
CRAN status


To get pedmut, install from CRAN as follows:


Alternatively, you can obtain the latest development version from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")


The pedmut package aims to provide a framework for modeling mutations in pedigree computations. Although the package is self-contained, its main purpose is to be imported by other packages, like pedprobr and forrel, in applications involving pedigree likelihoods.

To run the examples below, load pedmut and pedprobr.


A simple likelihood example

Consider the situation shown in the figure below, where father and son are homozygous for different alleles at an autosomal marker with 4 alleles (1,2,3,4). This is a Mendelian error, and gives a likelihood of 0 unless mutations are modelled.

The following code creates the pedigree and the marker, using a “proportional” model for mutations, and computes the likelihood.

# Create pedigree
x = nuclearPed(father = "fa", mother = "mo", child = "boy")

# Create marker with mutation model
m = marker(x, fa = 1, boy = 2, alleles = 1:4, mutmod = "prop", rate = 0.1)

# Plot
plot(x, marker = m)

# Compute likelihood
likelihood(x, m)
#> [1] 0.0005208333

In the above code pedmut is involved twice: first in marker(), translating the arguments mutmod = "prop" and rate = 0.1 into a complete mutation model. And secondly inside likelihood(), by processing the mutation model in setting up the likelihood calculation.

To see details about the mutation model attached to a marker, we can use the mutmod() accessor:

#> Unisex mutation matrix:
#>            1          2          3          4
#> 1 0.90000000 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333
#> 2 0.03333333 0.90000000 0.03333333 0.03333333
#> 3 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.90000000 0.03333333
#> 4 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.90000000
#> Model: proportional 
#> Rate: 0.1 
#> Frequencies: 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 
#> Stationary: Yes 
#> Reversible: Yes 
#> Lumpable: Always

Mutation models

A mutation matrix is defined in pedmut, as a stochastic matrix with each row summing to 1, where the rows and columns are named with allele labels.

Two central functions of package are mutationMatrix() and mutationModel(). The former of these constructs a single mutation matrix according to various model specifications. The latter is a shortcut for producing what is typically required in practical applications, namely a list of two mutation matrices, named “male” and “female”.

The mutations models currently implemented in pedmut are:

Model properties

Certain properties of mutation models are of particular interest - both theoretical and practical - for likelihood computations. The pedmut package provides utility functions for quickly checking whether a given model these properties:

Further examples

An equal model with rate 0.1:

mutationMatrix("equal", rate = 0.1, alleles = 1:3)
#>      1    2    3
#> 1 0.90 0.05 0.05
#> 2 0.05 0.90 0.05
#> 3 0.05 0.05 0.90
#> Model: equal 
#> Rate: 0.1 
#> Lumpable: Always

To illustrate the stepwise model, we recreate the mutation matrix in Simonsson and Mostad (FSI:Genetics, 2015), Section 2.1.3. This is done as follows:

mutationMatrix(model = "stepwise",
               alleles = c("16", "17", "18", "16.1", "17.1"),
               rate = 0.003, rate2 = 0.001, range = 0.5)
#>                16           17           18         16.1         17.1
#> 16   0.9960000000 0.0020000000 0.0010000000 0.0005000000 0.0005000000
#> 17   0.0015000000 0.9960000000 0.0015000000 0.0005000000 0.0005000000
#> 18   0.0010000000 0.0020000000 0.9960000000 0.0005000000 0.0005000000
#> 16.1 0.0003333333 0.0003333333 0.0003333333 0.9960000000 0.0030000000
#> 17.1 0.0003333333 0.0003333333 0.0003333333 0.0030000000 0.9960000000
#> Model: stepwise 
#> Rate: 0.003 
#> Rate2: 0.001 
#> Range: 0.5 
#> Lumpable: Not always

A simpler version of the stepwise model above, is the onestep model, in which only the immediate neighbouring integers are reachable by mutation. This model is only applicable when all alleles are integers.

mutationMatrix(model = "onestep",
               alleles = c("16", "17", "18"),
               rate = 0.04)
#>      16   17   18
#> 16 0.96 0.04 0.00
#> 17 0.02 0.96 0.02
#> 18 0.00 0.04 0.96
#> Model: onestep 
#> Rate: 0.04 
#> Lumpable: Not always