New functions ‘readNetCDFpoints’,‘readNetCDFproj4string’, ‘readNetCDFgridtopology’ and ‘readNetCDFdates’.
Bug correction byPixels in interpolationpixels/interpolationgrid
Version 0.9.2
Clean version
Version 0.9.0
New functions ‘extractdates’ and ‘extractvars’ replacing and generalizing ‘extractpointdates’.
Function ‘summarypoints’ can summarize all variables at once.
Unlimited NetCDF time dimension for grids and station dimension for points.
Grids/pixels with no dates allowed
Time (unlimited) is written as last dimension in grids, but can be read as first or last dimension
New functions as() to transform grids/pixels meteorology into point meteorology
New function writeemptymeteorologygrid()
Version 0.8.9
New functions to download data from ‘meteogalicia’ (MG)
Improvements in function ‘reshapeworldmet’
New (public) functions ‘humidity_relative2specific’ and ‘humidity_specific2relative’
Version 0.8.8
New functions ‘writemeteorologypoints’ and ‘readmeteorologypoints’ for storing/reading point data as/from netCDF
Functions ‘interpolationpoints’ and ‘correctionpoints’ can now write their result to netCDF
Function ‘summarypoints’ can now produce summaries reading from netCDF
Function ‘extractpointdates’ can now extract data reading from netCDF
Version 0.8.7
New function ‘readmeteorologygridpoints’
New function ‘writemeteorologygridpixel’
New functions ‘mergegrids’ and ‘mergepoints’
Reading multiple grid/pixels files
Version 0.8.6
New function ‘averagearea’
New functions ‘defaultGenerationParams’ and ‘weathergeneration’ implementing a multisite and multivariate weather generator
Modification of readmeteorologygrid/pixels to facilitate reading data from netCDF not created by meteoland
Version 0.8.5
New functions to convert SpatialPointsMeteorology, SpatialPixelsMeteorology and SpatialGridMeteorology into objects of packages ‘spacetime’ and ‘stars’
Functions to read/write NetCDF files reprogrammed and improved.
Functions extractgridindex and extractgridpoints reprogrammed
Version 0.8.4
New function to calculate rainfall erosivity
Version 0.8.3
Remove dependencies of ncdf4.helpers
Version 0.8.2
Documentation converted to bookdown reference book.
Bug correction in function ‘doQmapDeque’
Version 0.8.1
Modification of ‘radiation_directDiffuseInstant’ and ‘radiation_directDiffuseDay’ to account for topographic effects
New function ‘summarypoint’
Version 0.8.0
New functions ‘downloadSMCstationlist’, ‘downloadSMCcurrentday’, ‘downloadSMChistorical’ and ‘downloadSMCvarmetadata’.
Update of vignette ‘Meteorology’.
Version 0.7.9
New function reshapeworldmet to reshape data downloaded using package ‘worldmet’
New function reshapeweathercan to reshape data downloaded using package ‘weathercan’
Transform point coordinate system in ‘interpolationpoints’, ‘interpolationpixels’ and ‘interpolationgrid’ if necessary
Check for infinite values in ‘MeteorologyInterpolationData’
New function ‘correctionpoint’.
Bug corrected in ‘meteocomplete’.
Added conversion from specific humidity to relative humidity in meteocomplete.
Version 0.7.8
Corrected bug MeteorologyInterpolationData with SpatialPointsTopography as input
Updated user guide documentation
Version 0.7.7
Empirical quantile mapping according to original method (Déqué)
Dependency from package ‘qmap’ removed
Version 0.7.6
Methods ‘print/head/tail’ updated for objects SpatialPointsTopography and SpatialPointsMeteorology
Subsetting for objects SpatialPointsMeteorology, SpatialGridMeteorology and SpatialPixelsMeteorology.
Coercing objects of Spatial…Topography
New vignette ‘user guide’ (old one renamed)
Adapt to Rcpp changes
Version 0.7.5
AEMET download using packages httr and jsonlite (code adapted from
Methods ‘print/show’ added for objects of class SpatialPointsMeteorology, SpatialGridMeteorology and SpatialPixelsMeteorology.
Methods ‘print/show’ added for objects of class SpatialPointsTopography, SpatialGridTopography and SpatialPixelsTopography.
Methods ‘head/tail’ added for objects SpatialPointsTopography and SpatialPointsMeteorology
Bug correction: Historical download of AEMET data returns SunshineHours
Version 0.7.4
Added reference to publication
Added citation reference.
Bug correction: Over-dimensioned vectors for temperature differences (same for precipitation).
Low-level interpolation routines made accessible to the user
Bug correction: builder for MeteorologyInterpolationData
Bug correction: Missing values in downloadAEMEThistorical
Version 0.7.3
New function ‘meteocomplete’.
Improvement of function ‘meteoplot’ to accept data frames with daily meteorological data as input
Version 0.7.2
Update of functions to download data from AEMET to deal with encoding
Update of function ‘SpatialPointsMeteorology’ to build objects from sets of data frames, one per date
Update of function ‘MeteorologyInterpolationData’ to build objects from different data structures
New function ‘summaryinterpolationdata’ to summarize objects of class ‘MeteorologyInterpolationData’
Version 0.7.1
Bug correction in interpolationpixels (with export=TRUE)
Bug correction in correctionpoints.errors (with rds input)
Version 0.7.0
New S4 structures: SpatialPixelsTopography and SpatialPixelsMeteorology
New function interpolationpixels
Update of functions to download data from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET)
New function writemeteorologypixels
Function correctiongrid removed (correction of weather series makes sense for point data)
New function summarypixels
Version 0.6.9
Allow saturated (> 100% values) in relative humidity when extracting from NetCDF and when performing bias correction
Version 0.6.8
Modification of the precipitation interpolation (kernels)
Modification of radiation calculation (diffuse light for slopes where direct light is too low)
Modification of partitioning between direct and diffuse radiation
Version 0.6.7
Improvements in ‘subsample’ function
New function ‘radiation_skyLongwaveRadiation’
Version 0.6.6
Export format txt/rds
Changed description
Version 0.6.5
Default correction method for wind switched to ‘quantmap’.
Unbias method for Tmin and Tmax applies bias from Tmean (if also unbiasing).
Quantile mapping method for Tmin and Tmax is applied to (Tmin-Tmean) and (Tmax-Tmean).
Version 0.6.4
Corrected a bug in the correction of relative humidity.
New function ‘correctionpoints.errors’ to evaluate correction errors for the reference period.