Provides modules as an organizational unit for source code. Modules enforce to be more rigorous when defining dependencies and have a local search path. They can be used as a sub unit within packages or in scripts.
From CRAN:
From GitHub:
The key idea of this package is to provide a unit of source code which has it’s own scope. The main and most reliable infrastructure for such organizational units in the R ecosystem is a package. Modules can be used as stand alone, ad-hoc substitutes for a package or as a sub-unit within a package.
When modules are defined inside of packages they act as bags of functions (like objects as in object-oriented-programming). Outside of packages modules define entities which only know of the base environment, i.e. within a module the base environment is the only package on the search path. Also they are always represented as a list inside R.
We can create a module using the modules::module
function. A module is similar to a function definition; it comprises:
(defined implicitly)Similar to a function you may supply arguments to a module; see the vignette on modules as objects on this topic.
To illustrate the very basic functionality of a module, consider the following example:
## [1] "foo"
Here m
is the collection of objects created inside the module. This is a list
with the function foo
as only element. We can do the same thing and define a module in a seperate file:
foo <- function() "foo"
## [1] "foo"
The two examples illustrate the two ways in which modules can be constructed. Since modules are isolated from the .GlobalEnv
the following object x
can not be found:
## Error in m$someFunction(): object 'x' not found
## List of 4
## $ modules:root : chr "someFunction"
## $ modules:internals: chr [1:9] "attach" "depend" "export" "expose" ...
## $ base : chr [1:1221] "!" "!.hexmode" "!.octmode" "!=" ...
## $ R_EmptyEnv : chr(0)
## - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "SearchPathContent" "list"
Two features of modules are important at this point:
The following subsections explain how to work with these two features.
If you rely on exported objects of a package you can refer to them explicitly using ::
## [1] 5.5
Or you can use import
for attaching single objects or packages. Import acts as a substitute for library
with an important difference: library
has the side effect of changing the search path of the complete R session. import
only changes the search path of the calling environment, i.e. the side effect is local to the module and does not affect the global state of the R session.
m <- module({
import("stats", "median") # make median from package stats available
functionWithDep <- function(x) median(x)
## [1] 5.5
## List of 5
## $ modules:root : chr "functionWithDep"
## $ modules:stats : chr "median"
## $ modules:internals: chr [1:9] "attach" "depend" "export" "expose" ...
## $ base : chr [1:1221] "!" "!.hexmode" "!.octmode" "!=" ...
## $ R_EmptyEnv : chr(0)
## - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "SearchPathContent" "list"
## [1] 5.5
To import other modules, the function use
can be called. use really just means import module. With use
we can load modules:
Consider the following example:
mm <- module({
m <- use(m)
anotherFunction <- function(x) m$functionWithDep(x)
## [1] 5.5
To load modules from a file we can refer to the file directly:
Modules can help to isolate code from the state of the global environment. Now we may have reduced the complexity in our global environment and moved it into a module. However, to make it very obvious which parts of a module should be used we can also define exports. Every non-exported object will not be accessible.
Properties of exports are:
in a module definition, i.e. directly in front of each function you want to export.m <- module({
fun <- identity # public
privateFunction <- identity
# .named are always private
.privateFunction <- identity
## fun:
## function(x)
One example where you may want to have more control of the enclosing environment of a function is when you parallelize your code. First consider the case when a naive implementation fails.
dependency <- identity
fun <- function(x) dependency(x)
cl <- makeCluster(2)
clusterMap(cl, fun, 1:2)
## Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val): 2 nodes produced errors; first error: could not find function "dependency"
To make the function fun
self contained we can define it in a module.
m <- module({
dependency <- identity
fun <- function(x) dependency(x)
cl <- makeCluster(2)
clusterMap(cl, m$fun, 1:2)
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2
Note that the parallel computing facilities in R
always provide a way to handle such situations. Here it is just a matter of organization if you believe the function itself should handle its dependencies or the parallel interface.