Package ‘photobiologyInOut’ defines functions for importing spectral data from different instruments, data repositories and simulation models, and for data exchange with R packages ‘hyperSpec’, ‘colorSpec’ and ‘pavo’ by reading or writing objects of classes defined in them (see Tables at the start of each section).
As of version 0.4.21 packages ‘hyperSpec’ and ‘pavo’ need to be installed only if the corresponding functions will be used. This avoids bloat when these functions are not needed. If the vignette is built or examples attempted to run in a system where these packages are not installed, some output will be missing but no error will be triggered.
All functions that read data from files attempt to decode and store as metadata the information present in file headers. In addition, in most cases the unchanged header of the file is stored unaltered as a comment in the constructed objects.
It should be remembered, though, that this package has been developed based on the example files I had access to. Files from the same instruments with different hardware configurations, different firmware versions, or even settings may differ substantially. In many cases the output is produced by software in a host computer rather by the instrument itself, adding further uncertainties and possible differences due to for example the operating system of the host computer. A further complication is that in some cases the format of dates, times and numbers depends on the locale settings in use at the time of data acquisition, or analysis. For all those reasons, do expect to have to do some debugging, and most importantly always validate the imported data against the original file (remembering to run a new validation each time there is a software or firmware update) or update of this package as I test each version before release only with the example files I have available, which are not many.
When loading suggested packages flags are set based on success and later used to selectively evaluate code chunks.
# setting TZ may be needed in some geographic locations as some Windows TZ
# strings are not recognized by all versions of R
Sys.setenv(TZ = 'UTC')
# eval_colorSpec <- requireNamespace("colorSpec", quietly = TRUE)
eval_colorSpec <- TRUE
eval_pavo <- requireNamespace("pavo", quietly = TRUE)
if (eval_pavo) {library(pavo)}
eval_hyperSpec <- requireNamespace("hyperSpec", quietly = TRUE)
if (eval_hyperSpec) {library(hyperSpec)}
In the examples we use function system-file to reliably locate the example files included in the package. For reproducing the examples with these files, this call is needed. When using user’s files only the path as a character string needs to be passed as argument.
Functions for importing measured spectral data.
R function | Instrument | Program | class of value |
read_oo_ssirrad() | Ocean Optics spectrom. | SpectraSuite | source_spct |
read_oo_ssdata() | Ocean Optics spectrom. | SpectraSuite | raw_spct |
read_oo_jazirrad() | Ocean Optics Jaz | instrument | source_spct |
read_oo_jazpc() | Ocean Optics Jaz | instrument | filter_spct |
read_oo_jazpc() | Ocean Optics Jaz | instrument | reflector_spct |
read_oo_jazdata() | Ocean Optics Jaz | instrument | raw_spct |
read_oo_pidata() | Ocean Optics spectrom. | STS DK (Raspbian) | raw_spct |
read_avaspec_csv() | Avantes spectrom. | instrument | source_spct |
read_macam_file() | Macam | instrument | source_spct |
read_licor_file() | LI-COR LI-1800 | PC1800 (MS-DOS) | source_spct |
read_licor_file() | LI-COR LI-1800 | PC1800 (MS-DOS) | filter_spct |
read_licor_file() | LI-COR LI-1800 | PC1800 (MS-DOS) | reflector_spct |
read_m_licor_file() | LI-COR LI-1800 | PC1800 (MS-DOS) | source_mspct |
read_m_licor_file() | LI-COR LI-1800 | PC1800 (MS-DOS) | filter_mspct |
read_m_licor_file() | LI-COR LI-1800 | PC1800 (MS-DOS) | reflector_mspct |
Reading a raw data file generated by Ocean Optics’ Jaz spectrometer. The light source was the Jaz PX pulsed Xenon light module.
The first few lines of the file look like this, with W for wavelength, D for dark, R for reference, S for sample and P for processed (all spectral data values are raw detector counts):
Jaz Data File
Date: Mon Apr 25 12:49:11 2016
User: jaz
Dark Spectrum Present: Yes
Reference Spectrum Present: Yes
Processed Spectrum Present: Yes
Spectrometers: JAZA3098
Integration Time (usec): 748000 (JAZA3098)
Spectra Averaged: 1 (JAZA3098)
Boxcar Smoothing: 0 (JAZA3098)
Correct for Electrical Dark: No (JAZA3098)
Strobe/Lamp Enabled: Yes (JAZA3098)
Correct for Detector Non-linearity: No (JAZA3098)
Correct for Stray Light: No (JAZA3098)
Number of Pixels in Processed Spectrum: 2048
>>>>>Begin Processed Spectral Data<<<<<
190.313904 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
190.695511 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
191.077087 1138.953125 1123.134277 1102.795898 228.570541
191.458633 1184.149658 1227.086426 1059.859131 -289.473419
191.840149 1175.110352 1193.188965 1132.173584 -237.500336
jaz.raw.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum.jaz",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
jazraw.spct <- read_oo_jazdata(file = jaz.raw.file)
jazraw.spct <- trim_wl(jazraw.spct, range = c(250, 900))
Plotting the spectrum.
The metadata stored in attributes can be accessed with functions. It is clear, that not all settings can be recovered from the file. However, we store the record will all the fields which would have been filled if the data had been acquired directly from R using package ‘ooacquire’.
## [1] "2016-04-25 12:49:02 UTC"
## Data acquired with 'Jaz' s.n. JAZA3098
## grating 'NA', slit 'NA'
## integ. time (s): 0.748
## total time (s): 0.748
## counts @ peak (% of max):
Reading an “Absolute Irradiance File” (sic) generated by Ocean Optics’ Jaz spectrometer results in a source_spct
object. In this example, the light source measured was a `white’ fluorescent tube.
The first few lines of the file look like this:
Jaz Absolute Irradiance File
Date: Tue Feb 03 09:44:41 2015
User: jaz
Dark Spectrum Present: Yes
Processed Spectrum Present: Yes
Spectrometers: JAZA1065
Integration Time (usec): 193000 (JAZA1065)
Spectra Averaged: 3 (JAZA1065)
Boxcar Smoothing: 5 (JAZA1065)
Correct for Electrical Dark: Yes (JAZA1065)
Strobe/Lamp Enabled: No (JAZA1065)
Correct for Detector Non-linearity: Yes (JAZA1065)
Correct for Stray Light: No (JAZA1065)
Number of Pixels in Processed Spectrum: 2048
Fiber (micron): 3900
Collection Area: 0.119459
Int. Sphere: No
>>>>>Begin Processed Spectral Data<<<<<
188.825226 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
189.284851 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
189.744415 -89.659378 -90.917900 -0.000000
190.203964 -106.165916 -96.419785 0.000000
jaz.s.irrad.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum.JazIrrad",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
jaz.spct <- read_oo_jazirrad(file = jaz.s.irrad.file)
jaz0.spct <- jaz.spct
jaz.spct <- trim_wl(jaz.spct, range = c(290, 800))
Plotting the spectrum.
