- Address argument doc/code warning that blocked CRAN acceptance.
- Accommodate new ocedata (needed to meet new CRAN dependency rule).
- Add
and oceRenamemetadata()
- Deprecate
- Improve axis control for
and plot,coastline-method
- Remove
, ctdAddColumn()
, ctdUpdateHeader()
, findInOrdered()
, mapMeridians()
, mapZones()
, and oce.as.POSIXlt()
, all of which have been marked as “Deprecated” for the past two CRAN releases.
- Make
handle a new Environment Canada data format.
- Handle some upcoming rgdal/R-devel changes.
- Make
detect grids extending beyond data range.
- Make
trim time if it longer than other data.
- Make
handle second location correctly when alongPath=FALSE
- Improve vignettes.
- Fix itemized-list documentation problem pointed out by Kurt Hornik.
- fix “link-time-optimization” issues for CRAN submission
- fix argument error in a .C() call
- read.odf() stores ODF header as a list in metadata
- presentTime() added
- vignette on subclassing oce added
- sectionSmooth() handles output grid better, and offers 2 new methods
- read.ctd.sbe() handles more column names
- i386/windows gets map projections
- imagep() handles combined flipy and ylim arguments differently
- Renamed 0.9-24, released with OAR book publication.
- read.odf() stores ODF header in metadata
- remove makeSection()
- make defunct: addColumn byteToBinary ctdAddColumn ctdUpdateHeader findInOrdered
- make defunct: mapZones mapMeridians oce.as.POSIXlt oce.magic
- byteToBinary(., endian=“little”) designated as defunct
- as.tidem() added
- read.odf() handles multiple NULL_VALUEs
- flag improvements
- rotateAboutZ() added
- concatenate() added
- read.woa() added
- colormap() value has new item ‘colfunction’
- tidem() permits inferred constituents
- tidem() follows T_TIDE phase convention
- adorn argument removed from plot functions (after being defunct 1+ year)
- deprecate findInOrdered()
- plot,section-method() can use external bathymetry
- lowpass() added
- ctdTrim() can isolate upcasts
- deprecate byteToBinary()
- address a CRAN NOTE about UTF-8 strings in data
- adpEnsembleAverage() added
- mapCoordinateSystem() added
- woce-exchange missing-value inference
- woce-exchange autodetection, plus read all data types
- download.amsr() updated for data-server change
- download.met() added
- as.ctd() can specify columns within argo data
- read.adp.rdi() handles more file types and larger RDI files
- read.odf() handles contradictory metadata better
- oce.as.POSIXlt() deprecated
- oceSetData() handles units better
- address R_registerRoutines build-time warning
- fix memory-usage error in coastlineCut()
- remove observatory object type (changed format, seldom-used type)
- remove pangaea object type (undocumented format, seldom-used type)
- improvements for BioArgo data
- Spanish translation by Pablo Valdés
- make read.gps() handle more files
- deprecate ctdAddColumn() and ctdUpdateHeader()
- download.topo() added and read.topo() updated to handle new formats
- download.amsr() added
- composite() added
- addColumn() marked as deprecated
- read.cm.s4() reads all data in file
- as.cm() added
- read.odf() handles Aanderaa current meter data
- mapPlot() and mapAxis() get cex.axis parameter
- subset(amsr) added; various other amsr improvements
- deprecate ‘adorn’ in plot functions
- make read.ctd() obey missingValue (renamed)
- improve map projections
- add renameData()
- improve support for SBE files
- remove is.beam(), is.xyz(), is.enu() and coordinate(), since x[[“coordinate”]] now permits these simply
- replace several function-style accessors with [[ style
- fix test-suite error relating to an rgdal change
- add handleFlags() as generic plus specifics for ctd and argo classes
- use S4 documentation, e.g. ?‘plot,ctd-method’ instead of ?plot.ctd
- add subset(argo, “adjusted”)
- make read.argo() read all documented data and metadata fields
- add trimString()
- improve plot.coastline() and mapPlot()
- add support for G1SST satellite
- all objects now have metadata items for units and flags
- ctdTrim() method renamed: old A and B are new A; old C is new B
- support more channels and features of rsk files
- as.adp() added
- convert argo objects to sections
- makeSection() deprecated; use as.section() instead
