The goal of ormPlot is to to extend the plotting capabilties of rms package.
In particular it aims to provide convenient ways of getting ggplot2 plots from orm and lrm models of the rms package.
It provides: * prediction plots of orm models for each dependent variable level together with coeficent intervals. * forest plots of orm/lrm model summaries * data about schoolchildren body measurments and their family details like socioeconomic status and number of siblings
You can install the CRAN release of ormPlot from CRAN with:
To install the latest version do:
vignette(“ormPlot”) help(“ormPlot”)
See the vigentte and/or help files:
To get you started:
#load the libraries
#make the datadist
#create the model
cran_model <- orm(educ_3 ~ YOBc +Rural + sex + height_rzs + n_siblings + cran_rzs, data = educ_data)
#show simply the summary plot
#show the predictions
plot(cran_model, cran_rzs, plot_cols = Rural, plot_rows = sex)