We can see that the data have problems. We get a warning because the data include negative values for spectral irradiance. We will use some methods from package ‘photobiology’ to correct the problem. As the data are noisy we cannot just shift the scale so that the most negative value becomes zero. Neither can we replace all negative values with zeros, as this would create bias.
In the following code chunk we will use a region of the spectrum in which spectral irradiance is known to be equal to zero as reference to shift the scale zero. Afterwards we discard data ``known’’ to be zero, and for which the instrument calibration is not valid, and finally we plot the spectrum.
jaz.spct <- fshift(jaz0.spct, range = c(255, 290), f = "mean")
jaz.spct <- trim_wl(jaz.spct, range = c(290, 800))
We can next try to smooth the spectrum as it is very noisy outside the visible region.
## 314 possibly 'bad' values in smoothed spectral irradiance
Photon and energy irradiances.
## E_PAR
## 10.10459
## attr(,"time.unit")
## [1] "second"
## attr(,"radiation.unit")
## [1] "total energy irradiance"
All in one statement.
As above but limiting the wavelength range plotted.
Adding our custom ``adaptive’’ smoothing.
## 714 possibly 'bad' values in smoothed spectral irradiance
Now a file from an Ocean Optics’ Q6500 spectrometer, with data processed with the Spectra Suite software.
Format of the header is similar, but not identical. The first few lines of the file look like this:
SpectraSuite Data File
Date: Mon May 06 15:13:40 CEST 2013
User: User
Dark Spectrum Present: Yes
Reference Spectrum Present: No
Number of Sampled Component Spectra: 1
Spectrometers: QEB1523
Integration Time (usec): 100000 (QEB1523)
Spectra Averaged: 1 (QEB1523)
Boxcar Smoothing: 0 (QEB1523)
Correct for Electrical Dark: No (QEB1523)
Strobe/Lamp Enabled: No (QEB1523)
Correct for Detector Non-linearity: No (QEB1523)
Correct for Stray Light: Yes (QEB1523)
Number of Pixels in Processed Spectrum: 1044
>>>>>Begin Processed Spectral Data<<<<<
199.08 0.0000E00
199.89 0.0000E00
200.70 0.0000E00
q.raw.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum.SSIrrad",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
autoplot(read_oo_ssirrad(file = q.raw.file))
Avantes’ two column .csv files can also be imported.
ava.raw.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum-avaspec.csv",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
autoplot(read_avaspec_csv(file = ava.raw.file),
range = c(280, 900), unit.out = "photon")
Macam’s single column DTA files can also be imported.
The first few lines of the file look like this with all data in a single column with alternate rows for wavelengths (in nm) and irradiances, and a very terse header:
#No Title
macam.raw.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum.DTA",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
autoplot(read_macam_dta(file = macam.raw.file))
And a spectral photon irradiance output file generated by LI-COR’s PC1800 program for the LI-1800 spectroradiometer.
The output has a relatively detailed header, but it lacks year information. Files can contain either energy or photon based spectral irradiances, and this is signalled in the header. In this example photon (= quantum) spectral irradiance is returned. The first few lines of the file look like this:
"REM: TLD 36W/865 (QNTM)"
"LIMS: 300- 900NM"
"INT: 1NM"
"DATE:08/23 16:32"
"MIN: 300NM 1.518E-04"
"MAX: 546NM 7.491E-01"
300 1.518E-04
301 3.355E-04
302 2.197E-04
303 3.240E-04
Function read_licor_prn
will automatically detect whether the data is energy or photon based.
licor.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum.PRN",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
licor.spct <- read_licor_prn(file = licor.file)
In all cases as much information as possible is decoded, and the data file headers are preserved as comments in the source.spct objects.
## Object: source_spct [601 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 900 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: File: spectrum.PRN
## Measured on 0000-08-23 16:32:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 601 x 2
## w.length s.q.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 300 1.52e-10
## 2 301 3.36e-10
## 3 302 2.20e-10
## # ... with 598 more rows
## LICOR LI-1800 file 'spectrum.PRN' imported on 2020-04-14 18:34:48 UTC
## "FILE:FL2"
## "REM: TLD 36W/865 (QNTM)"
## "LIMS: 300- 900NM"
## "INT: 1NM"
## "DATE:08/23 16:32"
## "MIN: 300NM 1.518E-04"
## "MAX: 546NM 7.491E-01"
It is also possible to use the same function to import reflectance, and transmittance spectra acquired by the LI-1800.
And a spectral reflectance output file generated by LI-COR’s PC1800 program for the LI-1800 spectroradiometer is used next.
The first few lines of the file look like this:
"LIMS: 350- 800NM"
"INT: 2NM"
"DATE:05/30 13:50"
"MIN: 358NM 4.628E-02"
"MAX: 776NM 4.693E-01"
350 5.135E-02
352 4.713E-02
354 5.324E-02
356 4.740E-02
Function read_licor_prn
cannot automatically detect the spectral quantity in the file, and when the irradiance default is not correct, users need to override it with an explicit argument for parameter s.qty
licor.file <-
system.file("extdata", "reflectance.PRN",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
licor.spct <- read_licor_prn(file = licor.file, s.qty = "Rfr")
In all cases as much information as possible is decoded, and the data file headers are preserved as comments in the source.spct objects.
## Object: reflector_spct [226 x 2]
## Wavelength range 350 to 800 nm, step 2 nm
## Label: File: reflectance.PRN
## Measured on 0000-05-30 13:50:00 UTC
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 226 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 350 0.0514
## 2 352 0.0471
## 3 354 0.0532
## # ... with 223 more rows
## LICOR LI-1800 file 'reflectance.PRN' imported on 2020-04-14 18:34:50 UTC
## "FILE:RGD1"
## "LIMS: 350- 800NM"
## "INT: 2NM"
## "DATE:05/30 13:50"
## "MIN: 358NM 4.628E-02"
## "MAX: 776NM 4.693E-01"
Campbell Scientific is a well know supplier of data loggers for commercial and research applications. Function read_csi_dat()
defined in this package has been tested with a recent datalogger model, the CR6, and using recent versions of programs PC400 and PC200W to download the data. The currently used format of .DAT files is easy to decode and our function can automatically detect the number and type of columns and the number of rows. <-
system.file("extdata", "cr6-day.dat",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
Executing the statement below displays the 10 top lines of the DAT file as is, one character string per line.
