
Connect to Your Revulytics Data with R!


revulyticsR facilitates making a connection to the Revulytics API and executing various queries. You can use it to get active users (daily, monthly, etc) or to query on various advanced events and get the results in tidy data frames.


The development version can be installed from GitHub: devtools::install_github("chrisumphlett/revulyticsR").


A session must first be established before querying the API. This is done using your Revulytics username and password with revultyics_auth().

The current version has several functions for making requests to the API.

You will need your own credentials to use the package. A workflow could be:

  rev_user <- "my_username"
  rev_pwd <- "super_secret"
  product_ids_list <- c("123", "456", "789")
  start_date <- lubridate::floor_date(Sys.Date(), unit = "months") - months(6)
  end_date <- Sys.Date() - 1
  session_id <- revulytics_auth(rev_user, rev_pwd)
  monthly_active_users <- get_active_users(product_ids_list, "month", start_date, end_date, session_id, rev_user)
  category_event <- get_categories_and_events(product_ids_list, session_id, rev_user)
  product_properties <- get_product_properties(product_ids_list, session_id, rev_user)
  client_metadata <- get_client_metadata(product_ids_list, session_id, rev_user, product_properties, c("Property1", "Property2"), start_date, end_date)

More info on the API is available at

Revulytics is now known as Flexera Usage Intelligence

While I was developing the package Revulytics was acquired by Flexera, but retained its name. When I was virtually done with the package Flexera rebranded it as Flexera Usage Intelligence. I expect that Revulytics is what it will still be commonly called for some time by its customers (as it is at my company).