In published work that uses or mentions nimbleEcology, please cite the package (Goldstein et al. 2020), including the version used. When using dCJS, dHMM and/or dDHMM, please also cite Turek et al. (2016). When using dOcc, dDynOcc and/or dNmixture, please also cite Ponisio et al. (2020).
Goldstein B, Turek D, Ponisio L, de Valpine P (2020). “nimbleEcology: Distributions for Ecological Models in nimble.” R package version 0.3.0,
Turek D, de Valpine P, Paciorek C (2016). “Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models.” Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 23, 549-564. doi: 10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z.
Ponisio L, de Valpine P, Michaud N, Turek D (2020). “One size does not fit all: Customizing MCMC methods for hierarchical models using NIMBLE.” Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2385–2416. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6053.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Misc{, title = {{nimbleEcology}: Distributions for Ecological Models in {nimble}}, author = {Benjamin R. Goldstein and Daniel Turek and Lauren Ponisio and Perry {de Valpine}}, url = {}, year = {2020}, version = {0.3.0}, note = {{R} package version 0.3.0}, }
@Article{, title = {Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models}, journal = {Environmental and Ecological Statistics}, volume = {23}, pages = {549-564}, year = {2016}, author = {D. Turek and P. {de Valpine} and C.J. Paciorek}, doi = {10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z}, }
@Article{, title = {One size does not fit all: Customizing MCMC methods for hierarchical models using {NIMBLE}}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {10}, pages = {2385–2416}, year = {2020}, author = {L. Ponisio and P. {de Valpine} and N. Michaud and D. Turek}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.6053}, }