NEWS | R Documentation |
04.08.2011: fixed expected fraction nonconforming calculation (ppm) in method pcr corrected the calculation of standard deviation based on subgroups
27. Jul 2011: in vignette, corrected typo in formula for c_pu i.e. capability for process capability regarding upper specification limit
14. Jul 2011: included the calculation of lambda for a boxcox transformation in function pcr. Only specified specification limits are plotted. fraction nonconforming are calculated in percentages and ppm
13. Jul 2011: reference line for Quantil-Quantil and Probability Plots changed Anderson Darling test now reports the name of the dataset passed from method pcr Reference line of QQ-Plot within method pcr changed
12. Jul 2011: reference line for normalPlot changed Included color coding of sigfnifican effects
11. Jul 2011: added parameters xlim, ylim and border for qqPlot Added parameter border for ppPlot
21. Mar 2011: added missing documentation for S4 classes. Included a visually more appealing DMAIC cycle in the vignette
26. Feb 2011: Updated the vignette to explain the usage and scope of the cg method. Updated the vignette to untangle the R-Code used into a file called RCode.R. All examples are now easily reproducible.
11 Feb 2011: gageRRDesign now support nested designs. gageRR can be called with method = "nested". number of distinctive categories (i.e. ndc) is being calculated within the gageRR method
10 Feb 2011: plot method for objects of class gageDesign now includes the plotting of Range and Average charts.
18 Jan 2011: included the gage capability method cg to calculate and visualize the cg and cgk index
10 Dec 2010: gageRR with no interaction term is now calculated correctly. Bug in gageRR was found by user.
—-qualityTools version 1.50—-
included comparison plot (compPlot) for Measurement Systems Analysis i.e. Gage R\&R
included average plot (averagePlot) for Measurement Systems Analysis i.e. Gage R\&R
inclued whiskers plot (whiskersPlot) for Measurement Systems Analysis i.e. Gage R\&R
inclued error plot (errorPlot) for Measurement Systems Analysis i.e. Gage R\&R
—-qualityTools Version 1.52—-
Bootstrap-based Anderson-Darling Test for Univariate Distributions included in method adSim.
QQ-Plot-, PP-Plot- and respectively Process Capability methods partly calculate confidence limits
included 3 parameter weibull (weibull3), lognormal (lognormal3) and gamma (gamma3)
Multi Vari Chart method rewritten
normalPlot can handle non replicated designs
smaller fixes/enhancements to rsmDesign, fracDesign and facDesign
—-qualityTools Version 1.54—-
fixed a previously introduced error regarding the blocking of factorial designs. The randomized runOrder when creating factorial designs has unfortunately changed with this fix.
in normalPlot the level of significance is additionaly represented by different values for pch
added parameter in qqPlot and ppPlot for the color of the confidence bounds
added Plackett Burman Designs (Screening)
added snPlot for taguchi Designs
smaller enhancements for the use of the qualityTools package in a Web Application
fixed a bug for displaying the desirability value when using a single response
smaller changes to the vignettes