Create RTF table and figure with flexible format.
- Download the package in this code repository.
- Unzip the file.
- Open the *.Rproj file by Rstudio.
- In Rstudio console, run
Highlighted Features
The R package r2rtf provided flexibility to provide features below:
- Necessary options to create highly customized RTF table and figure.
- Simple to use parameters and data structure.
- Customized column header: split by “|”.
- Three required parameters for the output tables (data, filename, column relative width).
- Flexible and detail control of table structure.
- Format control in cell, row, column and table level for:
- Border Type: single, double, dash, dot, etc.
- Alignment: left, right, center, decimal.
- Column width.
- Text appearance: bold, italics,
strikethrough, underline and any combinations.
- Font size.
- Text and border color (657 different colors named in
- Special characters: any character in UTF-8 encoding (e.g. Greek, Symbol, Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
- Append several tables into one file.
- Pagination.
- Built in raw data for validation.