paletteer 1.2.0
- Packages that provide continious color paletttes have been moved from Imports to Suggests. (#93)
- 17 palettes have been added from the khroma package. (#88)
- 130 palettes have been added from the beyonce package. (#87)
- 6 palettes have been added from the suffrager package. (#86)
- 19 palettes have been added from the colorBlindness package. (#85)
- 15 palettes have been added from the rtist package. (#84)
- Some palette names have been changed to remove non-ascii characters.
paletteer 1.1.0
- added
to support binned scales.
- 20 palettes have been added from the futurevisions package. (#82)
paletteer 1.0.0
- All front facing functions now take a single
argument of the format package::palette
instead of the previous two arguments package and palette.
argument must be supplied as a string.
- The output from main functions now have the colors class from the prismatic package.
- 128 palettes have been added from the lisa package. (#35)
- 16 palettes have been added from the IslamicArt package. (#36)
- 9 palettes have been added from the basetheme package. (#41)
- 8 palettes have been added from the vapeplot package. (#42)
- 18 palettes have been added from the ggthemr package. (#47)
- 84 palettes have been added from the fishualize package. (#52)
- 18 palettes have been added from the DresdenColor package. (#54)
- 35 palettes have been added from the trekcolors package. (#55)
- 25 palettes have been added from the nationalparkcolors package. (#58)
- 6 palettes have been added from the MapPalettes package. (#62)
- 18 palettes have been added from the werpals package. (#63)
- 22 palettes have been added from the calecopal package. (#64)
- 2 palettes have been adden from the colorblindr package. (#66)
- 54 palettes have been added from the colRoz package. (#69)
- 16 palettes have been added from the unikn package. (#72)
- 27 palettes have been added from the tvthemes package. (#39)
- 10 palettes have been added from the PNWColors package. (#74)
- 48 palettes have been added from the palettesForR package. (#25)
- 110 palettes have been added from hcl.pals(). (#51)
paletteer 0.2.1
- Fixed bug where ggthemes wasn’t loaded properly. (#26)
paletteer 0.2.0
- Description of how to add palettes have been moved from a vignette to
- 15 palettes have been added from the harrypotter package.
- 16 palettes have been added from the gameofthrones package.
- 3 palettes have been added from the tidyquant package.
paletteer 0.1.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Added palettetown palettes.
- Added vapoRwave palettes.