- read.adp.rdi() handles Teledyne/RDI vsn 23.19 bottom-track data
- geodXyInverse() added; geod functions now spell out longitude etc
- read.odf() speeded up by a factor of about 30
- add colour palettes from Kristen Thyng’s cmocean Python package
- as.oce() added
- rename ‘drifter’ class as ‘argo’ to recognize what it actually handles
- add oceColorsViridis()
- interpBarnes() has new argument ‘pregrid’
- binMean2D() has new argument ‘flatten’
- data(topoWorld) now has longitude from -179.5 to 180
- ODF2oce() added
- read.odf() handles more data types
- read.adp.rdi() reads more VmDas (navigational) data
- ITS-90 is now the default temperature unit
- ctd objects can have vector longitude and latitude
- logger class renamed to rsk
- bremen class added
- coastlineCut() added
- rgdal package used instead of local PROJ.4 source code
- mapproj-style map projections eliminated
- remove an exit() call in a C function
- cite PROJ.4 contributors in DESCRIPTION
- address package-build warnings; improve DESCRIPTION (thanks, BR)
- plot.echosounder() gets new argument ‘drawPalette’
- data(landsat) taken from ocedata (and shrunk)
- data(nao) and data(soi) moved to ocedata
- mapTissot() added
- read.logger() with ctd-type data infers salinity if necessary
- ctdTrim() can have “method” as a function
- as.topo() can convert “bathy” objects from the marmap package
- “+.section” renamed sectionAddStation()
- oceApprox() renamed oce.approx(), with an alias for compatibility
- oce.grid() added
- “tdr” class renamed “logger”
- swCSTp() added
- swConductivity() now swThermalConductivity(); using Caldwell (1974).
- many sw() functions handle eos=“gsw”
- library(gsw) replaces teos()
- curl() added
- handle new NOAA ascii topography dataset type
- mapGrid() added
- data(soi) moved to ocedata package
- lonlat2map() added
- map2lonlat() made more accurate
- permit proj4 style map projections
- landsat-7 (and possibly 4 and 5) support
- landsat decimation/plotting improvements
- drifterGrid() added
- mapDirectionField() added
- mapArrows() added
- read.index() added
- utm2lonlat() and lonlat2utm() added
- data(met) changed to time of Hurricane Juan
- fix compile-time warning
- colormap() added, and functionality added to imagep() and drawPalette()
- imagep() and drawPalette() new arg. ‘axisPalette’ (suggested C. Richards)
- drawPalette() has new args: plot, pos, levels, and cex.axis
- ctdDecimate() permits user-supplied method function
- data(nao) added; data(soi) updated, and names improved in latter
- landsat support added
- plotProfile() and plotTS() get new argument ‘pt.bg’
- plot.section() grids the data if needed
- rename ‘sealevelHalifax’ dataset as ‘sealevel’
- translate some axis names (Spanish, French, German and Mandarin)
- plotProfile() now has ytype=“depth”
- mapImage() and friends now demand a map exists first
- runlm() added
- mapScalebar() added
- subset.topo() added
- read.topo() now handles GEBCO netcdf files
- decimate() now handles topo objects
- reverse oce.colorsGebco colours for water
- drawIsopycnals() and plotTS(): improve isopycnal labels
- ctdDecimate() handles new method ‘unesco’
- coastline improvements (now 3 resolutions)
- webtide() improvements
- read.observatory() added
- read.ctd.itp() added
- mapImage() speeded up (60X in 1deg SST example)
- binApply1D() and binApply2D() added
- binCount1D(), binMean1D(), binCount2D(), and binMean2D() added
- numberAsHMS() added
- gps data type added (provisionally)
- various functions: reorder arguments putting longitude before latitude
- magneticField() replaces magneticDeclination()
- ungrid() added
- mapPlot(): improve zone and meridian aesthetics
- detrend() returns list with detrend vector and coefs
- decodeTime() improvements
- interpBarnes() has new arg ‘trim’
- standardDepths() added
- mapLongitudeLatitudeXY() added
- read.ctd.woce() now accepts a format used once by Arctic scientists
- swRrho() added
- plotProfile() now accepts type=“o”
- read.adv.nortek(): read salinity
- ctdDecimate(): fix bug for NULL columns [issue 327]
- plot.section() now chooses best coastline file
- swPressure() added
- ctdFindProfiles() added
- as.ctd(): new arguments filename etc
- remove oceBisect(), which merely reproduces uniroot()
- move large/specialized datasets to library(ocedata)
