Dead Expression Elimination


Dead Expression Elimination intends to remove those expressions that do not modify the environment.

In R, when evaluating an expression which is not assigned to any variable, its result will be seen in the console. However, when the expression is within a function definition, the value will not be printed, the environment will not be modified, and anyway the computational cost will be incurred.

For example, in the code:

foo <- function() {
  val <- rnorm(1)
  e <- exp(1)
  res <- e ^ val

The unassigned val expression is a dead expression, and could be removed.

This optimization strategy is closely related to dead store elimination, since when a dead store is deleted, it is possible that a dead expression is generated.


Consider the following example:

code <- paste(
  "foo <- function(n) {",
  "  i <- 0",
  "  res <- 0",
  "  while (i < n) {",
  "    res <- res + i",
  "    i <- i + 1",
  "    res",
  "  }",
  "  res",
  sep = "\n"
## foo <- function(n) {
##   i <- 0
##   res <- 0
##   while (i < n) {
##     res <- res + i
##     i <- i + 1
##     res
##   }
##   res
## }
## foo(10000)

Then, the automatically optimized code would be:

opt_code <- opt_dead_expr(list(code))
## foo <- function(n) {
##   i <- 0
##   res <- 0
##   while (i < n) {
##     res <- res + i
##     i <- i + 1
##   }
##   res
## }
## foo(10000)

And if we measure the execution time of each one, and the speed-up:

bmark_res <- microbenchmark({
  eval(parse(text = code))
}, {
  eval(parse(text = opt_code))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

##            Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean 3rd Qu.     Max.
## Expr_2 13.29817 13.06335 13.22252 12.84548 12.5632 22.05745


The opt_dead_expr detects which code chunks are function definitions. Then for each function, the optimizer gets it body, detects dead expressions, i.e., not assigned expressions, and eliminates them if they are not returned by the function.

An expression will be considered a dead expression if:
