Intro to the rebird package
A programmatic interface to the eBird database. Find out more about eBird at their website.
| |
You can install the stable version from CRAN | install.packages("rebird")
Or the development version from Github | install.packages("devtools")
Then load the package into the R sesssion | library("rebird")
The eBird API server
has been updated and thus there are a couple major changes in the way rebird works.
API requests to eBird now require users to provide an API key, which is linked to your
eBird user account.
You can pass it to the 'key' argument in rebird functions, but we highly recommend
storing it as an environment variable called EBIRD_KEY in your .Renviron file.
If you don't have a key, you can obtain one from
You can keep your .Renviron file in your global R home directory (R.home() ), your user's home
directory (Sys.getenv("HOME") ), or your current working directory (getwd() ). Remember
that .Renviron is loaded once when you start R, so if you add your API key to the file you will
have to restart your R session. See for
more information on R's startup files.
| |
Furthermore, functions now use species codes, rather than scientific names, for species-specific requests.
We've made the switch easy by providing the species_code function, which converts a scientific name to
its species code: | species_code('sula variegata')
## Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata): perboo1
## [1] "perboo1"
The species_code function can be called within other rebird functions, or the species code
can be specified directly.
Sightings at location determined by latitude/longitude
| |
Search for bird occurrences by latitude and longitude point | ebirdgeo(species = species_code('spinus tristis'), lat = 42, lng = -76)
## American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis): amegfi
## # A tibble: 26 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L100… Bare V… 2019… 7 41.8 -75.9
## 2 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L447… Bingha… 2019… 6 42.1 -76.0
## 3 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L275… "Home " 2019… 1 42.1 -76.0
## 4 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L505… Boland… 2019… 1 42.2 -75.9
## 5 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L351… Anson … 2019… 25 42.1 -76.1
## 6 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L524… Victor… 2019… 3 42.1 -76.0
## 7 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L846… 31 Pul… 2019… 2 42.2 -76.2
## 8 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L217… Vestal 2019… 11 42.1 -76.0
## 9 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L211… Tri-Ci… 2019… 2 42.1 -76.1
## 10 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L166… Chugnu… 2019… NA 42.1 -76.0
## # … with 16 more rows, and 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>,
## # obsReviewed <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>
Same, but with additional parameter settings, returning only 10 records, including provisional records, and hotspot records. | ebirdgeo(lat = 42, lng = -76, max = 10, includeProvisional = TRUE, hotspot = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 10 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cangoo Canada… Branta… L147… Quaker… 2019… 2 42.0 -75.9
## 2 mallar3 Mallard Anas p… L147… Quaker… 2019… 27 42.0 -75.9
## 3 grbher3 Great … Ardea … L147… Quaker… 2019… 1 42.0 -75.9
## 4 blujay Blue J… Cyanoc… L147… Quaker… 2019… 1 42.0 -75.9
## 5 eursta Europe… Sturnu… L147… Quaker… 2019… 4 42.0 -75.9
## 6 daejun Dark-e… Junco … L147… Quaker… 2019… 1 42.0 -75.9
## 7 turvul Turkey… Cathar… L447… Bingha… 2019… 8 42.1 -76.0
## 8 norhar2 Northe… Circus… L447… Bingha… 2019… 1 42.1 -76.0
## 9 baleag Bald E… Haliae… L447… Bingha… 2019… 1 42.1 -76.0
## 10 rethaw Red-ta… Buteo … L447… Bingha… 2019… 2 42.1 -76.0
## # … with 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
## # locationPrivate <lgl>
Recent sightings from location IDs
| |
