Package website: release | dev
This packages provides essential learners for mlr3, maintained by the mlr-org team. We will most likely not add new learners to this package. See section “More Learners” below for more information.
# CRAN version:
# Development version:
If you also want to install all packages of the connected learners, set dependencies = TRUE
# CRAN version:
install.packages("mlr3learners", dependencies = TRUE)
# Development version:
remotes::install_github("mlr-org/mlr3learners", dependencies = TRUE)
ID | Learner | Package |
classif.cv_glmnet | Penalized Logistic Regression | glmnet |
classif.glmnet | Penalized Logistic Regression | glmnet |
classif.kknn | k-Nearest Neighbors | kknn |
classif.lda | LDA | MASS |
classif.log_reg | Logistic Regression | stats |
classif.multinom | Multinomial log-linear model | nnet |
classif.naive_bayes | Naive Bayes | e1071 |
classif.qda | QDA | MASS |
classif.ranger | Random Forest | ranger |
classif.svm | SVM | e1071 |
classif.xgboost | Gradient Boosting | xgboost |
ID | Learner | Package |
regr.cv_glmnet | Penalized Linear Regression | glmnet |
regr.glmnet | Penalized Linear Regression | glmnet |
regr.kknn | k-Nearest Neighbors | kknn | | Kriging | DiceKriging |
regr.lm | Linear Regression | stats |
regr.ranger | Random Forest | ranger |
regr.svm | SVM | e1071 |
regr.xgboost | Gradient Boosting | xgboost |
Learners from other packages live in the mlr3learners organization and are possibly maintained by people outside the mlr-org team.
:point_right: Table of all additional learners
Follow these steps to add/request a new learner.
with the respective terms for your learner. More detailed instructions including FAQ are given in section “Adding new Learners” of the mlr3book.install.packages()
without the need to submit the learner to CRAN (none of the custom learners live on CRAN).Resources for adding a new learner (summary)
Last, thanks for contributing to the mlr3 ecosystem! We would be very happy if you keep maintaining the learner against upstream changes :)