## # A tibble: 2 x 33
## <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2016-07-27 00:00:00 0 20.9 401.
## 2 2016-07-28 00:00:00 1 526. 592.
## # ... with 29 more variables: PAR_BF_diff_Avg <dbl>,
## # PAR_Den_Min <dbl>, PAR_Den_TMn <dttm>,
## # PAR_Den_Max <dbl>, PAR_Den_TMx <dttm>,
## # PAR_BF_tot_Min <dbl>, PAR_BF_tot_TMn <dttm>,
## # PAR_BF_tot_Max <dbl>, PAR_BF_tot_TMx <dttm>,
## # PAR_BF_diff_Min <dbl>, PAR_BF_diff_TMn <dttm>,
## # PAR_BF_diff_Max <dbl>, PAR_BF_diff_TMx <dttm>,
## # AirTemp_Avg <dbl>, AirDewPoint_Avg <dbl>,
## # AirPressure_Avg <dbl>, AirTemp_Min <dbl>,
## # AirTemp_TMn <dttm>, AirTemp_Max <dbl>,
## # AirTemp_TMx <dttm>, AirDewPoint_Min <dbl>,
## # AirDewPoint_TMn <dttm>, AirDewPoint_Max <dbl>,
## # AirDewPoint_TMx <dttm>, AirPressure_Min <dbl>,
## # AirPressure_TMn <dttm>, AirPressure_Max <dbl>,
## # AirPressure_TMx <dttm>, BattV_Min <dbl>
All information is preserved in the returned tibble::tibble
object, which is derived from data.frame
cs_hour.file <-
system.file("extdata", "cr6-hour.dat",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
hour.dat <- read_csi_dat(file = cs_hour.file)
ggplot(hour.dat, aes(TIMESTAMP, PAR_Den_Avg)) + geom_line()
Yocto Puce Sarl sells numerous different USB modules. Those capable of data input can log the data to memory and these data can be downloaded as a CSV file. These files can be easily read into R but function read_yoctopuce_csv()
makes this even simpler.
yoctopuce_hour.file <-
system.file("extdata", "yoctopuce-data.csv",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
Executing the statement below displays the 10 top lines of the CSV file as is, one character string per line.
Here we import and plot the data.
hour.dat <- read_yoctopuce_csv(file = yoctopuce_hour.file)
ggplot(hour.dat, aes(ISO.time, temperature.avg)) + geom_line()
Functions for importing simulated spectral data.
R function | Simulation model | Version | class of value |
read_tuv_usrout() | TUV (S. Madronich) | version 5.0 | source_spct |
read_tuv_usrout2mspct() | TUV (S. Madronich) | version 5.0 | source_mspct |
read_qtuv_txt() | TUV (S. Madronich) | version 5.2 | source_spct |
read_uvspec_disort() | libRadtran | irradiance | source_spct |
read_uvspec_vesa() | (T. & V. Kotilainen) | irradiance | source_spct |
read_fmi_cum() | (A. Lindfors) | daily cumulated | source_spct |
read_m_fmi_cum() | (A. Lindfors) | daily cumulated | source_mspct |
The output from the TUV model can be imported either by editing it before import, or by making a simple edit to the output routine of TUV. This function is known to work with TUV version 5.0 output. The output from TUV can contain a variable number of spectra in ‘’parallel’’ columns, which are melted into a single column, with a factor with letters as levels, a numeric variable with the zenith angle and a POSIXct column with times. A date needs to be always supplied as the output file from TUV has only time of day information.
tuv.file <-
system.file("extdata", "usrout.txt",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
tuv.spct <- read_tuv_usrout(file = tuv.file,
date = ymd("2014-03-21"))
summary(subset(tuv.spct, spct.idx == "A"))
## Summary of source_spct [482 x 5] object: anonymous
## containing 8 spectra in long form
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## w.length spct.idx s.e.irrad
## Min. :280.5 Length:482 Min. :0.000
## 1st Qu.:400.8 Class :character 1st Qu.:1.216
## Median :521.0 Mode :character Median :1.483
## Mean :521.0 Mean :1.322
## 3rd Qu.:641.2 3rd Qu.:1.680
## Max. :761.5 Max. :1.947
## angle date
## Min. :1.829 Min. :2014-03-21 12:00:00
## 1st Qu.:1.829 1st Qu.:2014-03-21 12:00:00
## Median :1.829 Median :2014-03-21 12:00:00
## Mean :1.829 Mean :2014-03-21 12:00:00
## 3rd Qu.:1.829 3rd Qu.:2014-03-21 12:00:00
## Max. :1.829 Max. :2014-03-21 12:00:00
## Object: source_spct [3,856 x 5]
## containing 8 spectra in long form
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 3,856 x 5
## w.length spct.idx s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. A 3.04e-15 1.83 2014-03-21 12:00:00
## 2 282. A 1.16e-13 1.83 2014-03-21 12:00:00
## 3 282. A 1.82e-12 1.83 2014-03-21 12:00:00
## # ... with 3,853 more rows
It is possible to extract individual spectra with subset, or as done here plot them in different panels.
The output is a single source_spct} object that can be easily converted into a
source_mspct} object containing the individual spectra as members of the collection.
## Object: source_mspct [8 x 1]
## --- Member: A ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 3.04e-15 1.83 2014-03-21 12:00:00
## 2 282. 1.16e-13 1.83 2014-03-21 12:00:00
## 3 282. 1.82e-12 1.83 2014-03-21 12:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: B ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 1.31e-15 13.2 2014-03-21 13:00:00
## 2 282. 5.42e-14 13.2 2014-03-21 13:00:00
## 3 282. 9.04e-13 13.2 2014-03-21 13:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: C ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 4.52e-17 28.2 2014-03-21 14:00:00
## 2 282. 2.51e-15 28.2 2014-03-21 14:00:00
## 3 282. 5.41e-14 28.2 2014-03-21 14:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: D ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 3.08e-20 43.2 2014-03-21 15:00:00
## 2 282. 3.27e-18 43.2 2014-03-21 15:00:00
## 3 282. 1.23e-16 43.2 2014-03-21 15:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: E ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 2.25e-26 58.2 2014-03-21 16:00:00
## 2 282. 7.75e-24 58.2 2014-03-21 16:00:00
## 3 282. 8.15e-22 58.2 2014-03-21 16:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: F ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 1.93e-27 73.2 2014-03-21 17:00:00
## 2 282. 5.71e-25 73.2 2014-03-21 17:00:00
## 3 282. 5.20e-23 73.2 2014-03-21 17:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: G ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 4.72e-28 88.2 2014-03-21 18:00:00
## 2 282. 1.38e-25 88.2 2014-03-21 18:00:00
## 3 282. 1.25e-23 88.2 2014-03-21 18:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- Member: H ---
## Object: source_spct [482 x 4]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2014-03-21 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2014-03-21 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 482 x 4
## w.length s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. 0 103. 2014-03-21 19:00:00
## 2 282. 0 103. 2014-03-21 19:00:00
## 3 282. 0 103. 2014-03-21 19:00:00
## # ... with 479 more rows
## --- END ---
A file can be directly read into a collection using read_tuv_usrout2mspct()
which is a simple wrapper.
