is an R implementation of the full pattern summation approach to quantitative mineralogy from X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) data. Whilst this is available in Excel spreadsheets such as FULLPAT (Chipera and Bish 2002) and RockJock (Eberl 2003), implementation in R allows for faster computation than is currently available, and provides a user-friendly Shiny
application to help with the often iterative process of mineral quantification. Furthermore, the afps()
function in powdR
is designed to automate the full pattern summation procedure, which is particularly advantageous in high-throughput XRPD datasets.
A powerful property of XRPD data is that it can provide quantitative estimates of phase concentrations in mineral mixtures. Though several methods are available for such quantitative analysis, full pattern summation (also referred to as “full pattern fitting of prior measured standards”) is particularly suitable for mixtures containing crystalline mineral components in combination with disordered and/or X-ray amorphous phases. Soil is a prime example of such mixtures, where crystalline minerals such as quartz and feldspars can be present in combination with clay minerals (i.e. disordered phases), and organic matter (i.e. amorphous phases).
The full pattern summation implemented in powdR
is based on the principle that an observed pattern is comprised of the sum of signals from the individual components within it. A key component of this approach is a library containing measured or calculated patterns of the pure phases that may be encountered within the samples. These “reference” patterns would ideally be measured on the same instrument as the sample. To quantify a given sample, suitable phases from the library are selected that together account for all peaks within the data, and their relative contributions to the observed signal optimised until an appropriate fit is achieved (Chipera and Bish 2002). This fit is usually refined using least squares optimisation of an objective parameter. The scaled intensities of the optimised patterns are then converted to weight % using reference intensity ratios, which are a measure of diffracting power relative to a standard mineral (usually corundum).
objectA key component of the functions within powdR
is the library of reference patterns. These are stored within a powdRlib
object created using the powdRlib()
constructor function. powdRlib()
builds a powdRlib
object from two components. The first component, specified via the xrd_table
argument of powdRlib()
, is a data frame of the count intensities of the reference patterns, with their 2\(\theta\) axis as the first column. The column for a given reference pattern must be named using a unique identifier (a phase ID). An example of such a format is provided in the minerals_xrd
#> 1 4.00973 69 91 546 599 638 308 343 268
#> 2 4.04865 69 92 524 570 609 294 332 256
#> 3 4.08757 64 86 505 555 582 286 328 250
#> 4 4.12649 64 83 512 543 558 277 310 247
#> 5 4.16541 62 83 478 518 536 275 304 241
#> 6 4.20433 60 81 459 514 517 261 298 228
The second component required to build a powdRlib
object (specified via the phases_table
argument of powdRlib()
) is a data frame containing 3 columns. The first is a string of unique ID’s representing each reference pattern in the data provided to the xrd_table
argument. The second column is the name of the phase group that this reference pattern belongs to (e.g. quartz or dolomite). The third column is the reference intensity ratio (RIR) of that reference pattern (relative to a known standard, usually corundum). An example of the format required for the phases_table
argument of powRlib()
is provided in the minerals_phases
#> phase_id phase_name rir
#> 12 QUA.1 Quartz 4.62
#> 13 QUA.2 Quartz 4.34
#> 4 FEL K-feldspar 0.75
#> 11 ORT K-feldspar 1.03
#> 14 SAN K-feldspar 0.93
#> 1 ALB Plagioclase 1.31
#> 9 OLI Plagioclase 1.06
#> 2 DOL.1 Dolomite 2.35
Crucially when building the powdRlib
object, all phase ID’s in the first column of the phases_table
must match the column names of the xrd_table
(except the name of the first column which is the 2\(\theta\) scale), for example.