Search for bird occurrences for in a hotspot using its ID | ebirdregion(loc = 'L99381')
## # A tibble: 68 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cangoo Canada… Branta… L993… Stewar… 2019… 8 42.5 -76.5
## 2 mallar3 Mallard Anas p… L993… Stewar… 2019… 25 42.5 -76.5
## 3 ribgul Ring-b… Larus … L993… Stewar… 2019… 30 42.5 -76.5
## 4 hergul Herrin… Larus … L993… Stewar… 2019… 35 42.5 -76.5
## 5 gbbgul Great … Larus … L993… Stewar… 2019… 6 42.5 -76.5
## 6 doccor Double… Phalac… L993… Stewar… 2019… 250 42.5 -76.5
## 7 rebwoo Red-be… Melane… L993… Stewar… 2019… 1 42.5 -76.5
## 8 dowwoo Downy … Dryoba… L993… Stewar… 2019… 3 42.5 -76.5
## 9 norfli Northe… Colapt… L993… Stewar… 2019… 1 42.5 -76.5
## 10 blujay Blue J… Cyanoc… L993… Stewar… 2019… 8 42.5 -76.5
## # … with 58 more rows, and 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>,
## # obsReviewed <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>
Search by location ID and species name, as well as some additional parameter settings | ebirdregion(loc = 'L99381', species = species_code('larus delawarensis'),
max = 10, provisional = TRUE, hotspot = TRUE)
## Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis): ribgul
## # A tibble: 1 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 ribgul Ring-b… Larus … L993… Stewar… 2019… 30 42.5 -76.5
## # … with 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
## # locationPrivate <lgl>
Nearest observations of a species
| |
Search for a species' occurrences near a given latitude and longitude | nearestobs(species_code('branta canadensis'), 42, -76)
## Canada Goose (Branta canadensis): cangoo
## # A tibble: 36 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cangoo Canada… Branta… L147… Quaker… 2019… 2 42.0 -75.9
## 2 cangoo Canada… Branta… L978… Murphy… 2019… NA 42.1 -76.0
## 3 cangoo Canada… Branta… L207… Workwa… 2019… 4 42.1 -75.9
## 4 cangoo Canada… Branta… L245… Water … 2019… 20 42.1 -75.9
## 5 cangoo Canada… Branta… L274… River … 2019… 25 42.1 -76.0
## 6 cangoo Canada… Branta… L255… Wall S… 2019… 1 42.1 -75.9
## 7 cangoo Canada… Branta… L446… PA-SQ-… 2019… 25 41.8 -75.9
## 8 cangoo Canada… Branta… L179… Joyce … 2019… 6 41.8 -75.9
## 9 cangoo Canada… Branta… L246… Martin… 2019… 2 42.1 -75.9
## 10 cangoo Canada… Branta… L166… Chugnu… 2019… 40 42.1 -76.0
## # … with 26 more rows, and 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>,
## # obsReviewed <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>
Recent observations at a region
| |
Search for bird occurrences by region and species name | ebirdregion(loc = 'US', species = species_code('Setophaga caerulescens'))
## Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens): btbwar
## # A tibble: 1,492 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L668… Naples… 2019… 1 26.1 -81.7
## 2 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L399… Florid… 2019… 1 26.4 -80.1
## 3 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L900… 1301 S… 2019… 2 26.3 -80.1
## 4 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L486… Union … 2019… 1 40.7 -74.0
## 5 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L100… "Parki… 2019… 1 26.1 -80.1
## 6 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L685… Hillsb… 2019… 2 26.3 -80.2
## 7 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L616… Lake L… 2019… 3 35.9 -78.7
## 8 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L871… Eno Ri… 2019… 1 36.1 -79.0
## 9 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L994… Jupite… 2019… 1 27.0 -80.1
## 10 btbwar Black-… Setoph… L127… Hugh T… 2019… 1 26.1 -80.1
## # … with 1,482 more rows, and 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>,
## # obsReviewed <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>
Search by location ID and species name, as well as some additional parameter settings. Note that we use US-OH to represent Ohio within the US. | ebirdregion(loc = 'US-OH', max = 10, provisional = TRUE, hotspot = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 10 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 amekes Americ… Falco … L813… Washbu… 2019… 1 40.7 -83.3