With the default of lubridate::today()
date times are ‘mapped’ to the current local date using the time zone of the computer as visible to R.
## Object: source_spct [3,856 x 5]
## containing 8 spectra in long form
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 761.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: TUV spectral simulation File: usrout.txt
## Measured on 2020-04-14 12:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 13:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 14:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 15:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 16:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 17:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 18:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2020-04-14 19:00:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 3,856 x 5
## w.length spct.idx s.e.irrad angle date
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>
## 1 280. A 3.04e-15 1.83 2020-04-14 12:00:00
## 2 282. A 1.16e-13 1.83 2020-04-14 12:00:00
## 3 282. A 1.82e-12 1.83 2020-04-14 12:00:00
## # ... with 3,853 more rows
The files output by the online calculator based on the TUV model, contain at most one spectrum, and arguments to only some parameters can be set by users. However, it is convenient to use when we only need a few simple simulations.
Function read_qtuv_txt()
can extract spectra and the corresponding metadata from these files. These files do contain date time information and geolocation data when they are supplied as arguments to the calculator interface, otherwise only zenith angle is available.
qtuv.file <-
system.file("extdata", "qtuv.txt",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
qtuv.spct <- read_qtuv_txt(file = qtuv.file)
## Summary of source_spct [140 x 7] object: qtuv.spct
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 419.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: Quick TUV spectral simulation File: qtuv.txt
## Measured on 2015-06-30 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## w.length s.e.irrad s.e.irrad.dir
## Min. :280.5 Min. :0.0000 Min. :0.00000
## 1st Qu.:315.2 1st Qu.:0.1930 1st Qu.:0.05189
## Median :350.0 Median :0.4600 Median :0.16540
## Mean :350.0 Mean :0.4439 Mean :0.18938
## 3rd Qu.:384.8 3rd Qu.:0.6097 3rd Qu.:0.26338
## Max. :419.5 Max. :1.0390 Max. :0.53710
## s.e.irrad.diff.down s.e.irrad.diff.up angle
## Min. :0.0000 Min. :0.00000 Min. :45
## 1st Qu.:0.1387 1st Qu.:0.01930 1st Qu.:45
## Median :0.2900 Median :0.04600 Median :45
## Mean :0.2545 Mean :0.04439 Mean :45
## 3rd Qu.:0.3467 3rd Qu.:0.06097 3rd Qu.:45
## Max. :0.5109 Max. :0.10390 Max. :45
## date
## Min. :2015-06-30
## 1st Qu.:2015-06-30
## Median :2015-06-30
## Mean :2015-06-30
## 3rd Qu.:2015-06-30
## Max. :2015-06-30
## Object: source_spct [140 x 7]
## Wavelength range 280.5 to 419.5 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: Quick TUV spectral simulation File: qtuv.txt
## Measured on 2015-06-30 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 140 x 7
## w.length s.e.irrad s.e.irrad.dir s.e.irrad.diff.~
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 280. 1.34e-14 3.89e-15 9.49e-15
## 2 282. 4.33e-13 1.24e-13 3.09e-13
## 3 282. 5.86e-12 1.66e-12 4.20e-12
## # ... with 137 more rows, and 3 more variables:
## # s.e.irrad.diff.up <dbl>, angle <dbl>, date <dttm>
By default libRadtran’s uvspec writes only spectral irradiances to a text file as output. This is different from ‘TUV’ which by default includes an extensive header with the parameter settings used for the simulation. It is easy to read this simple output file with R’s functions. However, we provide functions, that simplify reading of the files. The output from uvspec varies depending on its input. The main source of differences is the solver routine used. We will provide a separate function for each solver.
For reading this simple output, no special function is needed. We can use read.table
from base R. Here we read a file with two columns with wavelengths and global spectral energy irradiance (named “eglo” in libRadtran) in \(mW\,m^{-2}\,nm^{-1}\). The file was created with one of the ‘uvspec’ examples included with libRadtran, but reducing the output to two columns.
The first few lines of the file look like this:
250.000 0.000000e+00
251.000 0.000000e+00
252.000 0.000000e+00
253.000 0.000000e+00
uvspec.2col.file <-
system.file("extdata", "uvspec-plain-2col.dat",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
lrt.df <- read.table(file = uvspec.2col.file,
col.names = c("w.length", "s.e.irrad"))
uvspec.01.spct <- source_spct(w.length = lrt.df$w.length,
s.e.irrad = lrt.df$s.e.irrad * 1e-3)
## Summary of source_spct [3,751 x 2] object: uvspec.01.spct
## Wavelength range 250 to 4000 nm, step 1 nm
## Time unit 1s
## w.length s.e.irrad
## Min. : 250 Min. :0.000000
## 1st Qu.:1188 1st Qu.:0.003808
## Median :2125 Median :0.023999
## Mean :2125 Mean :0.244545
## 3rd Qu.:3062 3rd Qu.:0.264351
## Max. :4000 Max. :1.744596
An example using solver disort
and our function read_uvspec_disort() follows.
The first few lines of the file look like this:
290.000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
291.000 1.046525e-11 4.800521e-06 1.674293e-07 2.374267e-12 5.342789e-07 2.664720e-08
292.000 5.888299e-10 2.813865e-05 9.814190e-07 1.335888e-10 3.162808e-06 1.561977e-07
293.000 4.383296e-09 5.764524e-05 2.010660e-06 9.944455e-10 6.522616e-06 3.200065e-07
uvspec.disort.file <-
system.file("extdata", "uvspec-disort.dat",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
uvspec.02.spct <- read_uvspec_disort(uvspec.disort.file)
## Summary of source_spct [611 x 4] object: uvspec.02.spct
## Wavelength range 290 to 900 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: libRadtran spectral simulation File: uvspec-disort.dat
## Time unit 1s
## w.length s.e.irrad.dir s.e.irrad.diff
## Min. :290.0 Min. :0.0000 Min. :0.00000
## 1st Qu.:442.5 1st Qu.:0.2693 1st Qu.:0.01647
## Median :595.0 Median :0.3781 Median :0.04204
## Mean :595.0 Mean :0.3269 Mean :0.06485
## 3rd Qu.:747.5 3rd Qu.:0.4440 3rd Qu.:0.11234
## Max. :900.0 Max. :0.4928 Max. :0.19479
## s.e.irrad
## Min. :0.0000
## 1st Qu.:0.3237
## Median :0.4236
## Mean :0.3918
## 3rd Qu.:0.5049
## Max. :0.6058
## libRadtran file 'uvspec-disort.dat' imported on 2020-04-14 18:35:04 UTC
The data contains also estimates of diffuse and direct spectral irradiance. Here we plot the total energy irradiance with a solid line and the diffuse component with a dashed line.
