Publication Record
This vignette contains a list of publications that have cited the prioritizr R package. We would love to hear from you if you have used prioritizr R package in your own work. Please file an issue on GitHub so we can add your work to this list.
Research articles
- Flower J, Ramdeen R, Estep A, Thomas LR, Francis S, Goldberg G, Johnson AE, McClintock W, Mendes SR, Mengerink K, and O’Garro M (2020) Marine spatial planning on the Caribbean island of Montserrat: Lessons for data-limited small islands. Conservation Science and Practice, 2: e158.
- Hanson JO, Rhodes JR, Butchart SHM, Buchanan GM, Rondinini C, Ficetola GF, and Fuller RA (2020). Global conservation of species’ niches. Nature, 580: 232–234.
- Lin H-Y, Robinson KF, and Walter L (2020) Trade-offs among road-stream crossing upgrade prioritizations based on connectivity restoration and erosion risk control. River Research and Applications, 36: 371–382.
- Schuster R, Hanson JO, Strimas-Mackey M & Bennett JR (2020) Exact integer linear programming solvers outperform simulated annealing for solving conservation planning problems. PeerJ, 8: e9258.
- Scriven SA, Williams SH, Ghani MA, Agama AL, Benedick S, Brodie JF, Hamer KC, McClean CJ, Reynolds G, and Hill JK (2020) Assessing the effectiveness of protected areas for conserving range-restricted rain forest butterflies in Sabah, Borneo. Biotropica, 52: 380–391.
- Visalli ME, Best BD, Cabral RB, Cheung WWL, Clark NA, Garilao C, Kaschner K, Kesner-Reyes K, Lam VWY, Maxwell SM, Mayorga J, Moeller HV, Morgan L, Crespo GO, Pinsky ML, White TD, and McCauley DJ (2020) Data-driven approach for highlighting priority areas for protection in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. Marine Policy, In press:
- Bombi P, Gnetti V, D’Andrea E, De Cinti B, Taglianti AV, Bologna MA, and Matteucci G (2019) Identifying priority sites for insect conservation in forest ecosystems at high resolution: the potential of LiDAR data. Journal of Insect Conservation, 23: 689–698.
- Domisch S, Friedrichs M, Hein T, Borgwardt F, Wetzig A, Jähnig SC, and Langhans SD (2019) Spatially explicit species distribution models: A missed opportunity in conservation planning? Diversity and Distributions, 25: 758–769.
- Hanson JO, Fuller RA, and Rhodes JR (2019) Conventional methods for enhancing connectivity in conservation planning do not always maintain gene flow. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 913–922.
- Rodewald AD, Strimas-Mackey M, Schuster R, and Arcese P (2019) Beyond canaries in coal mines: Co-occurrence of Andean mining concessions and migratory birds. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 17: 151–156.
- Rodewald AD, Strimas-Mackey M, Schuster R, and Arcese P (2019) Tradeoffs in the value of biodiversity feature and cost data in conservation prioritization. Scientific Reports 9: 15921.
- Schuster R, Wilson S, Rodewald A, Arcese P, Fink D, Auer T, and Bennett J (2019) Optimizing the conservation of migratory species over their full annual cycle. Nature Communications, 10: 1754.
- Tack JD, Jakes AF, Jones PF, Smith JT, Newton RE, Martin BH, Hebblewhite M, and Naugle DE (2019) Beyond protected areas: Private lands and public policy anchor intact pathways for multi-species wildlife migration. Biological Conservation, 234: 18–27.
- Williams SH, Scriven SA, Burslem DF, Hill JK, Reynolds G, Agama AL, Kugan F, Maycock CR, Khoo E, Hastie AY, Sugau JB (2019) Incorporating connectivity into conservation planning for optimal representation of multiple species and ecosystem services. Conservation Biology, In press: