To cite psychotools in publications use:
Zeileis A, Strobl C, Wickelmaier F, Komboz B, Kopf J (2020). psychotools: Infrastructure for Psychometric Modeling. R package version 0.5-1,
If you use the forward anchor class in anchor() or anchortest(), please cite:
Kopf J, Strobl C, Zeileis A (2015). “A Framework for Anchor Methods and an Iterative Forward Approach for DIF Detection.” Applied Psychological Measurement, 39(2), 83–103. doi: 10.1177/0146621614544195.
If you use the MTT, MPT, MP or NST anchor selections in anchor() or anchortest(), please cite:
Kopf J, Strobl C, Zeileis A (2015). “Anchor Selection Strategies for DIF Analysis: Review, Assessment, and New Approaches.” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 75(1), 22–56. doi: 10.1177/0013164414529792.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{, title = {{psychotools}: Infrastructure for Psychometric Modeling}, author = {Achim Zeileis and Carolin Strobl and Florian Wickelmaier and Basil Komboz and Julia Kopf}, year = {2020}, note = {R package version 0.5-1}, url = {}, }
@Article{, title = {A Framework for Anchor Methods and an Iterative Forward Approach for {DIF} Detection}, author = {Julia Kopf and Carolin Strobl and Achim Zeileis}, journal = {Applied Psychological Measurement}, year = {2015}, volume = {39}, number = {2}, pages = {83--103}, doi = {10.1177/0146621614544195}, }
@Article{, title = {Anchor Selection Strategies for {DIF} Analysis: Review, Assessment, and New Approaches}, author = {Julia Kopf and Carolin Strobl and Achim Zeileis}, journal = {Educational and Psychological Measurement}, year = {2015}, volume = {75}, number = {1}, pages = {22--56}, doi = {10.1177/0013164414529792}, }