When collecting protein-ligand binding data using a technique such as Biolayer Interferometry (BLI) or Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), it is useful to simulate binding curves to help optimise your experiments. After initial binding parameters are known, binding curves can be simulated and parameters such as: analyte concentration, time of association, dissociation etc. can be varied. The models within this package may also be used to fit a curve to measured binding data using a non-linear regression.

Currently, two binding models are included with this package:

1:1 Binding

time <- seq(0,1000)
response <- binding1to1(time,500,6e-7,10000,0.01,0.8)
plot(time, response, type="l")

Example of a 1:1 binding curve.

Optional drift parameter

time <- seq(0,1000)
response <- binding1to1(time,500,6e-7,10000,0.01,0.8, drift = 1e-04)
#> Warning in binding1to1(time, 500, 6e-07, 10000, 0.01, 0.8, drift = 1e-04):
#> Drift parameter set
plot(time, response, type="l")

Example of a 1:1 binding curve with baseline drift.

2:1 Binding

time <- seq(0,1000)
response <- binding2to1(time,500,6e-7,10000,0.01,0.5,2500,0.001,0.3)
plot(time, response, type="l")

Example of a 2:1 binding curve.

Non-linear Regression


# Generate example binding data with noise
time <- seq(0,1000)
response <- binding2to1(time,500,6e-7,10000,0.01,0.5,2500,0.001,0.3)
noisyresponse <- jitter(response,amount=0.02)
data <- data.frame(time, noisyresponse)
names(data) <- c("x","y")

# Fit a nlm to binding data
startingvalues <- list(kon1=70000,koff1=0.01,rmax1=0.3,kon2=9000,koff2=0.004,rmax2=0.3)
fit <- nls(y ~ binding2to1(x,500,6e-7,kon1,koff1,rmax1,kon2,koff2,rmax2),

# Plot the fitted model
plot(data$x, data$y, type="p", pch=4, cex=.5)
lines(data$x,predict(fit, list(x=data$x)))

Example of 2:1 heterogeneous model fit.

Parameters predicted from fitted model:

kon1 koff1 rmax1 kon2 koff2 rmax2
11218.59 0.0098071 0.4721689 1792.759 0.0009171 0.3639649