radiant.model 1.3.9
- Minor adjustments in anticipation of dplyr 1.0.0
radiant.model 1.3.8
- Fix for cv.rforest when the max of
exceeds the number of explanatory variables
- Fix to write.coeff when one or more coefficients have a missing value
- Use weighted mean and sd in write.coeff function when needed
- Added flexibility in using constants while defining the spec for other randomly generated variables
radiant.model 1.3.5
- Adding
change as a columns in output for Model > Logistic regression and the write.coeff
- Restrict max number of levels in a “groupable” variable used in Model > Evaluate classification and Model > Multinomial logistic regression to no more than 50
- Avoid rouding the profit measures in Model > Evaluate classification
radiant.model 1.3.2
- Improvements to cv.gbt to allow previously setup evaluation functions to be used in cross validation for hyper parameter tuning
- Random Forest module using the
package. Includes a cv.rforest
function for tuning using cross-validation
- Gradient Boosted Trees module using the
package. Includes a cv.gbt
function for tuning using cross-validation. For convenience, all data.frame-to-matrix-conversion is handled by radiant
- Partial Dependence Plots for all trees-based estimation modules and for neural networks
function to make converting a data.frame with categorical variables to a matrix a bit easier
radiant.model 1.3.0
- Allow specification of multiple summary functions in Model > Simulate > Repeat
- Documentation updates to link to new video tutorials
- Use
for grouping multiple plots together
- Allow formula input for
and regress
- Adjust correlation plot for NB to accommodate changes in Basics > Correlation
- Fix for repeated simulation (Model > Simulate > Repeat) where “Variables to re-simulate” and “Output variables” were not always updated correctly when the set of available variables changed
radiant.model 1.2.7
- Fix prediction issue when using I(x^2) in a stepwise estimation process and x is removed
- Fix issue finding .as_int and .as_num when use radiant through shiny server
radiant.model 1.2.5
- Option to drop the intercept for Model > Multinomial Logistic Regression
- Provide access to the variables in a dataset during simulation and repeated simulation.
radiant.model 1.2.2
- Various fixes related to stepwise estimation of Multinomial, Logistic, and Linear regression model (e.g., VIF calculation, models with only an intercept, perfect multicollinearity, etc.).
radiant.model 1.2.1
- Fix to ensure environment is not attached as an attribute to data frames generated in the Model > Simulate tool
radiant.model 1.2.0
- Update action buttons that initiate calculations when one or more relevant inputs are changed. When, for example, a model should be re-estimated, a spinning “refresh” icon will be shown
- Add option to use a formula for the
- Improved description of standardization process used. Added link to Gelman 2008
- Added an influence plot that shows standardized residuals and cooks-distance
radiant.model 1.1.10
- Fix for
in Model > Multinomial logistic regression.
- Fix for
for use with Model > Multinomial logistic regression
- Fix for decision trees that reference sub-trees. Environment to evaluate the tree is now explicitly provided. This will now also work with (sub) trees loaded from .yaml files
- Decision analysis now allows basic formulas in all parts of the tree
- Added confusion matrix and misclassification error for Model > Multinomial Logistic regression (MNL)
- Fix for saving multiple residual series for MNL
- Added a module for Multinomial Logistic regression (MNL) in the Model > Estimate menu
- Fix for confusion matrix which couldn’t find find the selected dataset in the web-interface
- Documentation fixes and updates
- Improved checks for variables that show no variation
- Numerous small code changes to support enhanced auto-completion, tooltips, and annotations in shinyAce 0.4.1
- Automatically fix faulty spacing in user input in Model > Decision Analysis
radiant.model 1.0.0
- Keyboard shortcut (Enter) when defining variable in Model > Simulate
- Allow series of type ts and date in models and prediction
- Autocompletion for functions in Model > Simulate
- Require shinyAce 0.4.0
- Don’t use simulation variables when their type is not selected
- Provide auto-completion for variables and relevant functions in the Simulate > Functions input
- Keyboard shortcuts for add a defined variable (i.e., press enter after adding the last input value)
- Fix for variable definition in Model > Simulate where names of discrete random variables were not properly ‘fixed’
- Fix for variable selection in Model > Decision analysis > Sensitivity
- Allow any variable in the prediction dataset to be used to customize a prediction when using Predict > Data & Command
- Fix for
when interactions, quadratic, and/or cubic terms are included in a linear or logistic regression
- Rescale predictions in
so RMSE and MAE are in the original scale even if the data were standardized for estimation
- Rename
to scale_df
for consistency
- Fix for plot sizing and printing of missing values in collaborative filtering
- Fix for
when weights are used in estimation
- Improve documentation for cross-validation of
and crtree
models (i.e., cv.nn
and cv.crtree
- Fixes for breaking changes in dplyr 0.8.0
- Fix to download tables from Model > Evaluate classificiation
- Use an expandable
input for the formula and function inputs in Model > Simulate
- Fixes for repeated simulation with grid-search
- Use
instead of validation
- Option to add user defined function to simulations. This dramatically increases the flexibility of the simulation tool
- Ensure variable and dataset names are valid for R (i.e., no spaces or symbols), “fixing” the input as needed
- Cross validation functions for decision trees (
) and neural networks(cv.nn
) that can use various performance metrics for during evaluation e.g., auc
or profit
- Option to add square and cube terms in Model > Linear regression and Model > Logistic regression.
