ppitables: Lookup tables to generate poverty likelihoods and rates using the Poverty Probability Index (PPI)

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Lookup tables for estimating the likelihood of poverty using the Poverty Probability Index (previously called Progress out of Poverty Index) or PPI from country-specific indicators collected from cross-sectional surveys. This lookup table is extracted from documentation of the PPI found at https://www.povertyindex.org.


You can install ppitables from CRAN with:


You can install the current development version of ppitables from GitHub with:

if(!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")


The ppitables package contains PPI lookup tables for the 61 countries[1] where PPI can currently be calculated. To be able to use the lookup tables in ppitables appropriately, you need to be aware of the naming syntax used for the tables for each country. The name for each table will always have three fixed or constant components as follows:


The name of any of the PPI tables contains:

  1. ppi in lower case letters;
  2. XXX which is the the three letter ISO code of the country of interest (all capitals); and,
  3. YYYY which is the specific year at which the country PPI table was released.

These three components are joined together without any spaces or gaps.

Some country lookup tables may have additional components to their name which are added after the year separated with an underscore. These usually signify that a lookup table released on a particular year has a subset table in which the poverty likelihoods for a given PPI score are reported based on a different poverty definition or cut-off. This additional component to the table name is usually a character value or alphanumeric and is usually country-specific. To know more about what this additional component to some PPI tables refer to, read the index table below of the PPI tables available in this package.

Following are the available PPI country tables from the ppitables package. This is updated as at 26 December 2019 using information from the PPI site.

