered | RADON_Q401a |
Existence of national radon regulations | RADON_Q402 |
Radon in building regulations for new buildings | RADON_Q403 |
Radon in building regulations for existing buildings i.e. renovation/remodeling/major alteration | RADON_Q404 |
Radon in national drinking-water regulations | RADON_Q405 |
Existence of national reference level for dwellings and buildings with high public occupancy | RADON_Q501 |
Reference level for dwellings and buildings with high public occupancy (Bq/m3) | RADON_Q501b |
Existence of national reference level for workplaces | RADON_Q502 |
Reference level for workplaces (Bq/m3) | RADON_Q502b |
Existence of official protocols for radon measurements | RADON_Q601 |
Radon concentration measurements for new buildings | RADON_Q602 |
Radon concentration measurements for existing buildings | RADON_Q603 |
Authorization/accreditation required for official radon measurement providers | RADON_Q604 |
Mandatory preventive measures (new buildings) | RADON_Q701 |
Mandatory mitigation measures if legal value is exceeded (existing buildings) | RADON_Q702 |
Financial support provided for mitigation (existing dwellings) | RADON_Q703 |
Authorization/accreditation required for prevention/mitigation service providers | RADON_Q704 |
Official standards/guidelines for prevention/mitigation | RADON_Q705 |
Existence of training/education on prevention/mitigation | RADON_Q706 |
Existence of national radon risk communication strategy | RADON_Q801 |
Inclusion of radon measurements in property transactions | RADON_Q802 |
Inclusion of radon in national cancer control strategy | RADON_Q803 |
Inclusion of radon in national lung cancer reporting and screening strategy | RADON_Q804 |
Inclusion of radon in national tobacco control strategy | RADON_Q805 |
Inclusion of radon in national indoor air quality strategy | RADON_Q806 |
Inclusion of radon in national energy conservation strategy | RADON_Q807 |
Intimate partner violence prevalence among ever partnered women (%) | RHR_IPV |
Non-partner sexual violence prevalence (%) | RHR_NPSV |
Rotavirus vaccines completed dose (RotaC) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | ROTAC |
Point prevalence (%), alcohol use disorders, 15+ years | RSUD_1 |
National survey on substance use among children and adolescents | RSUD_10 |
Government unit/official responsible for prevention for substance use | RSUD_100 |
Data on substance use disorders disseminated in national annual reports | RSUD_11 |
Ministry/office that takes primary responsibility for prevention for substance use | RSUD_110 |
Substance use policy at the national level | RSUD_12 |
Five years change in international cooperation for prevention for substance use | RSUD_120 |
Substance use policy at the national level, level of integration | RSUD_13 |
Government unit/official responsible for treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_130 |
Policy documents on the pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_14 |
Ministry/office that takes primary responsibility for treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_140 |
Guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_15 |
Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and formulation of policies and strategies for treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_150 |
Legislative provision for treatment and rehabilitation of substance use disorders | RSUD_16 |
Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and implementation of national programmes for treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_160 |
Legislative provision for compulsory treatment | RSUD_17 |
Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and formulation of policies and strategies for prevention for alcohol and drugs | RSUD_170 |
Drug courts | RSUD_18 |
Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and implementation of national programmes for prevention for alcohol and drugs | RSUD_180 |
Programmes diverting clients from the justice system towards treatment | RSUD_19 |
Five years change in international cooperation for treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_190 |
Point prevalence (%), drug use disorders, 15+ years | RSUD_2 |
Confidentiality of health records on substance use disorders protected by law | RSUD_20 |
Confidentiality of people in treatment for substance use disorders | RSUD_200 |
Government unit for substance use disorder treatment | RSUD_21 |
Voluntary treatment for people with alcohol use disorders in the criminal justice system | RSUD_210 |
Budget line for substance use disorder treatment | RSUD_22 |
Voluntary treatment for people with drug use disorders in the criminal justice system | RSUD_220 |
Financing method for substance use disorder treatment | RSUD_23 |
Compulsory treatment for people with alcohol use disorders in the criminal justice system | RSUD_230 |
Treatment services for alcohol use disorders, free of charge | RSUD_24 |
Compulsory treatment for people with drug use disorders in the criminal justice system | RSUD_240 |
Treatment services for drug use disorders, free of charge | RSUD_25 |
Five-year change in government resources for prevention for substance use | RSUD_250 |
Governement benefits for persons with substance use disorders | RSUD_26 |
Five-year change in government resources for treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_260 |
Government benefits for alcohol use disorders, subsidy or disability pension | RSUD_27 |
Financing methods for treatment for alcohol use disorders | RSUD_270 |
Government benefits for drug use disorders, subsidy or disability pension | RSUD_28 |
Financing methods for treatment for drug use disorders | RSUD_280 |
Sector for inpatient detoxification of alcohol use disorders | RSUD_29 |
Hypothecated taxes to be spent on prevention and treatment for substance use disorders | RSUD_290 |
Age-standardized death rates, alcohol and drug use disorders, per 100 000 | RSUD_3 |
Sector for inpatient treatment of alcohol dependence | RSUD_30 |
Government benefits for people with alcohol use disorders | RSUD_300 |
Sector for outpatient treatment of alcohol dependence | RSUD_31 |
Government benefits for people with drug use disorders | RSUD_310 |
Sector for the treatment of alcohol-induced psychoses and other alcohol-induced psychiatric conditions | RSUD_32 |
Main sector for treatment for alcohol use disorders | RSUD_320 |
Sector for residential long-term rehabilitation of alcohol use disorders | RSUD_33 |
Main sector for treatment for drug use disorders | RSUD_330 |
Sector for inpatient detoxification of drug use disorders | RSUD_34 |
Treatment programmes for children and adolescents with alcohol use disorders | RSUD_340 |
Sector for inpatient treatment of drug dependence | RSUD_35 |
Treatment programmes for children and adolescents with drug use disorders | RSUD_350 |
Sector for outpatient treatment of drug dependence | RSUD_36 |
Specialized treatment facilities for substance use disorders | RSUD_360 |
Sector for substitution maintenance therapy of opioid dependence | RSUD_37 |
Specialized treatment facilities for alcohol use disorders | RSUD_370 |
Sector for residential long-term rehabilitation of drug use disorders | RSUD_38 |
Specialized treatment facilities for drug use disorders | RSUD_380 |
Treatment system for substance use disorders | RSUD_39 |
Self-help groups | RSUD_390 |
Age-standardized death rates, drug use disorders, per 100 000 | RSUD_4 |
Treatment setting for substance use disorders, most common | RSUD_40 |
Main substance at treatment entry | RSUD_400 |
Specialized treatment services for drug use disoders and HIV/AIDS | RSUD_41 |
Reported treatment coverage for substance dependence | RSUD_410 |
Specialized treatment services for substance use disorders and TB | RSUD_42 |
Guidelines on pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders | RSUD_420 |
Open access services for substance use disorders | RSUD_43 |
Pharmacotherapy with methadone | RSUD_430 |
Treatment slots for alcohol and drug use disorders, outpatient, per 10 000 | RSUD_44 |
Pharmacotherapy with buprenorphine | RSUD_440 |
Beds for the treatment of substance use disorders, per 100 000 | RSUD_45 |
Pharmacotherapy with buprenorphine/naloxone | RSUD_450 |
Length of stay for inpatient detoxification, days | RSUD_46 |
Access restrictions to maintenance treatment | RSUD_460 |
Length of stay for inpatient short-term treatment, days | RSUD_47 |
Timeframe for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence | RSUD_470 |
Length of stay for inpatient long-term residential treatment, days | RSUD_48 |
Registration of medications for alcohol dependence and withdrawal | RSUD_480 |
Opioid agonist pharmacotherapy for the treatment of opioid dependence (detoxification or maintenance) | RSUD_49 |
Registration of medications for opioid dependence | RSUD_490 |
Age-standardized DALYs, alcohol and drug use disorders, per 100 000 | RSUD_5 |
Timeframe of opioid agonist treatment | RSUD_50 |
Registration of medications for opioid withdrawal | RSUD_500 |
Methadone used for the treatment of opioid dependence | RSUD_51 |
Registration of naloxone for injection for opioid overdose | RSUD_510 |
Methadone used for detoxification or maintenance | RSUD_52 |
Availability of naloxone | RSUD_520 |
Methadone formulation used for the treatment of opiod dependence | RSUD_53 |
Screening and brief intervention for substance use in primary health care | RSUD_530 |
Buprenorphine used for the treatment of opioid dependence | RSUD_54 |
Screening and brief intervention for substance use in antenatal services | RSUD_540 |
Buprenorphine used for detoxification or maintenance | RSUD_55 |
Recommendations for screening and brief interventions for substance use in primary health care | RSUD_550 |
Buprenorphine/naloxone used for the treatment of opioid dependence | RSUD_56 |
Recommendations for screening and brief interventions for substance use in antenatal services | RSUD_560 |
Buprenorphine/naloxone used for detoxification or maintenance | RSUD_57 |
Groups and agencies involved in prevention programs | RSUD_570 |
Methadone provision in clinical and community-based settings | RSUD_58 |
Prevention programmes for alcohol | RSUD_580 |
Buprenorphine provision in clinical and community-based settings | RSUD_59 |
Prevention programmes for specific populations for alcohol | RSUD_590 |
Age-standardized DALYs, drug use disorders, per 100 000 | RSUD_6 |
Buprenorphine/naloxone provision in clinical and community-based settings | RSUD_60 |
Prevention programmes for drugs | RSUD_600 |
Supervision requirements for methadone administration | RSUD_61 |
Prevention programmes for specific populations for drugs | RSUD_610 |
Supervision requirements for buprenorphine administration | RSUD_62 |
HIV, Hepatitis counselling and treatment availability in specialized facilities and services | RSUD_620 |
Supervision requirements for buprenorphine/naloxone administration | RSUD_63 |
Programmes readily available | RSUD_630 |
Prescription requirements for methadone | RSUD_64 |
Standards of treatment and care for public specialized treatment facilities | RSUD_640 |
Prescription requirements for buprenorphine | RSUD_65 |
Special treatment programmes for gambling disorder | RSUD_650 |
Prescription requirements for buprenorphine/naloxone | RSUD_66 |
Treatment programmes for women with alcohol use disorders | RSUD_660 |
Commencement of treatment with opioid agonists | RSUD_67 |
Treatment programmes for women with drug use disorders | RSUD_670 |
Pharmacotherapy used for the management of alcohol withdrawal | RSUD_68 |
Special housing services for alcohol use disorders | RSUD_680 |
Pharmacotherapy used for the management of benzodiazepine withdrawal | RSUD_69 |
Special housing services for drug use disorders | RSUD_690 |
Psychoactive substance causing entry into treatment | RSUD_7 |
Pharmacotherapy used for the management of cannabis withdrawal | RSUD_70 |
Employment services for alcohol use disorders | RSUD_700 |
Essential list of medicines | RSUD_71 |
Employment services for drug use disorders | RSUD_710 |
Essential list of medicines, pharmacotherapy for substance use disorders | RSUD_72 |
Open access interventions for alcohol | RSUD_720 |
Government unit for substance use disorder prevention | RSUD_73 |
Open access interventions for drugs | RSUD_730 |
Budget line for substance use disorder prevention | RSUD_74 |
Health professionals providing treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders | RSUD_740 |
Funding method for substance use disorder prevention | RSUD_75 |
Standards of care for professionals providing treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders | RSUD_750 |
Prevention activities for substance use disorders, main focus | RSUD_76 |
Educational attainment in prevention | RSUD_760 |
Programmes for the prevention of substance use disorders for special populations | RSUD_77 |
Postgraduate training programme in prevention | RSUD_770 |
Screening and brief interventions for substance use and substance use disorders | RSUD_78 |
Continuing professional development in prevention | RSUD_780 |
Harm reduction programmes for IDUs | RSUD_79 |
Educational attainment in treatment | RSUD_790 |
Epidemiological data collection system for substance use disorders | RSUD_8 |
Health professionals mostly involved in treatment of substance use disorders | RSUD_80 |
Postgraduate training programme in treatment | RSUD_800 |
Clinical supervision of health care staff | RSUD_81 |
Continuing professional development in treatment | RSUD_810 |
Standards of care for health professionals | RSUD_82 |
Epidemiological data collection for substance use | RSUD_820 |
Standards of care for health professionals, maintenance | RSUD_83 |
Service delivery data collection for substance use | RSUD_830 |
Standards of care for health professionals, human rights | RSUD_84 |
Regular reports on epidemiological and service delivery data for substance use | RSUD_840 |
NGOs for alcohol use disorders | RSUD_85 |
System of monitoring alcohol involvement in forensic pathology | RSUD_850 |
NGOs for drug use disorders | RSUD_86 |
System of monitoring drugs involvement in forensic pathology | RSUD_860 |
Self-help groups for substance use disorders | RSUD_87 |
Epidemiological data collection system for substance use among children and adolescents | RSUD_870 |
Groups and agencies for the prevention of substance use disorders | RSUD_88 |
Epidemiological data collection system for substance use among children and adolescents | RSUD_880 |
Opioid agonist pharmacotherapy for the treatment of opioid dependence (maintenance) | RSUD_89 |
Treatment programmes for children and adolescents with alcohol use disorders | RSUD_890 |
Service delivery data collection system for substance use disorders | RSUD_9 |
Treatment programmes for children and adolescents with drug use disorders | RSUD_900 |
Population | RS_1845 |
Income level | RS_193 |
Number of registered vehicles | RS_194 |
Estimated number of road traffic deaths | RS_196 |
Estimated road traffic death rate (per 100 000 population) | RS_198 |
Existence of a national drink-driving law | RS_204 |
Definition of drink-driving by BAC | RS_205 |
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit for drivers | RS_207 |
Attribution of road traffic deaths to alcohol (%) | RS_208 |
Existence of a national seat-belt law | RS_209 |
Applicability of seat-belt law to all occupants | RS_210 |
Seat-belt wearing rate (%) | RS_212 |
Existence of a national child-restraint law | RS_213 |
Existence of national speed limits | RS_214 |
Adaptation of national speed limit at a local level | RS_215 |
Specification of national speed law by vehicle type | RS_216 |
Maximum speed limits | RS_217 |
Existence of a national motorcycle helmet law | RS_218 |
Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all occupants | RS_219 |
Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all road types | RS_221 |
Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all engine types | RS_222 |
Requirement of motorcycle helmet use to adhere to standard | RS_223 |
Law requires helmet to be fastened | RS_223_BIS |
