plsRglm 1.2.5
- Rewrote examples to cope with pkgdown requirements.
plsRglm 1.2.4
- Improve examples in manual
- Bug fix in signpred if no variable was selected.
- Creating website for the package
- Github repository of the package is now public
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
plsRglm 1.2.3
- Complete S3 methods to pass CRAN checks.
plsRglm 1.2.2
- Sped up examples to pass CRAN checks.
plsRglm 1.2.1
- Updated code to pass CRAN checks.
plsRglm 1.2.0
- Added naive AIC and BIC output for data with missing values.
plsRglm 1.1.1
- donttest update requested by CRAN.
plsRglm 1.1.0
- Verbose option (request from Max Kuhn, caret package).
plsRglm 1.0.1
- Fix for sPLS like option.
plsRglm 1.0.0
- Major upgrade to enhance generics support. Package vignette (130 p.) release. Help of package completed.
plsRglm 0.9.0
- Tilted bootstrap and demos fixed.
plsRglm 0.8.3
- Code upgrade requested by R Core Team due to change in namespace policies.
plsRglm 0.8.2
- Improvement of access to T-np or model based Bootstrap.
plsRglm 0.8.1
- Graphical assessment of variable selection. Selection of bootstap techniques for CI plots.
plsRglm 0.8.0
- Improved bootstrap stability.
plsRglm 0.7.9
plsRglm 0.7.8
plsRglm 0.7.7
plsRglm 0.7.6
plsRglm 0.7.5
plsRglm 0.7.4
plsRglm 0.7.3
plsRglm 0.7.2
- Cross-validation fully compatible with weighted plsR or plsRglm models.
plsRglm 0.7.1
plsRglm 0.7.0
- Estimation of Degrees of Freedom for plsR models.
plsRglm 0.6.7
plsRglm 0.6.5
- Sparse option to set to 0 the coefficients of non-significant predictors and to select the number of components.
plsRglm 0.6.3
- Minor fixes to cope with upcoming changes in R 2.13.
plsRglm 0.6.2
- Support for logistic, probit, cloglog and cauchit links for cumulative link models.
plsRglm 0.6.1
- Support for various glm or polr options.
plsRglm 0.6.0
plsRglm 0.5.1
plsRglm 0.5.0
- Support for R or user defined “family” definition of glms added.
plsRglm 0.4.0
- Support for Gamma(link = “inverse”), inverse.gaussian(link = “1/mu^2”) and poisson(link = “log”) added.
plsRglm 0.3.4
plsRglm 0.3.3
- Boostrap functionnalities improvement. Bootstrap no longer stops if model fitting fails for some subsample.
plsRglm 0.2.0-0.3.2
- Support for polr, crossvalidations and bootstraps.
plsRglm 0.1.2-0.1.5