Bug fixed
CRAN release
Enhancement of function drawModel and drawConcept
New functions label2name and setPositionNodes added
Enhancement of function multipleMediation
Rename function drawModel2 to drawConcept
enhancement of drawModel
multipleMediation can handle bmatrix
enhancement of multipleMediation
can calculate specific indirect effect contrast in multiple mediator model
enhancement of drawModel and drawCatModel
can calculate conditinoal effect of X on M, conditional effect of M on Y in conditinoal process model
enhancement of drawModel and drawCatModel
can calculate index of moderated mediation in conditinoal process model with categorical X
New function drawModel added
Delete function drawCatModel2
Rename function drawCatModel2 as drawCatModel
Bug fixed
New function plotCoef, meanSummary, modSummary2, meanSummaryTable and modSummary2Table added
New functions modelsSummary2, print.modelSummary2, modelsSummary2Table added
New functions compareMC, compareMCTable, fit2vif, compareVIF, print.compareVIF and compareVIFTable added
Bug- fixed
New functions standardize, standardizeDf added
New data teachers added
New function condPlot, jnPlot, makePPTx and r2pptx added
New data modeModels added
New function getArrows and getNodes added
New data pmacro, nodes, parrows, caskets, disaster, education, estress, glbwarm, pmi, protest and teams added
New function addArrows, addCatVars, addCovarEquation, addNodes, catMediation, centerPrint, changeLabelName, conceptDiagram, conceptDiagram2, conditionalEffectPlot, corPlot, corTable, corTable2, discriminantValidityTable, discriminantValidityTable2, drawStatDiagram, drawtext, estimatesTable, estimatesTable2, extractX, findName, findNames, fit2alpha, fit2df2, fun2eq, getAspectRatio, getHelmert, getInfo, getRatioTable, getYhat,interactStr, makeCatEquation, makeEquation, makeIndirectEquation, makeIndirectEquationCat, meanCentering, modelFitGuideTable, modelFitGuideTable2, modelFitTable, modelFitTable2, modelsSummary, modelsSummaryTable, modmedEquation, modmedSummary, modmedSummaryTable, myarrow, myflatten, myformat, pformat, pmacroModel, regEquation, reliabilityTable, reliabilityTable2, removeParentheses, rightPrint, seekGroup, seekNameVars, seekVar, showModels, statisticalDiagram, str2vector, strGrouping, str_detect2, str_setdiff, sumEquation, treatModerator, tripleEquation and tripleInteraction added