patchwork 1.0.1
- Renaming of
to align_patches()
to avoid namespace clash with cowplot (#130)
- Renaming of
(unexported) to as_patch()
to avoid potential future namespace clash with cowplot (#131)
- Fix bug in plot simplification with
theme(strip.placement = 'outside')
- Fix a bug in guide collection in R >= 4.0 due to the new unit implementation in grid (#170)
- Collected guides now behave as ggplot2 guides when position is top or bottom (#137)
- Fix a bug in base graphic support where the environment of the plot was not captured (#138)
- Fix a bug when combining plots having guides placed manually in combination with faceting (#144)
- Fix a bug where having negative margins around the legend would result in an unintelligeble error (#148)
- Fix a bug when trying to combine faceted plots with fixed aspect ratio (#156)
- Fix alignments of strips when only a single strip is present (#163)
- Fix a bug that caused theme void to result in errors (#180)
- Make aligning multiple fixed aspect plots more consistent (#175)
- Correct alignment of guides when ssembling fixed aspect plots (#140,
patchwork 1.0.0
- First CRAN release. Provide utility and operators for assembling and nesting plots into a composition, tag subplots, collect guides and remove duplicates, and align plots across pages.