Brantly Callaway
r Sys.Date()
qte 1.3.0
- Added first-step quantile regression support for panel.qtet, QDiD, CiC
- Added some checks that inputted data is of correct format, particularly in panel data case
qte 1.2.3
- Now using empirical quantiles in CiC method
- Added code for computing uniform confidence bands
- General improvements to codebase, e.g., combining same code used across methods
qte 1.2.2 (current CRAN version)
- Some bug fixes to CiC method
qte 1.2
- Added ddid2 method to compute quantile treatment effects under a Difference in Differences assumption following the procedure of Callaway and Li, 2016.
- Include covariates for all methods using formulas (xformla parameter) instead of passing in names
- Improvements to bootstrapping standard errors
- Some extensions to computing the ATT by itself in
- Preliminary version of multi period ATT moved to package