The uvspec file used to generate the spectrum read above is:
data_files_path uvspec_home/data/
atmosphere_file uvspec_home/data/atmmod/afglms.dat
source solar uvspec_home/data/solar_flux/kurudz_1.0nm.dat
rte_solver disort
mol_abs_param lowtran
deltam on
number_of_streams 6
wavelength 290 900
day_of_year 287
altitude 0.012
albedo_library IGBP
brdf_rpv_type 5
mol_modify O3 288 DU
mol_modify H2O 10 MM
sza 69.4662
sur_temperature 273
If we plan to save and reuse the spectral object, it is recommended to append the input file to the comment.
uvspec.disort.inp.file <-
system.file("extdata", "uvspec-disort.inp",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
comment(uvspec.02.spct) <- paste(comment(uvspec.02.spct),
sep = "\n\n")
## libRadtran file 'uvspec-disort.dat' imported on 2020-04-14 18:35:04 UTC
## data_files_path uvspec_home/data/
## atmosphere_file uvspec_home/data/atmmod/afglms.dat
## source solar uvspec_home/data/solar_flux/kurudz_1.0nm.dat
## rte_solver disort
## mol_abs_param lowtran
## deltam on
## number_of_streams 6
## wavelength 290 900
## day_of_year 287
## altitude 0.012
## albedo_library IGBP
## brdf_rpv_type 5
## mol_modify O3 288 DU
## mol_modify H2O 10 MM
## sza 69.4662
## sur_temperature 273
We give two additional examples, which will most likely need some adjustment by users, as these are for output from libRadtran post-processed to add additional information. These are included in the package because myself and collaborators use these formats heavily. In fact users could develop shell scripts or Perl scripts using the same output format.
In this case the file to be read is similar as above, but including separate columns for direct and diffuse components of the spectral energy irradiance. In addition two columns, one with date strings in ISO format and one with times have been added. The file instead of containing a single spectrum, contains several spectra in long form.
The first few lines of the file look like this:
290.000 2015-05-19 11_00_00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
291.000 2015-05-19 11_00_00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
292.000 2015-05-19 11_00_00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
293.000 2015-05-19 11_00_00 1.893645e-05 3.439497e-05
294.000 2015-05-19 11_00_00 1.648530e-04 2.764368e-04
A function is included for reading data saved in a text file in this format. It also automatically converts \(mW\,m^{-2}\,nm^{-1}\) into \(W\,m^{-2}\,nm^{-1}\).
uvspec.multi.file <-
system.file("extdata", "uvspec-multi.dat",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
lbr.multi.spct <- read_uvspec_disort_vesa(uvspec.multi.file)
print(lbr.multi.spct, n = 5)
## Object: source_spct [3,055 x 5]
## containing 5 spectra in long form
## Wavelength range 290 to 900 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: libRadtran spectral simulation File: uvspec-multi.dat
## Measured on 2015-05-19 11:00:00 UTC
## Measured on 2015-05-19 11:01:00 UTC
## Measured on 2015-05-19 11:02:00 UTC
## Measured on 2015-05-19 11:03:00 UTC
## Measured on 2015-05-19 11:04:00 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 3,055 x 5
## w.length datetime s.e.irrad.dir
## <dbl> <dttm> <dbl>
## 1 290 2015-05-19 11:00:00 0.
## 2 291 2015-05-19 11:00:00 0.
## 3 292 2015-05-19 11:00:00 0.
## 4 293 2015-05-19 11:00:00 1.89e-11
## 5 294 2015-05-19 11:00:00 1.65e-10
## # ... with 3,050 more rows, and 2 more variables:
## # s.e.irrad.diff <dbl>, s.e.irrad <dbl>
A model for the simulation of the solar spectrum was developed at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) by Dr. Anders Lindfors and collaborators and uses functions from ‘libRadtran’ as its engine, but saves some additional metadata to the output file. The main addition is related to the estimation of the effect of clouds.
Functions read_fmi_cum()
and read_m_fmi_cum()
can be used to read text files output as daily integrated spectral irradiance. In other words cummulated daily data. Function read_fmi2mspct()
reads spectral irradiance, extracting multiple sequential spectra from a single file.
The first few lines of the files with cummulated data look like this:
# date number_of_scans start_scan stop_scan max_time_gap max_sza_gap warnings
# 20140821 15 3:30:00 17:30:00 60 7.4
# wavelength exposure(J/m2/nm)
2900 0.00000000e+00
2910 2.93132235e-05
2920 7.23526379e-04
We can read an individual file into a source_spct
object while adding some metadata read from the file header. In this case values are for daily global spectral energy exposures rather than irradiances. Wavelengths are expressed in Angstroms instead of nanometres.
fmi.file <-
system.file("extdata", "2014-08-21_cum.hel",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
z.spct <- read_fmi_cum(fmi.file)
## [1] "source_spct" "generic_spct"
## [1] "2014-08-21 UTC"
## Object: source_spct [511 x 2]
## Wavelength range 290 to 800 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: File: 2014-08-21_cum.hel
## Measured on 2014-08-21 UTC
## Time unit 86400s (~1 days)
## # A tibble: 511 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 290 0
## 2 291 0.0000293
## 3 292 0.000724
## # ... with 508 more rows
With function read_m_fmi_cum
with an ``m’’ in the name we can read several files each containing a single spectrum. The returned object is a collection of source spectra.
fmi.files <-
system.file("extdata", c("2014-08-21_cum.hel", "2014-08-21_cum.hel"),
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
z.mspct <- read_m_fmi_cum(fmi.files)
## [1] "source_mspct" "generic_mspct" "list"
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## spct.idx when.measured
## <fct> <dttm>
## 1 2014_08_21_cum.hel 2014-08-21 00:00:00
## Object: source_mspct [1 x 1]
## --- Member: 2014_08_21_cum.hel ---
## Object: source_spct [511 x 2]
## Wavelength range 290 to 800 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: File: 2014-08-21_cum.hel
## Measured on 2014-08-21 UTC
## Time unit 86400s (~1 days)
## # A tibble: 511 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 290 0
## 2 291 0.0000293
## 3 292 0.000724
## # ... with 508 more rows
## --- END ---
Above we gave the names of the files explicitly, but as we show here, one can build on-the-fly a list of file names matching some pattern. The example below is not run, as the location of example files may vary. The string "."
should be replaced with the path to the folder where the files to be read are located.
fmi.files <- list.files(".", "*cum.hel")
fmi.files <- paste(".", fmi.files, sep = "")
z1.mspct <- read_m_fmi_cum(fmi.files)
One also add a geocode at the time of import (or later).