- prepare for an upcoming release of R-devel
- move vignette source directory
- numberAsPOSIXct() now handles types “sas” and “spss”
- data(turbulence) added
- plot.echosounder(): use white for below-threshold values
- plot.echosounder(): add arg ‘beam’ to e.g. display Sv
- read.echosounder(): handle dual-beam and split-beam data
- read.echosounder(): decode bottom-pick
- swSoundAbsorption()
- read.adp: improve doc regarding variable orientation of RDI files
- improve line breaks in some help pages (thanks, B. Ripley)
- mapPlot() uses … graphical parameters (e.g. cex) in labelling axes
- fix recent bug in reading CNV files (issue 318)
- plotTS(…, mar=NULL) now avoids setting par(mar)
- fix memory error in teos handler (thanks, B. Ripley)
- make ctdTrim() work in R 3.0
- support for adp vmdas nav data (coded by Clark Richards)
- approx3d(): added
- drawPalette(): new arg ‘fullpage’
- plot.lobo(): add ‘which’ argument
- read.coastline.openstreetmap() added
- data(levitus) added
- plot.coastline(): new arguments ‘projection’ etc to use mapPlot()
- mapContour(): permit first argument to be a ‘topo’ object
- mapPlot(): add arguments axes, bg, fill, and drawBox
- address compilation error on Windows-64 platform
- make some long-running operations more interruptible
- oceApprox(): permit equal x values [issue 279]
- as.section() added
- add data(endeavour)
- add map projections, with provisional functions mapPlot() etc
- plot.ctd(): add argument ‘add’
- add crude mapping support
- interpBarnes(): add args ‘xgl’ and ‘ygl’
- read.section(): add ‘directory’ argument
- sectionSmooth(): add ‘barnes’ method
- oce.plot.ts() and oce.axis.POSIXct(): add tformat argument
- read.aquadopp() and cousins added [issues 253 and 258]
- read.ctd() guesses waterDepth if not supplied [issue 253]
- plotTS(): extend isopycnal range [issue 252]
- plot.section() contouring improved
- data(oceans) added
- data(papa) added
- fillGap() works on matrices as well as vectors
- read.lobo() is more flexible on column names
- imagep(…, axes=FALSE): no longer plots axis box [issue 249]
- oce.plot.ts(): alter time auto-ranging method
- oceBisect(): increase generality of function whose root is sought
- plotTS(): clean axes after isopycnals drawn
- teos10: update test values (with help from PB)
- read.adp.nortek(): handle missing ‘to’ argument as documented
- beamUnattenuateAdp() renamed beamUnspreadAdp()
- plotTS() and plotProfile(): permit type=‘n’
- plotProfile(ytype=‘z’): fix bug in y label
- improve error message if TEOS-10 is missing
- example(riley): remove error in R-devel
- plot.ctd(…, which=7) improvement
- swSCTp(): accept conductivity in mS/cm and S/m
- as.ctd(): accept TEOS-10 values SA and CT
- make TEOS routines more resistant to unphysical values
- remove unwanted files during build process
- pwelch(): fix bug in frequency
- tidem(): add argument ‘regress’
- rename oce.plot.sticks() as plotSticks(); delete stickplot()
- use S4 style for all plot() methods
- data(giss) added
- data(topo2) added
- plotPolar() added
- oce.magic() new name for magic(); renamed oceMagic() in 0.9-15
- errorBars() added
- numberAsPOSIXct() add a leap second for July 2012
- plot.topo(): automatic cut-point shift
- add support for Nortek aquadopp-profiler instruments
- oce.contour() added
- lisst class added
- plotTaylor() added
- oce.as.raw() added
- binmap() added
- make the newly-added TEOS-10 functions compile on Windows
- data(cm) added
- plot.coastline(): improve argument ‘geographical’
- add prettyPosition()
- add grad()
- add (preliminary) support for TEOS-10, installed separately
- add integrateTrapezoid()
- plotTS(): add argument teos
- add teos() as an interface to the TEOS-10 library
- add moonAngle() plus other astronomy functions, e.g. julianDay()
- plotInset(): remove ‘bg’ and ‘fg’ arguments
- plotTS(): add ‘bg’ argument
- rename ‘dt’ object and functions to ‘tdr’
- plotTS(): add argument ‘inset’
- read.adp.rdi(): fix a bug in bottom-tracking; add soundSpeed vector
- data(echosounder) created
- formatPosition() created
- plot(echosounder): new arguments atTop and labelsTop
- adp objects now also hold ‘percent good’ for RDI instruments
- plot.drifter(): improve multi-panel plots
- imagep(): add argument ‘missingColor’