## 2 turvul Turkey… Cathar… L813… Washbu… 2019… 1 40.7 -83.3
## 3 bkcchi Black-… Poecil… L805… Rocky … 2019… 4 41.4 -81.9
## 4 tuftit Tufted… Baeolo… L805… Rocky … 2019… 1 41.4 -81.9
## 5 reshaw Red-sh… Buteo … L805… Rocky … 2019… 1 41.4 -81.9
## 6 rebwoo Red-be… Melane… L805… Rocky … 2019… 1 41.4 -81.9
## 7 mallar3 Mallard Anas p… L805… Rocky … 2019… 4 41.4 -81.9
## 8 houfin House … Haemor… L805… Rocky … 2019… 6 41.4 -81.9
## 9 dowwoo Downy … Dryoba… L805… Rocky … 2019… 2 41.4 -81.9
## 10 cangoo Canada… Branta… L805… Rocky … 2019… 14 41.4 -81.9
## # … with 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
## # locationPrivate <lgl>
Frequency of observations at hotspots or regions
| |
Obtain historical frequencies of bird occurrences at a given hotspot | ebirdfreq(loctype = 'hotspots', loc = 'L196159')
## # A tibble: 9,408 x 4
## comName monthQt frequency sampleSize
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Snow Goose January-1 0 33
## 2 Greater White-fronted Goose January-1 0 33
## 3 Cackling Goose January-1 0 33
## 4 Canada Goose January-1 0 33
## 5 Cackling/Canada Goose January-1 0 33
## 6 Trumpeter Swan January-1 0 33
## 7 Wood Duck January-1 0.152 33
## 8 Blue-winged Teal January-1 0 33
## 9 Cinnamon Teal January-1 0 33
## 10 Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal January-1 0 33
## # … with 9,398 more rows
Same, but in wide format (for making bar charts) | ebirdfreq(loctype = 'hotspots', loc = 'L196159', long = FALSE)
## # A tibble: 197 x 49
## comName `January-1` `January-2` `January-3` `January-4` `February-1`
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Sample… 33 32 43 113 47
## 2 Snow G… 0 0 0 0 0
## 3 Greate… 0 0 0 0 0
## 4 Cackli… 0 0 0 0 0
## 5 Canada… 0 0.0312 0.0015 0.106 0.191
## 6 Cackli… 0 0 0 0 0
## 7 Trumpe… 0 0 0 0 0
## 8 Wood D… 0.152 0.0312 0 0.0177 0.0426
## 9 Blue-w… 0 0 0 0 0
## 10 Cinnam… 0 0 0 0 0
## # … with 187 more rows, and 43 more variables: `February-2` <dbl>,
## # `February-3` <dbl>, `February-4` <dbl>, `March-1` <dbl>,
## # `March-2` <dbl>, `March-3` <dbl>, `March-4` <dbl>, `April-1` <dbl>,
## # `April-2` <dbl>, `April-3` <dbl>, `April-4` <dbl>, `May-1` <dbl>,
## # `May-2` <dbl>, `May-3` <dbl>, `May-4` <dbl>, `June-1` <dbl>,
## # `June-2` <dbl>, `June-3` <dbl>, `June-4` <dbl>, `July-1` <dbl>,
## # `July-2` <dbl>, `July-3` <dbl>, `July-4` <dbl>, `August-1` <dbl>,
## # `August-2` <dbl>, `August-3` <dbl>, `August-4` <dbl>,
## # `September-1` <dbl>, `September-2` <dbl>, `September-3` <dbl>,
## # `September-4` <dbl>, `October-1` <dbl>, `October-2` <dbl>,
## # `October-3` <dbl>, `October-4` <dbl>, `November-1` <dbl>,
## # `November-2` <dbl>, `November-3` <dbl>, `November-4` <dbl>,
## # `December-1` <dbl>, `December-2` <dbl>, `December-3` <dbl>,
## # `December-4` <dbl>
Obtain frequency data for a given state | ebirdfreq(loctype = 'states', loc = 'CA-BC')
## # A tibble: 36,048 x 4
## comName monthQt frequency sampleSize
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Fulvous Whistling-Duck January… 0 16870
## 2 Emperor Goose January… 0 16870
## 3 Snow Goose January… 0.0281 16870
## 4 Ross's Goose January… 0 16870
## 5 Snow x Ross's Goose (hybrid) January… 0 16870
## 6 Snow/Ross's Goose January… 0 16870
## 7 Swan Goose (Domestic type) January… 0.0000593 16870
## 8 Graylag x Swan Goose (Domestic type) (hyb… January… 0 16870
## 9 Greater White-fronted Goose January… 0.00765 16870
## 10 Pink-footed Goose January… 0 16870
## # … with 36,038 more rows
Or county | ebirdfreq(loctype = 'counties', loc = 'CA-BC-GV')
## # A tibble: 25,536 x 4
## comName monthQt frequency sampleSize
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Emperor Goose January… 0 5411
## 2 Snow Goose January… 0.0641 5411
## 3 Ross's Goose January… 0 5411
## 4 Snow/Ross's Goose January… 0 5411
## 5 Greater White-fronted Goose January… 0.00573 5411
## 6 Domestic goose sp. (Domestic type) January… 0 5411
## 7 Brant January… 0.0307 5411
## 8 Cackling Goose January… 0.0163 5411
## 9 Canada Goose January… 0.200 5411
## 10 Swan Goose (Domestic type) x Canada Goose… January… 0 5411
## # … with 25,526 more rows
Obtain frequency data within a range of years and months | ebirdfreq(loctype = 'hotspots', loc = 'L196159', startyear = 2010,
endyear = 2014, startmonth = 1, endmonth = 3)
## # A tibble: 3,792 x 4
## comName monthQt frequency sampleSize
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Canada Goose January-1 0 10
## 2 Wood Duck January-1 0.4 10
## 3 Northern Shoveler January-1 0.8 10
## 4 Gadwall January-1 0 10
## 5 Eurasian Wigeon January-1 0.4 10
## 6 American Wigeon January-1 1 10
## 7 Eurasian x American Wigeon (hybrid) January-1 0 10
## 8 Mallard January-1 1 10
## 9 Northern Pintail January-1 0 10
## 10 Green-winged Teal January-1 0 10
## # … with 3,782 more rows
Recent notable sightings
| |
Search for notable sightings at a given latitude and longitude | ebirdnotable(lat = 42, lng = -70)
## # A tibble: 1,710 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 buhvir Blue-h… Vireo … L100… 92–98 … 2019… 1 42.4 -72.6
## 2 yebcuc Yellow… Coccyz… L167… Rachel… 2019… 1 43.4 -70.4
## 3 redhea Redhead Aythya… L131… Sabatt… 2019… 1 44.1 -70.1
## 4 pinwar Pine W… Setoph… L345… Home 2019… 1 42.3 -72.4
## 5 comgal1 Common… Gallin… L100… Trusto… 2019… 1 41.4 -71.6
## 6 tufduc Tufted… Aythya… L100… Trusto… 2019… 1 41.4 -71.6
## 7 grycat Gray C… Dumete… L271… Dahl W… 2019… 1 44.0 -71.1
## 8 trokin Tropic… Tyrann… L593… Rock M… 2019… 1 42.4 -71.2
## 9 reevir1 Red-ey… Vireo … L813… P. J. … 2019… 1 41.7 -70.9
## 10 wessan Wester… Calidr… L830… Plum I… 2019… 1 42.8 -70.8
## # … with 1,700 more rows, and 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>,
## # obsReviewed <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>
or a region | ebirdnotable(locID = 'US-NY-109')
## # A tibble: 49 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 blkvul Black … Coragy… L212… Steven… 2019… 2 42.4 -76.4
## 2 blkvul Black … Coragy… L212… Steven… 2019… 2 42.4 -76.4
## 3 whevir White-… Vireo … L100… Monroe… 2019… 1 42.4 -76.5
## 4 whevir White-… Vireo … L542… Norths… 2019… 1 42.4 -76.5
## 5 whevir White-… Vireo … L100… 101–19… 2019… 1 42.4 -76.5
## 6 andduc1 Andean… Oxyura… L100… Bogota 2019… 2 42.5 -76.5
## 7 whtdov1 White-… Leptot… L100… Bogota 2019… 11 42.5 -76.5
## 8 whtdov White-… Leptot… L100… Bogota 2019… 3 42.5 -76.5
## 9 wfwduc1 White-… Dendro… L100… Bogota 2019… 1 42.5 -76.5
## 10 musduc Muscov… Cairin… L100… Bogota 2019… 3 42.5 -76.5
## # … with 39 more rows, and 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>,
## # obsReviewed <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>
Historic Observations
| |
Search for historic observations on a date at a region | ebirdhistorical(loc = 'US-VA-003', date = '2019-02-14', max = 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 12
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cangoo Canada… Branta… L139… Lickin… 2019… 30 38.1 -78.7
## 2 mallar3 Mallard Anas p… L139… Lickin… 2019… 5 38.1 -78.7
## 3 gnwtea Green-… Anas c… L139… Lickin… 2019… 8 38.1 -78.7
## 4 killde Killde… Charad… L139… Lickin… 2019… 1 38.1 -78.7
## 5 baleag Bald E… Haliae… L139… Lickin… 2019… 1 38.1 -78.7
## 6 belkin1 Belted… Megace… L139… Lickin… 2019… 1 38.1 -78.7
## 7 carwre Caroli… Thryot… L139… Lickin… 2019… 1 38.1 -78.7
## 8 whtspa White-… Zonotr… L139… Lickin… 2019… 2 38.1 -78.7
## 9 norcar Northe… Cardin… L139… Lickin… 2019… 1 38.1 -78.7
## 10 canvas Canvas… Aythya… L331… Montic… 2019… 19 38.0 -78.5
## # … with 3 more variables: obsValid <lgl>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
## # locationPrivate <lgl>
or a hotspot | ebirdhistorical(loc = 'L196159', date = '2019-02-14', fieldSet = 'full')
## # A tibble: 14 x 27
## speciesCode comName sciName locId locName obsDt howMany lat lng
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 annhum Anna's… Calypt… L196… Vancou… 2019… 4 49.3 -123.
