pollstR 2.0.1
- Remove
from Suggests:
. Only suggest necessary packages.
pollstR 2.0.0
- This is complete rewrite of the package for new Pollster API v2. It is new API and backwards incompatible with previous verions of
- Added
- Converted
to NEWS.md
pollstR 1.5.0
and pollster_house_effects
return data frames without additional pollster specific classes.
- Fix typos in documentation
pollstR 1.4.0
- Renamed functions to start with
since I kept misstyping them. However, the old function names beginnning with pollstr_
still work.
- Renamed the classes returned by pollster functions to start with
- Added function
which returns all polls related to a chart.
- Added function
which returns the pollster house effects for a chart.
- Pollster API changes: deprecated
argument in pollstr_polls
(#11); added question
argument to pollstr_polls
- Edited and rewrote much of the vignette. The new example uses the 2016 General Election between Clinton and Trump.
- Miscellaneous non-user facing rewrites to code to make it more robust.
pollstR 1.3.0
- Add
and max_pages
arguments to pollster_charts
function since the charts method in the API now takes a page argument. #10
pollstR 1.2.2
- Add Drew Linzer as original author
- Bugfix: Removes polls where questions are incomplete so as not to cause errors. #8 (Thanks @olliemcdonald)
pollstR 1.2.1
- Bugfix: fix R CMD check notes due to change in how it handles non-base default packages: http://developer.r-project.org/blosxom.cgi/R-devel/2015/06/29#n2015-06-29
- Add showall argument to pollstr_charts and pollstr_polls
pollstR 1.1.1
- Bugfix: ensure that character vectors do not get converted to factors
- Added section in documentation on errors in functions
pollstR 1.1.0
- Bugfix: Update to new API # pollstR polls.
- Move testthat tests to inst
pollstR 1.0.2
- Bugfix: fix test failures due to API change.
- Remove tests brittle to API changes so fewer CRAN check failures
pollstR 1.0.1
- Bugfix: did not convert some election date fields
pollstR 1.0.0
pollstR 0.2.0
Merge with http://github.com/jrnold/pollster. This is a complete rewrite of the client.
replaced with pollstr_charts
. Returns class pollstr_charts
replaced with pollstr_chart
. Returns class pollstr_chart
replaced with pollstr_polls
. Returns class pollstr_polls
API access no longer available.
# pollstR 0.1