pivottabler 1.5.0


This release includes one potentially breaking change and many small enhancements across various parts of the package.

Reminder: The package now only contains one introductory vignette (due to the constraints on CRAN). The full set of 15+ vignettes can be found at: http://www.pivottabler.org.uk/articles/

Breaking Changes

Stricter definition of empty cells

When retrieving cells using pt$getCells() with the excludeEmptyCells parameter, or when searching cells using pt$findCells() with the emptyCells parameter, previous versions of the package would only treat cells as empty if they were related to a data group marked as empty. Cells with NULL values were not considered as empty.

Starting with this version, cells with NULL values (i.e. where is.null(cell$rawValue)==TRUE) are also regarded as empty. This may result in more cells being regarded as empty. The previous behaviour is still available by specifying compatibility=list(legacyEmptyCellMatching=TRUE) as an argument when creating the pivot table, either in PivotTable$new() or one of the quick pivot functions such as qpvt().


Bug Fixes

pivottabler 1.4.0


This release includes one potentially breaking change and many small enhancements across various parts of the package.

Reminder: The package now only contains one introductory vignette (due to the constraints on CRAN). The full set of 15+ vignettes can be found at: http://www.pivottabler.org.uk/articles/

Breaking Changes

Row group and column group captions for blank values

When generating HTML, previous versions of the package would not output any caption for data groups with a blank null (e.g. NULL). This could lead to rows collapsing to a few pixels in height (if all of the cells on the row also had no value). Starting with v1.4.0, a non-breaking space character is emitted instead (HTML  ), in the same way that other parts of the pivot table sometimes also emit a non-breaking space character. This should make minimal difference to the visual appearance of the table, however it may cause issues for users who require the previous behaviour. The previous behaviour is still available by specifying compatibility=list(noDataGroupNBSP=TRUE) as an argument when creating the pivot table, either in PivotTable$new() or one of the quick pivot functions such as qpvt().

A future version of the package will likely include an option to prevent all non-breaking space characters from being emitted and more correctly use CSS style rules instead to control minimum data group heights/widths.

Documentation Changes



The following can still be used but now emits a deprecation warning:

pivottabler 1.3.1

This release includes two small bug fixes only:

pivottabler 1.3.0


This release introduces a new layout type - outline layout - that can make larger pivot tables with multiple levels of row groups more readable and more visually appealing.

Several small improvements mean that irregular pivot tables (e.g. two pivot tables in one) are now easier to construct.

The package vignettes have grown too large be hosted on CRAN. They have been moved to: http://www.pivottabler.org.uk/articles/


Bug Fixes

The atLevel argument of pt$addColumnDataGroups() and pt$addRowDataGroups() now behaves correctly / more intuitively. Previously it would often add the data groups at the level below the level expected.


The following can still be used but now emit a deprecation warning:

pivottabler 1.2.3

This release includes one small bug fix only: Adding more than nine calculations causes the calculation columns to appear in the wrong order (issue #25).

pivottabler 1.2.2

This release includes one small bug fix only: Calling pt$setStyling(cells=…) on an empty list of cells now succeeds without an error (issue #23).

pivottabler 1.2.1

This release includes one small bug fix only: Calling pt$asDataFrame() on a pivot table containing blank/NA cells now succeeds without an error (issue #20).

pivottabler 1.2.0


This release includes one small potentially breaking change and one bug fix.

Breaking Changes

Changes to rowspan and colspan attributes in HTML

When generating HTML, previous versions of the package would always generate rowspan and colspan attributes for merged table cells, even if the number of rows or columns being spanned was only one. Starting with v1.2.0, rowspan and colspan attributes are only generated where the number of rows or columns being spanned is greater than one. This should make no difference to the visual appearance of the table, however it may cause issues for users who require the previous behaviour. The previous behaviour is still available by specifying compatibility=list(explicitHeaderSpansOfOne=TRUE) as an argument when creating the pivot table, either in PivotTable$new() or one of the quick pivot functions such as qpvt().


Small improvements have been made to the conversion of pivot tables to basic tables (in the basictabler package). Starting from this version of pivottabler and v0.3.0 of basictabler the HTML that is generated from the two packages should be more consistent. Previously, basictabler would render row/column header cells using the HTML td element instead of the more correct th element. Thanks to @rickwargo for reporting this difference in HTML output between the two packages.

Bug Fixes

Calling pt$setStyling() on the same cell multiple times now succeeds (previously failed with error).

pivottabler 1.1.0


This release includes:

Breaking Changes

This version of pivottabler generates slightly different CSS/HTML for the built-in themes/styling compared to previous versions. The visual appearance is unchanged. This may be a breaking change for users who require the generated CSS/HTML code to be identical to previous versions.

More details:

In version 1.0.0 and earlier versions of pivottabler, the built-in themes used a shared set of style declarations for both calculation value cells and total cells. From pivottabler version 1.1.0 onwards, total cells use a separate set of style declarations. The visual appearance of pivot tables using the built-in themes has not changed, only the HTML/CSS that is generated is slightly different - so the great majority of users will not be affected.

This change reduces the risk of styling changes to totals accidentally affecting all calculation value cells and vice-versa.

The output of earlier versions, where total cells and calculation value cells use a shared set of style declarations, can be generated by specifying compatibility=list(totalStyleIsCellStyle=TRUE) as an argument when creating the pivot table, either in PivotTable$new() or one of the quick pivot functions such as qpvt().


pivottabler 1.0.0

Breaking Changes


Bug Fixes

Upcoming Changes

No breaking changes currently planned.

pivottabler 0.4.0

Breaking Changes


Bug Fixes

Upcoming Changes

pivottabler 0.3.0: Performance Improvements and Quick-Pivot Functions

Breaking Changes


Bug Fixes

Upcoming Changes

pivottabler 0.2.0: New Output/Conversion Options, New Find Options

Breaking Changes



Bug Fixes

pivottabler 0.1.0

Initial version.

Earlier versions

No versions prior to 0.1.0 were released.