Quickstart for reval


This vignette will get you stated using reval. Additional examples are available in the evalmany function documentation.

Example: Channel design sensitivity analysis

In-stream structures such as dams, weirs and culverts modify flows in a river. In large rivers with tranquil flows, such structures can affect the river stage (water depth) many miles upstream. These water surface profiles or “backwater curves” can be modelled using well-understood hydraulic relationships. One important parameter—a coefficient representing the texture or “roughness” of the river bed—is empirical and cannot be easily measured. Therefore it is often important for engineers to compute these backwater curves for a range of roughness values in order to establish confidence limits for planning and management purposes.

The rivr package provides the function compute_profile for modelling backwater curves in prismatic channels given a known water depth at a specified location. Computing a single profile would look something like this:

# install.packages('rivr')
myprofile = compute_profile(So = 0.001, n = 0.045, Q = 250, y0 = 2.5, Cm = 1.486, 
    g = 32.2, B = 100, SS = 0, stepdist = 50, totaldist = 3000)
##      x    z        y        v        A           Sf        E        Fr
## 1    0 0.00 2.500000 1.000000 250.0000 0.0002884384 2.515528 0.1114556
## 2  -50 0.05 2.464316 1.014480 246.4316 0.0003023231 2.530297 0.1138852
## 3 -100 0.10 2.429331 1.029090 242.9331 0.0003167995 2.545775 0.1163542
## 4 -150 0.15 2.395073 1.043809 239.5073 0.0003318679 2.561992 0.1188595
## 5 -200 0.20 2.361575 1.058616 236.1575 0.0003475244 2.578977 0.1213974
## 6 -250 0.25 2.328865 1.073484 232.8865 0.0003637600 2.596759 0.1239640

In order to perform a sensitivity analysis on the effect of the roughness parameter on the backwater curve, we need to loop through a series of roughness values (the argument “n”) and compile the results for comparison. This could be accomplished with a simple for loop:

# loop through values of n
ns = seq(0.03, 0.06, by = 0.005)
results = vector("list", length = length(ns))
for (i in 1:length(ns)) {
    results[[i]] = compute_profile(So = 0.001, n = ns[i], Q = 250, y0 = 2.5, 
        Cm = 1.486, g = 32.2, B = 100, SS = 0, stepdist = 50, totaldist = 3000)
    # add an identifier to the result
    results[[i]]["n"] = ns[i]
# combine outputs
combined = do.call(rbind.data.frame, results)

That wasn't too bad, but it's even easier with reval. We can replace that entire chunk of code with a single call to evalmany:

results = evalmany(compute_profile, n = seq(0.03, 0.06, by = 0.005), default.args = list(So = 0.001, 
    Q = 250, y0 = 2.5, Cm = 1.486, g = 32.2, B = 100, SS = 0, stepdist = 50, 
    totaldist = 3000))

plot of chunk plot-single

Other factors can also influence the water surface profile, such as the channel slope and the angle of the channel walls. If we wanted to perform a sensitivity analysis based on these parameters as well, we would need to use a set of nested loops or add code to organize the sequence of parameter sets to evaluate. This would impact readability and make code maintenance a hassle. In contrast, performing a multi-parameter sensitivity analysis with reval is trivial. Here we use evalmany to evaluate all possible permutations of the three parameters. When performing more intensive computations, parallel processing capabilities from the doParallel package can be leveraged using the argument clusters.

results = evalmany(compute_profile, n = seq(0.03, 0.06, by = 0.005), So = seq(0.001, 
    0.0015, by = 0.00025), SS = seq(0, 6, by = 2), default.args = list(Q = 250, 
    y0 = 2.5, Cm = 1.486, g = 32.2, B = 100, stepdist = 50, totaldist = 3000), 
    method = "permute", collate.id = "multi", clusters = 2, packages = "rivr")

The collate.id argument is particularly useful for plotting with ggplot2 and for subsetting data with dplyr.

ggplot(results, aes(x = x, y = y, color = factor(n))) + geom_line() + facet_grid(SS ~ 

plot of chunk plot-curves

filter(results, n == 0.045, So == 0.0015, SS == 2)
x z y v A Sf E Fr n So SS
0 0.000 2.500000 0.9523810 262.5000 0.0002646 2.514084 0.1086462 0.045 0.0015 2
-50 0.075 2.438050 0.9777343 255.6932 0.0002878 2.527894 0.1128860 0.045 0.0015 2
-100 0.150 2.377273 1.0038946 249.0301 0.0003133 2.542922 0.1173166 0.045 0.0015 2
-150 0.225 2.317781 1.0308330 242.5223 0.0003411 2.559281 0.1219375 0.045 0.0015 2
-200 0.300 2.259696 1.0585056 236.1820 0.0003714 2.577094 0.1267454 0.045 0.0015 2
-250 0.375 2.203146 1.0868510 230.0223 0.0004044 2.596488 0.1317336 0.045 0.0015 2

In this case compute_profile outputs a dataframe and collating works as expected. When the input function does not produce a dataframe, evalmany will attempt to coerce the output using as.data.frame. An optional function to further manipulate the raw output prior to coercion to a data frame can be passed via the argument collate.fun. Alternatively, the raw results can be output as a named list with collate = FALSE.

Still confused?

Check out the evalmany function documentation for more examples.