# because of Google's query limits call will frequently fail without a key
# my.geocode <- ggmap::geocode("Kumpula, Helsinki, Finland", source = "google")
my.geocode <- data.frame(lon = 24.96474, lat = 60.20911)
z2.mspct <-
geocode = my.geocode)
## [1] "source_mspct" "generic_mspct" "list"
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## spct.idx when.measured
## <fct> <dttm>
## 1 2014_08_21_cum.hel 2014-08-21 00:00:00
## # A tibble: 1 x 4
## spct.idx lon lat address
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 2014_08_21_cum.hel 25.0 60.2 <NA>
## Object: source_mspct [1 x 1]
## --- Member: 2014_08_21_cum.hel ---
## Object: source_spct [511 x 2]
## Wavelength range 290 to 800 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: File: 2014-08-21_cum.hel
## Measured on 2014-08-21 UTC
## Time unit 86400s (~1 days)
## # A tibble: 511 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 290 0
## 2 291 0.0000293
## 3 292 0.000724
## # ... with 508 more rows
## --- END ---
Files with spectral irradiance contain data for multiple spectra stored as text. Each spectrum is delimited at the top by a header line with metadata and at the end by "end"
in a line by itself.
The first few and last lines for each spectrum look like this:
# 20130501 3:30:00 3:30:00 82.656
210.00 2900 0
210.00 2910 0
210.00 2920 0
210.00 8480 103.73018
210.00 8490 104.63495
210.00 8500 90.18384
The number of spectra, range of wavelengths and the length of each spectrum can vary. Function read_fmi2mspct()
uses matching to the delimiters to read all the data in all cases.
fmi.file <-
system.file("extdata", "2013-05-01.hel",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
z3.mspct <- read_fmi2mspct(fmi.file)
## [1] "source_mspct" "generic_mspct"
## [1] "2013-05-01 03:30:00 UTC"
## [1] 15
## [1] "2013-05-01 03:30:00" "2013-05-01 04:30:00"
## [3] "2013-05-01 05:30:00" "2013-05-01 06:30:00"
## [5] "2013-05-01 07:30:00" "2013-05-01 08:30:00"
## [7] "2013-05-01 09:30:00" "2013-05-01 10:30:00"
## [9] "2013-05-01 11:30:00" "2013-05-01 12:30:00"
## [11] "2013-05-01 13:30:00" "2013-05-01 14:30:00"
## [13] "2013-05-01 15:30:00" "2013-05-01 16:30:00"
## [15] "2013-05-01 17:30:00"
## [1] "2013-05-01 03:30:00 UTC"
## [1] "File: 2013-05-01.hel"
Functions for importing spectral data downloaded from repositories.
R function | Data repository | Version | class of value |
read_FReD_csv() | Floral Reflectance db. | 2017-03-19 | reflector_spct |
read_ASTER_txt() | ASTER spectral lib. | version 2.0 ASCII | reflector_spct |
The files downloaded from FReD do not contain a header, but the first column indicates the flower ID.
157, 300, 0.0627119
157, 301, 0.0654036
157, 302, 0.0677941
157, 303, 0.0670396
fred.file <-
system.file("extdata", "FReDflowerID_157.csv",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
fred.spct <- read_FReD_csv(file = fred.file,
label = "Gazania heterochaeta",
geocode = data.frame(lat = -28.8751, lon = 17.2293))
In this case as there is no metadata present in the file, it needs to be supplied by the user.
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 3]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Label: File: FReDflowerID_157.csv
## Gazania heterochaeta
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 3
## w.length Rfr
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 157 300 0.0627
## 2 157 301 0.0654
## 3 157 302 0.0678
## # ... with 398 more rows
## FReD file 'FReDflowerID_157.csv' imported on 2020-04-14 18:35:06 UTC
The files downloaded from ASTER contain a 25-lines-long header, but at the moment only the first field is decoded, as the whole header copied as a comment.
Name: Dry grass
Type: Vegetation
Class: Grasses
Subclass: Dry grass
Particle Size: Solid
Sample No.: drygrass.doc
Owner: JHU
Wavelength Range: All
Origin: The entire spectral range was measured at Johns Hopkins University.
Description: Dry grass. Spectra were assembled from two segments; the
bidirectional VNIR and SWIR comprising segment one, and the hemispherical
MWIR and TIR comprising segment two. The VNIR/SWIR spectrum was
measured in the laboratory at JHU with a GER IRIS Mark IV, using a large piece
of sod. The grass was illuminated from directly above and measured at a
reflectance angle of 60 degrees to avoid viewing the thatch.
Measurement: Bidirectional and directional hemispherical reflectance.
First Column: X
Second Column: Y
X Units: Wavelength (micrometers)
Y Units: Reflectance (percent)
First X Value: 0.38049
Last X Value: 14.011
Number of X Values: 2559
Additional Information: None.
0.38049 14.249
0.38299 14.251
0.38544 14.546
0.38791 14.694
aster.file <-
system.file("extdata", "drygrass-spectrum.txt",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
aster.spct <- read_ASTER_txt(file = aster.file)
The label and comment are set from the file header.
## Object: reflector_spct [2,559 x 2]
## Wavelength range 380.49 to 14011 nm, step 0.8 to 38 nm
## Label: Name: Dry grass
## File: drygrass-spectrum.txt
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 2,559 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 380. 0.142
## 2 383. 0.143
## 3 385. 0.145
## # ... with 2,556 more rows
## ASTER database file 'drygrass-spectrum.txt' imported on 2020-04-14 18:35:08 UTC
## Name: Dry grass
## Type: Vegetation
## Class: Grasses
## Subclass: Dry grass
## Particle Size: Solid
## Sample No.: drygrass.doc
## Owner: JHU
## Wavelength Range: All
## Origin: The entire spectral range was measured at Johns Hopkins University.
## Description: Dry grass. Spectra were assembled from two segments; the
## bidirectional VNIR and SWIR comprising segment one, and the hemispherical
## MWIR and TIR comprising segment two. The VNIR/SWIR spectrum was
## measured in the laboratory at JHU with a GER IRIS Mark IV, using a large piece
## of sod. The grass was illuminated from directly above and measured at a
## reflectance angle of 60 degrees to avoid viewing the thatch.
## Measurement: Bidirectional and directional hemispherical reflectance.
## First Column: X
## Second Column: Y
## X Units: Wavelength (micrometers)
## Y Units: Reflectance (percent)
## First X Value: 0.38049
## Last X Value: 14.011
## Number of X Values: 2559
## Additional Information: None.
A general way of exchanging data with other R packages or for use with base R functions is to create a matrix from a collection of spectra with as.matrix()
, or a collection of spectra from a matrix with one of the as.xxxx_mspct()
methods such as as.source_spct
. Such methods are defined in package ‘photobiology’ as well as method join_mspct()
for conversion of collections of spectra into wide data frames. However, a matrix is only guaranteed to contain numeric data and a "dim"
attribute, while conversion to a data frame preserves only part of the metadata. These generic conversions cannot be reversed without loss of information. When possible use the package specific functions as they automate much of the recovery and preservation of metadata.
