pdynmc version 0.9.1
Minor update of version 0.9.0 that fixes a bug in the estimation function, adjusts matrix calculations to achieve minor speed improvements, and robustifies general linear hypothesis testing functionality.
- fix bug that appeared when deriving moment conditions from the explanatory variables besides the lagged dependent variable (thanks to Massimo Giannini for pointing this out).
- adjust matrix calculations to achieve minor speed improvements
- adjust helper functions that allow limiting the lag range
- Robustify wald.fct by using generalized inverse in inversion of covariance matrix.
pdynmc version 0.9.0
Update of version 0.8.0 that includes visualizations for fitted model objects (coefficient-range plots for two-step and iterated estimation and plots of fitted values vs. residuals) and panel data structure
functions for exploratory analysis of panel data added
- data.info: Returns information on structure of a balanced/unbalanced panel data set
- strucUPD.plot: Visualizes structure of unbalanced panel data
generic functions added
- ninst: Returns the number of instruments of a fitted model
- optmIn: Returns input parameters used in numeric optimization of a fitted model
- wmat: Returns weighting matrix of a fitted model
methods added
- case.names.pdynmc: Returns variable names of cross-sectional and longitudinal identifiers of a fitted model
- coef.pdynmc: Returns coefficient estimates of a fitted model
- dummy.coef.pdynmc: Returns time dummy coefficient estimates of a fitted model
- model.matrix.pdynmc: Returns instrument matrix of a fitted model
- ninst.pdynmc: Returns instrument count of a fitted model
- nobs.pdynmc: Returns number of cross-sectional and longitudinal observations of a fitted model
- optimIn.pdynmc: Returns input parameters used in numeric optimization of a fitted model
- plot.pdynmc: Plot methods for fitted model; returns plot of fitted values vs. residuals (default) or coefficient range across iterations of the estimation procedure (two-step or iterated estimation)
- print.pdynmc: Print fitted model object in console
- variable.names.pdynmc: Returns vector with names of explanatory variables of a fitted model