How does it work? What’s the magic?

No magic. Git provides a mechanism for pre-commit hooks. Since it’s cumbersome to copy bash scripts and keep them updated in some hidden .git/ directory, people wrote frameworks to basically maintain these files. One of them is pre-commit.com. So you call git to commit, git calls its internal hooks, these hooks (bash scripts in the simplest case) are provided by the pre-commit framework. And where does pre-commit get all it’s nice hooks from? From us.

How are hooks accessed? What happens if there’s no internet connection?

Internet connection is required during installation (precommit::install_precommit()) and project initialization (precommit::use_precommit()) as well as when hooks are updated (precommit::autoupdate()). Otherwise, no internet connection is required. Hooks will be placed into .git/ during calling the precommit::use_precommit() and afterwards you can precommit::autoupdate() to replace the hooks with their new version (that’s what I think happens).

Can you use it outside RStudio?

Yes, all but the open_config() and open_wordlist() to open files in RStudio.

Can I use the hooks provided in this package without installing the R package?

Yes, apart from the roxygenize hook (which uses an exported function from {precommit}). The hooks work even if you don’t have the R package installed because all you need to have for the hooks to work is the pre-commit executable. It will git clone the hooks from this repo into .git/hooks or similar. All exported functions of this package are just for the users convenience.

How can I make sure that my contributors are using the hooks?

They must follow the installation instructions in the README, i.e. run


The last call can be omitted by users who have automatically enabled pre-commit hooks.

To enforce all hooks pass, you can follow the advice on how to use pre-commit in a CI/CD setup.

What if not all people who are committing to this repo want to use the hooks?

This is not a problem, git will only run the hooks in a local repo after precommit::use_precommit() has been run successfully from within this local repo on your machine. You can also uninstall anytime with precommit::uninstall_precommit(). Anyone who does not want to use the hooks simply should not run precommit::use_precommit(). You can also temporarily disable hooks as described here.

How does one create a new pre-commit hook?

How to contribute new hooks is explained in CONTRIBUTING.md.

Why are my hooks running slowly?

Some of the hooks depend on R functions that run slowly, e.g. the style-files hook depends on styler, which is not very fast. Also, note that for each hook, R is started. Make sure your startup process is quick for non-interactive use, e.g. your .Rprofile and related files do not have a long execution time. E.g. wrap code in if (interactive()) if possible, so it won’t run when pre-commit hooks are ran. Find out more about the startup process with ?startup. We’d like to support the --vanilla option but it’s not easily possible we believe.

There is more. Check out the documentation of the pre-commit framework.