Functions for exchanging data with foreign R packages.
R function | Foreign R package | Function | class of value |
hyperSpec2spct() | ’hyperSpec’ | import | source_spct |
spct2hyperSpec() | ’hyperSpec’ | export | hyperSpec |
hyperSpec2mspct() | ’hyperSpec’ | import | source_mspct |
mspct2hyperSpec() | ’hyperSpec’ | export | hyperSpec |
colorSpec2spct() | ’colorSpec’ | import | source_spct |
spct2colorSpec() | ’colorSpec’ | export | colorSpec |
colorSpec2mspct() | ’colorSpec’ | import | source_mspct |
mspct2colorSpec() | ’colorSpec’ | export | colorSpec |
chroma_spct2colorSpec() | ’colorSpec’ | export | colorSpec |
rspec2mspct() | ’pavo’ | import | source_mspct |
Can export to ''hyperSpec''
objects only collections of spectra where all members have identical w.length
vectors, as objects of class hyperSpec
store a single vector of wavelengths for the whole collection of spectra.
## Warning in .local(.Object, ...): Spectra in data are
## overwritten by argument spc.
## [1] "hyperSpec"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "hyperSpec"
Can import only data with wavelength in nanometres. Other quantities and units are not supported by the ‘photobiology’ classes for spectral data. See package ‘hyperSpec’ vignette “laser” for details on the data and the conversion of the original wavelength units into nanometres.
## [1] "hyperSpec"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "hyperSpec"
## hyperSpec object
## 84 spectra
## 3 data columns
## 36 data points / spectrum
## wavelength: lambda/nm [numeric] 404.5828 404.6181 ... 405.8176
## data: (84 rows x 3 columns)
## 1. t: t / s [numeric] 0 2 ... 5722
## 2. spc: I / a.u. [matrix36] 164.650 179.724 ... 112.086
## 3. filename: filename [character] rawdata/laser.txt.gz rawdata/laser.txt.gz ... rawdata/laser.txt.gz
We assume here, that the quantity for the spectral emission of the laser is spectral energy irradiance, expressed in \(mW\,m^{-2}\,nm^{-1}\). This is likely to be wrong but for the sake of showing how the conversion takes place is irrelevant. The parameter multiplier
can be passed a numeric argument to rescale the original data. The default multiplier is 1.
## hyperSpec object
## 84 spectra
## 3 data columns
## 36 data points / spectrum
## wavelength: lambda/nm [numeric] 411.7467 411.7473 ... 411.7677
## data: (84 rows x 3 columns)
## 1. t: t / s [numeric] 0 2 ... 5722
## 2. spc: I / a.u. [matrix36] 164.650 179.724 ... 112.086
## 3. filename: filename [character] rawdata/laser.txt.gz rawdata/laser.txt.gz ... rawdata/laser.txt.gz
## Warning: `as_data_frame()` is deprecated as of tibble 2.0.0.
## Please use `as_tibble()` instead.
## The signature and semantics have changed, see `?as_tibble`.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
ggplot(laser.mspct[[1]]) +
geom_line() +
stat_peaks(geom = "text", vjust = -1, label.fmt = "%.6g nm", color = "red")
# bug that needs to be fixed
fluorescent.mspct <- colorSpec2mspct(colorSpec::Fs.5nm)
print(fluorescent.mspct, n = 3, n.members = 3)
## Object: source_mspct [12 x 1]
## --- Member: F1 ---
## Object: source_spct [81 x 2]
## Wavelength range 380 to 780 nm, step 5 nm
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 81 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 380 1.87
## 2 385 2.36
## 3 390 2.94
## # ... with 78 more rows
## --- Member: F2 ---
## Object: source_spct [81 x 2]
## Wavelength range 380 to 780 nm, step 5 nm
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 81 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 380 1.18
## 2 385 1.48
## 3 390 1.84
## # ... with 78 more rows
## --- Member: F3 ---
## Object: source_spct [81 x 2]
## Wavelength range 380 to 780 nm, step 5 nm
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 81 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 380 0.82
## 2 385 1.02
## 3 390 1.26
## # ... with 78 more rows
## ..........................
## 9 other member spectra not shown
## --- END ---
## Object: filter_mspct [4 x 1]
## --- Member: R-60 ---
## Object: filter_spct [46 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 750 nm, step 10 nm
## Transmittance of type 'total'
## Rfr factor (/1): NA, thickness (mm): NA, homogeneous: NA.
## # A tibble: 46 x 2
## w.length Tfr
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 300 0
## 2 310 0
## 3 320 0
## # ... with 43 more rows
## --- Member: G-533 ---
## Object: filter_spct [46 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 750 nm, step 10 nm
## Transmittance of type 'total'
## Rfr factor (/1): NA, thickness (mm): NA, homogeneous: NA.
## # A tibble: 46 x 2
## w.length Tfr
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 300 0
## 2 310 0
## 3 320 0
## # ... with 43 more rows
## --- Member: B-440 ---
## Object: filter_spct [46 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 750 nm, step 10 nm
## Transmittance of type 'total'
## Rfr factor (/1): NA, thickness (mm): NA, homogeneous: NA.
## # A tibble: 46 x 2
## w.length Tfr
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 300 0
## 2 310 0
## 3 320 0
## # ... with 43 more rows
## --- Member: LB-120 ---
## Object: filter_spct [46 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 750 nm, step 10 nm
## Transmittance of type 'total'
## Rfr factor (/1): NA, thickness (mm): NA, homogeneous: NA.
## # A tibble: 46 x 2
## w.length Tfr
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.00003
## 2 310 0.00580
## 3 320 0.081
## # ... with 43 more rows
## --- END ---
fluorescent.spct <- colorSpec2spct(colorSpec::Fs.5nm)
autoplot(fluorescent.spct) + aes(linetype = spct.idx)
## Object: chroma_spct [81 x 4]
## Wavelength range 380 to 780 nm, step 5 nm
## # A tibble: 81 x 4
## x y z w.length
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.0014 0 0.0065 380
## 2 0.0022 0.0001 0.0105 385
## 3 0.0042 0.0001 0.0201 390
## # ... with 78 more rows
## colorSpec object. The organization is 'vector'. Object size is 11632 bytes.
## the object describes 1 transparent materials, and the quantity is 'transmittance'.
## Wavelength range: 190 to 800 nm. Step size is 1 nm.
## 1 spectra
## 611 data points / spectrum
## Material Min Max LambdaMax Integral
## 1 spct_1 1e-05 0.9025 768.5 260.3194
## colorSpec object. The organization is 'matrix'. Object size is 14488 bytes.
## the object describes a responder to light with 3 output channels, and the quantity is 'power->neural'.
## Wavelength range: 300 to 700 nm. Step size is 1 nm.
## 3 spectra
## 401 data points / spectrum
## Channel Min Max LambdaMax E.response
## 1 x 0.006 1 560 135.358
## 2 y 0.000 1 435 103.696
## 3 z 0.000 1 340 68.365
In this example we convert an rspec
object from package ‘pavo’ into a collection of spectra and then we plot it with ggplot
methods from package ggspectra' (an extension to
ggplot2’). The data are the spectral reflectance of the plumage from seven different individual birds of the same species, measured in three different body parts.
