rcosmo 1.1.1
Featured changes
- Out-of-bounds array index bug fixed in minDist_internal1 and maxDist_internal1
rcosmo 1.1.0
Featured changes
- New function geoAngle is added,
- improves HPDataFrame inferral of assumedUniquePix and healpixCentered attributes,
- extends as.CMBDataFrame to work on HPDataFrame and adds drop.coords parameter to as.CMBDataFrame,
- more effective use of memory mapping to avoid reading data into memory unnecessarily, especially when using the win argument of CMBDataFrame function,
- coords.HPDataFrame now behaves more like coords.CMBDataFrame, where leaving new.coords missing will return only the value of the attribute named coords,
- HPDataFrame and nestSearch have the option to save dot products for each observation with the nearest HEALPix pixel center,
- Added function numeric2col to allow easy conversion of numeric vectors to colour schemes.
Minor changes and bug fixes
- Introduces depth_test to plot functions so that objects such as window boundaries and plot labels are not easily obscured,
- plot.CMBWindow now closes the polygon for neater visualisation,
- fixes a small typo bug in nestSearch function,
- updated links in rcosmo.R for Update and BugReports,
- updated link in downloadCMBMap for data source with nside = 2048,
- introduces check in nestSearch that log2 of nside must be integer,
- fixes a small typo bug in qstat function,
- bug fix HPDataFrame producing unique pixel indices when, delete.duplicates = TRUE,
- coords(x) <- NULL now sets coordinates to NULL rather than producing an error,
- introduces healpixCentered attribute getter function,
- introduces option to save row indices of duplicated pixel indices for HPDataFrame when delete.duplicates is set to TRUE.
rcosmo 1.0.0
This is the first release.