Motorcycle helmet wearing rate (%) | RS_224 |
Existence of a road safety lead agency | RS_225 |
Existence of a national road safety strategy | RS_228 |
Availability of funding for national road safety strategy | RS_229 |
Existence of a national policy on walking and cycling | RS_231 |
Existence of a national policy on public transport | RS_232 |
Existence of road safety audit for all new roads | RS_233 |
Existence of road safety audit for existing roads | RS_234 |
Type of driving tests for new drivers | RS_235 |
Existence of mandatory vehicle insurance | RS_236 |
Existence of a formal pre-hospital care system | RS_237 |
Existence of a universal access telephone number for pre-hospital care | RS_238 |
Reported % of seriously injured patients transported by ambulance | RS_239 |
Training in medical emergency - available for doctors | RS_240 |
Training in medical emergency - available for nurses | RS_241 |
Vehicle standards | RS_242 |
Distribution of road traffic deaths by type of road user (%) | RS_246 |
Gross national income per capita (Atlas method) | RS_576 |
Average - taxes as a % of cigarette price - ad valorem excise | R_Ad_val_average |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - ad valorem excise | R_Ad_val_estimate |
Average - cigarette currency | R_Curr_average |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - currency reported | R_Curr_lowest_cost |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - currency reported | R_Curr_mp |
Premium brand of cigarettes - currency reported | R_Curr_premium_cost |
Raising taxes on tobacco | R_Group |
Average - taxes as a % of cigarette price - other taxes | R_Other_average |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - other taxes | R_Other_estimate |
Average - cigarette price in currency | R_Price_average_curr |
Average - cigarette price in international dollars | R_Price_average_ppp |
Average - cigarette price in US$ at official exchange rates | R_Price_average_usd |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in currency reported | R_Price_lowest_estimate |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars | R_Price_lowest_ppp |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates | R_Price_lowest_usd |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in currency reported | R_Price_mp_estimate |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars | R_Price_mp_ppp |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates | R_Price_mp_usd |
Premium brand of cigarettes - price in currency reported | R_Price_premium_estimate |
Premium brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars | R_Price_premium_ppp |
Premium brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates | R_Price_premium_usd |
Average - taxes as a % of cigarette price - specific excise | R_Sp_excise_average |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - specific excise | R_Sp_excise_estimate |
Average - taxes as a % of cigarette price - value added tax | R_VAT_average |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - value added tax | R_VAT_estimate |
Tax administration: If duty free imports are limited, duty free allowance (number of cigarette sticks) | R_admin_duty_free_allowance |
Tax administration: Bans or limits on duty free imports by travellers | R_admin_duty_free_limited |
Tax administration: Tax stamps applied on tobacco products | R_admin_tax_stamps |
Affordability: % of GDP per capita required to purchase 100 packs of most sold brand (the higher the %, the less affordable) | R_afford_gdp |
Affordability: Cigarettes are less affordable in 2014 compared to 2008 | R_afford_less |
Affordability: Price dispersion: share of cheapest brand price in premium brand price (the higher the % the smaller the gap) | R_afford_price_dispersion |
Affordability: Specific tax component automatically adjusted for inflation (or other) | R_afford_tax_auto_adjust |
Tobacco excises increased over the survey period | R_excise_incr |
Tax structure: Minimum specific tax applied in ad valorem or mixed excise regime | R_excise_min_specific |
Tax structure: Excise tax proportion of price | R_excise_proportion |
Tax structure: Retail price used as base of ad valorem component in ad valorem or mixed excise regime (or retail price exclusive of VAT) | R_excise_retail_price_base |
Tax structure: Greater reliance on specific tax in mixed excise regime | R_excise_specific_reliance |
Tax structure: Type of excise tax applied | R_excise_type |
Tax structure: Uniform excise tax | R_excise_uniform_varied |
Average - taxes as a % of cigarette price - import duties | R_imp_duty_average |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - import duties | R_imp_duty_estimate |
Average - taxes as a % of cigarette price - total tax | R_total_tax_average |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - total tax | R_total_tax_estimate |
Congenital syphilis rate per 100 000 live births | RateCS |
Annual tax revenues - value added tax (vat) and other sales taxes | Rev_VAT |
Annual tax revenues - currency | Rev_curr |
Annual tax revenues - total excise (specific and ad valorem) | Rev_excise |
Annual tax revenues - total revenues | Rev_govt_total |
Annual tax revenues - import duties and all other taxes (excluding corporate taxes on tobacco companies) | Rev_imp_other |
Annual tax revenues - tobacco products included | Rev_type |
Annual tax revenues - year | Rev_year |
Alcohol, consumption of pure alcohol by type of beverage (%) | SA_0000001398 |
Alcohol, consumption of pure alcohol by type of beverage (%) | SA_0000001398_ARCHIVED |
Consumption by type of alcoholic beverage - market share (%) | SA_0000001399 |
Consumption by type of alcoholic beverage - market share (%) | SA_0000001399_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001400 |
Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001400_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average | SA_0000001401 |
Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average | SA_0000001401_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, estimate of five-year change in recorded per capita (15+) consumption 2006-2010 | SA_0000001402 |
Alcohol, estimate of five-year change in recorded per capita (15+) consumption 2006-2010 | SA_0000001402_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, total (recorded 3 year average + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001403 |
Alcohol, total (recorded 3 year average + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001403_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, drinkers only per capita (15+)consumption in litres of pure alcohol | SA_0000001404 |
Alcohol, drinkers only per capita (15+)consumption in litres of pure alcohol | SA_0000001404_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, tourist consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001405 |
Alcohol, tourist consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001405_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001406 |
Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001406_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, abstainers lifetime (%) | SA_0000001409 |
Alcohol, abstainers lifetime (%) | SA_0000001409_ARCHIVED |
Abstainers (15-19 years), lifetime (%) | SA_0000001410 |
Abstainers (15-19 years), lifetime (%) | SA_0000001410_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, abstainers past 12 months (%) | SA_0000001411 |
Alcohol, abstainers past 12 months (%) | SA_0000001411_ARCHIVED |
Abstainers (15-19 years), past 12 months (%) | SA_0000001412 |
Abstainers (15-19 years), past 12 months (%) | SA_0000001412_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, consumers past 12 months (%) | SA_0000001413 |
Alcohol, consumers past 12 months (%) | SA_0000001413_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, former drinkers (%) | SA_0000001414 |
Alcohol, former drinkers (%) | SA_0000001414_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (population) past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001415 |
Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (population) past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001415_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (15+), drinkers only, past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001416 |
Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (15+), drinkers only, past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001416_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, patterns of drinking score | SA_0000001417 |
Alcohol, patterns of drinking score | SA_0000001417_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, alcohol use disorders, per 100,000 | SA_0000001418 |
Age-standardized DALYs, alcohol use disorders, per 100,000 | SA_0000001418_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, breast cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001419 |
Age-standardized DALYs, breast cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001419_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, colon and rectum cancers, per 100,000 | SA_0000001420 |
Age-standardized DALYs, colon and rectum cancers, per 100,000 | SA_0000001420_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, diabetes mellitus, per 100,000 | SA_0000001421 |
Age-standardized DALYs, diabetes mellitus, per 100,000 | SA_0000001421_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, drownings, per 100,000 | SA_0000001422 |
Age-standardized DALYs, drownings, per 100,000 | SA_0000001422_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, falls, per 100,000 | SA_0000001423 |
Age-standardized DALYs, falls, per 100,000 | SA_0000001423_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, fires, per 100,000 | SA_0000001424 |
Age-standardized DALYs, fires, per 100,000 | SA_0000001424_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, ischaemic heart disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001425 |
Age-standardized DALYs, ischaemic heart disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001425_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, liver cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001426 |
Age-standardized DALYs, liver cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001426_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, liver cirrhosis, per 100,000 | SA_0000001427 |
Age-standardized DALYs, liver cirrhosis, per 100,000 | SA_0000001427_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, maternal conditions, per 100,000 | SA_0000001428 |
Age-standardized DALYs, maternal conditions, per 100,000 | SA_0000001428_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, mouth and oropharynx cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001429 |
Age-standardized DALYs, mouth and oropharynx cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001429_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, oesophagus cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001430 |
Age-standardized DALYs, oesophagus cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001430_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001431 |
Age-standardized DALYs, poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001431_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, prematurity and low birth rate, per 100,000 | SA_0000001432 |
Age-standardized DALYs, prematurity and low birth rate, per 100,000 | SA_0000001432_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, road traffic accidents, per 100,000 | SA_0000001433 |
Age-standardized DALYs, road traffic accidents, per 100,000 | SA_0000001433_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, self-inflicted injury, per 100,000 | SA_0000001434 |
Age-standardized DALYs, self-inflicted injury, per 100,000 | SA_0000001434_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, other unintentional injuries, per 100,000 | SA_0000001435 |
Age-standardized DALYs, other unintentional injuries, per 100,000 | SA_0000001435_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, violence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001436 |
Age-standardized DALYs, violence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001436_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, alcohol use disorders, per 100,000 | SA_0000001437 |
Age-standardized death rates, alcohol use disorders, per 100,000 | SA_0000001437_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, breast cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001438 |
Age-standardized death rates, breast cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001438_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, colon and rectum cancers, per 100,000 | SA_0000001439 |
Age-standardized death rates, colon and rectum cancers, per 100,000 | SA_0000001439_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, diabetes mellitus, per 100,000 | SA_0000001440 |
Age-standardized death rates, diabetes mellitus, per 100,000 | SA_0000001440_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, drownings, per 100,000 | SA_0000001441 |
Age-standardized death rates, drownings, per 100,000 | SA_0000001441_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, falls, per 100,000 | SA_0000001442 |
Age-standardized death rates, falls, per 100,000 | SA_0000001442_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, fires, per 100,000 | SA_0000001443 |
Age-standardized death rates, fires, per 100,000 | SA_0000001443_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, ischaemic heart disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001444 |
Age-standardized death rates, ischaemic heart disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001444_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, liver cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001445 |
Age-standardized death rates, liver cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001445_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, liver cirrhosis, per 100,000 | SA_0000001446 |
Age-standardized death rates, liver cirrhosis, per 100,000 | SA_0000001446_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, maternal conditions, per 100,000 | SA_0000001447 |
Age-standardized death rates, maternal conditions, per 100,000 | SA_0000001447_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, mouth and oropharynx cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001448 |
Age-standardized death rates, mouth and oropharynx cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001448_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, oesophagus cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001449 |
Age-standardized death rates, oesophagus cancer, per 100,000 | SA_0000001449_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001450 |
Age-standardized death rates, poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001450_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, prematurity and low birth rate, per 100,000 | SA_0000001451 |
Age-standardized death rates, prematurity and low birth rate, per 100,000 | SA_0000001451_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, road traffic accidents, per 100,000 | SA_0000001452 |
Age-standardized death rates, road traffic accidents, per 100,000 | SA_0000001452_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, self-inflicted injury, per 100,000 | SA_0000001453 |
Age-standardized death rates, self-inflicted injury, per 100,000 | SA_0000001453_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, other unintentional injuries, per 100,000 | SA_0000001454 |
Age-standardized death rates, other unintentional injuries, per 100,000 | SA_0000001454_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, violence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001455 |
Age-standardized death rates, violence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001455_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates (15+ years), alcoholic liver disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001456 |
Age-standardized death rates (15+ years), alcoholic liver disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001456_ARCHIVED |
