package use Paired Mass Distance (PMD) relationship to analysis the GC/LC-MS based non-targeted data. PMD means the distance between two masses or mass to charge ratios. In mass spectrometry, PMD would keep the same between two masses or two mass to charge ratios(m/z). There are twe kinds of PMD involved in this package: PMD within same retention time group and PMD from different retention time groups.
In GC/LC-MS based non-targeted analysis, peaks could be seperated by chromatograph. We could build retention time(RT) bins to assign peaks into different RT groups by retention time hierarchical clustering analysis. For each RT group, the peaks should come from same compounds or co-elutes. If certain PMD appeared in multiple RT groups, it would be related to the relationship about adducts, neutral loss, isotopologues or commen fragments ions.
The peaks from different retention time groups would like to be different compounds seperated by chromatograph. The PMD would reflect the relationship about homologous series or chemical reactions.
GlobalStd algorithm use the PMD within same RT group to find independent peaks among certain dataset. Structure/reaction directed analysis use PMD from different RT groups to screen important compounds or reactions.
The input data should be a list
object with at least two elements from a peaks list:
, high resolution mass spectrometry is requiredrt
However, I suggested to add intensity and group information to the list for validation of PMD analysis.
In this package, a dataset from in vivo solid phase micro-extraction(SPME) was attached. This dataset contain 9 samples from 3 fish with triplicates samples for each fish. Here is the data strcture:
#> List of 4
#> $ data : num [1:1459, 1:9] 1095 10439 10154 2797 90211 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:1459] "100.1/170" "100.5/86" "101/85" "103.1/348" ...
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:9] "1405_Fish1_F1" "1405_Fish1_F2" "1405_Fish1_F3" "1405_Fish2_F1" ...
#> $ group:'data.frame': 9 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ sample_name : chr [1:9] "1405_Fish1_F1" "1405_Fish1_F2" "1405_Fish1_F3" "1405_Fish2_F1" ...
#> ..$ sample_group: chr [1:9] "fish1" "fish1" "fish1" "fish2" ...
#> $ mz : num [1:1459] 100 101 101 103 104 ...
#> $ rt : num [1:1459] 170.2 86.3 84.9 348.1 48.8 ...
You could build this list
object from the xcms
objects via enviGCMS
package. When you have a xcmsSet
object or XCMSnExp
object named xset
, you could use enviGCMS::getmzrt(xset)
or enviGCMS::getmzrt2(xset)
to get such list. Of course you could build such list by yourself.
GlobalStd algorithm try to find independent peaks among certain peaks list. The first step is retention time hierarchical clustering analysis. The second step is to find the relationship among adducts, neutral loss, isotopologues and commen fragments ions. The third step is to screen the independent peaks.
pmd <- getpaired(spmeinvivo, rtcutoff = 10, ng = 10)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
#> 380 paired masses found
#> 9 unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) used for further investigation.
#> 719 isotopologue(s) related paired mass found.
#> 492 multi-charger(s) related paired mass found.
This plot would show the distribution of RT groups. The rtcutoff
in function getpaired
could be used to set the cutoff of the distances in retention time hierarchical clustering analysis.
The ng
in function getpaired
could be used to set cutoff of global PMD’s retention time group numbers. If ng
is 10, at least 10 of the retention time groups should contain the shown PMD relationship. You could use plotpaired
to show the distribution.
You could also show the distribution of PMD relationship by index:
# show the unique PMD found by getpaired function
for(i in 1:length(unique(pmd$paired$diff2))){
diff <- unique(pmd$paired$diff2)[i]
index <- pmd$paired$diff2 == diff
You could use getstd
function to get the independent peaks.
std <- getstd(pmd)
#> 8 retention group(s) have single peaks. 14 23 32 33 54 55 56 75
#> 11 group(s) with multiple peaks while no isotope/paired relationship 4 5 7 8 11 41 42 49 68 72 73
#> 9 group(s) with multiple peaks with isotope without paired relationship 2 9 22 26 52 62 64 66 70
#> 4 group(s) with paired relationship without isotope 1 10 15 18
#> 43 group(s) with paired relationship and isotope 3 6 12 13 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 63 65 67 69 71 74
#> 297 std mass found.
