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pillar provides tools for styling columns of data, artfully using colour and unicode characters to guide the eye.


# pillar is installed if you install the tidyverse package:

# Alternatively, install just pillar:

# Or the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")


pillar is a developer-facing package that is not designed for end-users but will eventually be incorporated in packages like tibble.


x <- 123456789 * (10 ^ c(-3, -5, NA, -8, -10))
#>       <dbl>
#> 123457.    
#>   1235.    
#>     NA     
#>      1.23  
#>      0.0123

If you render this in a console that supports colour, you’ll see something that looks like this:


The primary user of this package is tibble, which lets pillar do all the formatting work. Packages that implement a data type to be used in a tibble column can add color with only a few changes:

  1. Implement the pillar_shaft() method for your data type.
  2. Add pillar to Suggests and implement dynamic method registration using vctrs::s3_register().

tidyverse/hms#43 shows the changes that were necessary to add colored output for the hms package:

Some more detail is given below.

Implementing pillar_shaft.your_class_name()

This method accepts a vector of arbitrary length and is expected to return an S3 object with the following properties:

The function new_pillar_shaft() returns such an object, and also correctly formats NA values. In many cases, the implementation of pillar_shaft.your_class_name() will format the data as a character vector (using color for emphasis) and simply call new_pillar_shaft(). See pillar_shaft.numeric() for a code that allows changing the display depending on the available width.

Useful helpers


The earliest use of unicode characters to generate sparklines appears to be from 2009.

Exercising these ideas to their fullest requires a font with good support for block drawing characters. PragamataPro is one such font.