MareFrame DB Access package

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This package enables automated processing of fisheries data into suitable forms for running ecosystem models against it, e.g. GADGET.

This package contains several distinct sets of functions:

Using this, you can install PostgreSQL locally and have a script automating the process of:

  1. Importing data from your sources
  2. Uploading into your local MareFrame database
  3. Sampling / grouping this data
  4. Producing set of GADGET model files ready to be run by GADGET

Also, this libary can be used to connect to a remote database and generate model files from that data.

This work is based on it’s predecessor, DST^2.


Besides R, you will also need RPostgreSQL set up to access the database, and PostgreSQL installed if you want to run the database locally too.

Linux (Debian / Ubuntu)

Installation of RPostgreSQL will happen automatically, however you need some PostgreSQL libraries before it will work:

apt-get install libpq-dev

Also, you can install the postgresql package using:

apt-get install postgresql

Some additional instructions are available here:

Now, create an mf database that the user on your computer owns:

$ echo $USER  # Check to see who you are, I'm lentinj
$ su
# su - postgres
$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER lentinj;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mf OWNER lentinj;

If you don’t want to use a system-wide database, then investigate which keeps all the required R dependencies and PostgreSQL database in the local directory.

Linux (Redhat / Fedora)

Installation of RPostgreSQL will happen automatically, however you need some PostgreSQL libraries before it will work:

yum install postgresql-devel

Also, you can install the postgresql package using:

yum install postgresql-server

Some additional instructions are available here: and some tips when troubleshooting CentOS installations can be found at:

Now, create an mf database that the user on your computer owns:

$ echo $USER  # Check to see who you are, I'm lentinj
$ su
# su - postgres
$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER lentinj
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mf OWNER lentinj;

If you don’t want to use a system-wide database, then investigate which keeps all the required R dependencies and PostgreSQL database in the local directory.

Microsoft Windows

If you can use the binary RPostgreSQL packages, then you do not need to install anything else. See for more information.

To install PostgreSQL, download the latest database installer from here:

Find the psql shell in the start menu, and create both an mf database and user:

postgres=# CREATE USER mf PASSWORD 'mf';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mf OWNER mf;

Apple OS X

Install using

Create a database called mf.


You can use devtools to install this directly:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("mareframe/mfdb", ref = "6.x")

Or without:-

# install.packages("downloader")
pkg_file <- tempfile()
downloader::download(url =
    mode = 'wb', destfile = pkg_file)
install.packages(pkg_file, repos = NULL, type = 'source')

This should install and/or update dependencies, such as DBI and RPostgreSQL.

Note that you may see the following error:

Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) : 
  lazy-load database '.../Rpackages/mfdb/R/mfdb.rdb' is corrupt

This is R failing to re-load the package in an existing R session, however the package is installed. Restart your R session and everything should be fine.


For an introduction to the package, read the package?mfdb help file in R. This is also available online.

There are a selection of example scripts in the demo/ folder. The example-* scripts show the full process of importing data from specified sources into the database, then querying this to aggregate into various gadget model files. The inttest-* scripts demonstrate other aspects, and also function as tests to ensure that the library works correctly (thus the ok() function calls).


Running integration tests

Given the database is setup as above, integration tests and all package examples can be run with make inttest.

To run all tests (unit tests, integration, examples and check-as-cran), use make.

Models using MFDB


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no.613571.