- Option to pass additional arguments to
when starting radiant such as the port to use. For example, radiant.model::radiant.model(“https://github.com/radiant-rstats/docs/raw/gh-pages/examples/demo-dvd-rnd.state.rda”, port = 8080)
- Avoid empty string showing up in auto-generated code for model prediction (i.e.,
or pred_cmd
- Fix for VIF based on
for regress
and logistic
- Load a state file on startup by providing a (relative) file path or a url. For example, radiant.model::radiant.model(“https://github.com/radiant-rstats/docs/raw/gh-pages/examples/demo-dvd-rnd.state.rda”)
- Don’t live-update the active tree input to make it easier to save edits to a new tree without adding edits to the existing tree (Model > Decision analysis)
- Fix for NA error when last line of a decision analysis input is a node without a payoff or probability
- Load input (CMD + O) and Save input (CMD + S) keyboard shortcuts for decision analysis
Major changes
- Using
to provide convenient access to data located on a server
Minor changes
- Fix for simulations that use a data set as part of the analysis
- Replace non-ASCII characters in example datasets
- Remove
as a direct import
- Revert from
to png
for plots in _Report > Rmd_ and _Report > R_.
svg` scatter plots with many point get to big for practical use on servers that have to transfer images to a local browser
- Removed dependency on
Major changes
- Various changes to the code to accomodate the use of
. The advantage is that the code generated for Report > Rmd and Report > R will no longer have to use r_data
to store and access data. This means that code generated and used in the Radiant browser interface will be directly usable without the browser interface as well.
- Improved documentation and examples
Bug fixes
- Fix for https://github.com/radiant-rstats/radiant/issues/53
Major changes
- Show the interval used in prediction for Model > Regression and Model > logistic (e.g., “prediction” or “confidence” for linear regression)
- Auto complete in Model > Decision analysis now provides hints based on the current tree input and any others defined in the app. It also provides suggestions for the basic element of the tree (e.g.,
type: decision
, type: chance
, payoff
, etc.)
- Updated user messages for Model > Decision analysis when input has errors
Major changes
- Default interval for predictions from a linear regression is now “confidence” rather than “prediction”
Estimate model
button indicates when the output has been invalidated and the model should be re-estimated
- Combined Evaluate classification Summary and Plot into Evaluate tab
- Upload and download data using the Rstudio file browser. Allows using relative paths to files (e.g., data or images inside an Rstudio project)
Minor changes
- Require
0.3.0 in radiant.data
and useSoftTabs
for Model > Decision Analysis
Major changes
- Add Poisson as an option for Model > Simulate
Bug fixes
- Fix for #43 where scatter plot was not shown for a dataset with less than 1,000 rows
- Fixed example for logistic regression prediction plot
- Fix for case weights when minimum response value is 0
Minor changes
- Allow character variables in estimation and prediction
- Depend on DiagrammeR 1.0.0
Major changes
- Residual diagnostic plot for Neural Network regression
- Improved handling of case weights for logistic regression and neural networks
Minor changes
- Show number of observations used in training and validation in Model > Evaluate classification
- Use Elkan’s formula to adjust probabilities when using
in crtree
- Added options to customize tree generated using
(based on rpart
- Better control of tree plot size in
- Cleanup of
- Improved printing of NN weights
- Option to change font size in NN plots
- Keyboard shortcut: Press return when cursor is in textInput to store residuals or predictions
Bug fixes
- Fix for tree labels when (negative) integers are used
Minor changes
- Cleanup of lists returned by
and confusion
- Add intercept in coefficient tables that can be downloaded for linear and logistic regression or using
- Convert logicals to factors in
to avoid labels < 0.5 and >= 0.5
- Improved labeling of decision tree splits in
. The tooltip (aka hover-over) will contain all levels used, but the tree label may be truncated as needed
Bug fixes
- Fix input reset when screen size or zoom level is changed
