Added a getting started vignette("polyCub")
(suggested by @wrathematics in openjournals/joss-reviews#1056).
fix minor compiler warning about missing types
field in R_CMethodDef
(@wrathematics, #1).
Package polyCub no longer attaches package sp (moved from “Depends” to “Imports”).
The R code of the examples is no longer installed by default. Use the --example
flag of R CMD INSTALL to achieve that.
The README now exemplifies the four different cubature rules.
The exported C-function polyCub_iso()
did not handle its stop_on_error
argument correctly (it would always stop on error).
now detects non-finite intrfr
function values and gives an informative error message (rather than just reporting “abnormal termination of integration routine”).
Package polyCub no longer strictly depends on package spatstat. It is only required for polyCub.midpoint()
and for polygon input of class "owin"
Added full C-implementation of polyCub.iso()
, which is exposed as "polyCub_iso"
for use by other R packages (notably future versions of surveillance) via LinkingTo: polyCub
and #include <polyCubAPI.h>
Accommodate CRAN checks: add missing import from graphics, register native routines and disable symbol search
works directly with input polygons of classes "gpc.poly"
and "SpatialPolygons"
, since package polyCub now registers corresponding as.owin
did not work if the tristrip
of the transformed input polygon contained degenerate triangles (spotted by Ignacio Quintero).
Line integration in polyCub.iso()
could break due to division by zero if the center
point was part of the polygon boundary.
Nodes and weights for polyCub.SV()
were only cached up to nGQ=59
, not 60 as announced in version 0.5-0. Fixed that which also makes examples truly run without statmod.
In polyCub.SV()
, the new special setting f=NULL
means to only compute nodes and weights.
Internal changes to the "gpc.poly"
converters to accommodate spatstat 1.39-0.
gained an argument engine
to choose among available implementations. The new and faster C-implementation is the default. There should not be any numerical differences in the result of the cubature.
Package statmod is no longer strictly required (imported). Nodes and weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature in polyCub.SV()
are now cached in the polyCub package up to nGQ=60
. statmod::gauss.quad
is only queried for a higher number of nodes.
could not handle additional arguments for integrate()
given in the control
now applies the control
arguments also to the numerical approximation of intrfr
The checkintrfr()
function is exported and documented.
Added a CITATION file.
gained an additional argument print.args
, an optional list of arguments passed to print.trellis()
if use.lattice=TRUE
passed a data frame of coordinates to f
instead of a matrix as documented.
rgeos (and therefore the GEOS library) is no longer strictly required (moved from “Imports” to “Suggests”).
Added coerce
-methods from "Polygons"
(or "SpatialPolygons"
or "Polygon"
) to "owin"
(as(..., "owin")
S4-style coerce
-methods between "gpc.poly"
and "Polygons"
have been removed from the package (since we no longer import the formal class "gpc.poly"
from gpclib or rgeos). However, there are two new functions gpc2owin
and owin2gpc
similar to those dropped from spatstat since version 1.34-0.
Moved discpoly()
back to surveillance since it is only used there.
The latter two changes cause surveillance version 1.6-0 to be incompatible with this new version of polyCub. Appropriate modifications have been made in the new version 1.7-0 of surveillance.
thorough optimization of polyCub.SV()
-related code resulted in about 27% speed-up:
use mapply()
instead of a for
avoid cbind()
use tcrossprod()
less object copying
is now exported. It simply extracts polygon coordinates from various spatial classes (with same unifying intention as xy.coords()
A polyregion
of class "SpatialPolygons"
of length more than 1 now works in polyCub
Use aspect ratio of 1 in plotpolyf()
R CMD check
in the current R development version (also import packages into the NAMESPACE which are listed in the “Depends” field).New cubature method polyCub.iso()
specific to isotropic functions (thanks to Emil Hedevang for the basic idea).
New function plotpolyf()
to plot a polygonal domain on top of an image of a bivariate function.
The package now depends on R >= 2.15.0 (for .rowSums()
The package no longer registers "owin"
as an S4-class since we depend on the sp package which does the job. This avoids a spurious warning (in .simpleDuplicateClass()
) upon package installation.
In discpoly()
, the argument r
has been renamed to radius
. This is backward compatible by partial argument matching in old code.
This is the initial version of the polyCub package mainly built on functions previously maintained within the surveillance package. These methods for cubature of polygonal domains have been outsourced into this separate polyCub package since they are of general use for other packages as well.
The polyCub package has more documentation and tests, avoids the use of gpclib as far as possible (using rgeos instead), and solves a compatibility issue with package maptools (use setClass("owin")
instead of setOldClass("owin")