## 2 ribgul Ring-b… Larus … L196… Vancou… 2019… 4 49.3 -123.
## 3 glwgul Glauco… Larus … L196… Vancou… 2019… 29 49.3 -123.
## 4 norcro Northw… Corvus… L196… Vancou… 2019… 100 49.3 -123.
## 5 bkcchi Black-… Poecil… L196… Vancou… 2019… 16 49.3 -123.
## 6 bushti Bushtit Psaltr… L196… Vancou… 2019… 20 49.3 -123.
## 7 pacwre1 Pacifi… Troglo… L196… Vancou… 2019… 1 49.3 -123.
## 8 houfin House … Haemor… L196… Vancou… 2019… 2 49.3 -123.
## 9 purfin Purple… Haemor… L196… Vancou… 2019… 3 49.3 -123.
## 10 amegfi Americ… Spinus… L196… Vancou… 2019… 15 49.3 -123.
## 11 daejun Dark-e… Junco … L196… Vancou… 2019… 37 49.3 -123.
## 12 sonspa Song S… Melosp… L196… Vancou… 2019… 12 49.3 -123.
## 13 spotow Spotte… Pipilo… L196… Vancou… 2019… 1 49.3 -123.
## 14 rewbla Red-wi… Agelai… L196… Vancou… 2019… 6 49.3 -123.
## # … with 18 more variables: obsValid <lgl>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
## # locationPrivate <lgl>, subnational2Code <chr>, subnational2Name <chr>,
## # subnational1Code <chr>, subnational1Name <chr>, countryCode <chr>,
## # countryName <chr>, userDisplayName <chr>, subId <chr>, obsId <chr>,
## # checklistId <chr>, presenceNoted <lgl>, hasComments <lgl>,
## # firstName <chr>, lastName <chr>, hasRichMedia <lgl>
eBird taxonomy
| |
Returns a data.frame of all species in the eBird taxonomy for the given parameter inputs | ebirdtaxonomy()
## # A tibble: 16,513 x 14
## sciName comName speciesCode category taxonOrder bandingCodes
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 Struth… Common… ostric2 species 1 <NA>
## 2 Struth… Somali… ostric3 species 6 <NA>
## 3 Struth… Common… y00934 slash 7 <NA>
## 4 Rhea a… Greate… grerhe1 species 8 <NA>
## 5 Rhea p… Lesser… lesrhe2 species 14 <NA>
## 6 Rhea p… Lesser… lesrhe4 issf 15 <NA>
## 7 Rhea p… Lesser… lesrhe3 issf 18 <NA>
## 8 Nothoc… Tawny-… tabtin1 species 19 <NA>
## 9 Nothoc… Highla… higtin1 species 20 HITI
## 10 Nothoc… Highla… higtin2 issf 21 <NA>
## # … with 16,503 more rows, and 8 more variables: comNameCodes <chr>,
## # sciNameCodes <chr>, order <chr>, familyComName <chr>,
## # familySciName <chr>, reportAs <chr>, extinct <lgl>, extinctYear <int>
Search for hybrid species only | ebirdtaxonomy(cat = "hybrid")
## # A tibble: 462 x 11
## sciName comName speciesCode category taxonOrder bandingCodes
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 Dendro… Spotte… x00721 hybrid 219 <NA>
## 2 Dendro… Black-… x00775 hybrid 224 <NA>
## 3 Dendro… White-… x00938 hybrid 226 <NA>
## 4 Dendro… Black-… x00875 hybrid 227 <NA>
## 5 Anser … Snow x… sxrgoo1 hybrid 244 SRGH
## 6 Anser … Grayla… x00776 hybrid 252 <NA>
## 7 Anser … Bar-he… x00755 hybrid 260 <NA>
## 8 Anser … Snow x… x00627 hybrid 261 <NA>
## 9 Anser … Snow G… x00685 hybrid 281 <NA>
## 10 Anser … Pink-f… x00756 hybrid 283 <NA>
## # … with 452 more rows, and 5 more variables: comNameCodes <chr>,
## # sciNameCodes <chr>, order <chr>, familyComName <chr>,
## # familySciName <chr>
Information on a given region or hotspot
| |
Obtain detailed information on any valid eBird region | ebirdregioninfo("CA-BC-GV")
## # A tibble: 1 x 5
## region minX maxX minY maxY
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada -123. -122. 49.0 49.6
or hotspot | ebirdregioninfo("L196159")
## # A tibble: 1 x 16
## locId name latitude longitude countryCode countryName subnational1Name
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 L196… Vanc… 49.3 -123. CA Canada British Columbia
## # … with 9 more variables: subnational1Code <chr>, subnational2Code <chr>,
## # subnational2Name <chr>, isHotspot <lgl>, locName <chr>, lat <dbl>,
## # lng <dbl>, hierarchicalName <chr>, locID <chr>
| |