The nmslibR package is a wrapper of the Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB) python package. More details on the functionality of the nmslibR package can be found in the blog-post and in the package Documentation.
UPDATE 26-07-2018: A Singularity image file is available in case that someone intends to run nmslibR on Ubuntu Linux (locally or in a cloud instance) with all package requirements pre-installed. This allows the user to utilize the nmslibR package without having to spend time on the installation process.
All modules should be installed in the default python configuration (the configuration that the R-session displays as default), otherwise errors will occur during the nmslibR package installation (reticulate::py_discover_config() might be useful here).
The installation notes for Linux, Macintosh, Windows are based on Python 3.
Installation of the system requirements,
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
sudo pip3 install -U numpy
sudo pip3 install --upgrade scipy
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libgsl0-dev libeigen3-dev
sudo apt-get install cmake
pip3 install --upgrade pybind11
sudo pip3 install nmslib
Installation of the system requirements,
dnf install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
sudo pip3 install -U numpy
sudo pip3 install --upgrade scipy
yum install python3-devel
yum install boost-devel
yum install gsl-devel
yum install eigen3-devel
pip3 install --upgrade pybind11
sudo pip3 install nmslib
Upgrade python to version 3 using,
Install the requirements,
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
sudo pip3 install -U numpy
sudo pip3 install --upgrade scipy
brew install boost
brew install eigen
brew install gsl
brew install cmake
brew link --overwrite cmake
pip3 install --upgrade pybind11
sudo pip3 install nmslib
After a successful installation of the requirements the user should open an R session and give the following reticulate command to change to the relevant (brew-python) directory (otherwise the nmslibR package won’t work properly),
and then,
to validate that a user is in the python version where nmslibR is installed.
First download of for windows
Update the Environment variables ( Control Panel >> System and Security >> System >> Advanced system settings >> Environment variables >> System variables >> Path >> Edit ) by adding ( for instance in case of python 2.7 ),
Install the Build Tools for Visual Studio
Open the Command prompt (console) and install / upgrade the system requirements,
Installation of cmake
First download cmake for Windows, win64-x64 Installer. Once the file is downloaded run the .exe file and during installation make sure to add CMake to the system PATH for all users.
Then install the nmslib library,
To install the package from CRAN use,
and to download the latest version from Github use the install_github function of the remotes package,
Use the following link to report bugs/issues,