
Lifecycle: maturing CRAN status R build status

These datasets support the implementation in R of the software PACTA (Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment), which is a free tool that calculates the alignment between financial assets and climate scenarios (https://2degrees-investing.org/). Financial institutions use PACTA to study how their capital allocation impacts the climate. Because both financial institutions and market data providers keep their data private, this package provides fake, public data to enable the development and use of PACTA in R.


Before you install r2dii.analysis you may want to:

When you are ready, install the released version of r2dii.data from CRAN with:


Or install the development version of r2dii.data with something like this:

# install.packages("devtools")

How to raise an issue?



#>    dataset                   column    typeof
#> 1 ald_demo ald_emission_factor_unit character
#> 2 ald_demo            ald_timestamp character
#> 3 ald_demo      country_of_domicile character
#> 4 ald_demo          emission_factor    double
#> 5 ald_demo is_ultimate_listed_owner   logical
#> 6 ald_demo        is_ultimate_owner   logical
#>                                                    definition
#> 1           The units that the emission factor is measured in
#> 2 Date at which asset data was sourced from the data provider
#> 3                         Country where company is registered
#> 4             Company level emission factor of the technology
#> 5               Flag if company is the listed ultimate parent
#> 6      Flag if company is the ultimate parent in our database