Once created, powdRlib
objects can easily be visualised using plot()
, which when used for powdRlib
objects accepts the arguments wavelength
and refs
that are used to specify the X-ray wavelength and the reference patterns to plot, respectively. In all cases where plot()
is used hereafter, the addition of interactive = TRUE
to the function call will produce an interactive html graph that can be viewed in RStudio or web browsers..
my_lib <- powdRlib(minerals_xrd, minerals_phases)
plot(my_lib, wavelength = "Cu",
refs = c("ALB", "DOL.1",
"QUA.1", "GOE.2"))
objectOccasionally it may be useful to subset a reference library to a smaller selection. This can be achieved using subset()
, which for powdRlib
objects accepts three arguments; x
, refs
and mode
. The x
argument specifies the powdRlib
object to be subset, refs
specifies the ID’s and/or names of phases to select, and mode
specifies whether these phases are kept (mode = "keep"
) or removed (mode = "remove"
#Have a look at the phase ID's in rockjock
#> [3] "BACK_NEG" "QUARTZ"
#Remove reference patterns from rockjock
rockjock_1 <- subset(rockjock,
refs = c("ALUNITE", #phase ID
"AMPHIBOLE", #phase ID
"ANALCIME", #phase ID
"Plagioclase"), #phase name
mode = "remove")
#Check number of reference patterns remaining in library
#> [1] 157
#Keep certain reference patterns of rockjock
rockjock_2 <- subset(rockjock,
refs = c("ALUNITE", #phase ID
"AMPHIBOLE", #phase ID
"ANALCIME", #phase ID
"Plagioclase"), #phase name
mode = "keep")
#Check number of reference patterns remaining
#> [1] 11
There are two powdRlib
objects provided as part of the powdR
package. The first is minerals
(accessed via data(minerals)
), which is a simple and low resolution library designed to facilitate fast computation of basic examples. The second is rockjock
(accessed via data(rockjock)
), which is a comprehensive library of 169 reference patterns covering most phases that might be encountered in geological and soil samples. The rockjock
library in powdR
uses data from the original RockJock program (Eberl 2003) thanks to the permission of Dennis Eberl. In rockjock
, each reference pattern from the original RockJock program has been scaled to a maximum intensity of 10000 counts, and the RIR’s normalised relative to Corundum. All rockjock
data were analysed using Cu K\(\alpha\) radiation.
To accompany the rockjock
reference library, a list of eight synthetic mixtures from the original RockJock program (Eberl 2003) are also included in powdR
in the rockjock_mixtures
data (accessed via data(rockjock_mixtures)
. Their known weights (see ?rockjock_mixtures
) can be compared to full pattern summation outputs (i.e. from fps()
and afps()
, detailed below) to assess accuracy.
Full pattern summation in powdR
is provided via fps()
, and an automated version provided in afps()
. Here the rockjock
and rockjock_mixtures
data will be used to demonstrate the use of these functions.
In some cases samples are prepared for XRPD with an internal standard of known concentration. If this is the case, then the std_conc
argument of fps()
and afps()
can be used to define the concentration of the internal standard (in weight %), which is used in combination with the reference intensity ratios to compute phase concentrations. For example, all samples in the rockjock_mixtures
data were prepared with 20 % corundum as the internal standard, thus this can be specified using using std = "CORUNDUM"
and std_conc = 20
in the call to fps()
or afps()
fit_1 <- fps(lib = rockjock,
smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
std = "CORUNDUM",
std_conc = 20,
align = 0.3)
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Using internal standard concentration of 20 % to compute phase concentrations
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
The computed concentrations can be accessed in the phases
dataframe of the powdRlib
#> phase_id phase_name rir phase_percent
#> 1 CORUNDUM Corundum 1.0000000 20.0000
#> 2 ORDERED_MICROCLINE K-feldspar 0.9654312 3.6104
#> 3 LABRADORITE Plagioclase 0.8113040 19.3277
#> 4 KAOLINITE_DRY_BRANCH Kaolinite 0.5812875 11.6870
#> 5 ILLITE_1M_RM30 Illite 0.2768664 6.4234
#> 6 MONTMORILLONITE_WYO Smectite (Di) 0.3202779 40.9453
Further, notice that if the concentration of the internal standard is specified then the phase concentrations do not necessarily sum to 100 %:
Unlike other software where only certain phases can be used as an internal standard, any phase can be defined in powdR
. For example, the rockjock_mixtures$Mix5
sample contains 20 % quartz (see ?rockjock_mixtures
), thus adding "QUARTZ"
as the std
argument results in this reference pattern becoming the internal standard instead.
