In this short tutorial, we’ll make use of the following functions for the examples:
to make different types of protobufs for attributes, nodes, graphs, etc.check()
method that can check whether a protobuf in a particular type is valid.print_readable()
method that can print out the human-readable representation of the proto object.For detailed definitions of each type of ONNX protobufs, please checkout ONNX intermediate representation spec. A list of available operators, e.g. FC
or Relu
used in the following examples to define the nodes, can be found here.
Define a node protobuf and check whether it’s valid:
Define an attribute protobuf and check whether it’s valid:
Define a graph protobuf and check whether it’s valid:
graph_def <- make_graph(
nodes = list(
make_node("FC", list("X", "W1", "B1"), list("H1")),
make_node("Relu", list("H1"), list("R1")),
make_node("FC", list("R1", "W2", "B2"), list("Y"))
name = "MLP",
inputs = list(
make_tensor_value_info('X' , onnx$TensorProto$FLOAT, list(1L)),
make_tensor_value_info('W1', onnx$TensorProto$FLOAT, list(1L)),
make_tensor_value_info('B1', onnx$TensorProto$FLOAT, list(1L)),
make_tensor_value_info('W2', onnx$TensorProto$FLOAT, list(1L)),
make_tensor_value_info('B2', onnx$TensorProto$FLOAT, list(1L))
outputs = list(
make_tensor_value_info('Y', onnx$TensorProto$FLOAT, list(1L))
You can use print_readable()
to print out the human-readable representation of the graph definition:
> print_readable(graph_def)
graph MLP (
%X[FLOAT, 1]
%W1[FLOAT, 1]
%B1[FLOAT, 1]
%W2[FLOAT, 1]
%B2[FLOAT, 1]
) {
%H1 = FC(%X, %W1, %B1)
%R1 = Relu(%H1)
%Y = FC(%R1, %W2, %B2)
return %Y
Or simply print it out to see the detailed graph definition containing nodes, inputs, and outputs:
> graph_def
node {
input: "X"
input: "W1"
input: "B1"
output: "H1"
op_type: "FC"
node {
input: "H1"
output: "R1"
op_type: "Relu"
node {
input: "R1"
input: "W2"
input: "B2"
output: "Y"
op_type: "FC"
name: "MLP"
input {
name: "X"
type {
tensor_type {
elem_type: FLOAT
shape {
dim {
dim_value: 1
input {
name: "W1"
type {
tensor_type {
elem_type: FLOAT
shape {
dim {
dim_value: 1
input {
name: "B1"
type {
tensor_type {
elem_type: FLOAT
shape {
dim {
dim_value: 1
input {
name: "W2"
type {
tensor_type {
elem_type: FLOAT
shape {
dim {
dim_value: 1
input {
name: "B2"
type {
tensor_type {
elem_type: FLOAT
shape {
dim {
dim_value: 1
output {
name: "Y"
type {
tensor_type {
elem_type: FLOAT
shape {
dim {
dim_value: 1