now works when quantmod is not attached. Thanks to Kurt Hornik for the report.Remove disk I/O from getSymbols()
and getQuote()
. This avoids any disk contention, and makes the implementation pattern more consistent with other functions that import data. Thanks to Ethan Smith suggestion and PR. #280 #281
Make getQuote()
robust to symbols without data, so it does not error if one or more symbols are not found. Also return quotes in the same order as the ‘Symbols’ argument. Thanks to Ethan Smith feature request and PR. #279 #282 #288
Handle semicolon-delimited symbol string handling to main getQuote()
function. This makes getQuote()
consistent with getSymbols()
. Thanks to Ethan Smith suggestion and PR. #284 #285
Fix ex-dividend and pay date mapping. getQuote()
returned the dividend pay date labeled as the ex-dividend date. Thanks to @matiasandina for the report. #287
Fix Yahoo Finance split ratio. The delimiter changed from “/” to “:”. For example, a 2-for-1 split was 1/2 but is now “2:1”. Thanks to @helgasoft for the report. #292
Error messages from getQuote.alphavantage()
and getQuote.tiingo()
no longer contain the API key when symbols can’t be found. #286
Fix getQuote.alphavantage()
by replacing the defunct batch quote request with a loop over the single quote request. Thanks to @helgasoft for the report and patch. #296
Update getOptionChain()
to handle empty volume or open interest Thank to @jrburl for the report and PR. #299
tests were failing because Yahoo Finance wasn’t returning all dividend history for “CF”
is called. This method was added years before
existed, but it should be deprecated in favor of the zoo version. The package that owns the class should also own the methods.getSymbols.tiingo()
so the Open and Close columns aren’t swapped. Thanks to Steve Bronder for the report and PR. #233
for quotes in multiple timezones. Thanks to Philippe Verspeelt for the report and PR. #246 #248getDividends()
because Yahoo Finance now provides raw dividends instead of split-adjusted dividends. Thanks to Douglas Barnard for the report. #253futures.expiry()
. Thanks to @pjheink for the report. #257getSymbols.tiingo()
to return correct columns for ticker “LOW”. Thanks to @srtg4we5gsetrgwhreyt the report. #259getSymbols.yahooj()
to avoid infinite loop when the requested symbol doesn’t have data. Thanks to Wouter Thielen for the review. #63getSplits()
because Yahoo Finance now provides the actual split adjustment ratio, instead of the inverse (e.g. now 1/2 instead of 2/1). #265getQuote()
to support Tiingo. Thanks to Ethan Smith for the feature request and PR. #247 #250getSymbols()
to catch errors for individual ticker symbols and continue processing any remaining ticker symbols, instead of throwing an error. More useful error messages are also provided. Thanks to @helgasoft for testing and feedback.
when a field has no data for all requested tickers. #208saveChart()
(it actually saves a chart now!). #154getSymbols.oanda()
and getFX()
. #225getQuote.alphavantage()
, thanks to Ethan Smith for the PR. #213 #223getSymbols.tiingo()
to import data from Tiingo. Thanks to Steve Bronder for the PR. #220chartSeries()
now honors show.grid
argument. Thanks to Ethan Smith.
uses the new JSON API.
is more careful about converting UNIX timestamps to character when creating the query URL.
can download data from Alpha Vantage. Thanks to Paul Teetor for the contribution.
no longer warns if called with namespace (i.e. quantmod::getSymbols()
now ignores
argument if called with
uses the new API.
returns NULL
when there are no calls/puts instead of list()
gains a periodicity
argument, for use by tseries::get.hist.quote()
when called from a function.split.adjust
argument to getDividends()
manage connections in
to use
to download JSON instead of scrape HTML.add*MA()
functions use Close column by default.Delt()
docs (type argument default value was wrong).getSymbols.csv()
call (changed in RMySQL_0.10
) in getSymbols.MySQL()
for all non-base packages.getSymbols.yahooj()
to pull data from Yahoo Finance Japan (Thanks to Wouter Thielen for the contribution. #14)
to handle the new options page layout. #27getSymbols.oanda()
to handle the new URL structure and CSV format. #36Change maintainer from Jeffrey Ryan to Joshua Ulrich
Copy required functionality from the (archived) Defaults package into quantmod and remove dependency on Defaults.
Incorporate several bug fixes and patches.
getSymbols now uses parent.frame() when auto.assign=TRUE. This will cause slightly different behavior than previous versions using .GlobalEnv, but is more functional in design.
getSymbols now allows for env=NULL, which will behave as if auto.assign=FALSE is set.
Upcoming changes for version 0.5-0 will include deprecating auto assignment from within getSymbols calls. This will instead be moved to the loadSymbols function, to better match get/load behaviors in base R. For the transition, auto.assign will be available to force pre 0.5-0 behaviors, but will be discouraged. The env= arg will be used for multiple symbol assigns.
addTA now handles logical vectors or logical xtsible objects by drawing bands on chart window
addTA can now draw on or under any window via ‘on=’ arg
chartSeries now cleanly handles series without volume automatically
addVo has new log.scale option
matched broken TTR calls, aligned arguments between packages
‘name’ of chart was being evaluated somewhere in the process, resulting in the object becoming a string. Fixed in this release.
continuing the move of time-series functionality to the ‘xts’ package
added new TTR functions to addTA.
added underlay charting to main area (BBands) as well as much more advanced shading and labeling.
chartSeries converts incoming ‘x’ argument to xts object for more universal handling. Not fully sorted out - but better than before.
new subset argument to allow for xts-style subsetting
new depends - on CRAN and R-Forge package xts for time-series handling internally
options.expiry and futures.expiry now use universal %w to check weekdays
Rmetrics change resulted in as.timeSeries moving to fSeries. New suggest and assoc. changes
Fixed factor bug in getSymbols.FRED. Thanks to Josh Ulrich
Fixed bug in [.quantmod.OHLC method when i/j was missing, also now returns quantmod.OHLC object consistently
Added high frequency data handling - to.minutes, to.hourly, to.daily. Additional work done to accomodate within rest of framework
getSymbols downloads now to temp file - instead of directly to memory. Fixed R issue in certain Windows installations
getSymbols now returns a character array of symbol names written to environment.
getSymbols includes new arg - auto.assign. If set to FALSE will behave like standard R functions and simply return loaded object. Requires user assignment via ‘<-’
Better handling of timeSeries, ts, its within entire package
chartSeries rewrite. Now manages charting with S4 objects stored quietly in memory. Allowing for dynamic redraws used in applying technical indicators and overlays
addTA functions. New charting tools to add technicals to charts dynamically. More on the way
listTA, setTA, unsetTA to handle default TA args
chartTheme function to customize chart ‘look’
last/first functions now take character strings to describe in words the subsetting to do. Also negative value support for opposite behavior. Additional keep arg will assign removed data to an attribute keep with the object
getSymbols.SQLite support. Still very clunky - though that is SQLite.
getFX and getMetals for direct download of those types
getQuote downloads Last,Change,Open,High,Low,Volume from Yahoo
added documentation and fixed documentation