Here you could plot the peaks by plotstd
function to show the distribution of independent peaks:
You could also plot the peaks distribution by assign a retention time group via plotstdrt
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 23,main = 'Retention time group 23')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 9,main = 'Retention time group 9')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 18,main = 'Retention time group 18')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 67,main = 'Retention time group 67')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 49,main = 'Retention time group 49')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 6,main = 'Retention time group 6')
Independent peaks are supporsing generated from different compounds. We could use those peaks for MS/MS analysis instead of DIA or DDA. Here we need multiple injections for one sample since it might be impossible to get all ions’ fragmental ions in one injection with good sensitivity. You could use gettarget
to generate the index for the injections and output the peaks for each run.
# you need retention time for independent peaks
index <- gettarget(std$rt[std$stdmassindex])
#> You need 10 injections!
# output the ions for each injection
#> index
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#> 16 28 24 32 33 27 34 43 24 36
# show the ions for the first injection
#> [1] 136.0401 161.0967 166.0867 167.0901 174.0392 174.9917 176.0305 186.1854
#> [9] 193.1599 211.1698 215.1272 232.9354 239.1490 242.2863 247.2421 255.1591
#> [17] 270.3185 285.3002 286.3101 291.0712 299.1113 301.2899 303.6476 309.0913
#> [25] 311.3144 328.0132 330.2521 340.3593 345.9293 351.3455 357.3004 365.1059
#> [33] 389.2529 411.2067 416.8073 418.3398 425.3120 429.0892 429.8709 437.1936
#> [41] 445.1198 466.8208 472.9023 498.9017 504.1096 514.8764 522.3557 535.4718
#> [49] 565.1922 595.1563 602.3103 607.3910 614.8111 620.4358 623.4241 638.3081
#> [57] 648.4664 675.2109 678.6868 699.8553 704.8667 709.4930 719.9400 736.8574
#> [65] 779.5153 816.5102 831.6037 835.8303 841.5715 847.3272 854.8122 868.4448
#> [73] 874.3049 906.8283 912.1493 942.3193 952.1496 971.8036 983.7978
#> [1] 552.8035 645.5280 348.1340 511.2940 216.6520 166.2500 166.9580 501.3300
#> [9] 453.1780 452.9630 169.7485 144.3605 170.2755 809.1845 639.0995 482.5790
#> [17] 802.2200 670.6010 755.0755 161.3960 447.6060 594.9120 510.2230 568.7680
#> [25] 618.4830 509.1510 596.4120 658.6000 145.7520 626.0920 590.8380 143.9315
#> [33] 383.1060 504.6540 503.1515 582.2680 404.7480 717.1020 145.2170 507.4370
#> [41] 717.1010 144.2540 213.7270 213.7270 762.5750 215.7020 546.4830 639.3130
#> [49] 762.5760 819.4050 469.3330 800.2900 217.8140 531.0080 455.1505 630.7000
#> [57] 531.2240 819.5135 639.1000 213.3340 213.9270 525.2220 212.6510 213.5090
#> [65] 519.6690 213.3340 503.6870 213.4430 517.2940 214.9660 215.4170 493.9370
#> [73] 638.7790 213.7270 214.1095 214.2010 213.3340 213.5485 214.6300
You need to check the GlobalStd algorithm’s results by principal components analysis(PCA).
par(mfrow = c(1,2),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotpca(std$data,lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(all peaks)")))
plotpca(std$data[std$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(selected peaks)")))
GlobalStd algorithm in pmd
package could be treated as a method to extract pseudospectra. You could use getcluster
to get peaks groups information for all GlobalStd peaks. This function would consider the merge of GlobalStd peaks when certain peak is involved in multiple clusters. Then you could choose export peaks with the highest intensities in each GlobalStd merged peaks groups.
stdcluster <- getcluster(std)
# extract pseudospectra for std peak 71
idx <- unique(stdcluster$cluster$largei[stdcluster$cluster$i==71])
plot(stdcluster$cluster$mz[stdcluster$cluster$largei==idx],stdcluster$cluster$ins[stdcluster$cluster$largei==idx],type = 'h',xlab = 'm/z',ylab = 'intensity',main = 'pseudospectra for GlobalStd peak 71')
# export peaks with the highest intensities in each GlobalStd peaks groups.
data <- stdcluster$data[stdcluster$stdmassindex2,]
You could also use getcorcluster
to find peaks groups by correlation analysis only.
