With version 0.1.0 the features of packagefinder have been significantly enhanced.
New function exploreFields() allows the user to search for packages by looking into specific fields of the package’s information from CRAN.
New function packageDetails() shows detailed information for any CRAN package.
New function whatsNew() shows packages recently uploaded to CRAN.
New function lastResults() reproduces the results of the users’ last package search with findPackage().
packagefinder functions now use colored output in the RStudio console (feature only available when using RStudio).
Startup message on loading the package reminds the user briefly of how to use packagefinder.
Download column in search results is made invisible if search index does not include download figures.
Function findPackage() now supports an argument ‘only.top’ to limit the number of search results presented (default: 15).
Function findPackage()‘s argument ’index’ has been moved to third place in the order of arguments (since this optional argument is often left out when calling findPackage()).
Function go() now supports “details” as value for argument ‘where.to’ (shows details of the package); this value is the new default for ‘where.to’.
The option “cran” in function go()‘s argument ’where.to’ has been renamed to “website” in order to make it more general (as in many cases, the website is actually a GitHub page or custom website)
Function findPackage() now supports an argument ‘silent’ (default: FALSE); it controls if details of the user’s search request are printed as part of the search results.
Function go()‘s argument ’package’ can now also be the package’s name as a string (instead of the ‘GO’ index number presented in the search results).
Function buildIndex() now incorporates a significant larger number of CRAN fields into the search index than before, to enable functionalities provided by packageDetails() and exploreFields().
Package tools (>= 3.4.0) is now required to make sure function CRAN__package__db() is available to packagefinder (GitHub issue #3, @SteffenMoritz).
README.md has been significantly expanded to provide a comprehensive introduction to working with the packagefinder package.