List of PPI country tables

PPI Country Table Name Description PPI Release Date
ppiAFG2012 PPI for Afghanistan based on 2007/8 National Risk and Vulnerability Survey (NRVA) 2012
ppiAGO2015 PPI for Angola based on the 2008/2009 Household Living Standards Survey 2015
ppiBEN2012 PPI for Benin based on 2010 data 2012
ppiBFA2011 PPI for Burkina Faso using Burkina Faso’s 2003 Household Living Standards Survey 2011
ppiBFA2014 PPI for Burkina Faso using Burkina Faso’s 2014 Permanent Multi-Sector Survey 2017
ppiBFA2017 PPI for Burkina Faso using Burkina Faso’s 2014 Enquête Multisectorielle Continue (EMC) based on IPA’s new approach to PPI calculation 2017
ppiBGD2013 PPI for Bangladesh using Bangaldesh’s 2010 HIES Survey 2013
ppiBOL2015 PPI for Bolivia using Bolivia’s 2013 Household Survey 2015
ppiBRA2010 PPI for Brazil based on the 2008 PNAD 2010
ppiCIV2013 PPI for Ivory Coast using the Ivory Coast’s 2008 Household Living Standards Survey 2013
ppiCIV2018 PPI for Ivory Coast using the Ivory Coast’s 2015 Enquête sur le Niveau de Vie des Ménages 2018
ppiCMR2013 PPI for Cameroon using Cameroon’s 2007 Household Survey 2013
ppiCOL2012 PPI for Colombia based on Colombia’s 2009 Encuesta Integrada de Hogares. This table uses the old poverty definitions. 2012
ppiCOL2012_a PPI for Colombia based on Colombia’s 2009 Encuesta Integrada de Hogares. This table uses the new poverty definitions for Colombia. 2012
ppiCOL2018 PPI for Colombia based on Colombia’s 2016 Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) 2018
ppiDOM2010 PPI for Dominican Republic based on the 2007 Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH) 2010
ppiDOM2018 PPI for Dominican Republic based on the 2016 Encuesta Nacional de Fuerza de Trabajo (ENFT) 2018
ppiECU2015 PPI for Ecuador based on the 2013 Living Standards Survey 2015
ppiEGY2010 PPI for Egypt based on the 2004/5 HIECS 2010
ppiETH2016 PPI for Ethiopia based on Ethiopia’s 2010/11 Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey 2016
ppiFJI2014 PPI for Fiji based on Fiji’s 2008/9 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2014
ppiGHA2015 PPI for Ghana based on Ghana’s 2012/13 Living Standards Survey using legacy poverty lines 2015
ppiGHA2015_a PPI for Ghana based on Ghana’s 2012/13 Living Standards Survey using the new-definition poverty lines deflated with Ghana’s CPI 2015
ppiGHA2015_b PPI for Ghana based on Ghana’s 2012/13 Living Standards Survey using the new-definition poverty lines deflated with the change in 100% of national poverty line 2015
ppiGHA2019 PPI for Ghana based on Ghana’s 2016/2017 Living Standards Survey 2019
ppiGTM2016 PPI for Guatemala based on Guatemala’s 2014 Household Living Standards Survey 2016
ppiHND2010 PPI for Honduras based on the 2007 EPHPM 2010
ppiHTI2016 PPI for Haiti based on Haiti’s 2012 Post-Earthquake Living Standards Survey 2016
ppiIDN2012 PPI for Indonesia based on data from 2010 using legacy poverty lines 2012
ppiIDN2012_a PPI for Indonesia based on data from 2010 using new definition poverty lines 2012
ppiIND2016_r59 PPI for India using India’s 2011/12 Socio-Economic using the R59 legacy poverty lines using MRP consumption 2016
ppiIND2016_r62 PPI for India using India’s 2011/12 Socio-Economic using the R59 legacy poverty lines using MRP consumption 2016
ppiIND2016_r66 PPI for India using India’s 2011/12 Socio-Economic using the R66 legacy poverty lines using MRP consumption 2016
ppiIND2016_r68 PPI for India using India’s 2011/12 Socio-Economic using the R68 new poverty lines using MRP consumption 2016
ppiJOR2010 PPI for Jordan using Jordan’s 2006 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010
ppiKEN2011 PPI for Kenya using Kenya’s 2005/06 Integrated Household Budget Survey 2011
ppiKEN2018 PPI for Kenya using Kenya’s 2015 Integrated Household Budget Survey 2018
ppiKGZ2015 PPI for Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Republic’s 2012 Integrated Household Survey 2015
ppiKHM2105 PPI for Cambodia using Cambodia’s 2011 Socio-Economic Survey based using legacy poverty lines 2015
ppiKHM2015_gov PPI for Cambodia using Cambodia’s 2011 Socio-Economic Survey based using government definition poverty lines 2015
ppiKHM2015_wb PPI for Cambodia using Cambodia’s 2011 Socio-Economic Survey based using World Bank definition poverty lines 2015
ppiLKA2016 PPI for Sri Lanka using Sri Lanka’s 2012/13 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2016
ppiMAR2013 PPI for Morocco based on Morocco’s 2007 Households Living Standards Survey 2013
ppiMDG2015 PPI for Madagascar based on Madagascar’s 2010 Periodic Household Survey 2015
ppiMEX2017 PPI for Mexico based on Mexico’s Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares de 2014 using legacy definitions of poverty 2017
ppiMEX2017_a PPI for Mexico based on Mexico’s Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares de 2014 using new definitions of poverty 2017
ppiMLI2010 PPI for Mali based on Mali’s 2001 Poverty Evaluation Survey 2010
ppiMMR2012 PPI for Myanmar based on Myanmar’s 2009/10 Integrated Household Living Conditions Assessment 2012
ppiMMR2019 PPI for Myanmar based on Myanmar’s 2015 Poverty and Living Conditions Survey 2019
ppiMNG2016 PPI for Mongolia based on Mongolia’s 2014 Household Socio-Economic Survey 2016
ppiMOZ2013 PPI for Mozambique based on 2008/9 Household Budget Survey 2013
ppiMOZ2019 PPI for Mozambqiue based on 2014 Inquerito Sobre Orcamento Familiar (IOF) Survey 2019
ppiMWI2015 PPI for Malawi based on Malawi’s 2010/11 Integrated Household Survey using legacy poverty definitions 2015
ppiMWI2015_gov PPI for Malawi based on Malawi’s 2010/11 Integrated Household Survey using government poverty definitions 2015
ppiMWI2015_pbm PPI for Malawi based on Malawi’s 2010/11 Integrated Household Survey using PBM poverty definitions 2015
ppiNAM2013 PPI for Namibia based on Namibia’s 2009/10 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2013
ppiNER2013 PPI for Niger based on Niger’s 2007/8 National Household Budget and Expenditure Survey 2013
ppiNGA2015 PPI for Nigeria based on Nigeria’s 2012/13 General Household Panel Survey 2015
ppiNIC2013 PPI for Nicaragua based on Nicaragua’s 2009 Living Standards Measurement Survey 2013
ppiNPL2013 PPI for Nepal using legacy poverty definition lines 2013
ppiNPL2013_a PPI for Nepal using new poverty definition lines 2013
ppiPAK2009 PPI for Pakistan using Pakistan 2005/6 Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 2009
ppiPER2012 PPI for Peru based on Peru’s 2010 National Household Survey 2012
ppiPER2018 PPI for Peru based on Peru’s 2016 Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Condiciones de Vida y Pobreza (ENAHO) 2018
ppiPHL2014 PPI for the Philippines based on Philippines’ 2009 FIES/LFS. 2014
ppiPHL2018 PPI for the Philippines based on Philippines’ 2015 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) 2018
ppiPRY2012 PPI for Paraguay based on Paraguay’s 2011 EPH 2012
ppiPSE2014 PPI for Palestine based on Palestine’s 2011 Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2014
ppiROU2009 PPI for Romania based on the 2007 HBS 2009
ppiRUS2010 PPI for Russia based on 2007 HBS 2010
ppiRWA2016 PPI for Rwanda based on Rwanda’s 2010/11 Integrated Household Living Standards Survey 2016
ppiRWA2019 PPI for Rwanda based on Rwanda’s 2016/2017 Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV5) produced by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) and the Ministry of Finance and Planning 2019
ppiSEN2009 PPI for Senegal based on Senegal’s 2005/6 Enquête de Suivi de la Pauvreté au Sénégal (ESPS) 2009
ppiSEN2018 PPI for Senegal based on Senegal’s 2011 Enquête de Suivi de la Pauvreté au Sénégal (ESPS) 2018
ppiSLE2011 PPI for Sierra Leone based on Sierra Leone’s 2003/4 HIS 2011
ppiSLV2010 PPI for El Salvador based on the 2008 EHPM 2010
ppiSYR2010 PPI for Syria based on Syria’s 2006/7 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010
ppiTJK2015 PPI for Tajikistan based on 2007 data 2015
ppiTLS2013 PPI for Timor Leste based on Timor-Leste’s 2007 Survey of Living Standards 2013
ppiTZA2016 PPI for Tanzania based on Tanzania’s 2011/12 Household Budget Survey 2016
ppiTGO2018 PPI for Togo based on Togo’s 2015 Questionnaire des Indicateurs de Base du Bien-être (QUIBB) 2018
ppiUGA2015 PPI for Uganda based on Uganda’s 2012/13 National Household Survey 2015
ppiVNM2009 PPI for Vietnam based on the 2006 VHLSS 2009
ppiYEM2009 PPI for Yemen based on 2005/06 HBS 2009
ppiZAF2009 PPI for South Africa based on the 2005/6 IES 2009
ppiZMB2013_got PPI for Zambia based on Zambia’s 2010 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) using Göttingen poverty definitions 2013
ppiZMB2013_cso PPI for Zambia based on Zambia’s 2010 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) using CSO poverty definitions 2013
ppiZMB2017 PPI for Zambia based on Zambia’s 2015 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) using legacy poverty definitions 2017
ppiZMB2017_a PPI for Zambia based on Zambia’s 2015 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) using new PPI calculation approach 2017