Liver cirrhosis, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population | SA_0000001457 |
Liver cirrhosis, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population | SA_0000001457_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates (15+ years), poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001458 |
Age-standardized death rates (15+ years), poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001458_ARCHIVED |
Road traffic injuries, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population | SA_0000001459 |
Road traffic injuries, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population | SA_0000001459_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates (15+ years), violence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001460 |
Age-standardized death rates (15+ years), violence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001460_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol dependence (15+ ), 12-month prevalence (%) with 95%CI | SA_0000001461 |
Alcohol dependence (15+ ), 12-month prevalence (%) with 95%CI | SA_0000001461_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95% | SA_0000001462 |
Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95% | SA_0000001462_ARCHIVED |
Alcoholic psychosis, incidence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001463 |
Alcoholic psychosis, incidence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001463_ARCHIVED |
Cautions and arrests for drink-driving, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001464 |
Cautions and arrests for drink-driving, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001464_ARCHIVED |
Hospital discharges, alcohol-related injuries and poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001465 |
Hospital discharges, alcohol-related injuries and poisoning, per 100,000 | SA_0000001465_ARCHIVED |
Hospital discharges, alcoholic liver disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001466 |
Hospital discharges, alcoholic liver disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001466_ARCHIVED |
Perceived trend in alcohol-related harm and consequences | SA_0000001467 |
Perceived trend in alcohol-related harm and consequences | SA_0000001467_ARCHIVED |
Treatment admissions (inpatient), alcohol dependence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001468 |
Treatment admissions (inpatient), alcohol dependence, per 100,000 | SA_0000001468_ARCHIVED |
Treatment admissions (inpatient), alcoholic psychosis, per 100,000 | SA_0000001469 |
Treatment admissions (inpatient), alcoholic psychosis, per 100,000 | SA_0000001469_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001470 |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001470_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes (% of all traffic crashes) | SA_0000001471 |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes (% of all traffic crashes) | SA_0000001471_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related injury mortality, per 1,000 | SA_0000001472 |
Alcohol-related injury mortality, per 1,000 | SA_0000001472_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related disease mortality, per 100,000 (15+ years) | SA_0000001473 |
Alcohol-related disease mortality, per 100,000 (15+ years) | SA_0000001473_ARCHIVED |
Alcoholic excise tax revenue as a per cent of government revenue | SA_0000001474 |
Alcoholic excise tax revenue as a per cent of government revenue | SA_0000001474_ARCHIVED |
Annual revenues from alcohol excise tax in millions US$ | SA_0000001475 |
Annual revenues from alcohol excise tax in millions US$ | SA_0000001475_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol expenditure as a per cent of total household expenditure | SA_0000001476 |
Alcohol expenditure as a per cent of total household expenditure | SA_0000001476_ARCHIVED |
Social costs of alcohol use in millions US$ | SA_0000001477 |
Social costs of alcohol use in millions US$ | SA_0000001477_ARCHIVED |
Adopted written national policy on alcohol | SA_0000001502 |
Adopted written national policy on alcohol | SA_0000001502_ARCHIVED |
Alcoholic beverage legally defined | SA_0000001503 |
Alcoholic beverage legally defined | SA_0000001503_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol use is banned | SA_0000001504 |
Alcohol use is banned | SA_0000001504_ARCHIVED |
Surrogate alcohol consumption is a problem | SA_0000001505 |
Surrogate alcohol consumption is a problem | SA_0000001505_ARCHIVED |
National legislation to prevent illegal alcohol | SA_0000001506 |
National legislation to prevent illegal alcohol | SA_0000001506_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on national television | SA_0000001507 |
Advertising restrictions on national television | SA_0000001507_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on cable television | SA_0000001508 |
Advertising restrictions on cable television | SA_0000001508_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on national radio | SA_0000001509 |
Advertising restrictions on national radio | SA_0000001509_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on local radio | SA_0000001510 |
Advertising restrictions on local radio | SA_0000001510_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions in print media | SA_0000001511 |
Advertising restrictions in print media | SA_0000001511_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions at cinemas | SA_0000001512 |
Advertising restrictions at cinemas | SA_0000001512_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on billboards | SA_0000001513 |
Advertising restrictions on billboards | SA_0000001513_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions at point-of-sale | SA_0000001514 |
Advertising restrictions at point-of-sale | SA_0000001514_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on the internet | SA_0000001515 |
Advertising restrictions on the internet | SA_0000001515_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on product placement on national television | SA_0000001516 |
Restrictions on product placement on national television | SA_0000001516_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on product placement on cable television | SA_0000001517 |
Restrictions on product placement on cable television | SA_0000001517_ARCHIVED |
Age limits on-premise service | SA_0000001518 |
Age limits on-premise service | SA_0000001518_ARCHIVED |
Minimum legal drinking age | SA_0000001519 |
Minimum legal drinking age | SA_0000001519_ARCHIVED |
Legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits | SA_0000001520 |
Legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits | SA_0000001520_ARCHIVED |
Random breath testing (RBT) use | SA_0000001521 |
Random breath testing (RBT) use | SA_0000001521_ARCHIVED |
Mandatory driver education for habitual offenders | SA_0000001522 |
Mandatory driver education for habitual offenders | SA_0000001522_ARCHIVED |
Prices for alcoholic beverages (average, US$) | SA_0000001523 |
Prices for alcoholic beverages (average, US$) | SA_0000001523_ARCHIVED |
Trend in real price of alcoholic beverages relative to CPI over the past five years | SA_0000001524 |
Trend in real price of alcoholic beverages relative to CPI over the past five years | SA_0000001524_ARCHIVED |
Off-premise sales restrictions on days | SA_0000001525 |
Off-premise sales restrictions on days | SA_0000001525_ARCHIVED |
Off-premise sales restrictions on hours | SA_0000001526 |
Off-premise sales restrictions on hours | SA_0000001526_ARCHIVED |
Off-premise sales restrictions on places | SA_0000001527 |
Off-premise sales restrictions on places | SA_0000001527_ARCHIVED |
Off-premise sales restrictions on outlet density | SA_0000001528 |
Off-premise sales restrictions on outlet density | SA_0000001528_ARCHIVED |
Off-premise sales restrictions at specific events | SA_0000001529 |
Off-premise sales restrictions at specific events | SA_0000001529_ARCHIVED |
Off-premise sales restrictions at petrol stations | SA_0000001530 |
Off-premise sales restrictions at petrol stations | SA_0000001530_ARCHIVED |
On-premise sales restrictions on days | SA_0000001531 |
On-premise sales restrictions on days | SA_0000001531_ARCHIVED |
On-premise sales restrictions on hours | SA_0000001532 |
On-premise sales restrictions on hours | SA_0000001532_ARCHIVED |
On-premise sales restrictions on places | SA_0000001533 |
On-premise sales restrictions on places | SA_0000001533_ARCHIVED |
On-premise sales restrictions on outlet density | SA_0000001534 |
On-premise sales restrictions on outlet density | SA_0000001534_ARCHIVED |
On-premise sales restrictions at specific events | SA_0000001535 |
On-premise sales restrictions at specific events | SA_0000001535_ARCHIVED |
On-premise sales restrictions to intoxicated persons | SA_0000001536 |
On-premise sales restrictions to intoxicated persons | SA_0000001536_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on sponsorship of sporting events | SA_0000001537 |
Restrictions on sponsorship of sporting events | SA_0000001537_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on sponsorship of youth events | SA_0000001538 |
Restrictions on sponsorship of youth events | SA_0000001538_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on sales promotion from producers (parties, events) | SA_0000001539 |
Restrictions on sales promotion from producers (parties, events) | SA_0000001539_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on sales promotion from retailers (sales below cost) | SA_0000001540 |
Restrictions on sales promotion from retailers (sales below cost) | SA_0000001540_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on sales promotion from owners of pubs and bars (alcohol for free) | SA_0000001541 |
Restrictions on sales promotion from owners of pubs and bars (alcohol for free) | SA_0000001541_ARCHIVED |
Government monopoly on production | SA_0000001542 |
Government monopoly on production | SA_0000001542_ARCHIVED |
Government monopoly on retail sales | SA_0000001543 |
Government monopoly on retail sales | SA_0000001543_ARCHIVED |
Licence required for production | SA_0000001544 |
Licence required for production | SA_0000001544_ARCHIVED |
Licence required for retail sales | SA_0000001545 |
Licence required for retail sales | SA_0000001545_ARCHIVED |
Excise tax as a per cent of the retail price of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001546 |
Excise tax as a per cent of the retail price of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001546_ARCHIVED |
Excise duty (average) per hectolitre in Euros | SA_0000001547 |
Excise duty (average) per hectolitre in Euros | SA_0000001547_ARCHIVED |
Excise tax as a per cent of the total retail price for 1 litre of pure alcohol | SA_0000001548 |
Excise tax as a per cent of the total retail price for 1 litre of pure alcohol | SA_0000001548_ARCHIVED |
Duty paid or excise stamp on alcohol container | SA_0000001549 |
Duty paid or excise stamp on alcohol container | SA_0000001549_ARCHIVED |
Excise tax on alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001550 |
Excise tax on alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001550_ARCHIVED |
Value-added tax (VAT) on alcohol (%) | SA_0000001551 |
Value-added tax (VAT) on alcohol (%) | SA_0000001551_ARCHIVED |
Value-added tax (VAT), (%) | SA_0000001552 |
Value-added tax (VAT), (%) | SA_0000001552_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on alcohol use in public places | SA_0000001553 |
Restrictions on alcohol use in public places | SA_0000001553_ARCHIVED |
Health warning labels on alcohol advertising | SA_0000001554 |
Health warning labels on alcohol advertising | SA_0000001554_ARCHIVED |
Health warning labels on alcohol containers | SA_0000001555 |
Health warning labels on alcohol containers | SA_0000001555_ARCHIVED |
Awareness activities | SA_0000001647 |
Awareness activities | SA_0000001647_ARCHIVED |
Information, education, prevention | SA_0000001648 |
Information, education, prevention | SA_0000001648_ARCHIVED |
National drinking guidelines | SA_0000001649 |
National drinking guidelines | SA_0000001649_ARCHIVED |
Standard drink measures, in grams per unit | SA_0000001650 |
Standard drink measures, in grams per unit | SA_0000001650_ARCHIVED |
Monitoring | SA_0000001651 |
Monitoring | SA_0000001651_ARCHIVED |
Interventions, projects, training | SA_0000001652 |
Interventions, projects, training | SA_0000001652_ARCHIVED |
Treatment, services | SA_0000001653 |
Treatment, services | SA_0000001653_ARCHIVED |
Surveys, research | SA_0000001654 |
Surveys, research | SA_0000001654_ARCHIVED |
Counselling | SA_0000001655 |
Counselling | SA_0000001655_ARCHIVED |
Production in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001676 |
Production in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001676_ARCHIVED |
Imports in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001677 |
Imports in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001677_ARCHIVED |
Sales of beer in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001678 |
Sales of beer in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001678_ARCHIVED |
Exports of beer (barley) in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001679 |
Exports of beer (barley) in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001679_ARCHIVED |
Perceived trend in production | SA_0000001680 |
Perceived trend in production | SA_0000001680_ARCHIVED |
Perceived trend in imports | SA_0000001681 |
Perceived trend in imports | SA_0000001681_ARCHIVED |
Perceived trend in sales | SA_0000001682 |
Perceived trend in sales | SA_0000001682_ARCHIVED |
Perceived trend in exports | SA_0000001683 |
Perceived trend in exports | SA_0000001683_ARCHIVED |
Sales of wine in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001684 |
Sales of wine in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001684_ARCHIVED |
Sales of spirits in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001685 |
Sales of spirits in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001685_ARCHIVED |
Exports of wine (grape) in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001686 |
Exports of wine (grape) in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001686_ARCHIVED |
Exports of spirits in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001687 |
Exports of spirits in 1000s hectolitres | SA_0000001687_ARCHIVED |
Total (recorded+unrecorded) alcohol per capita (15+) consumption | SA_0000001688 |
Total (recorded+unrecorded) alcohol per capita (15+) consumption | SA_0000001688_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized DALYs, cerebrovascular disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001689 |
Age-standardized DALYs, cerebrovascular disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001689_ARCHIVED |
Age-standardized death rates, cerebrovascular disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001690 |
Age-standardized death rates, cerebrovascular disease, per 100,000 | SA_0000001690_ARCHIVED |
Central coordinating entity for alcohol policy implementation | SA_0000001691 |
Central coordinating entity for alcohol policy implementation | SA_0000001691_ARCHIVED |
Framework of national alcohol policy | SA_0000001692 |
Framework of national alcohol policy | SA_0000001692_ARCHIVED |
Level of adoption of national alcohol policy | SA_0000001693 |
Level of adoption of national alcohol policy | SA_0000001693_ARCHIVED |
Sectors represented in national alcohol policy | SA_0000001694 |
Sectors represented in national alcohol policy | SA_0000001694_ARCHIVED |
Cautions and arrests for public drunkenness, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001695 |
Cautions and arrests for public drunkenness, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001695_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes with fatalities (% of all road traffic crashes with fatalities) | SA_0000001696 |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes with fatalities (% of all road traffic crashes with fatalities) | SA_0000001696_ARCHIVED |
