New function metamiss() implementing imputation methods for missing binary data (Gamble & Hollis, 2005; Higgins et al., 2008)
Use roxygen2 for development of R package metasens
Dataset ‘nsaids’ renamed to ‘Moore1998’
Version of R package meta must be larger or equal 4.9-0
For limit meta-analysis, R_b measure of between-study heterogeneity added (Crippa et al., 2016,
P-values can be printed in scientific notation
P-values equal to 0 are actually printed as “0” instead of “< 0.0001”
Thousands separator can be used in printouts and forest plots for large numbers
Version of R package meta must be larger or equal 4.0-0
Checks implemented which are available in R package meta
New functions:
print.copas() and print.summary.copas():
New dataset ‘nsaids’
New help pages added and update of existing help pages