This list of available PPI country tables can be retrieved in R using the find_table() function. View the complete list using the following command in R:

#> # A tibble: 88 x 7
#>    region    country  survey_year release_year description        type  filename
#>    <fct>     <fct>          <int>        <int> <fct>              <fct> <fct>   
#>  1 Asia      Afghani…        2007         2012 PPI for Afghanist… sps   ppiAFG2…
#>  2 Africa    Angola          2008         2015 PPI for Angola ba… sps   ppiAGO2…
#>  3 Asia      Banglad…        2010         2013 PPI for Benin bas… sps   ppiBEN2…
#>  4 Africa    Benin           2010         2012 PPI for Banglades… sps   ppiBGD2…
#>  5 Latin Am… Bolivia         2013         2015 PPI for Bolivia u… sps   ppiBOL2…
#>  6 Latin Am… Brazil          2008         2010 PPI for Brazil ba… sps   ppiBRA2…
#>  7 Africa    Burkina…        2003         2011 PPI for Burkina F… sps   ppiBFA2…
#>  8 Africa    Burkina…        2014         2017 PPI for Burkina F… sps   ppiBFA2…
#>  9 Africa    Burkina…        2014         2017 PPI for Burkina F… ipa   ppiBFA2…
#> 10 Asia      Cambodia        2011         2015 PPI for Cambodia … sps   ppiKHM2…
#> # … with 78 more rows

