rasterdiv 0.2.1
Major changes
- A new function accRao to derive the accumulation function of parametric Rao’s index over a range of alphas. A vignette (rasterdiv_advanced_accRao) to show how to apply this function was added to the package.
rasterdiv 0.2.0
Major changes
- New parametrization of Rao’s quadratic entropy. This parametrization reconciles abundance-based indexes with distance-based indexes (Rao). The new function is called paRao, which stands for parametric Rao’s entropy.
Minor changes
- Minor improvements in the structure of all main functions.
- Option to save the output as a rasterstack for all main functions.
- pbapply and pbmcapply for progress bars.
- Main vignette (rasterdiv_basics) simplified.
rasterdiv 0.1.0
First release which includes functions to compute on numerical matrices the following indexes: * Shannon–Wiener index of diversity * Renyi entropy * Simpson index * Berger-Parker index * Hill numbers of order q or effective number of species * Pielou evenness * Rao’s quadratic entropy * Cumulative Residual entropy