corcluster <- getcorcluster(spmeinvivo)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
par(mfrow = c(1,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotpca(std$data,lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(all peaks)")))
plotpca(std$data[std$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(selected peaks)")))
plotpca(std$data[corcluster$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(selected peaks by correlationship)")))
GlobalStd algorithm is designed to analysis data without intensity data. However, if you have intensity data, the independant peaks could be selected with more confindence. You could set up cutoff of Pearson Correlation Coefficient between peaks to refine the peaks selected by GlobalStd within same retention time groups.
std2 <- getstd(pmd,corcutoff = 0.9)
#> 8 retention group(s) have single peaks. 14 23 32 33 54 55 56 75
#> 23 group(s) with multiple peaks while no isotope/paired relationship 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 15 18 26 35 39 41 42 49 50 59 62 68 69 70 72 73
#> 14 group(s) with multiple peaks with isotope without paired relationship 9 12 22 24 27 28 34 51 52 57 60 64 66 71
#> 3 group(s) with paired relationship without isotope 1 53 74
#> 27 group(s) with paired relationship and isotope 3 6 13 16 17 19 20 21 25 29 30 31 36 37 38 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 58 61 63 65 67
#> 120 std mass found.
par(mfrow = c(1,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotpca(std2$data,lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std2$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(all peaks)")))
plotpca(std$data[std$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(selected peaks)")))
plotpca(std2$data[std2$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std2$group)),main = substitute(paste(italic('in vivo'), " SPME samples(selected peaks)")))
function could be used to perform Structure/reaction directed analysis. The cutoff of frequency is automately found by PMD network analysis with most cluster numbers.
sda <- getsda(std)
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 6 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 5.99 .
#> 57 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 1.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 6.97 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 11.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 13.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 15.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 16.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 19.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 30.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 37.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 42.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 49.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 54.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 63.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 66.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 68.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 74.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 80.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 82.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 88.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 91.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 93.12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 96.09 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 101.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 108.13 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 110.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 112.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 122.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 124.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 126.14 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 148.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 150.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 173.18 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 191.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 191.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 192.19 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 194.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 267.25 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 325.3 was found as high frequency PMD.
You could use plotstdsda
to show the distribution of the selected paired peaks.
You could also use index to show the distribution of certain PMDs.
par(mfrow = c(1,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotstdsda(sda,sda$sda$diff2 == 2.02)
plotstdsda(sda,sda$sda$diff2 == 28.03)
plotstdsda(sda,sda$sda$diff2 == 58.04)
Structure/reaction directed analysis could be directily performed on all the peaks, which is slow to process:
sdaall <- getsda(spmeinvivo)
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 104 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 14.06 .
#> 6 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
par(mfrow = c(1,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotstdsda(sdaall,sdaall$sda$diff2 == 2.02)
plotstdsda(sdaall,sdaall$sda$diff2 == 28.03)
plotstdsda(sdaall,sdaall$sda$diff2 == 58.04)
When you only have data of peaks without retention time or compounds list, structure/reaction directed analysis could also be done by getrda
One peak or compounds could be involved in multiple reactions. You could construct a network by such relationship.
If you have a specific compound and want to check the metabolites of certain PMD, you could use getchain
to extract the network of that compounds
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> union
# check metabolites of C18H39NO
chain <- getchain(spmeinvivo,diff = c(2.02,14.02,15.99,58.04,13.98),mass = 286.3101,digits = 2,corcutoff = 0)
# show as network
net <- graph_from_data_frame(chain$sdac,directed = F)
pal <- (grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdYlBu")
plot(net,vertex.label=round(as.numeric(V(net)$name),2),vertex.size =5,edge.width = 5,edge.color = pal[as.numeric(as.factor(E(net)$diff2))],vertex.label.dist=1,vertex.color=ifelse(round(as.numeric(V(net)$name),4) %in% 286.3101,'red','black'),main = 'PMD network')
legend("topright",bty = "n",
fill=unique(pal[as.numeric(as.factor(E(net)$diff2))]), border=NA,horiz = F)
If you want to see all the independant peaks’ high frequency PMDs as a network, the following code will help
sda <- getsda(std)
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 6 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 5.99 .