- imagep() and drawPalette(): add arguments ‘labels’ and ‘at’
- imagep(): permit POSIXt type for zlim
- reconstruct data(ctd) so plot will focus maps better
- plotInset() added
- grid() works for oce-based time axes
- imagep(…, filledContours): obey ylab argument
- subset(): permit subsetting ADP by pressure
- oce.plot.ts(): obey arguments xaxt and yaxt
- improve support for shapefile coastlines
- replace ‘center’ argument for plotting topography and coastline with clatitude and clongitude
- add ‘echosounder’ class
- fullFilename(): handle URLs properly
- ADV objects: add access to slow variables (e.g. headingSlow)
- add ‘met’ class
- subset.oce() handles section objects
- draw.section(): permit xtype=“latitude” or “longitude”
- imagep() has drawPalette=“space” option
- fix bug in read.coastline(), reversing lon and lat [issue162]
- fix bug in S4 adp validity checker
- geodDist(): add argument ‘alongPath’
- remove compilation warning about doc for summary.ctd()
- switch to S4 classes, and add new accessors and ‘show’ functions.
- add support for RBR ‘rsk’ files
- plot.section() now uses ‘col’ if supplied
- improve oce.colorsJet()
- improve plotProfile() vertical range with missing data
- add data(drag)
- plotProfile() and plot.ctd(): add xtype=“spice”
- add data(geosecs235)
- plotProfile() and plot.ctd(): add argument ‘keepNA’
- as.ctd(): add arguments ‘other’ and ‘missingValue’
- read.lobo(): tolerate more formats, including missing velocities
- add data(schmitt)
- add accessor spice()
- handle O2 and nutrients in CTD data and sections
- swSCTp(): use surface pressure as a default
- plotTS(): add arguments inSitu and referencePressure
- plotTS(): handle section objects
- fix bugs reported in issues 150, 151, 153, 155, 156
- imagep(): change default drawContours to FALSE
- add ‘adv’ dataset
- generalize swN2() by adding new arg ‘derivs’
- oce.plot.ts() gets new arg ‘axes’
- add accessor distance()
- rename to plotTS() and plotScan() to avoid S3 check warnings
- switch makeFilter’s argument asKernel to TRUE
- add support for ARGO drifters
- latitude() and longitude(): new argument to repeat byDepth
- addCtdColumn(): replace if column already exists
- add CTD accessors for lat, lon, pressure, salinity, temperature
- plot.sealevel(): only show 3 panels, for clarity
- plot.ctd(): add argument ‘type’
- imagep(): handle x, y, and z as image() does
- oce.plot.ts(): inferred ylim matches data range within provided xlim
- read.adv.nortek(): handle extra analog data
- add CTD accessors longitude(), latitude(), time(), elevation(), etc
- add read.oce.odf()
- add findInOrdered
- generalize tidem() argument list
- read.adv.nortek(): handle burst-mode data
- add datasets wilson, redfieldNP, redfieldNC, redfieldPlankton, and riley
- change data(ctd) to be derived from data(ctdRaw)
- change to monitor=FALSE for all reading functions
- add accessor functions heading(), latitude(), longitude(), pitch(), pressure(), processingLog(), roll(), salinity(), temperature(), time(), and velocity()
- rename history as processingLog
- flatten data objects to be 1 level thick (for future matlab exports)
- add threenum() added, and use it in all summaries (for speed)
- head.adp() added
- tail.adp() added
- extract() added
- velocityStatistics() added
- new names: oceApprox() integerToAscii() rangeLimit() ctdRaw
- topoInterpolate() added
- numberAsPOSIXct(): add type ‘argos’
- rename beamAttenuateAdp() as beamUnattenuateAdp()
- camel-case function and argument names (and the NEWS file)
- add binAverage()
- fillGap(): add ‘rule’ argument (analogous to same for approx())
- add rescale()
- read.pt(): fix timing error; use as.pt() to create return value
- add as.pt()
- read.adp.rdi() uses checksums
- number.as.POSIXct(type=“gps”): account for leap seconds
- remove warning that occurs for R 2.13.0 (alpha)
- number.as.POSIXct(): accept GPS times
- rename e.g. adv.2enu() as to.enu.adv()
- speed up conversion of ADP and ADV to enu by more than a factor of 10
- change RDI coordinate handling
- rename match.bytes() as matchBytes()
- add drawPalette()
- remove matlab2POSIXt(), now a sub-case of number.as.POSIXct()
- number.as.POSIXct(): added
- oceBiset(): added
- despike(): add argument ‘action’
- detrend(): added
