Making a Path
First lets initialize a new path object.
root <- Path$new(system.file("", package = "pathlibr", mustWork = TRUE))
And lets view the new path
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr/"
So far so good, we were able to initialize a Path object at our package install root.
Now how do we use it?
Navigating with your path
Lets go down a level, and examine our example vignette data.
Here, we use the dir
binding, followed by .
Think of .
as in, how file-systems represent the current directory.
This is actually just a shortcut for dir
or ls
eg <- root$dir$example
print(glue("using dir: {eg$show}"))
#> using dir: /private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr//example
eg <- root$.$example
print(glue("using '.': {eg$show}"))
#> using '.': /private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr//example
It’s important to note that path$.
is actually returning a named list of files in the directory, and that though these files might look like strings when printed, they’re actually new Path
Because of this, we’re able to chain subsequent $.
Let’s see that in action.
file <- eg$.$path$.$to$.$file1.txt
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr//example/path/to/file1.txt"
Great, so how do we navigate to file1.txt
’s sibling, file2.txt
We could use the path$parent
binding to return the Path
object corresponding to the directory example/path/to/
as you may have guessed, we can use a shortcut alias, path$..
to navigate up.
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr//example/path/to"
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr//example/path/to"
Now that we’re able to move upwards, we can access the sibling
file2 <- file$..$.$file2.txt
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/xl/014m21yx3x52_b9hcr7sztz80000gs/T/Rtmp9gT9Yx/Rinst813f1c8bc5fa/pathlibr//example/path/to/file2.txt"
I wonder what’s inside these files? To find out, we should read them.
It’s important to notes that we should use this $show
binding to return the path as a string when giving it to IO functions.
Inconvenient, I know (I’m going to work on that)
directory <- file$..
for (f in c("file1.txt", "file2.txt")){
directory$.[[f]]$show %>% readLines() %>% cat()
#> file1.txt:
#> I am the first file!
#> file2.txt:
#> I am the second file!