Adopted written national policy on alcohol, year adopted | SA_0000001697 |
Adopted written national policy on alcohol, year adopted | SA_0000001697_ARCHIVED |
Adopted written national policy on alcohol, year revised | SA_0000001698 |
Adopted written national policy on alcohol, year revised | SA_0000001698_ARCHIVED |
Age limits off-premise sales | SA_0000001699 |
Age limits off-premise sales | SA_0000001699_ARCHIVED |
Consumer information on alcohol and health at points of sale | SA_0000001700 |
Consumer information on alcohol and health at points of sale | SA_0000001700_ARCHIVED |
Educational programmes involving target groups in school curriculum | SA_0000001701 |
Educational programmes involving target groups in school curriculum | SA_0000001701_ARCHIVED |
Brief interventions as health promotion/disease prevention | SA_0000001702 |
Brief interventions as health promotion/disease prevention | SA_0000001702_ARCHIVED |
Server training on a regular basis | SA_0000001703 |
Server training on a regular basis | SA_0000001703_ARCHIVED |
Data collection on alcohol-related health indicators | SA_0000001704 |
Data collection on alcohol-related health indicators | SA_0000001704_ARCHIVED |
System for monitoring alcohol-related harm | SA_0000001705 |
System for monitoring alcohol-related harm | SA_0000001705_ARCHIVED |
National treatment policy for alcohol use disorders | SA_0000001706 |
National treatment policy for alcohol use disorders | SA_0000001706_ARCHIVED |
Persons with alcohol use disorders receiving treatment (%) | SA_0000001707 |
Persons with alcohol use disorders receiving treatment (%) | SA_0000001707_ARCHIVED |
Designation of alcohol tax revenues to health services | SA_0000001708 |
Designation of alcohol tax revenues to health services | SA_0000001708_ARCHIVED |
National surveys on drink-driving | SA_0000001709 |
National surveys on drink-driving | SA_0000001709_ARCHIVED |
Public-funded alcohol research/monitoring programmes | SA_0000001710 |
Public-funded alcohol research/monitoring programmes | SA_0000001710_ARCHIVED |
Public funds designated for alcohol research/monitoring programmes, in Euros | SA_0000001711 |
Public funds designated for alcohol research/monitoring programmes, in Euros | SA_0000001711_ARCHIVED |
Community-based interventions/projects involving stakeholders | SA_0000001712 |
Community-based interventions/projects involving stakeholders | SA_0000001712_ARCHIVED |
Interventions/projects actively involving young people and civil society | SA_0000001713 |
Interventions/projects actively involving young people and civil society | SA_0000001713_ARCHIVED |
Training in screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems | SA_0000001714 |
Training in screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems | SA_0000001714_ARCHIVED |
Counselling to children in families with alcohol problems | SA_0000001715 |
Counselling to children in families with alcohol problems | SA_0000001715_ARCHIVED |
Counselling to pregnant women with alcohol problems | SA_0000001716 |
Counselling to pregnant women with alcohol problems | SA_0000001716_ARCHIVED |
Prevention/counselling at workplaces for those with alcohol problems | SA_0000001717 |
Prevention/counselling at workplaces for those with alcohol problems | SA_0000001717_ARCHIVED |
Action Plan for implementation of alcohol policy | SA_0000001718 |
Action Plan for implementation of alcohol policy | SA_0000001718_ARCHIVED |
Advertising restrictions on social media | SA_0000001719 |
Advertising restrictions on social media | SA_0000001719_ARCHIVED |
Restrictions on product placement in films/movies | SA_0000001720 |
Restrictions on product placement in films/movies | SA_0000001720_ARCHIVED |
Importance of measures for enhancing compliance with age limits | SA_0000001721 |
Importance of measures for enhancing compliance with age limits | SA_0000001721_ARCHIVED |
Government support for community action | SA_0000001722 |
Government support for community action | SA_0000001722_ARCHIVED |
Community-based interventions involving stakeholders | SA_0000001723 |
Community-based interventions involving stakeholders | SA_0000001723_ARCHIVED |
National guidelines for implementing effective community-based interventions | SA_0000001724 |
National guidelines for implementing effective community-based interventions | SA_0000001724_ARCHIVED |
National alcohol policy specifically involves young people activities | SA_0000001725 |
National alcohol policy specifically involves young people activities | SA_0000001725_ARCHIVED |
Penalties for drink driving | SA_0000001726 |
Penalties for drink driving | SA_0000001726_ARCHIVED |
Sobriety checkpoints | SA_0000001727 |
Sobriety checkpoints | SA_0000001727_ARCHIVED |
Detection of marketing infringements | SA_0000001728 |
Detection of marketing infringements | SA_0000001728_ARCHIVED |
Penalties for marketing infringements | SA_0000001729 |
Penalties for marketing infringements | SA_0000001729_ARCHIVED |
Price measures | SA_0000001730 |
Price measures | SA_0000001730_ARCHIVED |
Level of taxation adjusted for inflation | SA_0000001731 |
Level of taxation adjusted for inflation | SA_0000001731_ARCHIVED |
New types of alcoholic beverages emerging | SA_0000001732 |
New types of alcoholic beverages emerging | SA_0000001732_ARCHIVED |
Consumer information about calories, additives, etc on containers | SA_0000001733 |
Consumer information about calories, additives, etc on containers | SA_0000001733_ARCHIVED |
Number of standard alcoholic drinks displayed on containers | SA_0000001734 |
Number of standard alcoholic drinks displayed on containers | SA_0000001734_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol content displayed on containers | SA_0000001735 |
Alcohol content displayed on containers | SA_0000001735_ARCHIVED |
Action Plan for implementation of alcohol policy | SA_0000001736 |
Action Plan for implementation of alcohol policy | SA_0000001736_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, regional per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001737 |
Alcohol, regional per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001737_ARCHIVED |
Regional alcohol per capita (15+) consumption- total | SA_0000001738 |
Regional alcohol per capita (15+) consumption- total | SA_0000001738_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (15+) past 30 days (%), age-standardized with 95%CI | SA_0000001739 |
Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (15+) past 30 days (%), age-standardized with 95%CI | SA_0000001739_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-attributable Years of Life Lost (YLL) score | SA_0000001740 |
Alcohol-attributable Years of Life Lost (YLL) score | SA_0000001740_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-attributable fractions (15+), liver cirrhosis deaths (%) | SA_0000001741 |
Alcohol-attributable fractions (15+), liver cirrhosis deaths (%) | SA_0000001741_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-attributable fractions (15+), road traffic crash deaths (%) | SA_0000001742 |
Alcohol-attributable fractions (15+), road traffic crash deaths (%) | SA_0000001742_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-attributable fractions, all-cause deaths (%) | SA_0000001743 |
Alcohol-attributable fractions, all-cause deaths (%) | SA_0000001743_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, regional prevalence of alcohol dependence (%) | SA_0000001744 |
Alcohol, regional prevalence of alcohol dependence (%) | SA_0000001744_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, regional prevalence of alcohol use disorders (%) | SA_0000001745 |
Alcohol, regional prevalence of alcohol use disorders (%) | SA_0000001745_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption with 95%CI, projections to 2025 | SA_0000001746 |
Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption with 95%CI, projections to 2025 | SA_0000001746_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average with 95%CI | SA_0000001747 |
Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average with 95%CI | SA_0000001747_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001748 |
Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001748_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, total (recorded 3 year average + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001749 |
Alcohol, total (recorded 3 year average + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001749_ARCHIVED |
Average daily intake in grams of alcohol among drinkers | SA_0000001750 |
Average daily intake in grams of alcohol among drinkers | SA_0000001750_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, average daily intake in grams among drinkers with 95%CI | SA_0000001751 |
Alcohol, average daily intake in grams among drinkers with 95%CI | SA_0000001751_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption, projected estimates for 2016 | SA_0000001752 |
Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption, projected estimates for 2016 | SA_0000001752_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%), age standardized, with 95%CI | SA_0000001753 |
Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%), age standardized, with 95%CI | SA_0000001753_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, harmful use (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%CI | SA_0000001754 |
Alcohol, harmful use (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%CI | SA_0000001754_ARCHIVED |
15-19 years old heavy episodic drinkers (population), % with 95%CI | SA_0000001755 |
15-19 years old heavy episodic drinkers (population), % with 95%CI | SA_0000001755_ARCHIVED |
15-19 years old heavy episodic drinkers (drinkers only), % | SA_0000001756 |
15-19 years old heavy episodic drinkers (drinkers only), % | SA_0000001756_ARCHIVED |
15-19 years old abstainers, lifetime (%) | SA_0000001757 |
15-19 years old abstainers, lifetime (%) | SA_0000001757_ARCHIVED |
15-19 years old former drinkers (%) | SA_0000001758 |
15-19 years old former drinkers (%) | SA_0000001758_ARCHIVED |
15-19 years old, current drinkers (%) | SA_0000001759 |
15-19 years old, current drinkers (%) | SA_0000001759_ARCHIVED |
15-19 years old total alcohol consumption in litres of pure alcohol | SA_0000001760 |
15-19 years old total alcohol consumption in litres of pure alcohol | SA_0000001760_ARCHIVED |
National guidelines for the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm in schools | SA_0000001761 |
National guidelines for the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm in schools | SA_0000001761_ARCHIVED |
National guidelines for alcohol problem prevention and counselling at workplaces | SA_0000001762 |
National guidelines for alcohol problem prevention and counselling at workplaces | SA_0000001762_ARCHIVED |
Workplace representatives nationally involved to prevent and address alcohol-related harm | SA_0000001763 |
Workplace representatives nationally involved to prevent and address alcohol-related harm | SA_0000001763_ARCHIVED |
Server training | SA_0000001764 |
Server training | SA_0000001764_ARCHIVED |
Legal obligation for schools to include alcohol use prevention | SA_0000001765 |
Legal obligation for schools to include alcohol use prevention | SA_0000001765_ARCHIVED |
Legal obligation for schools to interact with parents regarding education and well-being | SA_0000001766 |
Legal obligation for schools to interact with parents regarding education and well-being | SA_0000001766_ARCHIVED |
Legislation on alcohol testing at workplaces | SA_0000001767 |
Legislation on alcohol testing at workplaces | SA_0000001767_ARCHIVED |
Standard drink defined | SA_0000001768 |
Standard drink defined | SA_0000001768_ARCHIVED |
National systems for monitoring alcohol consumption and harms | SA_0000001769 |
National systems for monitoring alcohol consumption and harms | SA_0000001769_ARCHIVED |
Regular reports from national monitoring systems | SA_0000001770 |
Regular reports from national monitoring systems | SA_0000001770_ARCHIVED |
Comprehensive and regular reporting of alcohol situation | SA_0000001771 |
Comprehensive and regular reporting of alcohol situation | SA_0000001771_ARCHIVED |
Clinical guidelines for brief interventions | SA_0000001772 |
Clinical guidelines for brief interventions | SA_0000001772_ARCHIVED |
National surveys on adult alcohol consumption | SA_0000001773 |
National surveys on adult alcohol consumption | SA_0000001773_ARCHIVED |
National surveys on youth alcohol consumption | SA_0000001774 |
National surveys on youth alcohol consumption | SA_0000001774_ARCHIVED |
National surveys on heavy espisodic drinking | SA_0000001775 |
National surveys on heavy espisodic drinking | SA_0000001775_ARCHIVED |
Data collection on Foetal Alcohol Syndome | SA_0000001776 |
Data collection on Foetal Alcohol Syndome | SA_0000001776_ARCHIVED |
Data collected on harm from alcohol at workplace | SA_0000001777 |
Data collected on harm from alcohol at workplace | SA_0000001777_ARCHIVED |
New types of alcoholic beverages emerging | SA_0000001778 |
New types of alcoholic beverages emerging | SA_0000001778_ARCHIVED |
Level of enforcement of BAC limits | SA_0000001779 |
Level of enforcement of BAC limits | SA_0000001779_ARCHIVED |
15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed at least once in lifetime, (%) | SA_0000001780 |
15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed at least once in lifetime, (%) | SA_0000001780_ARCHIVED |
15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 12 months, (%) | SA_0000001781 |
15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 12 months, (%) | SA_0000001781_ARCHIVED |
15-years old first drink at 13 years or younger, (%) | SA_0000001782 |
15-years old first drink at 13 years or younger, (%) | SA_0000001782_ARCHIVED |
15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 30 days, (%) | SA_0000001783 |
15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 30 days, (%) | SA_0000001783_ARCHIVED |
15-years old, any alcoholic beverage consumed at least once a week, (%) | SA_0000001784 |
15-years old, any alcoholic beverage consumed at least once a week, (%) | SA_0000001784_ARCHIVED |
15-years old ever got drunk in the past 30 days, (%) | SA_0000001785 |
15-years old ever got drunk in the past 30 days, (%) | SA_0000001785_ARCHIVED |
13-15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 30 days, (%) | SA_0000001786 |
13-15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 30 days, (%) | SA_0000001786_ARCHIVED |
13-15-years old first drink before age 14, (%) | SA_0000001787 |
13-15-years old first drink before age 14, (%) | SA_0000001787_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes with fatalities, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001788 |
Alcohol-related road traffic crashes with fatalities, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001788_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-related crimes (% of all crimes) | SA_0000001789 |
Alcohol-related crimes (% of all crimes) | SA_0000001789_ARCHIVED |
National drinking guidelines | SA_0000001790 |
National drinking guidelines | SA_0000001790_ARCHIVED |
Graduated licensing | SA_0000001791 |
Graduated licensing | SA_0000001791_ARCHIVED |
National legislation to prevent illegal alcohol sales | SA_0000001792 |
National legislation to prevent illegal alcohol sales | SA_0000001792_ARCHIVED |
Penalties for drink driving, repeated offense | SA_0000001793 |
Penalties for drink driving, repeated offense | SA_0000001793_ARCHIVED |
Licensing required for exports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001794 |
Licensing required for exports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001794_ARCHIVED |
Licensing required for imports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001795 |
Licensing required for imports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001795_ARCHIVED |
Licensing required for wholesale/distribution of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001796 |
Licensing required for wholesale/distribution of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001796_ARCHIVED |
