packageAll the functions in parsetools
are concerned with parse-data
objects. Functions either obtain the parse-data
, such as get_parse_data()
; convert or transform the parse data, such as classify_comments()
; identify elements of the parse data tree, such as pd_is_function()
; or navigate the tree, such as get_parent_id()
With the exception of obtaining functions and manipulation functions, all function will either take an argument pd
as a stand alone argument which expects a parse-data
object, or will take the combination of an id
and a pd
, exclusively in that order. The id
argument is expected to be an integer of values that exist in pd$id
which denotes the node or nodes of interest. Whether id is a singleton or vector is differentiated by function naming conventions described in the following sections. If there is a need for additional function arguments they must occur after the id
and pd
Function names should follow the underscore standard with appropriate prefixes and suffixes, and conform to proper plurality.
form | Meaning | Accepts | Returns | Exported |
pd_is_* | Logical test function | id vector | logical 1:1 for input id | Yes |
pd_get_*_id | Navigation function | id vector | id integer 1:1 for input | Yes |
pd_get_*_ids | Set identification | single id | id vector many:1 for input | Yes |
get_*_pd | Subsetting | id(1)+pd | subsetted parse-data | No |
all_*_ids | Global sets | parse-data | id vector many:1 for input | No |
pd_* | Other action function | id+pd | Depending |
Functions of the form pd_is_<name>
test if the specified id satisfies the criteria for <name>
. For example, pd_is_function(id,pd)
tests if the id identifies a function expression, namely the token for id is expr
, and the token for the firstborn, i.e. child with minimum id, is FUNCTION
. These also appear in the form pd_is_in_<name>
. Example, pd_is_in_class_definition
tests if the expression is nested inside any defined class definition.
Function that of the form pd_get_<name>_ids
are set identification functions. They take a single node, and only a single node and return a set of nodes relative to the given node.
There are several functions that are shortcuts for internal expressions. These should not be exported but may use the shortcut of defining the function to infer the pd
argument from the parent function environment, pd=get('pd', parent.frame())
Exported functions should not utilize this shortcut. The shortcut functions are renamed with the following conventions:
→ is_<name>
→ <name>
→ <name>s
or the appropriate plural form.Exported functions should perform error checking on arguments. This can be made optional by the .check argument, and when used internally the checking should be turned off.
In testing code blocks results of output should be directly in the expect_*
function, or stored in an object called test.object
Functions that return a single id value for each input should vectorize over input. When possible keep the shortest form, if explicit vectorization is needed use:
if (length(id) > 1L) return(sapply(id, <function_name>, pd=pd, <other arguments>, .check=FALSE))
Those that return multiple values for each input id accept only only singleton ids. These functions should check that the input is of length 1.