fit_2 <- fps(lib = rockjock,
smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix5,
std = "QUARTZ",
std_conc = 20,
align = 0.3)
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Using internal standard concentration of 20 % to compute phase concentrations
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
#> phase_id phase_name rir phase_percent
#> 1 CORUNDUM Corundum 1.0000000 19.9145
#> 2 QUARTZ Quartz 3.5404393 20.0000
#> 3 ORDERED_MICROCLINE K-feldspar 0.9654312 33.0677
#> 4 LABRADORITE Plagioclase 0.8113040 7.8474
#> 5 KAOLINITE_DRY_BRANCH Kaolinite 0.5812875 4.3197
#> 6 MONTMORILLONITE_WYO Smectite (Di) 0.3202779 11.2179
#> [1] 96.3672
In cases where an internal standard is not added to a sample, phase quantification can be achieved by assuming that all detectable phases can be identified and that they sum to 100 weight %. By setting the std_conc
argument of fps()
or afps()
to NA
, or leaving it out of the function call, it will be assumed that the sample has been prepared without an internal standard and the phase concentrations computed accordingly.
fit_3 <- fps(lib = rockjock,
smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
std_conc = NA,
std = "CORUNDUM",
align = 0.3)
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
In this case the phase specified in the std
argument is only used for sample alignment, and is included in the computed phase concentrations.
#> phase_id phase_name rir phase_percent
#> 1 CORUNDUM Corundum 1.0000000 19.6090
#> 2 ORDERED_MICROCLINE K-feldspar 0.9654312 3.5399
#> 3 LABRADORITE Plagioclase 0.8113040 18.9498
#> 4 KAOLINITE_DRY_BRANCH Kaolinite 0.5812875 11.4586
#> 5 ILLITE_1M_RM30 Illite 0.2768664 6.2978
#> 6 MONTMORILLONITE_WYO Smectite (Di) 0.3202779 40.1449
Furthermore, the phase concentrations sum to 100 %.
It is usually recommended that the reference library used for full pattern summation is measured on the same instrument as the sample using an identical 2\(\theta\) range and resolution. In some cases this is not feasible, and the reference library patterns may be from a different instrument to the sample. To allow for seamless use of samples and libraries from different instruments (measured on the same wavelength), fps()
and afps()
contain a logical harmonise
argument (default = TRUE
). When the sample and library contain non-identical 2\(\theta\) axes, harmonise = TRUE
will convert the data onto the same scale by determining the overlapping 2\(\theta\) range and interpolating to the coarsest resolution available.
#Create a sample with a shorter 2theta axis than the library
Mix1_short <- subset(rockjock_mixtures$Mix1, tth > 10 & tth < 55)
#Reduce the resolution by selecting only odd rows of the data
Mix1_short <- Mix1_short[seq(1, nrow(Mix1_short), 2),]
fit_4 <- fps(lib = rockjock,
smpl = Mix1_short,
std = "CORUNDUM",
align = 0.3)
#> -Harmonising library to the same 2theta resolution as the sample
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
#> phase_id phase_name rir phase_percent
#> 1 CORUNDUM Corundum 1.0000000 19.5079
#> 2 ORDERED_MICROCLINE K-feldspar 0.9654312 3.8663
#> 3 LABRADORITE Plagioclase 0.8113040 19.8705
#> 4 KAOLINITE_DRY_BRANCH Kaolinite 0.5812875 12.8507
#> 5 ILLITE_1M_RM30 Illite 0.2768664 8.4559
#> 6 MONTMORILLONITE_WYO Smectite (Di) 0.3202779 35.4486
The selection of suitable reference patterns for full pattern summation can often be challenging and time consuming. An attempt to automate this process is provided in afps()
, which can select appropriate reference patterns from a reference library and subsequently exclude reference patterns based on limit of detection estimates. Such an approach is considered particularly advantageous when quantifying high-throughput XRPD datasets that display considerable mineralogical variation.
