In ASCII art, I show two simple LTT plots:
# normalized number of lineages
# 1.0 + X---X
# | |
# 0.5 X---+
# |
# +---+---+
# 0.5 1.0 normalized time
# normalized number of lineages
# 1.0 + X
# 0.75 | X---+
# 0.5 | |
# 0.25 X---+
# +---+---+
# 0.5 1.0 normalized time
The nLTT statistic (simply the difference between the two) will be around 0.25.
This vignette shows how to measure this, from:
The two phylogenies
# +---+ a
# +---+
# +---+ b
# +---+---+
# -2 -1 0 time (million years)
# +---+ a
# +---+---+ b
# +---+ c
# + d
# +---+---+
# -2 -1 0 time (million years)
First create those phylogenies:
phylogeny_1 <- ape::read.tree(text = "(a:1,b:1):1;")
phylogeny_2 <- ape::read.tree(
text = "(((d:0.000000001,c:0.000000001):1,b:1):0.000000001,a:1.000000001):1;")
ape::plot.phylo(phylogeny_1, root.edge = TRUE)
ape::plot.phylo(phylogeny_2, root.edge = TRUE)
Plot their nLTTs (as gray) (and the average as black):
nLTT::nltt_plot(phylogeny_1, ylim = c(0,1)); nLTT::nltt_lines(phylogeny_2)
From this plot it can be estimated that the area between the two gray lines is 0.25. This means that the nLTT statistic is 0.25.
nltt_stat <- nLTT::nltt_diff(phylogeny_1, phylogeny_2)
nltt_stat_exact <- nLTT::nltt_diff_exact(phylogeny_1, phylogeny_2)
testthat::expect_equal(nltt_stat, 0.25, tolerance = 0.0001)
testthat::expect_equal(nltt_stat_exact, 0.25, tolerance = 0.0001)
These are the original LTTs:
# normalized number of lineages
# 1.0 + X---X
# | |
# 0.5 X---+
# |
# +---+---+
# 0.5 1.0 normalized time
# normalized number of lineages
# 1.0 + X
# 0.75 | X---+
# 0.5 | |
# 0.25 X---+
# +---+---+
# 0.5 1.0 normalized time
These are the LTTs:
# number of lineages
# 2 + X---X
# | |
# 1 X---+
# |
# 0 +---+---+
# 2 1 0 time in the past
# number of lineages
# 4 + X
# 3 | X---+
# 2 | |
# 1 X---+
# 0 +---+---+
# 2 1 0 time in the past
I choose to use ‘time in the past’ as a time unit, as this is what ape
does as well.
Here we extract the branching times and number of lineages from the phylogenies:
b_times <- nLTT::get_branching_times(phylogeny_1)
lineages <- nLTT::get_n_lineages(phylogeny_1)
b_times2 <- nLTT::get_branching_times(phylogeny_2)
lineages2 <- nLTT::get_n_lineages(phylogeny_2)
df <- data.frame(b_times = b_times, lineages = lineages)
b_times | lineages |
2 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
df2 <- data.frame(b_times2 = b_times2, lineages2 = lineages2)
b_times2 | lineages2 |
2 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
1 | 3 |
0 | 4 |
Here we test again if the nLTT statistic is 0.25:
nltt_stat_exact <- nLTT::nltt_diff_exact_brts(
b_times = b_times,
lineages = lineages,
b_times2 = b_times2,
lineages2 = lineages2,
distance_method = "abs",
time_unit = "ago")
testthat::expect_equal(nltt_stat_exact, 0.25, tolerance = 0.0001)
These are the original nLTTs:
# normalized number of lineages
# 1.0 + X---X
# | |
# 0.5 X---+
# |
# +---+---+
# 0.0 0.5 1.0 normalized time
# normalized number of lineages
# 1.00 + X
# 0.75 | X---+
# 0.50 | |
# 0.25 X---+
# 0.00 +---+---+
# 0.0 0.5 1.0 normalized time
I choose to use ‘time in the past’ as a time unit, as this is what ape
does as well.
Here we extract the branching times and number of lineages from the phylogenies:
b_times_n <- nLTT::get_norm_brts(phylogeny_1)
lineages_n <- nLTT::get_norm_n(phylogeny_1)
b_times2_n <- nLTT::get_norm_brts(phylogeny_2)
lineages2_n <- nLTT::get_norm_n(phylogeny_2)
df <- data.frame(b_times_n = b_times_n, lineages_n = lineages_n)
b_times_n | lineages_n |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
1 | 1 |
df2 <- data.frame(b_times2_n = b_times2_n, lineages2_n = lineages2_n)
b_times2_n | lineages2_n |
0.0 | 0.0000000 |
0.5 | 0.3333333 |
0.5 | 0.6666667 |
1.0 | 1.0000000 |
1.0 | 1.0000000 |
Here we test again if the nLTT statistic is 0.25:
# nltt_stat_exact <- nLTT::nltt_diff_exact_norm_brts(
# b_times_n = b_times_n,
# lineages_n = lineages_n,
# b_times2_n = b_times2_n,
# lineages2_n = lineages2_n,
# distance_method = "abs")
# testthat::expect_equal(nltt_stat_exact, 0.25, tolerance = 0.0001)