- read.adp.sontek(): handle PCADP type
- read.adp.sontek.serial(): added
- read.section(): handle WOCE quality flags for salinity
- retime(): added
- read.adv.sontek.serial(): correct error in class of ‘a’ and ‘c’
- despike(): use string value for argument ‘method’
- logger.toc(): fix bug in discovering files ranging over days
- as.ctd(): make temperature and salinity into vectors, if not already
- plot.TS(): add argument ‘use.smoothScatter’
- oce.debug(): flush the console after printing a message
- sw.theta(): rename the method possibilities, to lower case
- in some sw functions, rename ‘pref’ as ‘reference.pressure’
- read.ctd(): fix bug in getting start.time for some time formats
- pwelch() added
- plot.sealevel(): make y axis obey range in data subset, if xlim is given
- adp.2enu() added
- coastline.world: improve resolution by a factor of 4 or so
- read.ctd.woce(): infer water depth as max(pressure) if not in header
- section.smooth(): handle misordered stations; handle missing values better
- plot.section(): allow strings for ‘which’; improve contouring
- plot.ctd() and plot.profile(): add ‘use.smoothScatter’ argument
- coriolis(): improve omega value
- add despike()
- add range.limit()
- add unabbreviate.time()
- add support for bottom-tracking RDI ADCPs
- add support for interocean ‘s4’ current meters
- add unwrap.angle()
- read.adv.nortek(): detect the velocity range
- add processing.log.add(), an alternative to processing.log.append()
- plot.ctd(): add more plot types; which=9 for salinity, not density
- as.ctd(): improve flexibilty
- predict.tidem(): add ‘newdata’ argument
- adv.2enu() added
- adp.xyz2enu(): make it correct for heading.bias
- make.filter(): can now produce tskernel type
- improve (but temporarily limit) fill.gap
- plot.adp(): add ‘use.layout’ argument
- window.oce() added
- make objects remember full filename, not just local filename (issue8)
- plot.tidem(): remove argument ‘plot.type’, using ‘which’ instead
- read.pt(): add arguments from, by, and to
- fix issue 57 [read.adp.rdi() read the heading incorrectly]
- add “rr” method to ctdDecimate()
- oceApprox() added
- topoWorld dataset added
- plot.ctd(): by default, make coastlines extend to box boundaries
- reformulate sun.angle in R
- fix google-code issue 56 [plot.topo() should accept land.z=NULL]
- fix google-code issue 55 [plot.topo() could go past poles]
- fix google-code issue 54 [plot.topo() was resetting par() on exit]
- fix google-code issue 53 [interp.barnes() gives poor error msg for mismatched x and y]
- fix google-code issue 52 [plot.section() draws incorrect bottom shape]
- add sun.angle [not tested yet; needs R reformulation]
- fix google-code issue 51 [summary.section() does not report water depth]
- fix google-code issue 50 [non-bug relating to sun elevation]
- fix google-code issue 49 [demo(TS) broken]
- fix google-code issue 48 [oce.plot.sticks() ignored page ratio]
- fix google-code issue 47 [cannot read new MEDS sealevel format]
- add data(RRprofile)
- to plot.TS(), add arguments lwd.rho and lty.rho
- refactor adp code wrt transformation matrices
- add matrix.smooth()
- improve labels for oce.axis.POSIXct()
- set default for ‘debug’ argument to getOption(“oceDebug”) in all functions
- plot.profile(): add argument ytype; change ‘type’ to ‘xtype’
- add swZ()
- add oce.smooth()
- add read.adv(), etc., supporting Nortek and Sontek devices
- add read.adp(), etc., supporting Nortek, RDI and Sontek devices
- add oce.plot.ts()
- add imagep()
- add bcd2integer()
- add matlab2POSIXt()
- to most plot functions, add ‘mgp’ and ‘mar’ arguments
- plot.pt(): add plim and Tlim arguments
- gravity(): give default for latitude argument
- plot.sealevel(): remove argument focus.time and add argument which
- rename tdr functions as pt, to reflect oral convention
- add geod.xy()
- add argument ‘mgp’ to all plotting functions
- use abbreviations for axis names if space is tight
- add argument ‘adorn’ to all plot() functions
- add oce.colorsTwo(), oce.colorsJet(), and oce.colorsPalette()
- add byte2binary()
- add “lty.grid” to all CTD plotting functions
- add “+.section”, a more convenient way to build sections from stations
- rework summary() for all existing objects
- as.sealevel(): rename sampling.interval as deltat
