modelsummary 0.5.1
- glance_custom.fixest ships with modelsummary
modelsummary 0.5.0
- datasummary
- datasummary_skim
- datasummary_balance
- datasummary_correlation
- modelplot
- allow duplicate model names
- bug: can’t use coef_map with multiple statistics (thanks @sbw78)
- bug: wrong number of stars w/ statistic=‘p.value’ (thanks @torfason)
- output=‘data.frame’.
is no longer documented.
modelsummary 0.4.1
- add_rows now accepts a data.frame with “position” and “section” columns
- add_rows_location is deprecated
- bug in sanity_output prevented overwriting files
modelsummary 0.4.0
- huxtable support
- flextable support
- estimate argument
- fixest tidiers
- website and vignette improvements
- gof_map additions
- glance_custom
- tidy_custom
modelsummary 0.3.0
- Out-of-the-box Rmarkdown compilation to HTML, PDF, RTF
- kableExtra output format for LaTeX and Markdown
- Support for
, colors, and many other LaTeX options
- Deprecated arguments: filename, subtitle
- Deprecated functions: clean_latex, knit_latex
website and doc improvements
- New tests
modelsummary 0.2.1
- Convenience function to render markdown in row/column labels
- bug: breakage when all GOF were omitted
- Clean up manual with @keywords internal
- bug: tidyr import
modelsummary 0.2.0
- gt is now available on CRAN
- new latex_env argument for knit_latex and clean_latex
- bug when all gof omitted
- bug in statistic_override with functions
- bug caused by upstream changes in tab_style
- bug caused by upstream changes in filename=‘rtf’
- Allow multiple rows of uncertainty estimates per coefficient
- Preserve add_rows order
- Display uncertainty estimates next to the coefficient with statistic_vertical = FALSE
- Better clean_latex function
- Can display R2 and confidence intervals for mice-imputed lm-models
- Internal functions have @keywords internal to avoid inclusion in docs
- Statistic override accepts pre-formated character vectors
modelsummary 0.1.0
- Initial release (gt still needs to be installed from github)