#> 57 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 1.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 6.97 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 11.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 13.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 15.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 16.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 19.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 30.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 37.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 42.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 49.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 54.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 63.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 66.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 68.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 74.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 80.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 82.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 88.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 91.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 93.12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 96.09 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 101.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 108.13 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 110.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 112.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 122.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 124.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 126.14 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 148.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 150.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 173.18 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 191.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 191.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 192.19 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 194.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 267.25 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 325.3 was found as high frequency PMD.
df <- sda$sda
net <- graph_from_data_frame(df,directed = F)
pal <- (grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdYlBu")
plot(net,vertex.label=round(as.numeric(V(net)$name)),vertex.size = 7,edge.width = 5,edge.color = pal[as.numeric(as.factor(E(net)$diff2))],main = 'PMD network')
legend("topright",bty = "n",
fill=unique(pal[as.numeric(as.factor(E(net)$diff2))]), border=NA,horiz = F)
# Check the degree of the nodes
# Show the degree distribution of the vertices
deg <- degree(net, mode="all")
#> [1] 0.000000000 0.280612245 0.163265306 0.096938776 0.102040816 0.076530612
#> [7] 0.025510204 0.020408163 0.020408163 0.020408163 0.010204082 0.020408163
#> [13] 0.020408163 0.030612245 0.010204082 0.020408163 0.000000000 0.010204082
#> [19] 0.005102041 0.020408163 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.015306122 0.000000000
#> [25] 0.000000000 0.010204082 0.005102041 0.005102041 0.005102041 0.000000000
#> [31] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [37] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [43] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [49] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [55] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [61] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [67] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [73] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#> [79] 0.005102041
plot(net, vertex.size=deg/2,vertex.label=NA,vertex.size = 7, edge.width = 5)
# network community structure detection
ceb <- cluster_edge_betweenness(net,weights = abs(E(net)$cor), directed = F)
#> Warning in cluster_edge_betweenness(net, weights = abs(E(net)$cor), directed =
#> F): At community.c:460 :Membership vector will be selected based on the lowest
#> modularity score.
#> Warning in cluster_edge_betweenness(net, weights = abs(E(net)$cor), directed =
#> F): At community.c:467 :Modularity calculation with weighted edge betweenness
#> community detection might not make sense -- modularity treats edge weights as
#> similarities while edge betwenness treats them as distances
plot(ceb, net,vertex.label=NA,)
Peaks from samples could be from endogenous compounds or exogenous compounds. However, it’s hard to tell for untargeted analysis. In terms of PMD, if one peak belongs to a high frequency PMD network, it means a relatively high activity. If such sample belongs to a biological specimen, it might be endogenous compound. If a peak show no PMD network with other peaks, the biological system might not have enzyme to make reaction happen. Exogenous compounds will show a lower degree since they are xenbiotics. Since most of the peaks will show a low degree, the median of the degree could be used as cutoff. Then we could make source appointment if the assumption is hold.
#> [1] 3
endogenous <- names(deg)[deg>median(deg)]
exogenous <- names(deg)[deg<=median(deg)]
In this case, we will have 90 endogenous compounds while 106 exogenous compounds. When you find a peak show differences between groups, you could check the degree to infer its sources.
Retention time cluster cutoff should fit the peak picking algorithm. For HPLC, 10 is suggested and 5 could be used for UPLC.
Global PMD’s retention time group numbers should be around 20 percent of the retention time cluster numbers. For example, if you find 100 retention time clusters, I suggested you use 20 as the empirical global PMD’s retention time group numbers.
Another important hint is that pre-filter your peak list by black samples or other quality control samples. Otherwise the running time would be long and lots of pmd relationship would be just from noise.
function is a wrap function to process GlobalStd algorithm and structure/reaction directed analysis in one line. All the plot function could be directly used on the list
objects from globalstd
result <- globalstd(spmeinvivo,ng=10)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
#> 380 paired masses found
#> 9 unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) used for further investigation.
#> 719 isotopologue(s) related paired mass found.
#> 492 multi-charger(s) related paired mass found.
#> 8 retention group(s) have single peaks. 14 23 32 33 54 55 56 75
#> 11 group(s) with multiple peaks while no isotope/paired relationship 4 5 7 8 11 41 42 49 68 72 73
#> 9 group(s) with multiple peaks with isotope without paired relationship 2 9 22 26 52 62 64 66 70
#> 4 group(s) with paired relationship without isotope 1 10 15 18
#> 43 group(s) with paired relationship and isotope 3 6 12 13 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 63 65 67 69 71 74
#> 297 std mass found.