View the list of PPI country tables for Africa using the following command in R:

find_table(region = "Africa")
#> # A tibble: 37 x 7
#>    region country  survey_year release_year description           type  filename
#>    <fct>  <fct>          <int>        <int> <fct>                 <fct> <fct>   
#>  1 Africa Angola          2008         2015 PPI for Angola based… sps   ppiAGO2…
#>  2 Africa Benin           2010         2012 PPI for Bangladesh u… sps   ppiBGD2…
#>  3 Africa Burkina…        2003         2011 PPI for Burkina Faso… sps   ppiBFA2…
#>  4 Africa Burkina…        2014         2017 PPI for Burkina Faso… sps   ppiBFA2…
#>  5 Africa Burkina…        2014         2017 PPI for Burkina Faso… ipa   ppiBFA2…
#>  6 Africa Cameroon        2007         2013 PPI for Cameroon usi… sps   ppiCMR2…
#>  7 Africa Cote d'…        2008         2013 PPI for Ivory Coast … sps   ppiCIV2…
#>  8 Africa Cote d'…        2015         2018 PPI for Ivory Coast … ipa   ppiCIV2…
#>  9 Africa Ethiopia        2010         2016 PPI for Ethiopia bas… sps   ppiETH2…
#> 10 Africa Ghana           2012         2015 PPI for Ghana based … sps   ppiGHA2…
#> # … with 27 more rows

View the list of PPI country tables in Zambia using the the following command in R:

find_table(country = "Zambia")
#> # A tibble: 4 x 7
#>   region country survey_year release_year description             type  filename
#>   <fct>  <fct>         <int>        <int> <fct>                   <fct> <fct>   
#> 1 Africa Zambia         2010         2013 PPI for Zambia based o… sps   ppiZMB2…
#> 2 Africa Zambia         2010         2013 PPI for Zambia based o… sps   ppiZMB2…
#> 3 Africa Zambia         2015         2017 PPI for Zambia based o… sps   ppiZMB2…
#> 4 Africa Zambia         2015         2017 PPI for Zambia based o… ipa   ppiZMB2…

To extract the actual PPI tables, the get_table() function can be used. The get_table() function wraps around the find_table() function to make a search for a specific PPI table and then extracts the table/s and puts them together into a tidy data frame.

For example, to get the actual PPI tables for all countries with PPI tables, the following command can be used in R:

#> # A tibble: 87,769 x 7
#>    country     release_year filename   type  score poverty_definition   ppi
#>    <fct>       <fct>        <fct>      <fct> <dbl> <chr>              <dbl>
#>  1 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       0 nl                 100  
#>  2 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       1 nl                 100  
#>  3 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       2 nl                 100  
#>  4 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       3 nl                 100  
#>  5 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       4 nl                 100  
#>  6 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       5 nl                  68.8
#>  7 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       6 nl                  68.8
#>  8 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       7 nl                  68.8
#>  9 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       8 nl                  68.8
#> 10 Afghanistan 2012         ppiAFG2012 sps       9 nl                  68.8
#> # … with 87,759 more rows

To get the actual PPI tables for all countries with PPI tables in Africa, the following command can be used in R:

get_table(region = "Africa")
#> # A tibble: 40,703 x 7
#>    country release_year filename   type  score poverty_definition   ppi
#>    <fct>   <fct>        <fct>      <fct> <dbl> <chr>              <dbl>
#>  1 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       0 nl100                100
#>  2 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       1 nl100                100
#>  3 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       2 nl100                100
#>  4 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       3 nl100                100
#>  5 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       4 nl100                100
#>  6 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       5 nl100                100
#>  7 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       6 nl100                100
#>  8 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       7 nl100                100
#>  9 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       8 nl100                100
#> 10 Angola  2015         ppiAGO2015 sps       9 nl100                100
#> # … with 40,693 more rows


  1. Only 60 country PPI tables are shown here and available via the package. There is no lookup table for China because the China Poverty Scorecard is an expert-based scorecard. See this for further explanation.