- Renamed
to nn
. The ann
function is now deprecated
Major changes
- Prediction confidence interval provided for logistic regression based on blog post by [Gavin Simpson] (https://www.fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2017/05/01/glm-prediction-intervals-i/)
- Argument added to
to specify if profiling or the Wald method should be used for confidence intervals. Profiling will be used by default for datasets with fewer than 5,000 rows
Minor changes
- Left align tooltip in DiagrammeR plots (i.e., Model >Decision Analysis and Model > Classification and regression trees)
- Add information about levels in tree splits to tooltips (Model > Classification and regression trees)
Bug fixes
- Fix to ensure DiagrammeR plots are shown in Rmarkdown report generate in Report > Rmd or Report > R
Major changes
- Added option to generate normally distributed correlated data in Model > Simulate
- Added option to generate normally distributed simulated data with exact mean and standard deviation in Model > Simulate
- Long lines of code generated for Report > Rmd will be wrapped to enhance readability
Minor changes
- Default names when saving Decision Analysis input and output are now based on tree name
- Allow browser zoom for tree plots in Model > Decision Analysis and Model > Classification and Regression Trees
- Enhanced keyboard shortcuts for estimation and reporting
- Applied
to code
Bug fixes
- Grid search specs ignored when Model > Simulate > Repeat is set to
- The number of repetitions in Model > Simulate was NA when grid search was used
- Fix for large weights that may cause an integer overflow
- Minor fix for coefficient plot in
- Fixed state setting for decision analysis sensitivity input
- Fixed for special characters (e.g., curly quote) in input for Model > Decision Analysis
- Check that costs are not assigned to terminal nodes in Decision Analysis Trees. Specifying a cost is only useful if it applies to multiple nodes in a branch. If the cost only applies to a terminal node adjust the payoff instead
- Ensure : are followed by a space in the YAML input to Model > Decision Analysis
Minor change
- Upgraded dplyr dependency to 0.7.1
- Upgraded tidyr dependency to 0.7
Bug fix
- Fix in
when a tibble is passed
Major change
- Added option to use robust standard errors in Linear regression and Logistic regression. The
covariance matrix is used to produce results consistent with Stata
Minor changes
- Moved coefficient formatting from summary.regress and summary.logistic to make result$coeff more easily accessible
- Added F-score to Model > Evaluate classification > Confusion
Bug fixes
- Fixed RSME typo
- Don’t calculate VIFs when stepwise regression selects only one explanatory variable
Major changes
- Added Model > Naive Bayes based on e1071
- Added Model > Classification and regression trees based on rpart
- Added Model > Collaborative Filtering and example dataset (data/cf.rda)
- Various enhancements to evaluate (binary) classification models
- Added Garson plot and moved all plots to the ANN > Plot tab
Minor changes
- Improved plot sizing for Model > Decision Analysis
- Show progress indicators if variable acquisition takes some time
- Expanded coefficient csv file for linear and logistic regression
- Show dataset name in output if dataframe passed directly to analysis function
- As an alternative to using the Estimate button to run a model you can now also use CTRL-enter (CMD-enter on mac)
- Use ALT-enter as a keyboard short-cut to generate code and sent to Report > Rmd or Report > R
- Improved documentation on how to customize plots in Report > Rmd or Report > R
Bug fixes
- Multiple tooltips in sequence in Decision Analysis
- Decision Analysis plot size in PDF was too small
- Replace histogram by distribution in regression plots
- Fix bug in regex for overlapping labels in variables section of Model > Decision Analysis
- Fixes for model with only an intercept (e.g., after stepwise regression)
- Update Predict settings when dataset is changed
- Fix for predict when using center or standardize with a command to generate the predictions
- Show full confusion matrix even if some elements are missing
- Fix for warnings when creating profit and gains charts
- Product dropdown for Model > Collaborative filtering did not list all variables
- Use of *_each is deprecated