Authors: Rohan Shah, Emma Huang
R/mpMap2 is a software package for constructing genetic linkage maps from a family of experimental designs known as multi-parent crosses. These types of designs begin with 2^n inbred founder lines, and may incorporate random intermating and inbreeding by selfing. These designs have found recent application in Arabadopsis, barley, rice, maize, tomatoes and wheat. However there do not appear to be appropriate computational tools to perform map construction using data generated from current experimental populations, which may include thousands of lines and over 100,000 markers.
R/mpMap2 aims to allow the construction of genetic maps using these populations. From a statistical point of view R/mpMap2 is extremely flexible. It can handle 2-, 4-, 8- and 16- parent designs, and allows for the explicit modelling of heterozygotes in every design. It will also impute underlying heterozygote genotypes, allowing the identification of residual heterozygosity for future experiments.
From a computational point of view, R/mpMap2 aims to allow the user to analyse these types of large populations using the minimum possible computational resources. It outputs diagnostic information about the amount of memory used and the progress of operations, and can be instructed to use a limited amount of working memory for some calculations. Unlike the previous version of this package, R/mpMap2 uses only simple OpenMP multi-threading, making it simpler to compile and run.
R/mpMap2 also has an associated visualisation tool R/mpMapInteractive2, which uses the Qt graphics framework. This tool can be used to visually inspect and alter the data during the mapping process.
This package builds on R/mpMap by Emma Huang. Compared to that previous version, the following significant improvements have been made:
Releases of mpMap2 are available under the releases section. Binaries are available for windows, other platforms will need to compile from source. For information on how to use this package, see the package vignette. The source for the vignette is available here.
This package can be compiled in two ways; either using the standard package compilation commands (E.g. R CMD INSTALL) or by using the included CMake build files. On Windows, compilation using the standard toolset requires Rtools 3.3.
For example:
git clone
git clone
cd Rcpp
mkdir release
cd release
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd ../../mpMap2
mkdir release
cd release
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DRcpp_DIR=../Rcpp/release
make && make install
The CMake build files allow compilation using Visual Studio on Windows. Although using Visual Studio is optional for R/mpMap2, R/mpMapInteractive2 definitely needs to be compiled using Visual Studio as it uses the Qt graphics framework.
The configuration scripts generate an import library for R.dll. This means that the scripts must be able to run cl.exe and lib.exe. If this step fails, check that cl.exe and lib.exe can run. If not, you may need to set up the correct environment for the compiler (by running a script such as vcvarsx86_amd64.bat) before running cmake.
The package can now be compiled by either running nmake in the binaries directory (NMake Makefiles) or opening mpMap2.sln in the binaries directory. Once the package is compiled a properly formed R package (including NAMESPACE, DESCRIPTION, .R files and C code) will have been constructed in the binaries directory. If Visual Studio output was selected, the package directory will be <mpMap2Binaries>/<buildType> (E.g. <mpMap2Root>/build/Release for a release build). If NMake Makefiles output was selected, the package will be <mpMap2Binaries> (E.g <mpMap2Root>/Release).
The package can be built using the INSTALL target, or the standard R CMD INSTALL command.