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 6 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 5.99 .
#> 57 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 1.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 6.97 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 11.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 13.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 15.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 16.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 19.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 30.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 37.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 42.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 49.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 54.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 63.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 66.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 68.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 74.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 80.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 82.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 88.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 91.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 93.12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 96.09 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 101.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 108.13 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 110.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 112.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 122.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 124.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 126.14 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 148.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 150.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 173.18 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 191.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 191.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 192.19 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 194.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 267.25 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 325.3 was found as high frequency PMD.
An interactive document has been included in this package to perform PMD analysis. You need to prepare a csv file with m/z and retention time of peaks. Such csv file could be generated by run enviGCMS::getmzrtcsv()
on the list
object from enviGCMS::getmzrt(xset)
or enviGCMS::getmzrt2(xset)
function. You could also generate the csv file by enviGCMS::getmzrt(xset,name = 'test')
or enviGCMS::getmzrt2(xset, name = 'test')
. You will find the csv file in the working dictionary named test.csv
Then you could run runPMD()
to start the Graphical user interface(GUI) for GlobalStd algorithm and structure/reaction directed analysis. The PMD network for certain compound could be generated by run runPMDnet()
To check the pmd reaction database:
# all reaction
#> 1 1 R00001 22455 BI 22452 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 2 R00004 24579 BI 24576 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 3 R00005 19032 BI 19029 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 4 R00008 22751 BI 22748 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 5 R00009 20312 BI 20309 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 6 6 R00010 20871 BI 20868 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> metacyc reactome
#> 3 <NA> <NA>
#> 4 <NA> <NA>
#> 5 <NA> <NA>
#> 6 <NA> <NA>
#> compounds pmd
#> 1 [phosphate](n+1) + n H2O <=> n H(+) + (n+1) phosphate NA
#> 2 diphosphate + H2O <=> H(+) + 2 phosphate NA
#> 3 3 H(+) + H2O + urea-1-carboxylate <=> 2 CO2 + 2 NH4(+) NA
#> 4 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate <=> 2 pyruvate NA
#> 5 2 H2O2 <=> 2 H2O + O2 NA
#> 6 alpha,alpha-trehalose + H2O <=> 2 D-glucose 162.053
# kegg reaction
#> ID ms1 formula1 ms2 formula2 pmd C H O N P
#> 2 R00002 506.9957 C10H16N5O13P3 427.0294 C10H15N5O10P2 79.966 0 1 3 0 1
#> 8 R00010 342.1162 C12H22O11 180.0634 C6H12O6 162.053 6 10 5 0 0
#> 10 R00012 522.9907 C10H16N5O14P3 868.0381 C20H28N10O21P4 345.047 10 12 7 5 1
#> 12 R00014 425.0450 C12H19N4O7P2S 469.0712 C14H23N4O8P2S 44.026 2 4 1 0 0
#> 13.1 R00015 342.1162 C12H22O11 180.0634 C6H12O6 162.053 6 10 5 0 0
#> 13.2 R00015 342.1162 C12H22O11 504.1690 C18H32O16 162.053 6 10 5 0 0
#> S
#> 2 0
#> 8 0
#> 10 0
#> 12 0
#> 13.1 0
#> 13.2 0
# literature reaction for mass spectrometry
#> PMD origin
#> 1 0.984016 OH ↔ NH2, e.g. de-amidiation, CHNO compounds
#> 2 1.995663 F ↔ OH, halogen exchange with hydroxy group (typically -F + OH)
#> 3 2.015650 ± 2H, opening or forming of double bond
#> 4 7.004671 F ↔ CN, halogen exchange with cyano group
#> 5 8.965779 Cl ↔ CN, halogen exchange with cyano group
#> 6 13.979265 O ↔ 2H, e.g. Oxidation follwed by H2O elimination
#> Ref. mode
#> 1 both
#> 2 both
#> 3 both
#> 4 both
#> 5 both
#> 6 both
To check the HMDB pmd database:
package could be used to reduce the redundancy peaks for GC/LC-MS based research and perform structure/reaction directed analysis to screen known and unknown important compounds or reactions.