Licenses issued for production, change since 2010 | SA_0000001797 |
Licenses issued for production, change since 2010 | SA_0000001797_ARCHIVED |
Licenses issued for retail sale, change since 2010 | SA_0000001798 |
Licenses issued for retail sale, change since 2010 | SA_0000001798_ARCHIVED |
Licenses issued for wholesale/distribution, change since 2010 | SA_0000001799 |
Licenses issued for wholesale/distribution, change since 2010 | SA_0000001799_ARCHIVED |
Monopoly on exports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001800 |
Monopoly on exports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001800_ARCHIVED |
Monopoly on imports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001801 |
Monopoly on imports of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001801_ARCHIVED |
Monopoly on wholesale /distribution of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001802 |
Monopoly on wholesale /distribution of alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001802_ARCHIVED |
Health warning labels on pregnancy | SA_0000001803 |
Health warning labels on pregnancy | SA_0000001803_ARCHIVED |
Health warning labels on under-age drinking | SA_0000001804 |
Health warning labels on under-age drinking | SA_0000001804_ARCHIVED |
Health warning labels on drink-driving | SA_0000001805 |
Health warning labels on drink-driving | SA_0000001805_ARCHIVED |
Legal requirement for size of health warning labels | SA_0000001806 |
Legal requirement for size of health warning labels | SA_0000001806_ARCHIVED |
Cancer, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population | SA_0000001807 |
Cancer, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population | SA_0000001807_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-attributable fractions (15+), cancer deaths | SA_0000001808 |
National system of epidemiological data collection for alcohol use | SA_0000001809 |
National system of epidemiological data collection for alcohol use | SA_0000001809_ARCHIVED |
National system of data collection based on health service delivery | SA_0000001810 |
National system of data collection based on health service delivery | SA_0000001810_ARCHIVED |
Report with epidemiological data on lcohol use and AUDs | SA_0000001811 |
Report with epidemiological data on lcohol use and AUDs | SA_0000001811_ARCHIVED |
Report with data from health services on alcohol use and AUDs | SA_0000001812 |
Report with data from health services on alcohol use and AUDs | SA_0000001812_ARCHIVED |
National organization for monitoring alcohol | SA_0000001813 |
National organization for monitoring alcohol | SA_0000001813_ARCHIVED |
Taxation of ethanol production | SA_0000001814 |
Taxation of ethanol production | SA_0000001814_ARCHIVED |
Ethanol tax deducted from excise tax | SA_0000001815 |
Ethanol tax deducted from excise tax | SA_0000001815_ARCHIVED |
Tax incentives for production low/no alcohol content beer | SA_0000001816 |
Tax incentives for production low/no alcohol content beer | SA_0000001816_ARCHIVED |
Tax incentives for production of other alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001817 |
Tax incentives for production of other alcoholic beverages | SA_0000001817_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption with 95%CI, projections to 2020 and 2025 | SA_0000001818 |
Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption with 95%CI, projections to 2020 and 2025 | SA_0000001818_ARCHIVED |
Heavy episodic drinking (youth 15 -19 years) past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001819 |
Heavy episodic drinking (youth 15 -19 years) past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001819_ARCHIVED |
Heavy episodic drinking (youth 15 -19 years), drinkers only, past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001820 |
Heavy episodic drinking (youth 15 -19 years), drinkers only, past 30 days (%) | SA_0000001820_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001821 |
Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001821_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, total per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001822 |
Alcohol, total per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI | SA_0000001822_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, tourist consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001823 |
Alcohol, tourist consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001823_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol, regional alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001824 |
Alcohol, regional alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) | SA_0000001824_ARCHIVED |
Regional prevalence, AAFs (15+), liver cirrhosis deaths (%) | SA_0000001825 |
Regional prevalence, AAFs (15+), liver cirrhosis deaths (%) | SA_0000001825_ARCHIVED |
Regional prevalence, AAFs (15+), road traffic crash deaths (%) | SA_0000001826 |
Regional prevalence, AAFs (15+), road traffic crash deaths (%) | SA_0000001826_ARCHIVED |
Regional prevalence, AAFs (15+), cancer | SA_0000001827 |
Regional prevalence, AAFs (15+), cancer | SA_0000001827_ARCHIVED |
Regional prevalence, AAFs ,all-cause deaths (%) | SA_0000001828 |
Regional prevalence, AAFs ,all-cause deaths (%) | SA_0000001828_ARCHIVED |
Average price 500 mls Beer in US$ | SA_0000001829 |
Average price 500 mls Beer in US$ | SA_0000001829_ARCHIVED |
Average price 750 mls Wine in US$ | SA_0000001830 |
Average price 750 mls Wine in US$ | SA_0000001830_ARCHIVED |
Average price 500 mls Spirits in US$ | SA_0000001831 |
Average price 500 mls Spirits in US$ | SA_0000001831_ARCHIVED |
Alcohol-attributable all-cause deaths per 100,000, age standardized | SA_0000001832 |
Alcohol-attributable DALYs per 100,000 people (age standardized) | SA_0000001833 |
Percent of all DALYs attributable to alcohol | SA_0000001834 |
Alcohol-related road traffic deaths, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001835 |
Alcohol-related road traffic deaths (% of all road traffic deaths) | SA_0000001836 |
Alcohol poisoning deaths, per 100,000 population | SA_0000001837 |
Alcohol-related cardiomyopathy deaths (% of all cardiomyopathy deaths) | SA_0000001838 |
Adolescent birth rate (births per 1 000 women aged 15-19) | SDGABR |
Ambient and household air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population) | SDGAIRBOD |
Ambient and household air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized) | SDGAIRBODA |
Completeness of cause-of-death data (%) | SDGCODCOMPLETENESS |
Estimated direct deaths from major conflicts (per 100 000 population) | SDGCONFLICT |
Average death rate due to natural disasters (per 100 000 population) | SDGDISASTER |
Married or in-union women of reproductive age who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (%) | SDGFP |
Women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (%) | SDGFPALL |
Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) prevalence among children under 5 years (%) | SDGHEPHBSAGPRV |
New HIV infections (per 1000 uninfected population) | SDGHIV |
New HIV infections among adults 15-24 years old (per 1000 uninfected population) | SDGHIV1524 |
Average of 13 International Health Regulations core capacity scores, 1st version of the questionnaire | SDGIHR |
Average of 13 International Health Regulations core capacity scores, SPAR version | SDGIHR2018 |
Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls subjected to physical and sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (%) | SDGIPV |
Malaria incidence (per 1 000 population at risk) | SDGMALARIA |
Reported number of people requiring interventions against NTDs | SDGNTDTREATMENT |
Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors per capita (constant 2014 US$), by recipient | SDGODA |
Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors per capita (US$), by recipient country | SDGODA01 |
Official development assistance for medical research and basic health sectors as a percentage of GNI (%), by donor country | SDGODA02 |
Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan (constant 2016 US$ millions) | SDGODAWS |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of total expenditure on health | SDGOOP |
Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) | SDGPM25 |
Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population) | SDGPOISON |
Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies (%) | SDGPOLLUTINGFUELS |
Age-standardized road traffic mortality (per 100 000 population) | SDGROADAGE |
Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (%) | SDGSAB |
Skilled health professionals density (per 10 000 population) | SDGSHP |
Crude suicide rates (per 100 000 population) | SDGSUICIDE |
Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking among persons aged 15 years and older | SDGTOBACCO |
Mortality rate attributed to exposure to unsafe WASH services (per 100 000 population) (SDG 3.9.2) | SDGWSHBOD |
Number of deaths attributed to non-communicable diseases, by type of disease and sex | SDG_SH_DTH_RNCOM |
Number of suicide deaths | SDG_SH_STA_SCIDEN |
Children aged 36-59 months who are developmentally on track in at least three of the following domains: literacy-numeracy, physical development, social-emotional development and learning (%) | SE_DEV_ONTRK |
Proportion of children in grades 2/3 achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics (%) | SE_G23_MATH |
Proportion of children in grades 2/3 achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading (%) | SE_G23_RDG |
Proportion of children at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics (%) | SE_LSC_MATH |
Proportion of children at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading (%) | SE_LSC_RDNG |
Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age) (%) | SE_PRE_PARTN |
Proportion of children at the end of primary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics (%) | SE_PRM_MATH |
Proportion of children at the end of primary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading (%) | SE_PRM_RDNG |
Proportion of women aged 15-49 years who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care (%) | SG_DMK_SRCR_FN_ZS |
Proportion of children under 5 years of age whose births have been registered with a civil authority | SG_REG_BRTH |
Proportion of countries that have conducted at least one population and housing census in the last 10 years (%) | SG_REG_CENSUS |
Number of countries that have conducted at least one population and housing census in the last 10 years | SG_REG_CENSUSN |
Percentage of children under 15 years exposed to second-hand smoke | SHS_1 |
Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs (’000) in children under 5 years | SHS_10 |
Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | SHS_11 |
Percentage of women (15+ years) exposed to second-hand smoke | SHS_2 |
Percentage of men (15+ years) exposed to second-hand smoke | SHS_3 |
Second-hand smoke attributable deaths | SHS_4 |
Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs (’000) | SHS_5 |
Second-hand smoke attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | SHS_6 |
Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | SHS_7 |
Second-hand smoke attributable deaths (’000) in children under 5 years | SHS_8 |
Second-hand smoke attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | SHS_9 |
Proportion of girls and women aged 15-49 years who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting (FMG/C) (%) | SH_STA_FGMS |
Proportion of population below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day (%) | SI_POV_DAY1 |
Employed population below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day (the working poor) (%) | SI_POV_EMP1 |
Proportion of women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union by age 15 (%) | SP_DYN_MRBF15 |
Proportion of women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union by age 18 (%) | SP_DYN_MRBF18 |
Existence of national regulation | SUNBEDEXIST |
Existence of subnational regulation | SUNBEDEXISTSUBNATIONAL |
Year of national implementation of regulation | SUNBEDEXISTYEAR |
Access restrictions | SUNBEDREG_ACCESS |
Restriction and inspection of facilities | SUNBEDREG_CONTROL |
Information requirements | SUNBEDREG_INFO |
Safety requirements | SUNBEDREG_SAFETY |
Training requirements | SUNBEDREG_TRAINING |
Tuberculosis treatment coverage | TB_1 |
Case detection rate for all forms of tuberculosis | TB_8_c_cdr |
New cases tested for RR-/MDR-TB (%) | TB_c_dst_rlt_new_pct |
Previously treated cases tested for RR-/MDR-TB (%) | TB_c_dst_rlt_ret_pct |
Laboratories providing tuberculosis diagnostic services using culture (per 5 million population) | TB_c_lab_cul_5m |
Laboratories providing drug susceptibility testing (DST) (per 5 million population) | TB_c_lab_dst_5m |
Laboratories providing tuberculosis diagnostic services using sputum smear microscopy (per 100 000 population) | TB_c_lab_sm_100k |
Treatment success rate for patients treated for MDR-TB (%) | TB_c_mdr_tsr |
Cases started on MDR-TB treatment | TB_c_mdr_tx |
Treatment success rate for new pulmonary smear-negative and extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases | TB_c_new_snep_tsr |
Treatment success rate: new TB cases | TB_c_new_tsr |
Tuberculosis - new and relapse cases | TB_c_newinc |
Total number of notified TB cases | TB_c_notified |
Treatment success rate: previously treated TB cases | TB_c_ret_tsr |
Treatment success rate: HIV-positive TB cases | TB_c_tbhiv_tsr |
Treatment success rate (new smear-positive cases) | TB_c_tsr |
Treatment success rate: XDR-TB cases | TB_c_xdr_tsr |
Confirmed cases of MDR-TB started treatment for MDR-TB (%) | TB_conf_mdr_tx_pct |
Number of incident tuberculosis cases | TB_e_inc_num |
Number of incident tuberculosis cases in children aged 0 - 14 | TB_e_inc_num_014 |
Estimated number of MDR/RR-TB incident cases | TB_e_inc_rr_num |
Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population) (HIV-positive cases) | TB_e_inc_tbhiv_100k |
Number of incident tuberculosis cases, (HIV-positive cases) | TB_e_inc_tbhiv_num |
Estimated MDR-TB cases among notified pulmonary TB cases | TB_e_mdr_num |
Mortality of TB cases (all forms, excluding HIV) per 100 000 population | TB_e_mort_exc_tbhiv_100k |
Number of deaths due to tuberculosis, excluding HIV | TB_e_mort_exc_tbhiv_num |
Number of deaths from TB (all forms, excluding HIV) | TB_e_mort_exc_tbhiv_num_save |
Number of prevalent tuberculosis cases | TB_e_prev_num |
Estimated MDR/RR-TB cases among notified pulmonary TB cases | TB_e_rr_in_notified_pulm |
Tuberculosis effective treatment coverage (%) | TB_effective_treatment_coverage |
% of patients treated with fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) | TB_fdc_pcnt |
HIV-positive TB patients on ART (antiretroviral therapy) (%) | TB_hiv_art_pct |
HIV-positive TB patients on CPT (co-trimoxazole preventive therapy) (%) | TB_hiv_cpt_pct |
TB patients with known HIV status (%) | TB_hivtest_pct |
Tested TB patients HIV-positive (%) | TB_hivtest_pos_pct |
Confirmed cases of MDR-TB | TB_mdr |
New or unknown treatment history cases: Pulmonary, clinically diagnosed | TB_new_clindx |
New cases: extrapulmonary | TB_new_ep |
New or unknown treatment history cases: Pulmonary, bacteriologically confirmed | TB_new_labconf |
New cases: other | TB_new_oth |
New cases: pulmonary smear-negative | TB_new_sn |
New cases: Pulmonary, smear-negative/unknown/not done and other new cases | TB_new_snsuoth |
TB_new_snuoth | TB_new_snuoth |
New cases: Pulmonary, smear-positive | TB_new_sp |
New cases: pulmonary smear unknown/not done | TB_new_su |
Tuberculosis - new and relapse cases | TB_newinc |
Treatment history unknown | TB_newret_oth |
National Reference Laboratory (NRL) | TB_nrl |
Paediatric formulations procured for TB patients | TB_paed_form |
Rifampicin used throughout treatment | TB_r_rgmn_new_initcont |
Previously treated cases, excluding relapse | TB_ret_nrel |
Retreatment cases: other | TB_ret_oth |
Relapse cases (pre-2013 definition) | TB_ret_rel |
Relapse cases: Pulmonary, clinically diagnosed | TB_ret_rel_clindx |
Relapse cases: extrapulmonary | TB_ret_rel_ep |
Relapse cases: Pulmonary, bacteriologically confirmed | TB_ret_rel_labconf |
Retreatment cases: treatment after default (pulmonary smear and/or culture positive) | TB_ret_tad |
Retreatment cases: treatment after failure (pulmonary smear and/or culture positive) | TB_ret_taf |
Confirmed cases of RR-/MDR-TB | TB_rr_mdr |
Second-line drug susceptibility testing (DST) available | TB_sldst_avail |
Tuberculosis - new and relapse cases | TB_tot_newrel |
xxx | TB_treatment_coverage |
Monitor | TOBACCO_0000000186 |
Protect from tobacco smoke | TOBACCO_0000000187 |
Offer help to quit tobacco use | TOBACCO_0000000188 |
Warn about the dangers of tobacco | TOBACCO_0000000189 |
Enforce bans on tobacco advertising | TOBACCO_0000000190 |
Raise taxes on tobacco | TOBACCO_0000000191 |
Prevalence of smoking any tobacco product among persons aged >= 15 years | TOBACCO_0000000192 |
Daily smoking of any tobacco product (age-standardized rate) | TOBACCO_0000000193 |
Current smoking of cigarettes (age-standardized rate) | TOBACCO_0000000194 |
Daily smoking of cigarettes (age-standardized rate) | TOBACCO_0000000195 |
Health-care facilities (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000196 |
Education facilities except universities (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000197 |
Universities (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000198 |
Government facilities (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000199 |
Indoor offices (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000200 |
Restaurants (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000201 |
Pubs and bars (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000202 |
Public transport (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000203 |
All other indoor public places (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000204 |
Number of places smoke-free (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000205 |
Compliance with regulations on smoke-free environments (national legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000206 |
Subnational smoke-free legislation authority exists | TOBACCO_0000000207 |
Comprehensive bans in place subnationally | TOBACCO_0000000208 |
Fines for violations | TOBACCO_0000000209 |
Fines on the establishment | TOBACCO_0000000210 |
Fines on the patron | TOBACCO_0000000211 |
Dedicated funds for enforcement | TOBACCO_0000000212 |
Citizen complaints and investigations | TOBACCO_0000000213 |
Current smoking of any tobacco product (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000337 |
Daily smoking of any tobacco product (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000338 |
Current smoking of cigarettes (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000339 |
Daily smoking of cigarettes (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000340 |
Current users of any smokeless tobacco product (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000341 |
Daily users of any smokeless tobacco product (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000342 |
Ever users of any smokeless tobacco product (crude rate) | TOBACCO_0000000343 |
Prevalence of current tobacco use among adolescents aged 13-15 years | TOBACCO_0000000344 |
Current smokers of cigarettes (youth rate) | TOBACCO_0000000345 |
Exposure to smoke at home | TOBACCO_0000000346 |
Exposure to smoke outside home | TOBACCO_0000000347 |
Jurisdiction name | TOBACCO_0000000348 |
Number of people covered by subnational legislation | TOBACCO_0000000349 |
Proportion of national population covered by subnational legislation | TOBACCO_0000000350 |
Number of places smoke-free (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000351 |
Health-care facilities (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000352 |
Education facilities, except universities (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000353 |
Universities (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000354 |
Government facilities (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000355 |
Indoor offices (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000356 |
Restaurants (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000357 |
Pubs and bars (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000358 |
Public transport (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000359 |
All other indoor public places (subnational legislation) | TOBACCO_0000000360 |
Access to a toll-free quit line | TOBACCO_0000000361 |
Smoking cessation support is available in hospitals | TOBACCO_0000000362 |
Smoking cessation support is available in health clinics or other primary care facilities | TOBACCO_0000000363 |
Smoking cessation support is available in offices of health professionals | TOBACCO_0000000364 |
Smoking cessation support is available in the community | TOBACCO_0000000365 |
Smoking cessation support is available in other settings | TOBACCO_0000000366 |
Nicotine replacement therapy - legally sold | TOBACCO_0000000367 |
Nicotine replacement therapy - place available | TOBACCO_0000000368 |
Bupropion - legally sold | TOBACCO_0000000369 |
Bupropion - place available | TOBACCO_0000000370 |
Varenicline - legally sold | TOBACCO_0000000371 |
Varenicline - place available | TOBACCO_0000000372 |
Ban on deceitful terms on cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000373 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000374 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000375 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000376 |
Specific health warnings are mandated for cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000377 |
Number of health warnings approved by the law for cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000378 |
Health warnings appear on each cigarette package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale | TOBACCO_0000000379 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health | TOBACCO_0000000380 |
Font style, font size and colour of health warnings are mandated for cigarette packaging | TOBACCO_0000000381 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must be rotated | TOBACCO_0000000382 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must be written in the principal language(s) of the country | TOBACCO_0000000383 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must include a photograph or graphic | TOBACCO_0000000384 |
Ban on deceitful terms on other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000385 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000386 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000387 |
Specific health warnings are mandated for other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000388 |
Number of health warnings approved by the law for other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000389 |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must be rotated | TOBACCO_0000000390 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000391 |
Health warnings appear on each other smoked tobacco package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale | TOBACCO_0000000392 |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health | TOBACCO_0000000393 |
Font style, font size and colour of health warnings are mandated for other smoked tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000394 |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must be written in the principal language(s) of the country | TOBACCO_0000000395 |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must include a photograph or graphic | TOBACCO_0000000396 |
Ban on deceitful terms on smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000397 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000398 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000399 |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000400 |
Specific health warnings are mandated for smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000401 |
Number of health warnings approved by the law for smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000402 |
Health warnings appear on each smokeless tobacco package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale | TOBACCO_0000000403 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health | TOBACCO_0000000404 |
Font style, font size and colour of health warnings are mandated for smokeless tobacco packaging | TOBACCO_0000000405 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must be rotated | TOBACCO_0000000406 |
Most sold brand of bidis - price in US$ at official exchange rates | TOBACCO_0000000407 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000408 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - price in currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000409 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - price in US$ at official exchange rates | TOBACCO_0000000410 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must be written in the principal language(s) of the country | TOBACCO_0000000411 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must include a photograph or graphic | TOBACCO_0000000412 |
Billboard and outdoor advertising | TOBACCO_0000000413 |
International magazines and newspapers | TOBACCO_0000000414 |
International television and radio | TOBACCO_0000000415 |
Internet | TOBACCO_0000000416 |
Local magazines and newspapers | TOBACCO_0000000417 |
National television and radio | TOBACCO_0000000418 |
Point of sale | TOBACCO_0000000419 |
Subnational bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship | TOBACCO_0000000420 |
Compliance with bans on direct advertising | TOBACCO_0000000421 |
Appearance of tobacco products in TV and/or films | TOBACCO_0000000422 |
Brand name of non-tobacco products used for tobacco product | TOBACCO_0000000423 |
Free distribution in mail or through other means | TOBACCO_0000000424 |
Non-tobacco products identified with tobacco brand names | TOBACCO_0000000425 |
Promotional discounts | TOBACCO_0000000426 |
Sponsored events | TOBACCO_0000000427 |
Compliance with bans on promotion and sponsorship | TOBACCO_0000000428 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000429 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000430 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates | TOBACCO_0000000431 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000432 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000433 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates | TOBACCO_0000000434 |
Most sold brand of bidis - currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000435 |
Most sold brand of bidis - price in currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000436 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - ad valorem excise | TOBACCO_0000000437 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - import duties | TOBACCO_0000000438 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - specific excise | TOBACCO_0000000439 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - total tax | TOBACCO_0000000440 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - ad valorem excise | TOBACCO_0000000441 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - import duties | TOBACCO_0000000442 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - specific excise | TOBACCO_0000000443 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - total tax | TOBACCO_0000000444 |
Most sold brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - ad valorem excise | TOBACCO_0000000445 |
Most sold brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - import duties | TOBACCO_0000000446 |
Most sold brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - specific excise | TOBACCO_0000000447 |
Most sold brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - total tax | TOBACCO_0000000448 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - ad valorem excise | TOBACCO_0000000449 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - import duties | TOBACCO_0000000450 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - specific excise | TOBACCO_0000000451 |
Cheapest brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - total tax | TOBACCO_0000000452 |
Government objectives on tobacco control exist | TOBACCO_0000000453 |
National agency for tobacco control exists | TOBACCO_0000000454 |
Number of full-time equivalent staff in national agency | TOBACCO_0000000455 |
Annual budget for tobacco control in currency reported | TOBACCO_0000000456 |
Reported currency | TOBACCO_0000000457 |
Annual budget for tobacco control in US$ at official exchange rate | TOBACCO_0000000458 |
Budget year | TOBACCO_0000000459 |
Year of survey of adults | TOBACCO_0000000502 |
Representativeness of survey of adults | TOBACCO_0000000503 |
Repeating interval for survey of adults (years) | TOBACCO_0000000504 |
Year of survey of youth | TOBACCO_0000000505 |
Representativeness of youth survey | TOBACCO_0000000506 |
Repeating interval for survey of youth (years) | TOBACCO_0000000507 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - value added tax | TOBACCO_0000000508 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - other taxes | TOBACCO_0000000509 |
Most sold brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - value added tax | TOBACCO_0000000524 |
Most sold brand of bidis - taxes as a % of price - other taxes | TOBACCO_0000000525 |
Anti-tobacco mass media campaigns | TOBACCO_0000000526 |
National tobacco control programmes | TOBACCO_0000000527 |
Survey age range | TOBACCO_0000000528 |
Law mandates that health warnings appear on tobacco packages | TOBACCO_0000000529 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package | TOBACCO_0000000530 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry | TOBACCO_0000000531 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale | TOBACCO_0000000532 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps | TOBACCO_0000000533 |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations | TOBACCO_0000000534 |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors | TOBACCO_0000000535 |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours | TOBACCO_0000000536 |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark | TOBACCO_0000000537 |
The quit line number must appear on cigarette packaging or labelling | TOBACCO_0000000538 |
Plain packaging of cigarettes is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited) | TOBACCO_0000000539 |
Law mandates that health warnings appear on smokeless tobacco packages | TOBACCO_0000000540 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package | TOBACCO_0000000541 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry | TOBACCO_0000000542 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale | TOBACCO_0000000543 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps | TOBACCO_0000000544 |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations | TOBACCO_0000000545 |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors | TOBACCO_0000000546 |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours | TOBACCO_0000000547 |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark | TOBACCO_0000000548 |
The quit line number must appear on smokeless tobacco packaging or labelling | TOBACCO_0000000549 |
Plain packaging of smokeless tobacco products is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited) | TOBACCO_0000000550 |
At least one national mass media campaign ran during the survey period | TOBACCO_0000000551 |
Campaign was part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme | TOBACCO_0000000552 |
Campaign was pre-tested | TOBACCO_0000000553 |
Formative research was conducted | TOBACCO_0000000554 |
Campaign utilized media planning | TOBACCO_0000000555 |
Earned media/public relations were used to promote the campaign | TOBACCO_0000000556 |
Process evaluation was employed to assess implementation | TOBACCO_0000000557 |
Outcome evaluation was employed to assess effectiveness | TOBACCO_0000000558 |
Ban on appearance of tobacco brands in TV and/or films (product placement) | TOBACCO_0000000559 |