- sw.N2(): make it tolerate NAs; adjust df to make result smoother
- add makeFilter()
- add decimate(), which may eventually replace ctd.decimate()
- read.tdr(): handle 5-column data files; add tz argument
- plot.profile(): add types sigma+dpdt and sigma+time
- ctdTrim(): add pmin parameter
- plot.ctd(): add Slim, Tlim, plim, lonlim, latlim args; add maps
- add coastline.sle dataset
- plot.TS(): fix isopycnal labels for fresh water; add args Slim, Tlim
- read.ctd(): make it understand another SBE format
- add parseLatlon()
- oce.edit(): add argument ‘action’
- add oce.write.table()
- add fillGap()
- add addColumn()
- add undriftTime()
- add tdrPatm()
- make readTdr() gather serial no. info; show this on plot.pt()
- switch to recommended version-number format
- remove section.subset(), replaced by subset()
- improve log items in functions that read and assemble oce objects http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=38
- add subset.oce()
- add header()
- add argument ‘which’ to read.rbrdtr()
- make read.rbrdtr() understand headers better
- add arguments ‘xtype’ and ‘ytype’ to plot.section()
- improve accuracy of bottom drawn by plot.section()
- add section.smooth()
- fix bug making section.smooth() fail if <4 good data at a level http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=36
- fix bug making summary.ctd() fail for results of section.smooth() http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=34
- fix bug making sw.dynamic.height() choke on empty stations http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=33
- fix bug making plot.section() die if x is unordered http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=36
- rename rbrpt functions to tdr functions, improving generality
- add argument “src” to as.ctd() http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=22
- plot.section() RHS axis needs tics http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=32
- trim axis whitespace in plot.profile() and plot.TS() http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=31
- make read.oce() understand WOCE section type http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=30
- speed up swSpice() http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=29
- add read.pt(), summary.pt(), plot.pt(), and ptTrim()
- make plot.TS() isopycnal label size be same on top and right sides http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=26
- add lwd argument to plot.profile()
- give plot.section() ability to control contour levels and labels
- give plot.section() tics for station-location
- plot.topo() narrows autoscale to xlim-ylim region, if provided
- add plot.ctd() ‘textpanel’ option, and put the profiles in the same row
- fix bug in plot.profile() to let it take Slim,…, as args http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=25
- fix bug in plot.profile() font size http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=24
- fix bug in plot.profile(type=“S_T”) positioning http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=23
- fix bug in section plot (bottom was missing) http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=21
- fix bug in size of salinity axis label for plot.ctd()
- use pch=21 for TS plots (so data density is more visible)
- fix bug in makeSection (ignored the list, if a list provided) http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/detail?id=18&q=label:Type-Defect
- add oce.edit(), later renamed oceEdit()
- add topoMaritimes dataset
- add read.topo(), plot.topo(), and summary.topo()
- add gebcoColors() … renamed oce.colorsGebco() in version 0.1.77
- make plot.section() check that pressures coincide
- plot.TS(): make isopycnal list work better for nearly-fresh water
- trimCtd(): improve equilibration-phase deletion
- read.ctd(): handle cases without cruise information or scan column
- permit setting xlab and ylab in plot.TS()
- make processing log timestamps be in GMT
- add as.windrose() and plot.windrose()
- add sealevel.tuk sea-level dataset
- add tidem(), predict.tide(), summary.tide(), plot.tide(), data(tidedata)
- establish a uniform form for objects created by “read” and “as”
- let swRho() and similar functions take a ctd object as a single argument
- add swDynamicHeight()