Here the rockjock
library, containing 169 reference patterns, will be used to quantify one of the samples in the rockjock_mixtures
fit_5 <- afps(lib = rockjock,
smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
std = "CORUNDUM",
align = 0.3,
lod = 1)
#> -Using all reference patterns in the library
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Applying non-negative least squares
#> -Optimising...
#> -Removing negative coefficients and reoptimising...
#> -Calculating detection limits
#> -Removing phases below detection limit
#> -Reoptimising after removing crystalline phases below the limit of detection
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %
#> ***Automated full pattern summation complete***
#> phase_name phase_percent
#> 1 Corundum 19.2449
#> 2 Background 0.0001
#> 3 K-feldspar 2.6398
#> 4 Plagioclase 19.2431
#> 5 Kaolinite 10.8828
#> 6 Smectite (Di) 40.0788
#> 7 Illite 7.9105
Plotting results from fps()
or afps()
and powdRafps
objects, respectively) is achieved using plot()
. Static ggplot()
plots can be created using:
Alternatively, interactive ggplotly()
plots can be created by adding interactive = TRUE
to the function call, e.g. plot(fit_5, wavelength = "Cu", interactive = TRUE)
In addition to above, plotting for powdRfps
and powdRafps
objects can be further adjusted by the mode
and xlim
arguments. The mode
argument can be one of “fit” (the default), “residuals” or “both”, for example:
or alternatively:
The easiest way to quantify multiple samples is with lapply()
multi_fit <- lapply(rockjock_mixtures[1:3], fps,
lib = rockjock,
std = "CORUNDUM",
align = 0.3)
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
#> -Aligning sample to the internal standard
#> -Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample
#> -Optimising...
#> -Removing negative coefficients and reoptimising...
#> -Computing phase concentrations
#> -Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %
#> ***Full pattern summation complete***
#> [1] "Mix1" "Mix2" "Mix3"
When multiple samples are quantified, it is often useful to report the phase concentrations of all of the samples in a single table. For a given list of powdRfps
and/or powdRafps
objects, the summarise_mineralogy()
function yields such summary tables, for example:
summarise_mineralogy(multi_fit, type = "grouped", order = TRUE)
#> sample_id Kaolinite Corundum Plagioclase Smectite (Di) Illite K-feldspar
#> 1 Mix1 11.4255 19.6390 18.9222 40.2223 6.0943 3.4771
#> 2 Mix2 19.9893 20.1257 34.2955 3.1401 9.8914 7.9668
#> 3 Mix3 38.0548 20.1476 NA 3.5897 19.4220 11.0541
#> Quartz
#> 1 0.2197
#> 2 4.5911
#> 3 7.7318
where type = "grouped"
denotes that phases with the same phase_name
will be summed together, and order = TRUE
specifies that the columns will be ordered from most common to least common (assessed by the sum of each phase across the samples).
To run powdR
via the Shiny app, use run_powdR()
. This loads the application in your default web browser. The application has six tabs:
reference library from two .csv files: one for the XRPD measurements, and the other for the ID, name and reference intensity ratio of each pattern.powdRlib
reference library.powdRlib
reference library .fps()
or afps()
and powdRafps
objects to be viewed and edited via addition or removal of reference patterns.powdR
Shiny application.Note: that the Shiny application may not work properly in Microsoft Edge web browsers. Please get in touch if you experience any other issues with the Shiny application.
Chipera, Steve J., and David L. Bish. 2002. “FULLPAT: A full-pattern quantitative analysis program for X-ray powder diffraction using measured and calculated patterns.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 35 (6): 744–49. https://doi.org/10.1107/S0021889802017405.
Eberl, D. D. 2003. “User’s guide to ROCKJOCK - A program for determining quantitative mineralogy from powder X-ray diffraction data.” Boulder, CA: USGS.