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars | TOBACCO_0000000560 |
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars | TOBACCO_0000000561 |
Most sold brand of bidis - price in international dollars | TOBACCO_0000000562 |
Tobacco excises increased over the survey period | TOBACCO_0000000563 |
Deaths attributable to the environment | TOTENV_1 |
Total environment attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | TOTENV_10 |
Deaths attributable to the environment in children under 5 years (%) | TOTENV_11 |
DALYs attributable to the environment in children under 5 years (%) | TOTENV_12 |
Age-standardized deaths attributable to the environment (per 100 000 population) | TOTENV_2 |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) attributable to the environment | TOTENV_3 |
Age-standardized DALYs attributable to the environment (per 100 000 population) | TOTENV_4 |
Deaths attributable to the environment (%) | TOTENV_5 |
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) attributable to the environment (%) | TOTENV_6 |
Total environment attributable deaths (’000) in children under 5 years | TOTENV_7 |
Total environment attributable deaths in children under 5 years | TOTENV_70 |
Total environment attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | TOTENV_8 |
Total environment attributable DALYs (’000) in children under 5 years | TOTENV_9 |
Total environment attributable DALYs in children under 5 years | TOTENV_90 |
Data availability for UHC index of service coverage | UHC_AVAILABILITY_SCORE |
Data availability for UHC index of service coverage (ranking) | UHC_DATA_AVAIL_CODE |
Surgeons (per 100 000) | UHC_HRHSURGEONDENSITY |
Compliance with international health regulations | UHC_IHR |
Index of Service Coverage (Actual) | UHC_INDEX_ACTUAL |
UHC index of service coverage (SCI) | UHC_INDEX_REPORTED |
Mean fasting plasma glucose | UHC_NCD_FPG |
Prevalence of non-elevated blood pressure (%) | UHC_NCD_NONELEVBP |
UHC SCI components: Service capacity and access | UHC_SCI_CAPACITY |
UHC SCI components: Infectious diseases | UHC_SCI_INFECT |
UHC SCI components: Noncommunicable diseases | UHC_SCI_NCD |
UHC SCI components: Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health | UHC_SCI_RMNCH |
Tuberculosis detection and treatment | UHC_TB_DT |
Prevalence of non-use of tobacco | UHC_TOBACCONO |
Proportion of newborns who have postnatal contact with a health provider within 2 days of delivery (%) | UNICEF_NEWBORN |
Children aged <5 years with diarrhoea receiving ORS (%) | UNICEF_ORS |
Women age 15-49 years who received a health check within 2 days after delivery of their most recent live birth in the last 2 years (%) | UNICEF_PNCMOTHER |
Proportion of newborns who have postnatal contact with a health provider within 2 days of delivery (%) | UNICEF_PNCNEWBORN |
Children aged < 5 years with pneumonia symptoms taken to a healthcare provider (%) | UNICEF_PNEUMONIACARE |
UV radiation | UV_1 |
UV radiation attributable deaths | UV_2 |
UV radiation attributable DALYs (’000) | UV_3 |
UV radiation attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | UV_4 |
UV radiation attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | UV_5 |
Proportion of young women and men aged 18-29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18 (%) | VC_VAW_SXVLN |
Bullied, past 30 days (%) | VIOLENCE_BULLIED |
Lifetime prevalence of child emotional abuse (%) | VIOLENCE_CHILD_EMOTIONAL |
Lifetime prevalence of child physical neglect (%) | VIOLENCE_CHILD_NEGLECT |
Lifetime prevalence of child physical abuse (%) | VIOLENCE_CHILD_PHYSICAL |
Lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse (%) | VIOLENCE_CHILD_SEXUAL |
Extent of implementation of mental health services for victims of all types of violence | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_ALLTYPES |
Child maltreatment: Extent of implementation of home-visiting programmes | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_CHILDHOMEVISIT |
Extent of implementation of child protection services | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_CHILDPROTECTION |
Elder abuse: Extent of implementation of caregiver-support programmes | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_ELDERCAREGIVER |
Intimate partner violence: Extent of implementation of dating violence prevention programmes | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_PARTNERVIOLPREVENTION |
Extent of implementation of medico-legal services for victims of sexual violence | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_VICTIMSMEDICOLEGAL |
Youth violence: Extent of implementation of life-skills and social development programmes | VIOLENCE_EXTENTIMP_YOUTHLIFESKILLS |
Estimates of number of homicides | VIOLENCE_HOMICIDENUM |
Estimates of rates of homicides per 100 000 population | VIOLENCE_HOMICIDERATE |
Physical fighting, past 12 months (%) | VIOLENCE_PHYSICAL_FIGHTING |
Anti-tobacco mass media campaigns | W-MM_Group |
Do the health warnings on cigarette packaging include a photograph or graphic? | W10_graphic_A |
Do the health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging include a photograph or graphic? | W10_graphic_B |
Do the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging include a photograph or graphic? | W10_graphic_C |
Do health warnings appear on each cigarette package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale? | W11_outside_pack_A |
Do health warnings appear on each other smoked tobacco package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale? | W11_outside_pack_B |
Do health warnings appear on each smokeless tobacco package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale? | W11_outside_pack_C |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale | W12_imports_dutyfree_A |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale | W12_imports_dutyfree_B |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale | W12_imports_dutyfree_C |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry | W13_ind_liability_A |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry | W13_ind_liability_B |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry | W13_ind_liability_C |
Do health warnings on cigarette packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health? | W14_harm_effects_A |
Do health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health? | W14_harm_effects_B |
Do health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health? | W14_harm_effects_C |
Does the law mandate specific health warnings on cigarette packaging? | W15_specific_hw_A |
Does the law mandate specific health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging? | W15_specific_hw_B |
Does the law mandate specific health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging? | W15_specific_hw_C |
How many health warnings are approved by the law for cigarette packaging? | W16_number_hw_A |
How many health warnings are approved by the law for other smoked tobacco packaging? | W16_number_hw_B |
How many health warnings are approved by the law for smokeless tobacco packaging? | W16_number_hw_C |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations | W17_fines_A |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations | W17_fines_B |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations | W17_fines_C |
Ban on deceitful terms on cigarette packaging | W18_misleading_terms_A |
Ban on deceitful terms on other smoked tobacco packaging | W18_misleading_terms_B |
Ban on deceitful terms on smokeless tobacco packaging | W18_misleading_terms_C |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors | W19_Bolours_numbers_B |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors | W19_colours_numbers_A |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors | W19_colours_numbers_B |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors | W19_colours_numbers_C |
Law mandates that health warnings appear on tobacco packages | W1_HW_law_A |
Law mandates that health warnings appear on other smoked tobacco packages | W1_HW_law_B |
Law mandates that health warnings appear on smokeless tobacco packages | W1_HW_law_C |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours | W20_flavours_A |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours | W20_flavours_B |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours | W20_flavours_C |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark | W21_emissions_A |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark | W21_emissions_B |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark | W21_emissions_quant_B |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark | W21_emissions_quant_C |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must display qualitative information on relevant constituents and emissions | W22_emissions_qual_A |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must display qualitative information on relevant constituents and emissions | W22_emissions_qual_B |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must display qualitative information on relevant constituents and emissions | W22_emissions_qual_C |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must display qualitative information on constituents and emissions on one or more of the principal display areas | W23_emissions_front_back_A |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must display qualitative information on constituents and emissions on one or more of the principal display areas | W23_emissions_front_back_B |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must display qualitative information on constituents and emissions on one or more of the principal display areas | W23_emissions_front_back_C |
Cigarette packaging and labelling must not display expiry dates | W24_exp_date_A |
Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not display expiry dates | W24_exp_date_B |
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not display expiry dates | W24_exp_date_C |
The quit line number must appear on cigarette packaging or labelling | W25_quitline_number_A |
The quit line number must appear on other smoked tobacco packaging or labelling | W25_quitline_number_B |
The quit line number must appear on smokeless tobacco packaging or labelling | W25_quitline_number_C |
Plain packaging of cigarettes is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited). | W26_plainSPACEpackaging_A |
Plain packaging of smokeless tobacco products is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited). | W26_plainSPACEpackaging_C |
Plain packaging of cigarettes is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited). | W26_plain_packaging_A |
Plain packaging of other smoked tobacco products is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited). | W26_plain_packaging_B |
Plain packaging of smokeless tobacco products is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited). | W26_plain_packaging_C |
The sale of all smokeless tobacco products is completely banned | W27_smokeless_prod_ban |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of cigarette packaging | W2_pc_front_back_A |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of other smoked tobacco packaging | W2_pc_front_back_B |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of smokeless tobacco packaging | W2_pc_front_back_C |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of cigarette packaging | W3_pc_front_A |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of other smoked tobacco packaging | W3_pc_front_B |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of smokeless tobacco packaging | W3_pc_front_C |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of cigarette packaging | W4_pc_back_A |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of other smoked tobacco packaging | W4_pc_back_B |
Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of smokeless tobacco packaging | W4_pc_back_C |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package | W5_top_side_A |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package | W5_top_side_B |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package | W5_top_side_C |
Does the law mandate font style, font size and colour of health warnings on cigarette packaging? | W6_font_A |
Does the law mandate font style, font size and colour of health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging? | W6_font_B |
Does the law mandate font style, font size and colour of health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging? | W6_font_C |
Are the health warnings on cigarette packaging rotating? | W7_rotation_A |
Are the health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging rotating? | W7_rotation_B |
Are the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging rotating? | W7_rotation_C |
Are the health warnings on cigarette packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country? | W8_princ_langs_A |
Are the health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country? | W8_princ_langs_B |
Are the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country? | W8_princ_langs_C |
Health warnings on cigarette packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps | W9_no_obscure_A |
Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps | W9_no_obscure_B |
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps | W9_no_obscure_C |
Access to improved drinking water sources | WAS_0000000001 |
Access to improved sanitation | WAS_0000000002 |
Life expectancy at birth (years) | WHOSIS_000001 |
Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at birth (years) | WHOSIS_000002 |
Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births) | WHOSIS_000003 |
Adult mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years per 1000 population) | WHOSIS_000004 |
Low-birth-weight newborns (%) | WHOSIS_000005 |
Infants exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life (%) | WHOSIS_000006 |
Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at age 60 (years) | WHOSIS_000007 |
Children aged <5 years underweight (%) | WHOSIS_000008 |
Children aged <5 years overweight (%) | WHOSIS_000009 |
Adults aged ≥ 20 years who are obese (%) | WHOSIS_000010 |
Alcohol consumption among adults aged ≥ 15 years (litres of pure alcohol per person per year) | WHOSIS_000011 |
Prevalence of smoking any tobacco product among adults (≥15 years) (%) | WHOSIS_000012 |
Prevalence of current tobacco use among adolescents (13-15 years) (%) | WHOSIS_000013 |
Stillbirth rate (per 1000 total births) | WHOSIS_000014 |
Life expectancy at age 60 (years) | WHOSIS_000015 |
Most recent census (year) | WHS10_1 |
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) | WHS10_10 |
Number of cause-of-death registration years available | WHS10_2 |
Number of national population surveys - child anthropometry | WHS10_3 |
Number of national population surveys - child mortality | WHS10_4 |
Number of national population surveys - maternal mortality | WHS10_5 |
Number of national population surveys - HIV prevalence | WHS10_6 |
Number of national population surveys - adult health | WHS10_7 |
Civil registration coverage of cause-of-death (%) | WHS10_8 |
Ill-defined causes in cause-of-death registration (%) | WHS10_9 |
Distribution of years of life lost by major cause group | WHS2_126 |
Age-standardized NCD mortality rate (per 100 000 population) | WHS2_131 |
Deaths due to HIV/AIDS (per 100 000 population) | WHS2_138 |
Deaths due to malaria (per 100 000 population) | WHS2_152 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) | WHS2_155 |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Cancer | WHS2_160 |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Cardiovascular | WHS2_161 |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Injuries | WHS2_162 |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Noncommunicable | WHS2_163 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Malaria | WHS2_164 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Pneumonia | WHS2_165 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Injuries | WHS2_166 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Diarrhoea | WHS2_167 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Measles | WHS2_168 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Causes arising in the perinatal period | WHS2_169 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - HIV/AIDS | WHS2_170 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Other diseases | WHS2_171 |
Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes (%) - Communicable | WHS2_172 |
Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes (%) - Noncommunicable | WHS2_173 |
Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes (%) - Injuries | WHS2_174 |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (ages 30-70, per 100 000 population) - All causes | WHS2_3070_all |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (ages 30-70, per 100 000 population) - Cancer | WHS2_3070_cancer |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (ages 30-70, per 100 000 population) - Cardiovasular disease and diabetes | WHS2_3070_cdd |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (ages 30-70, per 100 000 population) - Chronic respiratory conditions | WHS2_3070_chronic |
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Communicable | WHS2_513 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Prematurity | WHS2_514 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Neonatal sepsis | WHS2_515 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Congenital anomalies | WHS2_516 |
Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%) - Birth asphyxia | WHS2_523 |
Cholera - number of reported cases | WHS3_40 |
Diphtheria - number of reported cases | WHS3_41 |
Japanese encephalitis - number of reported cases | WHS3_42 |
Pertussis - number of reported cases | WHS3_43 |
Number of new leprosy cases | WHS3_45 |
Total tetanus - number of reported cases | WHS3_46 |
Meningitis - number of reported cases | WHS3_47 |
Malaria - number of reported confirmed cases | WHS3_48 |
Poliomyelitis - number of reported cases | WHS3_49 |
Yellow fever - number of reported cases | WHS3_50 |
H5N1 influenza - number of reported cases | WHS3_51 |
Plague - number of reported cases | WHS3_52 |
Number of reported cases of tuberculosis | WHS3_522 |
Mumps - number of reported cases | WHS3_53 |
Number of reported cases of tuberculosis (DOTS) | WHS3_54 |
Congenital Rubella Syndrome - number of reported cases | WHS3_55 |
Neonatal tetanus - number of reported cases | WHS3_56 |
Total rubella - number of reported cases | WHS3_57 |
Measles - number of reported cases | WHS3_62 |
Diphtheria tetanus toxoid and pertussis (DTP3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | WHS4_100 |
Children aged < 5 years with pneumonia symptoms taken to a healthcare provider (%) | WHS4_106 |
Children aged <5 years with diarrhoea receiving ORT (%) | WHS4_107 |
Children aged <5 years with ARI symptoms who took antibiotic treatment (%) | WHS4_108 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (%) | WHS4_111 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit, among girls aged 15-19 (%) | WHS4_111_AGE1519 |
Births by caesarean section (%) | WHS4_115 |
Hepatitis B (HepB3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | WHS4_117 |
Children aged 6-59 months who received vitamin A supplementation (%) | WHS4_124 |
Neonates protected at birth against neonatal tetanus (PAB) (%) | WHS4_128 |
Hib (Hib3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | WHS4_129 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (%) | WHS4_154 |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth (%) | WHS4_2530 |
BCG immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | WHS4_543 |
Polio (Pol3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | WHS4_544 |
Antiretroviral therapy coverage among HIV-infected pregnant women for PMTCT (%) | WHS4_99 |
Population using improved drinking-water sources (%) | WHS5_122 |
Population using improved sanitation facilities (%) | WHS5_158 |
Population using solid fuels (%) | WHS5_512 |
Radiotherapy units (per 1 000 000 population) | WHS6_100 |
Median availability of selected generic medicines (%) - Private | WHS6_101 |
Hospital beds (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_102 |
Median consumer price ratio of selected generic medicines - Private | WHS6_116 |
Number of dentistry personnel | WHS6_123 |
Physicians density (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_125 |
Number of nursing and midwifery personnel | WHS6_127 |
Number of physicians | WHS6_136 |
Number of community health workers | WHS6_140 |
Dentistry personnel density (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_144 |
Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_148 |
Community health workers density (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_150 |
Number of other health service providers | WHS6_157 |
Other health service providers density (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_159 |
Number of pharmaceutical personnel | WHS6_517 |
Number of environment and public health workers | WHS6_518 |
Density of pharmaceutical personnel (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_519 |
Density of environment and public health workers (per 10 000 population) | WHS6_520 |
Private prepaid plans as a percentage of private expenditure on health | WHS7_103 |
Per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) | WHS7_104 |
Per capita total expenditure on health (PPP int. $) | WHS7_105 |
Per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int. $) | WHS7_108 |
General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure | WHS7_113 |
External resources for health as a percentage of total expenditure on health | WHS7_120 |
Social security expenditure on health as a percentage of general government expenditure on health | WHS7_134 |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of private expenditure on health | WHS7_139 |
Total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product | WHS7_143 |
Private expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health | WHS7_147 |
General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health | WHS7_149 |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of total expenditure on health | WHS7_150 |
Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) | WHS7_156 |
Measles-containing-vaccine first-dose (MCV1) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | WHS8_110 |
Literacy rate among adults aged >= 15 years (%) | WHS9_85 |
Population (in thousands) total | WHS9_86 |
Net primary school enrolment ratio (%) | WHS9_87 |
Population median age (years) | WHS9_88 |
Population proportion under 15 (%) | WHS9_89 |
Population living on <$1 (PPP int. $) a day (%) | WHS9_90 |
Civil registration coverage of births (%) | WHS9_91 |
Population proportion over 60 (%) | WHS9_92 |
Gross national income per capita (PPP int. $) | WHS9_93 |
Civil registration coverage of causes of deaths (%) | WHS9_94 |
Total fertility rate (per woman) | WHS9_95 |
Population living in urban areas (%) | WHS9_96 |
Annual population growth rate (%) | WHS9_97 |
Crude birth rate (per 1000 population) | WHS9_CBR |
Crude death rate (per 1000 population) | WHS9_CDR |
Cellular subscribers (per 100 population) | WHS9_CS |
Preterm birth rate (per 100 live births) | WHS_PBR |
Water, sanitation and hygiene - population attributable fractions | WSH_09 |
SDG 3.9.2 WASH deaths | WSH_1 |
Number of diarrhoea deaths from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene | WSH_10 |
Number of diarrhoea deaths from inadequate hygiene | WSH_10_HYG |
Number of diarrhoea deaths from inadequate sanitation | WSH_10_SAN |
Number of diarrhoea deaths from inadequate water | WSH_10_WAT |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable deaths (’000) in children under 5 years | WSH_2 |
Attributable fraction of diarrhoea to inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene | WSH_20 |
Attributable fraction of diarrhoea to inadequate hygiene | WSH_20_HYG |
Attributable fraction of diarrhoea to inadequate sanitation | WSH_20_SAN |
Attributable fraction of diarrhoea to inadequate water | WSH_20_WAT |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable deaths per 100’000 capita | WSH_3 |
Number of diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene | WSH_30 |
Number of diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate hygiene | WSH_30_HYG |
Number of diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate sanitation | WSH_30_SAN |
Number of diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate water | WSH_30_WAT |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable deaths per 100’000 children under 5 years | WSH_4 |
Diarrhoea deaths from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene in children under 5 years | WSH_40 |
Diarrhoea deaths from inadequate hygiene in children under 5 years | WSH_40_HYG |
Diarrhoea deaths from inadequate sanitation in children under 5 years | WSH_40_SAN |
Diarrhoea deaths from inadequate water in children under 5 years | WSH_40_WAT |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs (’000) | WSH_5 |
Diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene in children under 5 years | WSH_50 |
Diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate hygiene in children under 5 years | WSH_50_HYG |
Diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate sanitation in children under 5 years | WSH_50_SAN |
Diarrhoea DALYs from inadequate water in children under 5 years | WSH_50_WAT |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs (’000) in children under 5 years | WSH_6 |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs per 100’000 capita | WSH_7 |
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs per 100’000 children under 5 years | WSH_8 |
Population with basic handwashing facilities at home (%) | WSH_HYGIENE_BASIC |
Population using at least basic sanitation services (%) | WSH_SANITATION_BASIC |
Population practising open defecation (%) | WSH_SANITATION_OD |
Population using safely managed sanitation services (%) | WSH_SANITATION_SAFELY_MANAGED |
Population using at least basic drinking-water services (%) | WSH_WATER_BASIC |
Population using safely managed drinking-water services (%) | WSH_WATER_SAFELY_MANAGED |
Warning about the dangers of tobacco | W_Group |
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (in the two or three years preceding the survey) (%) | anc1 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | anc13 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | anc15 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (in the two or three years preceding the survey) (%) | anc4 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | anc43 |
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | anc45 |
Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1000 women aged 15-19 years) | asfr1 |
BCG immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | bcgv |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the two years preceding the survey) (%) | bfearly |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | bfearly5 |
Obesity prevalence in non-pregnant women aged 15-49 years, BMI >= 30 (%) | bmi30wm |
Children aged < 5 years with pneumonia symptoms taken to a health facility (%) | carep |
Composite coverage index (%) | cci |
Composite coverage index (%) | cci2030 |
Child mortality rate (probability of dying between age 1 and age 5 per 1000 live births) | cmr |
Contraceptive prevalence - modern methods (%) | cpmo |
Contraceptive prevalence - modern methods (%) | cpmowho |
Contraceptive prevalence - modern and traditional methods (%) | cpmt |
Births by caesarean section (in the two or three years preceding the survey) (%) | csection |
Births by caesarean section (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | csection3 |
Births by caesarean section (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | csection5 |
DTP3 immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | dptv |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the two or three years preceding the survey) (%) | ebreast |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | ebreast3 |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | ebreast5 |
Family planning needs satisfied (%) | famplan |
Demand for family planning satisfied - modern and traditional methods (%) | fps |
Demand for family planning satisfied - modern methods (%) | fpsmo |
Demand for family planning satisfied - modern methods (%) | fpsmowho |
Full immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | full |
Full immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | fullv |
Infant mortality rate (deaths per 1000 live births) | imr |
Children aged < 5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%) | itnch |
Children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%) | itnchild |
Pregnant women sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%) | itnpreg |
Pregnant women sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%) | itnwm |
Measles (MCV) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%) | measlesv |
Measles immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | mslv |
Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1000 live births) | nmr |
Prevalence of obesity in non-pregnant women aged 15 - 49 years, BMI >= 30 (%) | obese |
Obesity prevalence in non-pregnant women aged 15-49 years, BMI >= 30 (%) | obesewm |
Children aged < 5 years with diarrhoea receiving oral rehydration salts (%) | ors |
Children aged < 5 years with diarrhoea receiving oral rehydration therapy and continued feeding (%) | ort |
Overweight prevalence in children aged <three years (%) | overwgt3 |
Overweight prevalence in children aged <five years (%) | overwgt5 |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth (in the x years preceding the survey) (%) | pncall |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | pncall3 |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | pncall5 |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth - born outside a health facility (in the x years preceding the survey) (%) | pnchome |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth - born outside a health facility (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | pnchome3 |
Postnatal care visit within two days of birth - born outside a health facility (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | pnchome5 |
Children aged <5 years with ARI symptoms taken to facility (%) | pneumcare |
Postneonatal mortality rate (probability of dying between age 30 days and 11 months per 1000 live births) | pnmr |
Polio immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | poliov |
Births attended by skilled health personnel (in the two or three years preceding the survey) (%) | sba |
Births attended by skilled health personnel (in the three years preceding the survey) (%) | sba3 |
Births attended by skilled health personnel (in the five years preceding the survey) (%) | sba5 |
Children aged <5 years stunted (%) | stunt |
Stunting prevalence in children aged < 3 years (%) | stunt3 |
Stunting prevalence in children aged < 5 years (%) | stunt5 |
Total fertility rate (births per woman) | tfr |
Under-five mortality rate (deaths per 1000 live births) | u5mr |
Children aged <5 years underweight (%) | uweight |
Underweight prevalence in children aged < 3 years (%) | uweight3 |
Underweight prevalence in children aged < 5 years (%) | uweight5 |
Underweight prevalence in children aged < 3 years (%) | uwgt3 |
Underweight prevalence in children aged < 5 years (%) | uwgt5 |
BCG immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | vbcg |
DTP3 immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | vdpt |
Full immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | vfull |
Children aged 6-59 months who received vitamin A supplementation (%) | vita |
Measles immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | vmsl |
Polio immunization coverage among one-year-olds (%) | vpolio |
Wasting prevalence in children aged < 3 years (%) | wast3 |
Wasting prevalence in children aged < 5 years (%) | wast5 |