- make section.grid() and ctd.decimate() extrapolate to surface
- add summary.oce()
- make all objects inherit from a new class “oce”
- fix google-code issue 12: read.sealevel() had a hard-wired filename
- modify documentation slightly
- start a migration to more uniform object structures
- rename as.CTD() to as.ctd(), to make it consistent with similar functions
- add read.section()
- add sectionGrid(), which only grids in p at the moment
- add a03 dataset (renamed ‘section’ in 0.9-13)
- fix SF bug 1833719: warnings from read.ctd()
- fix google-code issue 8: read.coastline() not producing data
- improve ability of trimCtd() to ignore spurious initial data
- add “connectPoints” option to plot.TS()
- add “station” item to “ctd” object
- change as.CTD() to produce sigma.theta instead of sigma
- add coastline.world; increase resolution of coastline.maritimes
- plot.TS() no longer rotates the RH margin isopycnal labels
- allow swRho() and similar take matrices as arguments for S, T, etc
- fix bug in plot.TS() that prevented it from showing some isopycnals
- switch to UNESCO formulation for sw potential temperature by default
- prevent warnings with C90 compiler on some machines
- add read.oce(), a generic function for reading several oceanographic files
- make read.ctd() understand WOCE-exchange files
- make read.sealevel() understand comma-separated data from MEDS
- make plot.sealevel() skip spectral graphs if timeseries has NA values
- improve aesthetics of plot.ctd()
- extend plot.sealevel() by adding focus.time argument
- add ctdDecimate()
- add oce.as.POSIXlt()
- add latlonFormat(), latFormat(), and lonFormat()
- add as.coastline()
- add make.section()
- add summary.section()
- add plot.section()
- add data(section)
- add historyAppend() (later named processingLogAppend()) and related code
- improve ctdTrim()
- add rudimentary read/summary/plot functions for lobo datasets
- add vignette; address some build-stage warning messages
- set up data files to permit latin1 encoding of some content
- rename all seawater-related functions to e.g. swTheta(), to allow for atmospheric analogs
- make as.CTD() accept length(p)=1, e.g. for surface plots
- make read.coastline() handle S files
- keep swTheta() from complaining if length(p) = 1
- add swAlpha() and swBeta()
- document the use of df in swN2(), plot.ctd(), etc.
- permit swRho() (and similar) to take NAs in args (bug B32)
- permit swRho() and descendants to take scalar pressure.
- add “UNESCO1983” formulation to swTheta() as an alternative
- speed up swTheta() by moving vector work from R to C
- make geodDist() accept a vector for location 1 and a scalar for location 2
- make read.coastline() understand matlab and Splus formats
- make plot.coastline() scale lat and lon correctly
- add read.coastline(), summary.coastline(), and plot.coastline()
- add read.sealevel(), summary.sealevel(), and plot.sealevel()
- add name option to plot.ctd.scan()
- fix B27 (header not updated for columns added during read.ctd)
- rename as ctdTrim()
- rename to ctdWrite()
- add write.ctd()
- add ctdAddColumn()
- add ctdUpdateHeader()
- make read.ctd() calculate S if missing but C, T, and p are given
- add swSCTp()
- fix B23 (not done yet)
- fix B22 (not done within oce; done at system level)
- add pressure method to trimCtd()
- vectorize swRho() since it was too slow on large datasets
- make demo(oce.ctd) print data
- fix some documentation errors that the 2.0.0 CHECK noticed
- profiles have correct y-axis
- OSX port, but must first do e.g. export PKG_LIBS=“-L/sw/lib”
- OSX port (you must first do export PKG_LIBS=“-L/sw/lib”)
- permit lat/lon with the “N”-type indicator at start
- fix bug B16 (label the isopycnals on TS diagram)
- make read.ctd handle more file types
- add oceCoriolis, oceDepth, oceGravity, oceTFreeze
- add oceSpecificHeat oce.N2; fix bug B18
- fix bugs B10, B11, and B13
- add geodDist()
- add plot.ctd(), which is rudimentary for now
- fix bug B8
- permit all eos functions to handle missing values
- fix bug B4
- add summary(ctd) method.
- make read.ctd() return an object of type ctd.
- get tests/ working.
- add oceSigma(), oceSigmaT(), oceSigmaTheta()
- permit various EOS functions to handle lists
- fix bug B3
- fix file-path bug
- fix bug B2