To cite package 'planor' in publications use:

Kobilinsky A (2005). “PLANOR: program for automatic generation of regular experimental designs. .”

Kobilinsky A, Bouvier A, Monod H (2020). PLANOR: an R package for the automatic generation of regular fractional factorial designs. R package version 1.5-3.

Kobilinsky A, Monod H, Bailey R (2017). “Automatic generation of generalised regular designs. .” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 311-329.

Corresponding BibTeX entries:

    author = {André Kobilinsky},
    title = {PLANOR: program for automatic generation of regular
      experimental designs. },
    year = {2005},
    title = {PLANOR: an R package for the automatic generation of
      regular fractional factorial designs},
    author = {André Kobilinsky and Annie Bouvier and Hervé Monod},
    year = {2020},
    note = {R package version 1.5-3},
    address = {INRA, MIA, Jouy en Josas, France},
    author = {A. Kobilinsky and H. Monod and R.A. Bailey},
    title = {Automatic generation of generalised regular designs. },
    year = {2017},
    journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
    number = {113},
    pages = {311-329},