## [1] "rspec" "data.frame"
## [1] "wl" "ind1.C" "ind1.T" "ind1.B" "ind2.C"
## [6] "ind2.T" "ind2.B" "ind3.C" "ind3.T" "ind3.B"
## [11] "ind4.C" "ind4.T" "ind4.B" "ind5.C" "ind5.T"
## [16] "ind5.B" "ind6.C" "ind6.T" "ind6.B" "ind7.C"
## [21] "ind7.T" "ind7.B"
We convert the data into a collection of spectra, and calculate summaries for three spectra.
## Summary of reflector_spct [401 x 2] object: anonymous
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## w.length Rfr
## Min. :300 Min. :0.001798
## 1st Qu.:400 1st Qu.:0.008288
## Median :500 Median :0.031709
## Mean :500 Mean :0.052848
## 3rd Qu.:600 3rd Qu.:0.098775
## Max. :700 Max. :0.114807
## Summary of reflector_spct [401 x 2] object: anonymous
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## w.length Rfr
## Min. :300 Min. :0.006783
## 1st Qu.:400 1st Qu.:0.030112
## Median :500 Median :0.096994
## Mean :500 Mean :0.105449
## 3rd Qu.:600 3rd Qu.:0.179691
## Max. :700 Max. :0.183823
## Summary of reflector_spct [401 x 2] object: anonymous
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## w.length Rfr
## Min. :300 Min. :0.001191
## 1st Qu.:400 1st Qu.:0.022293
## Median :500 Median :0.085235
## Mean :500 Mean :0.116253
## 3rd Qu.:600 3rd Qu.:0.212554
## Max. :700 Max. :0.224162
We convert the subset of the collection corresponding to the first individual into a single spectra object for plotting with ggplot
Here we extract the ``crown’’ data from all individuals and plot these spectra in a single plot.
## Object: reflector_mspct [7 x 1]
## --- Member: ind1.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.00759
## 2 301 0.00773
## 3 302 0.00829
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- Member: ind2.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.00297
## 2 301 0.00233
## 3 302 0.00323
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- Member: ind3.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.000595
## 2 301 0
## 3 302 0.00119
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- Member: ind4.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.00375
## 2 301 0.00347
## 3 302 0.00413
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- Member: ind5.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.00423
## 2 301 0.00536
## 3 302 0.00655
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- Member: ind6.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.000633
## 2 301 0.000614
## 3 302 0.000193
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- Member: ind7.C ---
## Object: reflector_spct [401 x 2]
## Wavelength range 300 to 700 nm, step 1 nm
## Reflectance of type 'total'
## # A tibble: 401 x 2
## w.length Rfr
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 300 0.00168
## 2 301 0.00104
## 3 302 0.00170
## # ... with 398 more rows
## --- END ---
ggplot(rbindspct(sicalis.mspct[c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)])) +
aes(linetype = spct.idx) +
ylim(0,0.15) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle("'crown' reflectance spectra")
We calculate the mean reflectance in wavebands corresponding to ISO colors obtaining a data frame. We then add to this returned data frame a factor indicating the body parts. <- reflectance(sicalis.mspct, = list(Red(), Green(), Blue(), UVA()))$body.part <- rep(c("crown", "throat", "breast"), 7) <- reflectance(sicalis.mspct, = Red())
names([2] <- "red.reflectance"$body.part <- rep(c("crown", "throat", "breast"), 7)
ggplot(, aes(x = body.part, y = red.reflectance)) +
stat_summary( = "mean_se", color = "red") +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5)
Most functions in this package have a parameter locale
, that accepts readr::locale
objects as arguments. At the moment only the time zone and decimal mark are respected. This allows files using comma for decimal marker be easily imported, or the dates and times in the input file be interpreted in a given time zone. Setting the correct time zone is very important to avoid errors. Time coordinates are always stored in the created objects using universal time coordinates (“UTC”).
jaz.irrad.comma.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum-comma.JazIrrad",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
my.locale <- locale(decimal_mark = ",", tz = "EET")
jaz00.spct <- read_oo_jazirrad(file = jaz.irrad.comma.file,
locale = my.locale)
## Object: source_spct [2,048 x 2]
## Wavelength range 188.82523 to 1033.1483 nm, step 0.357056 to 0.459625 nm
## Label: File: spectrum-comma.JazIrrad
## Measured on 2015-02-03 07:44:41 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 2,048 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 189. 0
## 2 189. 0
## 3 190. 0
## # ... with 2,045 more rows
We revisit now the Jaz irradiance data to show how the metadata can be changed by the user if needed (e.g. clock settings at the time of data acquisition were wrong).
A variable with the user supplied date and time data, or the date read from the header (the text itself) not the file date as the file date may not reflect the creation date and time.
jaz.s.irrad.file <-
system.file("extdata", "spectrum.JazIrrad",
package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
## [1] "2015-02-03 09:44:41 UTC"
jaz02.spct <- read_oo_jazirrad(file = jaz.s.irrad.file,
date = ymd_hms("2015-11-15 12:00:00"))
## [1] "2015-11-15 12:00:00 UTC"
## [1] "2020-04-14 18:35:16 UTC"
When can add a geocode, either directly by giving latitude and longitude coordinates or by generating it from a Google maps search using function ggmap::geocode()
as shown here.
my.geocode <- data.frame(lon = 25.02006, lat = 60.22525)
jaz04.spct <- read_oo_jazirrad(file = jaz.s.irrad.file,
geocode = my.geocode)
## Object: source_spct [2,048 x 2]
## Wavelength range 188.82523 to 1033.1483 nm, step 0.357056 to 0.459625 nm
## Label: File: spectrum.JazIrrad
## Measured on 2015-02-03 09:44:41 UTC
## Time unit 1s
## # A tibble: 2,048 x 2
## w.length s.e.irrad
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 189. 0
## 2 189. 0
## 3 190. 0
## # ... with 2,045 more rows
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## lon lat address
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 25.0 60.2 <NA>